Monday, January 27, 2014


Shutterbug Time - Music Video - 

Special Agent Oso - Disney Junior Official

Disney & NSA Drones 

Horrifying Disney & NSA Indoctrination Cartoon 

(Video with Lyrics)

Published on Jan 25, 2014 on GMN Telestream channel on YouTube:
Watch this entire jaw dropping video. It speaks for itself.
Everyone should come away from this experience with a sense that there is absolutely no hope for humanity, as long as DARPA, NSA and the U.S. Gov't take our tax dollars and pay Disney to infiltrate the minds of future generations.
If you think it's difficult now when you try to share with family members how terrible the world is, just think when your child or grandchild hears you tell them drones and surveillance are bad for humanity. They'll probably have you droned.

Disney Cartoon Programs Kids 

for the Surveillance State

Published on Jan 23, 2014
It's never too early to start conditioning kids to accept the coming surveillance-drone police state. Disney's new cartoon hopes to make kids love constant drone surveillance because the snooper is just a cute little ladybug who only spies because she loves you. We reported in 2007 about these coming drone warfare insects and now we show you the USAF Micro-Air Vehicles set to deploy soon. But it's not just Disney who's propagating to the youth, The TSA released their own cartoon showing kids how to bow down to tyranny.