Friday, March 13, 2020


Story Hour Drag Queens Protest Against Parental Rights
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
Millennial Millie attends a protest in Jefferson City, Missouri at the Capital where Drag Queen Story Hour advocates rallied against a new bill giving parents more control over the content presented to children in public libraries.
Drag Queen Story Time advocates argue the bill is “anti-LGBTQ” where proponents of the bill argue it simply gives parents more control over what their children are exposed to in educational settings.
Trigger Warning – Some images and comments presented may be offensive to some views. Viewer discretion is advised.


Hollywood trash are ramping up their efforts to sexualize children and expose them to degradation. It's even in Sesame Street. Some countries are beginning to put an end to this.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — A motion to hear a bill that would have outlawed abortion in the state of Oklahoma was tabled on Wednesday, with 30 Republicans and 8 Democrats voting not to allow the bill to be pulled from the committee that had declined to give it a hearing and move it directly to the Senate floor. A rule in the Senate allows legislation to move to the floor with a two-thirds vote, but only four lawmakers voted in favor of hearing the proposal to make abortion criminal homicide and defy Roe v. Wade.
“It was almost your establishment Republican pro-life hypocrisy,” Sen. Joseph Smith, R-Broken Bow, told reporters. “It was kind of their last stand, is what it was.”
According to reports, Silk made a motion to bring his bill, S.B. 13, also known as the Abolition of Abortion in Oklahoma Act, to the Senate floor. It was a last-ditch effort to save the measure, which had not been given a hearing for the third year in a row.
Senate Rule 7-9 allows for bills to be withdrawn from committee and brought directly to the full Senate, stating, “Any bill or resolution may be withdrawn from any committee of the Senate upon a two-thirds vote of the members of the Senate. Any bill or resolution so withdrawn shall be on General Order.”
Supporters of the bill lined the hall, holding signs such as “Today is the day! Hear S.B. 13!” and chanting “S.B. 13, equal protection!”
But Senate Majority Leader Kim David, R-Porter, said that she did not want to break the tradition of having bills pass through committee first. She moved to table.
“I moved to table that measure because we have never done that,” she told reporters. “I mean, the history of the Senate is that bills work through the process through committee, and I want that process to be able to continue as long as I’m in charge of the floor.”
The bill had not been heard in committee because Senate Health and Human Services Committee Chair Greg McCortney, a professing Christian who holds a Masters of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary, had declined to even give the proposal a hearing, which would spell its demise.
Christian News Network had contacted McCortney for comment, but the call was not returned.
According to Asbury Theological Seminary, after McCortney graduated from the institution, he planted a church in Norman, Oklahoma, and “[a]fter experiencing burn out with the administrative tasks of pastoring, he took a job as a hospice chaplain.”
“I’ve done a lot in my life now, but I don’t think I’ve ever attempted something big, as much as I’ve told God ‘yes,’ and He turned my ‘yes’ into big things,” McCortney told the school. “I didn’t set out to do many of the things that I’ve done. I’ve just been willing to do what God wanted me to do.”
Silk has expressed his disappointment with committee members such as McCortney who profess to be pro-life and Christian but decline to allow his bill to obtain a hearing. Senate Pro Tem Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City, told Tulsa World last month that while he wants to see abortion made illegal again, he believes that the proposed legislation is “fatally flawed.”
“For two years we tried to work it through committee, and they would deny it a hearing, deny it a hearing, deny it a hearing, because they didn’t want to be on the record voting for or against it,” Silk said on Wednesday, according to News9. “They were able to default to the chairman and say the chairman didn’t want to hear it.”
As previously reported, last year, then-Health and Human Services Committee Chair Jason Smalley likewise declined to allow S.B. 13 to have a hearing as he did not agree with the approach, although identifying as pro-life.
“I’m extremely pro-life. I support the efforts. I support the cause, and I do support the author. I just do not support this kind of method,” Smalley, who attends First Baptist Church of Stroud, told local television station KFOR at the time, opining that the bill put forward is “extremely unconstitutional.”
“We have other bills. There’s a personhood bill. We could look at the heartbeat bill. I mean, there’s other pro-life movement bills that we could tank up and discuss and continue that movement towards I think what we all want,” he said, “but this is not the method nor the bill to do that.”
Some lawmakers prefer an incremental, regulatory approach, choosing to rather regulate abortion or ban only certain types of abortions or at certain stages of development. They feel that it is all that can be done until the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.
But others believe that Roe is unconstitutional, immoral and ungodly, and should simply be ignored. Silk is among those who have chosen to propose that the State ignore Roe and exercise state sovereignty.
“The Supreme Court also ruled that slaves were private property and they were wrong. And so, the courts do need to be challenged,” Silk said in 2018. “The goal is to say we are a sovereign state and choose to abolish abortion.”
His stand has not been accepted by most Republican legislators, who have not allowed the bill to move forward.
David subsequently made a motion to table Silk’s motion as the measure had not been heard again this year and she didn’t want to bypass the committee. 30 Republicans and eight Democrats in all voted to table instead of hearing the proposal, thus killing the bill for another legislative season. View the list in full here.
Besides Silk, three other lawmakers voted for the bill to be heard: Sen. Chris Kidd, R-Addington; Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow; and Sen. Roland Pederson, R-Burlington.
“It is the intent of the legislature to provide to unborn children the equal protection of the laws of this state; to establish that a living human child, from the moment of fertilization upon the fusion of a human spermatozoon with a human ovum, is entitled to the same rights, powers, privileges, justice and protections as are secured or granted by the laws of this state to any other human person,” Silk’s bill read in part.
It also would have removed an exception from current Oklahoma homicide law that excludes prosecution when “acts were committed during a legal abortion to which the pregnant woman consented.”
“Homicide shall include, but not be limited to, acts which cause the death of an unborn child committed during an abortion,” the proposed legislation stated.
The bill further directed the district attorney to enforce the law, “regardless of any contrary or conflicting federal statutes, regulations, executive orders, or court decisions.”
In addition to Republican lawmakers keeping the bill at a standstill, pro-life identifying groups likewise opposed the legislation out of the belief that states must wait for the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe and regulate legalized abortion in the meantime, as a complete abolition of abortion would quickly be struck down by the courts. As reported, Silk’s bill required the State to ignore the courts and enforce the law regardless of any contrary ruling.
Organizations such as the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Oklahoma City and Oklahomans for Life all expressed opposition last year.
One website, called “Abolition Truth,” was launched in January to take aim at S.B. 13 in asserting that it will not “save a single life.” It is not known who is behind the site.
“The measure would not end abortion in Oklahoma since the law would immediately be enjoined either by a state or federal court,” it reads. “Such an injunction would remain in effect until such time as a legal challenge could be heard and decided in that court.”
However, a number of pastors in the state wholeheartedly supported the measure, stating that complete abolition and interposition is the only Christian stance to take.
“The only consistent position to hold as a Christian is the immediate end of abortion,” declared Jay Jones, pastor of Christ Fellowship Church in Lawton, in a joint video last year. “You cannot support these type of [incremental and regulatory] laws … Praise God they’re going to be repealed [by this bill], because they’re wicked.”
“We’re mourning the death of the over 5,500 babies that were slaughtered in our state last year,” Dusty Deevers, pastor of Grace Community Church in Elgin, also told reporters this week. “These are our brothers and sisters. They’re preborn image bearers of God.”
According to reports, 100 pastors had signed a petition calling for the bill to be heard.
Please visit Christian News Network’s Outlaw Abortion page to help us work to abolish the worldwide holocaust.
Editor’s Note: This report and its headline have been updated to provide further clarity regarding the demise of the bill. 


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
From the print edition of The New American:
There are many good private schools throughout the country, including religious ones. But parents beware: Many are not what they are advertised to be.
Walking through the Christian Heritage Academy (CHA) in Del City, Oklahoma, one gets the sense of being almost on another planet, or at least in another dimension. The children are well-dressed, smiling, and respectful. They seem genuinely happy. Their manners are impeccable. The quality of their scholarship, too, would put many college students to shame. Their knowledge of American history and the Bible, even in the lower grades, far surpasses that of the average American adult. And remarkably, the school did it all without a single penny of government money.
“We have a totally different approach to education,” explained Headmaster Josh Bullard, who graduated from CHA in 1979, before leading a tour of the school and introducing us to the teachers and other staff who oversee the education of nearly 700 students. “Our vision is to train American Christian leaders for every sphere of society.” And they do a great job, too, with their students not only performing far above average academically but also acquiring a Christian education and learning how to think critically — and biblically. From CHA, they go off into politics, law, ministry, business, and more.
At another, similar school in Chesapeake, Virginia, known as the Stonebridge School, kindergarten students were learning how to sound out letters with phonics — something that has been largely cast aside in government schools, even though Common Core-style methods of memorizing sight words were debunked as quackery as far back as the mid-1800s. In the fourth-grade classroom, many of the children’s cursive handwriting looked as if it had been produced by a calligrapher — it was absolutely beautiful. And the art was just amazing. Everything about this school was surreal.
On a tour around the school with Head of School Kathy Rader, it was clear that — like CHA — something was very special about this place. Even though teachers and faculty do not spend all year preparing the students for standardized tests, their average SAT scores are far above the national average, as well. Just as at the Christian Heritage Academy, the goal is to provide a solid Christian education and prepare leaders to impact America and the world for God.
While the schools are 1,500 miles away from each other, they share something in common. Both rely on the “Principle Approach,” a philosophy and method of education that “produces Christian character and self-government, Christian scholarship and Biblical reasoning.” Both schools take scripture seriously. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty,” says 2 Corinthians 3:17, one of many biblical references to liberty and godliness going hand in hand that can be found at the schools. The Principle Approach, which is not affiliated with any particular Christian denomination, is now being used in hundreds of Christian schools from America to Brazil and Uganda and beyond.
Dr. Carole Adams, president of the Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE), is one of the nation’s top authorities on the Principle Approach. Stonebridge is actually a demonstration school for it. And CHA, while not affiliated with FACE, relies on the Principle Approach as well. Dr. Adams told The New American that a truly Christian education will include four components: worldview, curriculum, philosophy, and results. “To be considered Biblical, Christian education, all of these components must be in conformity to the Word of God,” she said, adding that biblical truths (or principles) are the foundation of every subject.
It works. Students who attend Principle Approach schools hold to a much more biblical worldview than any other category of students, even including Christian homeschoolers. Nehemiah Institute President Dan Smithwick, who has been studying people’s worldviews for many years, confirmed this with hard data. His “PEERS” test asks questions about “Politics, Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues” (PEERS) and then determines how well those line up with the institute’s understanding of what Scripture teaches. It has become very popular with churches and homeschool groups. But Smithwick, who has served on boards of Christian schools, found that even many self-proclaimed Christian schools are falling short of fulfilling their promises.
“Biblical worldview education is what is promised by all private Christian schools today,” Smithwick told The New American. “However, our worldview assessment program, PEERS Testing, tells a different story. We are increasingly seeing the influence of secular/socialist philosophy being embraced by youth even from Christian homes. Cultural Marxism has made deep inroads into education, even Christian education, which is evidenced by results of the PEERS test.... Most Christian schools have unknowingly adopted philosophy and methodologies of education developed by scholars in Secular Humanist institutions.”
However, the exceptions to the trend are the Christian schools affiliated with the Principle Approach, he said. “I urge Christian families and church leaders to investigate the meaning of true biblical worldview education and see the difference from traditional education,” Smithwick continued, adding that he believes proper Christian education is crucial to continuing the biblical promise of a remnant being preserved by God.
Many Christian schools bill themselves as nondenominational, meaning that they teach basic biblical principles that Christians hold in common — what the great Christian apologist C.S. Lewis called “Mere Christianity” — without getting into doctrinal differences. Others are definitely denominational. Not all private schools are alike, and it is up to the parents to decide the best educational alternative for their children.
For those who want to enroll their children in a Catholic school, there are still many available that provide a rock-solid academic experience combined with thorough religious training in the Catholic faith. For instance, networks of traditional Catholic schools across America affiliated with the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) offer excellent education to thousands of families.
There are also phenomenal Jewish schools that provide an outstanding academic education infused with the faith and values of Judaism. One of the nation’s first was Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which continues to provide a top-notch education to hundreds of students from the area. “For learning to be truly meaningful, it cannot be limited to a certain set of subjects, given at a particular time, or place,” Dean Rabbi Yisroel Rosenfeld told The New American in describing the school’s proven philosophy. “Rather, the process of education must address the whole child as he or she develops and matures at home, in school, and in the community.”
Yeshiva Schools accomplishes that by “taking education far beyond the classroom, while keeping it within the context of Jewish tradition,” Rabbi Rosenfeld continued. “For example, we provide opportunities for students to apply what they’ve learned in the real world. They work with children with special needs, visit seniors in residential centers, and get involved with projects to improve our neighborhood and the environment. In this way, Yeshiva Schools educates students to be knowledgeable, responsible, and productive members of society.”
Today, there are many other options for private educational choices, too. Across America, for instance, parents are forming cooperative “schools” where families get together and parents contribute their time and expertise. A father who specializes in computer programming might teach a programming course, while a Hispanic mother might teach Spanish. In addition, there is a resurgence in the one-room schoolhouse movement, with Aletheia Christian College in Jerome, Idaho, training people from across the country to open and run small schools that can give children of all ages an excellent Christian education.
The options described in this article can be the models for a future where government no longer indoctrinates most Americans in so-called public schools. And even parents who cannot afford tuition have options, with many schools offering scholarships.
While the argument that some people are too poor to send their children to a private school is often cited as justification for the government’s practical monopoly, a school in Oklahoma City — the Little Light Christian School — is proving that generous Americans can and do help those in need find a way. The school serves the most at-risk children in the community, namely the children of imprisoned parents, by offering them a tuition-free private Christian education. A tour of the school would be enough to bring tears to one’s eyes.
About 30 years ago, Robin Khoury was praying. God gave her a vision, she recounted to The New American during a tour, that one day she would have a school for poor children. During that time, she was homeschooling her own children, and had no way of knowing what would eventually come. It would be almost two decades before her school became a reality. But it did.
“I was listening to speakers, and someone started talking about the problems that children with incarcerated mothers have,” she says. “Anxiety, depression, post-traumatic-stress-disorder, and behavior problems. And then I heard God whisper, ‘These are the kids for your school. These are the kids I’ve been talking about.’” The next day, she filed incorporation papers for Little Light Ministries. And within three years, the school would be open. Today, it serves dozens of children, and amazing things are happening there.
Regardless of one’s faith tradition, there are great options out there for anyone and everyone. In addition to brick-and-mortar schools, there are also online schools such as FreedomProject Academy, which offers a classical education rooted in Judeo-Christian values. And there is homeschooling, a viable option favored by millions.
Buyer Beware
It would almost be hard to do worse than the government schools, which have been quite literally designed to dumb down and indoctrinate children. But while there are many incredible private, independent, and religious schools out there, there are also plenty of dangers and pitfalls that parents should be aware of when it comes to choosing the right educational program for their children.
It’s an alarming sign of the times when caveat emptor has become the watchword even for America’s Christian schools. In considering Christian schools before the creation of the Federal Department of Education (1979), there may have existed disparities between the quality of academic programs, or the degree to which faith and worldview were successfully integrated with a child’s course of study. But one thing that remained reliable was the commitment of Christian schools to be conscientiously Christian, accounting for denominational differences. The same was true for Jewish schools.
Those days are gone, and, incredibly, many “Protestant” and “Catholic” and “Jewish” schools are now committed to aligning academic and social programs to public-school models. The argument is that religious-school children need to “keep up” with public-school peers, take the same dehumanizing standardized tests, and ultimately pursue the same forms of materialistic and worldly success.
And while families will still find a greater emphasis on discipline and safer learning environments in most Christian schools, they will find very little in terms of faith-building and biblical values. As costly as Christian schooling has become, administrators are wagering that faithful parents will pay exorbitant tuition for schooling that is in many respects Christian-in-name-only. Apparently, a well-placed cross here, a white blouse and plaid skirt there, are more sufficient markers of Christian authenticity than what happens in classrooms or is written in textbooks.
And this secularizing of Christian education is happening across denominations: Most Catholic diocesan schools, for instance, use Common Core-aligned materials, as do most Protestant schools, from “high church” to “low church” schools. Alarmingly, many Christian schools have adopted the secular and politicized social-justice curricula that is currently transforming public schools into sites of ideological indoctrination. The well-known Charlotte Christian School in North Carolina, for instance, recently came under fire for introducing the “Be The Bridge” curriculum promoting “Critical Race Theory,” a far-left racist ideology completely antithetical to Christianity.
The depraved and age-inappropriate sexuality education that is sweeping public schools is also turning up in Christian schools. And things such as transgenderism, homosexuality, and drag-queen culture are embraced under the guise of dubious “anti-bullying” programs that subordinate scripture to progressive posturing. Many administrators and teachers are embarrassed by biblical morality when it comes to issues such as sexual activity outside of marriage, abortion, and gender confusion, and quietly go about remaking — unmaking in reality — Christian morality and presenting the results to unsuspecting school children as if they were gospel.
One key factor in this move toward apologizing for Christianity — rather than teaching Christian apologetics — is the way teachers are accredited. Overwhelmingly, degrees from university departments of education — which are entirely secular, anti-Christian, and thoroughly progressive — are the primary method through which students become teachers. It doesn’t matter how well-meaning or faith-driven a student may be, once entering these programs, survival often depends on compromising one’s worldview, in ways that the young teacher may not even recognize. When teachers and administrators join Christian schools after being trained in godless, government-funded colleges of education, they bring that baggage with them.
It is critical that families considering Christian schools exercise extraordinary diligence when choosing a school. Job No. 1 is to ensure that your child’s faith is nurtured, not undermined. Job No. 2 is to ensure that your child receives an education that is knowledge-based, not ideology-based. You can no longer simply take the word of Christian principals or teachers. We have encountered hundreds of parents who removed their kids from public schools, placing them in Christian schools that promised authentic faith formation and rigorous education, only to find out months later that they were being exposed to Common Core-aligned materials and anti-Christian social-justice worldviews.
To help navigate these decisions, here are three questions you can ask Christian school administrators that offer a starting point, provided you do due diligence and confirm the answers yourself: 1) Is your curriculum aligned in any way with Common Core or outside standardized testing? 2) Can you demonstrate, tangibly, how faith and scripture are the foundations of school administration and pedagogy? 3) Do you acknowledge that biblically and in terms of common sense parents are the primary educators of their children and have an absolute right to review all curriculum materials and to have access to the teachers and staff?
Not everyone who wants to get their children out of the government schools is willing or able to choose homeschooling. But fortunately, thanks to the liberty and prosperity enjoyed by Americans, there are many excellent private-school options for parents to choose from. The challenge is to ensure that parents are not paying thousands and thousands of dollars for a private alternative offering the same sort of dumbed-down indoctrination program imposed on Americans by government. Parents should carefully and prayerfully consider their options — after all, there are few decisions in life that will be more important, or have longer-lasting consequences, than those involving the education of children. Choose wisely.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
When a man comes to Christ, he is made a new creation. He is born-again, given a new heart–new desires to follow Christ in obedience.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
2 Corinthians 5:17
With an Evangelical landscape that is not only open to, but rampant with freemasonry, one must ask the question: has the old passed away? The purpose of this article is not to explain why Freemasonry is incompatible with Christianity–you can read about that here. However, it is important to note that Freemasonry is not only incompatible with Christianity, but, as a pseudo-religious cult, cannot be tolerated among the ranks.
To summarize, Freemasonry claims that it is not a religion in and of itself, but it does require that its members hold to a belief in some God — any God. One can claim Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, it really doesn’t matter, so long as you profess a higher power. It is precisely this requirement that actually makes it incompatible with Christianity. This makes it a religious fellowship, and Scripture strictly forbids fellowship with unbelievers.
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols?
2 Corinthians 6:14-16
Yet, the Evangelical landscape is riddled with Freemasons — many churches, especially Southern Baptist churches, have Freemasons in prominent positions of leadership and authority — from the diaconate to the pastorate. It is blasphemous for a Christian to fellowship with other Christians in church on Sundays just to turn around and pray with other religions, take blood oaths, and partake in an overtly secret lifestyle. God commands Christians to live out their faith in the open, not hiding it away in secret societies.
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 5:14-16
While many want to hold on this idol of Freemasonry of their past, or evan partake in a new idol after being a Christian for some time, it must be strongly condemned by the Church. Those who continue in unrepentant sin — and Freemasonry is sinful — must be excommunicated from the ranks of the Church. There is no other option, it is a biblical command to do so.
I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people—not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges] those outside. “Purge the evil person from among you.”


But Paula White is Jeffress’ partner in the White House as they serve together on Trump’s 
"spiritual advisory board"!
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
Robert Jeffress used to be a respectable man. He used to be a well-known conservative pastor who acted like he believed the gospel and believed in conservative biblical morals and values. It has become increasingly evident that Jeffress has a different motivation as he has sold his soul to the devil for personal, worldly gain over the last few years.
Robert Jeffress is the pastor of Southern Baptist megachurch, First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas and is also a well-known Fox News contributor. Jeffress is an avid Trump supporter — which is fine, but he has done so at the expense of the gospel.
Since Donald Trump became president, Jeffress has made promoting the president, himself, and his own personal work a top priority and has done so by compromising the gospel. Last October, Jeffress, along with several other right-wing religious leaders promoted Paula White’s book stating that his friend “has a wonderful new book releasing tomorrow about God’s power to transform lives.”
For those who don’t know who Paula White is, she is a well-known false teacher, a prosperity gospel pimptress, has promoted pornographic videos, and had an affair with another false teacher, Benny Hinn. But Paula White is Jeffress’ partner in the White House as they serve together on Trump’s spiritual advisory board.
Again, there is nothing wrong with supporting the president, as I do. And there is nothing wrong with conservative values — I support them 100 percent. But Robert Jeffress has replaced the gospel with the desire to promote these things and has given credibility to a false teacher who damns people to Hell with her false gospel. That is evil.
Jeffress regularly brings in political leaders to address his church on Sunday mornings — a time set apart for the study and worship of God. And Jeffress praises the president as though he is a deity from the pulpit — completely out of line.
A few weeks ago, Jeffress joined Jim Bakker for an in-studio book promo.
If anyone is worse than Paula White, it’s Jim Bakker. Jim Bakker is not only a financial fraud but a spiritual fraud who has spent his entire life defrauding people in the name of Christ. Bakker is best known for defrauding donors to his PTL Club‘s fundraising activities between 1984 and 1987. Bakker was found guilty in 1988 on eight counts of mail fraud, 15 counts of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy totaling millions of dollars and 45 years in prison which was eventually repealed and subsequently sentenced to 8 years.
Now, Jim Bakker spends his time on television bilking people for money by selling fraudulent food and medical supplies. Just last week, Bakker was ordered to cease and desist making claims that his “Silver Solution” cures the coronavirus. Decades later, Bakker is still a fraud — and Robert Jeffress uses him to promote himself.
Now, Jeffress will be joining TBN’s Matt and Laurie Crouch to continue to peddle his book, Courageous.
Of all of these spiritual frauds, Matt and Laurie Crouch — the owners of TBN — are arguably the worst of them as they are the enablers of these frauds. Their television network, TBN, has given a loud voice to thousands of spiritual frauds by continuously broadcasting them on public airwaves for the world to see and hear.
Jeffress, instead of warning about these people — people he knows are wolves — he’s feeding his congregation to them. He’s literally cutting up the souls of his own sheep in his own church and feeding them to the wolves all in the name of selling books, promoting himself, and promoting the president.
Robert Jeffress cannot be trusted.


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Beth Moore has been in the forefront of the Evangelical news cycle for a couple of years because of her open rebellion to God and her insistence on not only preaching, but preaching to men.
Moore began her career as a small-group women’s Bible-study teacher. Fair enough, though the Bible says that women should remain silent in Church, no sane-minded Southern Baptist would have argued in favor of women preachers, especially those who teach men until recently. Over the last several years, Beth Moore’s influence has grown to astronomical levels, drawing crowds of tens of thousands at times in audiences of both men and women. She preaches at churches on Sunday mornings, behind the pulpit. And, she mocks God.
There have been quite a number of sound theologians and teachers who’ve held consistently to the Biblical teaching that women should not preach. Yet, Moore has consistently held her middle finger up to God. While setting aside sound teaching to embrace homosexuality, Beth Moore has repeatedly insisted that not only does she have the right to teach and preach to men, but that nothing is going to stop her and even saying that she’d be “terrified” to be a biblical woman. Following the footsteps of the serpent in the Garden, she goes on to question God’s Word on biblical womanhood as she mocks.
This past weekend, she openly mocked God again as she — a Southern Baptist — preached a sermon at one of The Gospel Coalition’s affiliated pastors, Charlie Dates’ church. What she preached isn’t even the issue — honestly, I didn’t listen to it nor do I care to. The pulpit is reserved for men and what she says behind a pulpit should be considered null and void by and outright rejected by the Church on that very principle.
Charlie Dates is the lead pastor of Progressive Baptist Church in Chicago, IL. The church makes no secret about its progressivism as is obvious by its name. However, the church and its pastor are closely aligned with the Southern Baptist Convention and The Gospel Coalition. In 2018, Dates preached a woke sermon about at the Southern Baptist Convention’s MLK50 conference where a group of woke Evangelicals got together and deified Martin Luther King, the heretic, all in the name of anti-whiteness.
Beth Moore is no stranger to this movement as she too has been at the forefront of this movement. But Beth Moore and the progressive left just do not take God’s Word seriously at all. It is impossible to misunderstand the Scriptures when they say things like,
  • 11 A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. 12 But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. 13 For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.  (1 Timothy 2:11-14, NASB)
  • 34 The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says. 35 If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church.  (1 Corinthians 14:34-35, NASB), and
  • 1 It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do. 2 An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,  (1 Timothy 3:1-2, NASB)
It’s not that they don’t understand these things, it’s that they don’t care. Beth Moore continues to lift her finger to God every single time she takes the stage and opens her mouth.


 Of course. Voting the other way would have been “Islamophobic."
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
As old Joe Biden would say, Look, Fat, look, here’s the deal: I’ve been warning for years that it would sooner or later become “Islamophobic” to offer even the mildest opposition to jihad violence, and that the “Islamophobia” mongers would become increasingly open about their support for jihad terrorists, and here we are. On Thursday, 174 Democrats in the House of Representatives voted against an amendment to the Rights for Transportation Security Officers Act that would prevent the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) from hiring convicted terrorists.
Yes, you read that right: if these House Democrats had gotten their way, on your next flight, you could have gotten a pat-down from a TSA agent who previously conspired to down the airplane you were planning to fly on. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) explained that the amendment “was pulled back by leadership because the socialist wing of the party did not want to have that amendment go forward on this bill. When it was offered, overwhelmingly the majority of the House would like to see the TSA not hire terrorists or those who have been convicted of sexual misconduct with minors and others. But the socialist wing of the party, that controls now the Democratic Party, said that that could not be offered.”
Allahu akbar, as these prospective TSA employees might have said, the whole thing exploded in their faces: enough Republicans and renegade Democrats votes for the amendment to pass it. But among the luminaries who thought it so important to avoid even the appearance of “Islamophobia” that they opposed an amendment barring terrorists from pawing through your belongings as you made your way through security were the infamous “Squad,” Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D, Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.), and Ayanna Pressley (D., Mass.), along with the supposedly sane and responsible House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D., Md.).
The TSA has always been more security theatre than actual security, but that’s beside the point here: AOC, Omar, and Tlaib and the 171 other House Democrats who opposed this measure didn’t vote against it because it would be ineffective, but clearly because it would offend a key portion of their constituency, which for most, if not all, Democrats today consists of people who believe that terrorists are victims and American imperialism is the real problem, and that Donald Trump is “racist” for wanting to protect Americans from jihad terror attacks by foreign nationals coming from the countries included in his Travel Ban and violent crimes by illegal aliens coming into the country from Mexico.
The Democrats’ vote was not just about about pandering to their increasingly unhinged base. You have to give these feted and cosseted anti-Americans credit for one thing: they’re consistent. Ever since shortly after 9/11, and in the cases of some even before that, Democrat Party leaders have denounced even the weakest, most token anti-terror measures as “Islamophobic.” The American people have been relentlessly conditioned to believe that it is “racist” to offer even the smallest murmur against jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women and others.
The establishment media, of course, has gone along with this, never asking the likes of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) or the sinister and discredited Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) what analysis of the motivating ideology behind jihad violence would not be “Islamophobic,” and treating these groups as if they were dispassionate, objective, carefully judicious authorities when they smeared, demonized, and marginalized all those who spoke with any reasonable degree of accuracy about the jihad threat.
The outcome of years of this propaganda pounded into the American people without any respite or pause, while establishment Republicans jumped on the bandwagon and echoed the same rhetoric, was inevitable: now even an agency that was established in order to protect Americans from jihad terrorists must, in the view of a majority of House Democrats, hire the very people it was created to stop in order to avoid falling into the “racism” that the miseducated hordes who vote Democrat see behind almost everything. It has been clear where all this has been tending for years. Now it is even clearer.
Will these outrageously anti-American Democrats be voted out of office in November? No, that would require a thoughtful Democratic voter base and a responsible establishment media. Unfortunately, those ships have long since sailed.
Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 19 books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
Prior to my February 26 US Army War College talk, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (“CAIR”), Linda Sarsour, and their leftist allies began another round of press releases and petitions, referring to me as an “infamous Islamophobe” and urging the War College to cancel my lecture on Sword and Scimitar, which CAIR insisted would be “hypocritical, ahistorical and hateful.” 
In the midst of all this, Kyle Rempfer, a reporter from the Army Times, widely regarded as the preeminent publication for military men and veterans, contacted me.  Along with answering his questions, I made it a point to stress that CAIR is an “unindicted co-conspirator” of terrorist Hamas, and that US allies such as the UAE designate CAIR, by name, as a “terrorist organization”—right up there with ISIS, al-Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood.
When the report, “Muslim-American advocates protest upcoming Army War College speaker,”  came out, I was not surprised to discover that Rempfer had quoted, at great length, CAIR’s false claims and criticisms against me—amplified by his own independent research: he had told me beforehand that he meant to be absolutely transparent, and did, to his credit, quote some of my defenses. 
That said, and considering his supposed premium on “transparency,” I was a little surprised to see that he did not deem it relevant to inform Army Times’ readership that CAIR is a designated co-conspirator in the largest terrorist funding case in US history—even though I had sent him ample documentation, including this US Justice Dept. letter and other court evidence that makes clear what CAIR’s “work in America” is all about.  To quote from the “explanatory memorandum” of the Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR’s parent organization):
The Ikhwan [The Brotherhood and its offshoots] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.
Why no “transparency” concerning these court documented facts?  Could it be they raise serious questions about CAIR’s motives, so that, instead of appearing as concerned “Muslim-American activists” trying to prevent “hate” and “bigotry,” the truth will become apparent—that CAIR’s only motive was to shield America’s military leadership from a presentation that unequivocally demonstrated that Islamic terrorism is not an aberration but a perfect continuation of Islamic history vis-à-vis the West?
Similarly, while presenting one of my defenses, the report did so in mangled form, indicating that I had been “attacked” by my “own readers and Jihad Watch’s director, Robert Spencer, for insisting critics of Islam use words like ‘Islamist,’ instead of ‘Muslim.’”
For the record, Spencer never “attacked” me, nor does he insist on the word “Muslim.”  Rather, what I had in mind was a 2012 exchange, which ended with me supporting the use of words “like Islamist” and Spencer supporting the word “Islamic supremacist.”  A purely semantic disagreement, though in the aforementioned quote Spencer appears to have been conflated with those angry readers who did/do insist on using “Muslim” in every circumstance (which leads to counterproductive confusions).
Due to these issues, I made it a point to call Rempfer.  He had no response as to why he failed to mention—that is, failed to be transparent about—CAIR’s well documented terror ties; when pressed on the issue, he said that it was his editor’s decision not to include this information and that I should take it up with her.  He also refused to revise the mistake concerning Spencer, even though I later emphasized in an email that, “as that sentence currently stands, your own readers will walk away with a demonstrably false impression [concerning Spencer’s views]; as such, it seems in all our interest to fix it.”  He replied that that’s how I had worded it, to which I replied, even so, I’m telling you now that it’s wrong and should be fixed. To this he said it was too late to make any changes to his report, since it had already been published. 
When I looked at the report and noticed that they actually had re-opened it and made changes after publication—but only to add more fuel against me, by quoting Georgetown professor emeritus John Voll, who “does not agree with Ibrahim’s view”—I knew there was more afoot.
All it took was a few seconds online to make sense of everything—including Rempfer’s constant fallback, that everything was up to his editor, who refused to budge.
As the Daily Caller reports, on January 10, “The Army Times appointed as its top editor a 28-year-old feminist from Brooklyn who has repeatedly tweeted that she hates President Donald Trump.”  Sarah Sicard’s other “credentials” include “interning for several Democrats …, contemplating art school,” and writing “for a marijuana publication called the Bluntness.”  Here are some of this supposedly “objective” editor-in-chief’s tweets:
  • “Does anyone else feel like Donald Trump’s endorsement of anything makes the rest of us immediate [sic] hate that thing?” – May 2019
  • “Okay I hate @realDonaldTrump.” – September 2018
  • “I mean, I hate Trump.” – May 2017
In January 2019, she said in a tweet that it was “SAD” that she had lost followers because of “all my callouts of @POTUS.” 
Indeed, it seems that the Army Times has also been “losing followers” since Sicard took over—as evidenced by the fact that most of the comments on the report in question are critical of CAIR, if not the Army Times for shielding them.
“You a-holes need to change your name to Taliban Times,” writes Tyler Johnston. “What an embarrassment you are to this country. Your use of the word Army in your title is taking a big on the people who made it great. You low life's make me sick.” Robert Sterling comments: “Nothing says ‘freedom’ like kowtowing to a known terrorist supporting mouthpiece of the Muslim Brotherhood and oppressing any viewpoint they don’t like. Viva AWC.”
Perhaps Red State best summarizes the disaster of placing Sicard in charge of Army Times:
The leftists corrupt everything they touch. They can never just leave well enough alone. Now their grubby claws have managed to gain control of yet another American icon, the Army Times. The Army Times was started in 1940 by Mel Ryder, just in time for World War II. For over 8 decades and 6 major conflicts, including the Cold War, it has provided news and other objective information to the members of the United States Army…at least until now…. 
After highlighting some of Sicard’s unprofessionalism, Red State concludes:
This is yet one more example of hatred for Donald Trump being used as an excuse to defy journalistic standards and place a highly biased, leftist hack in what was once a well regarded news source for members of the United States Army.
Indeed; and it also explains the Army Times’ pro-leftist bias and unethical tactics in defense of a notorious Islamic terror-linked organization, CAIR.