Friday, May 24, 2013


Pope Francis has announced that he plans to visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Bonaria in the Italian island of Sardinia in September (Vatican Information Service, May 15, 2013). This 14th century shrine, operated by the friars of the Order of Our Lady of Mercy, perpetuates the myth that a statue of Mary miraculously calmed a storm and saved a Spanish ship in 1370. Spanish sailors “venerated the image” and invoked its help for safe sailing.
Francis will be the fourth pope to visit the idol, following in the footsteps of Pope Paul VI (1970), John Paul II (1985), and Pope Benedict XVI (2008). Francis has been widely acclaimed by evangelicals for his simple lifestyle and social justice passion, but he is as apostate in doctrine as the previous popes.

Pope Francis announcing his visit to Sardinia (Italian with English translation and commentary):
Published on May 15, 2013 on YouTube above and below:
Pope Francis told pilgrims at the Wednesday audience that he wants to visit a shrine dedicated to Our Lady of Bonaria in Caglieri, Sardinia, probably in September. He explained that there is a strong bond of brotherhood between his native city of Buenos Aires and Cagliari, from an old story that recounts how at the moment of founding the City of Buenos Aires the founder had wanted to name it after the Holy Trinity, but the sailors, who had brought him there, were Sardinian and they wanted him call it the City of Our Lady of Buenos Aires [Fair winds].

More video and pictures of Our Lady of Bonaria, Sardinia, shrine:
The Mercedarian Friars have staffed this Basilica for almost 700 years. Over the Past 40 years, 3 popes have visited this shrine: Paul VI, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI. Pope Francis has a great love for the shrine since Buenos Aires, Argentina was named after it.

See this video of Our Lady of Ransom who is claimed to have appeared to several people and order the founding of the Mercedarians: