Wednesday, December 4, 2019


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
ALPINE, Utah — A school district in Utah says that it has taken “appropriate action” against a substitute teacher after she allegedly told students that homosexuality is wrong and sinful.
According to reports, the situation occurred on Nov. 22 at Deerfield Elementary School in Cedar Hills, as a fifth grade substitute teacher asked students what they were thankful for. One mentioned their pet, another turkey and mashed potatoes, and another having a break from school.
When it was 11-year-old Daniel’s turn, he stated that he was glad that he was “finally going to be adopted by my two dads.” The teacher, whose name has not been made public, allegedly spoke on the matter for the next 10 minutes, stating that “homosexuality is wrong” and that “two men living together is a sin.”
According to the Salt Lake Tribune, the woman is accused of telling the child, “That’s nothing to be thankful for.”
Three other students expressed their objection to the substitute’s words and reportedly left the room to report the situation to the principal’s office.
The teacher was then escorted out of the building and later dismissed. Louis van Amstel, who is adopting the boy along with Joshua Lancaster, said that the school called him to advise what had happened.
van Amstel, formerly a dance coach on “Dancing With the Stars,” took to social media to tell his followers about the matter.
“As you can imagine, this set us off and we are not letting this go,” he stated. “I am so proud of Daniel’s school. Not only did they let go of the teacher, [but] they said that this woman is never going to teach in this school ever again,” he said.
The Salt Lake Tribune reports that van Amstel wants to ensure that the woman is prohibited from being a substitute teacher anywhere in Utah.
“It’s absolutely ridiculous and horrible what she did,” he stated. “We were livid. It’s 2019 and this is a public school.”
David Stephenson, a spokesman for Alpine School District, told the outlet that the district has a non-discrimination policy and it took “appropriate action” following an investigation.
The substitute teacher has since been fired by Kelly Services, the temp staffing agency that assigned her to the school.
As previously reported, the Bible teaches that all men are in the exact same predicament: All are born with the Adamic sin nature and are therefore “by nature the children of wrath” (Ephesians 2:3), having various inherent inclinations that are contrary to the law and will of God and being utterly incapable of changing by themselves (Job 14:4).
It is why Jesus came: to “save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21) and that they might be “saved from wrath through Him” (Romans 5:9) — taking out of the way for those who are saved both the penalty for, and the power of, sin.
Jesus outlined in John 3:5-7 that men must be regenerated by the second birth, and be transformed from being in Adam to being in Christ, or they cannot see the kingdom of Heaven. This work of the Holy Spirit is known in Christianity as the doctrine of regeneration.
The late Anglican preacher and author J.C. Ryle further explained Christian teaching on the matter:
“Without conversion there is no salvation. We all need an entire change of nature. Left to ourselves we have neither faith, nor fear, nor love towards God. We must be born again,” he stated.
“Left to ourselves we are utterly unfit for dwelling in God’s presence. Heaven would be no heaven to us if we were not converted. It is true of all ranks, classes, and orders of mankind. All are born in sin and children of wrath, and all, without exception, need to be born again and made new creatures. A new heart must be given to us and a new spirit put within us. Old things must pass away, and all things must become new.”



No Terrorism Here, BIGOT!

Complaints about London Bridge Terrorist 
Dismissed as "Racism" (David Wood)
What the London Bridge Terrorist Should Have Learned about Islam While in Prison (David Wood)
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
No one welcomes bad news, but denial can lead to even more bad news. A stark example is the reality of jihad terror. Ignoring its root cause will not make it go away. The article below highlights both good news and bad news associated with the London Bridge terror attack. It applauds human resilience and the readiness to sacrifice oneself for others. It states boldly that “people have had enough”:
People were overwhelmingly jubilant that a vicious killer had been taken down quickly and ruthlessly.
But the bad news is that Westerners continue to open themselves and their loved ones to more such attacks, because they continue to allow themselves to be taken advantage of by an entire industry of identity politics. Identity politics is skillfully utilized by stealth jihadists who wield the victim card, while their more brazen counterparts — violent jihadists — victimize innocent people.
The most important part of the article below is the cautionary part that “more will die” at the hands of jihadists. Why?
There is still no appetite in the British Establishment to deal comprehensively with the home-grown Muslim terrorist threat. This is clear at almost every level – what our politicians, both Labour and Conservative, are saying; what our senior police are saying (many of them over promoted no-talents who only got the jobs because they pushed the right ‘diversity’ or ‘sexuality’ buttons; how our judicial system is handling the problem. Look at how concertedly our political class – with the collusion of the media, especially the BBC – sought to play down the Manchester Arena bombing when young girls were quite deliberately targeted, and crippled or killed by a Muslim suicide bomber. Nothing has changed since. On a tactical level, yes, of course the police and intelligence services are trying to keep tabs on terror plots; of course, they respond when things do kick off. Strategically, though, the current, unwritten policy is – ‘Let’s accept a few terrorist deaths are going to happen now and again. Better this than to take any condign measures that might be deemed Islamophobic.
Until Westerners reject the “Islamophobia” subterfuge propelled by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, they will keep on allowing the bloody jihad to advance against them.
“Delingpole: London Bridge Terror Attack – the Good, the Bad, and the Shameful,” by James Delingpole, Breitbart , November 30, 2019:
Terrorist attacks often reveal a country at both its worst and its best. Yesterday’s atrocity – in which a Muslim terrorist Usman Khan murdered two passers-by before being shot dead by police – was no exception. Here is the good news and the bad…
The good news:
Ordinary people have had enough
This was the clear message from social media yesterday. People were overwhelmingly jubilant that a vicious killer had been taken down quickly and ruthlessly with what sounded – from the much-shared video footage – like two head shots. My suspicion is that the general public are way, way to the right of almost all politicians on this issue. The political class – see below – is still more eager to persuade us that radical Islam isn’t a threat than it is to take serious measures to protect us from it. But the public’s evident impatience – and obvious desire for tougher measures – is a sign that this complacency will not last.
The bulldog spirit endures
How inspiring it was that so many passers-by felt compelled to have a go, without the slightest concern for their personal safety. The rugger player passing in the Mini who got out to kick the terrorist’s head in; the off duty British Transport policeman who seized one of the huge knives and retreated gingerly (as well you might when surrounded by armed police who might well be looking to shoot anyone carrying a giant bald at a terrorist incident) and, of course, the guys with the fire extinguisher and the narwhal’s tusk. We often worry – well I certainly do – that if ever another major war were to break out, the woke, emasculated and unpatriotic younger generations would be utterly incapable of rising to the challenge. But maybe there’s hope for us yet.
The fire extinguisher and the narwhal’s tusk
Because the incident broke out in Fishmongers’ Hall – one of London’s ancient Guildhalls – there happened to be a narwhal’s tusk mounted on the wall. (A narwhal is a type of whale, found in Arctic waters, with a large, distinctive tusk). One of our enterprising heroes seized it and used it to great effect against the terrorist. The other seized a fire extinguisher. This quick-thinking improvisation may well have saved several lives.
The police
Armed police were on the scene within five minutes, which is an encouraging thought if you’re worried about being attacked by terrorism in London: the rapid response teams are clearly ready and available on high alert. Also, by the looks of it, they’re not in the business of taking prisoners. At least not if you’re wearing a suicide vest – even if it’s a fake one, which the terrorist likely put on quite deliberately in order to guarantee himself a quick despatch (suicide by cop) rather than another term in prison.
The bad news:
Many more will die
There is still no appetite in the British Establishment to deal comprehensively with the home-grown Muslim terrorist threat. This is clear at almost every level – what our politicians, both Labour and Conservative, are saying; what our senior police are saying (many of them over promoted no-talents who only got the jobs because they pushed the right ‘diversity’ or ‘sexuality’ buttons; how our judicial system is handling the problem. Look at how concertedly our political class – with the collusion of the media, especially the BBC – sought to play down the Manchester Arena bombing when young girls were quite deliberately targeted, and crippled or killed by a Muslim suicide bomber. Nothing has changed since. On a tactical level, yes, of course the police and intelligence services are trying to keep tabs on terror plots; of course, they respond when things do kick off. Strategically, though, the current, unwritten policy is – ‘Let’s accept a few terrorist deaths are going to happen now and again. Better this than to take any condign measures that might be deemed Islamophobic.’ Till then, we are on our own. Sure the police administered the coup de grace yesterday. But it was the great British public – NOT the authorities – which was largely responsible for preventing yesterday’s death toll from being higher.
Our legal system is allowing dangerous terrorists to roam the streets
Brendan O’Neil puts it well:
That [Islamist killer Usman] Khan was out of jail on licence is quite disturbing. He was not just some armed robber or major drug-dealer, criminals who might expect to be released after five, six or seven years in jail. No, he was a traitor to his country, a man who was born here and yet who plotted to unleash violent jihadism on his fellow citizens, whom he referred to as ‘kuffars’ and ‘dogs’. Khan was part of a gang of men from Stoke-on-Trent, London and Cardiff who made plans to bomb the London Stock Exchange and pubs in Stoke. They also discussed killing the then mayor of London, Boris Johnson…..
 Nothing to Worry About: London Bridge Jihadi
Was Safely ‘Deradicalized’
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
My latest in PJ Media:
London Bridge jihad murderer Usman Khan was at an event sponsored by Cambridge University Friday, a prisoner rehabilitation conference, when he suddenly decided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the “deradicalization” process: Khan stabbed Jack Merritt, 25, to death at what the Daily Mail called a “prisoner rehabilitation conference that paired jailed killers with students and held creative writing workshops.”
But there’s nothing to worry about here. Jack Merritt’s father, David Merritt, is still a true believer in Britain’s failed multiculturalist project: he wrote that Jack “would not wish his death to be used as the pretext for more draconian sentences or for detaining people unnecessarily.” Apparently, David Merritt would want jihadis in Britain today to be treated exactly the way Usman Khan was, that is, with credulous leniency. ITV News reported Saturday that Khan got onto the track that led him to the program where he killed Jack Merritt when he “penned a letter from his jail cell asking to take part in a deradicalisation course to become ‘a good British citizen.’”
Predictably, British authorities, ever anxious to avoid charges of “Islamophobia,” fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
Khan’s deceitful cry for help came in October 2012, “after his conviction for plotting to blow up the London Stock Exchange as a member of an al Qaida-inspired group.” While he was in prison, he wrote to British authorities, saying he wanted to “learn Islam and its teachings” through a “deradicalidation [sic] course.” Khan added: “I would like to do such a course so I can prove to the authorities, my family and soicity [sic] in general that I don’t carry the views I had before my arrest and also I can prove that at the time I was immature, and now I am much more mature and want to live my life as a good Muslim and also a good citizen of Britain.”
His request was granted. And Khan is no means the first “deradicalized” Muslim to return to the jihad. Deradicalization programs have been implemented elsewhere, notably in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia’s deradicalization program is worse than a failure: terror analyst Paul Sperry wrote in the New York Post several years ago that “counterterrorism experts have long suspected Saudi Arabia’s ‘rehabilitation’ center for terrorists does a poor job of de-radicalizing jihadists. But a Saudi detainee at Guantanamo Bay now reveals it’s actually a recruiting and training factory for jihad.”
There is much more. Read the rest here.


 Chinese Communist Front Flips Virginia Blue
The New American’s Christian Gomez interviews anticommunist author and researcher Trevor Loudon about his recent article published by The Epoch Times entitled, “Virginia Goes Blue: Pro-China Communists Claim Credit.” Loudon discuses New Virginia Majority, the organization in question, and its ties to the Maoist organization Liberation Road.

Americans Arming Themselves at Record Rates

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
Rising anti-gun rhetoric from Democrat presidential hopefuls, and the entry of anti-gun Michael Bloomberg into the fray last week, has driven background checks to record levels, according to the FBI. The agency reported that it conducted 202,465 gun background checks on Black Friday, the second-highest number since the bureau implemented the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS. The record was recorded on Black Friday 2017 when the FBI ran 203,086 checks.
While gun background checks do not have a one-on-one correlation to purchases (many purchasers buy more than one firearm with a single background check), it indicates that more Americans than ever are enjoying their Second Amendment right to purchase, possess, and use (“keep and bear”) firearms. By the end of the year it is estimated that Americans will own upwards of 400 million of them.
And the far-left progressives now in control of the Democrat Party want to take them away, or at least greatly restrict their ownership and use. 2020 Democrat presidential candidates such as Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders have used the English language to cover up their intentions, claiming they “respect” the Second Amendment but want “common sense” gun laws to reduce gun violence.
But during a Democrat debate in September, former candidate Beto O’Rourke lifted the veil: “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47!”
Matt Boggs, the owner of Alpha Dog Firearms in Tempe, Arizona, saw this blatant announcement of intent as a marketing opportunity, posting this on his store’s Facebook page:
Beto O’Rourke said “hell yes we’re taking your AR’s”. Well Beto, we’re discounting AR15’s to such a low price that EVERY AMERICAN can afford one. How about the low low price of just $349.99? Yeah, that works. Available online only. Go to and look for all our AR15 and AK47 deals under the BETO SPECIALS tab. Deals and discounts will be added fresh all day!
Within hours, Boggs had sold out and had to post this that same afternoon: “UPDATE: SOLD OUT. More deals will be on the website soon. Y’all broke our internet today!!!”
Even with O’Rourke out of the race owing to low poll numbers and lack of funding, Boggs continues to market the opportunity. He now sells “Salesman of the Month” T-shirts with O’Rourke’s countenance printed on the front. Due to the demand, Boggs has had to extend his store’s hours: “We still have some of these [T-shirts] left! Come grab one before they’re gone! Also starting today [November 30] our Saturday hours are extended until 5 PM.”
The near-record background checks are due to anti-gun rhetoric, helped along by Michael Bloomberg’s late entry. Bloomberg boasts funding Everytown for Gun Safety, the name adopted when Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns merged in 2013. Said Mark Oliva, director of public affairs for the National Shooting Sports Federation (NSSF): “This tells us Americans are voting with their wallets when it comes to their ability to exercise Second Amendment rights.… Americans are turning out to buy the firearms they want in increasing numbers even as politicians on the national stage.… are increasingly vocal on restricting Second Amendment rights.”
Larry Keane, general counsel for the NSSF, said that “people respond to what they perceive as threats to their [Second Amendment-protected] rights, and this has been going on since August.” Indeed, since the first of the year there have been no fewer than two million gun background checks every month. At the present rate, the FBI will likely report that for 2019 they will have processed more than 30 million of them.
With the increased firepower in private hands, one may expect gun violence to continue its long downward trend. A research study of more than 1,800 incarcerated felons revealed that nearly 80 percent of them said that they intentionally avoided targets (individuals, homes, or businesses) that they believed were armed or had firearms present. A third of those interviewed admitted to having been scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by a gun-owning target.
Another study revealed that armed citizens successfully fend off such attacks between two and 2.5 million times a year. As John Lott, founder of the Crime Prevention Research Center and author of More Guns, Less Crime and The Bias Against Guns, explained, the perception of the presence of a firearm in the hands of a law-abiding citizen provides a persuasive deterrent to a criminal seeking a target. Hence, not surprisingly, Lott continues to track the decline in gun violence as private ownership of firearms increases.
The problem with background checks is simple: They don’t work. They serve as a smokescreen for real intentions and give the illusion that “something is being done” about gun violence. As Lott points out:
Some think that background checks are the answer. Indeed, after each mass public shooting, Democrats call for background checks on private transfers of guns. But a new federal law [mandating universal background checks] wouldn’t have stopped any of the attacks. In fact, it wouldn’t have stopped any mass public shooting since at least the year 2000 — all of the attackers obtained guns without going through private transfers.
As Robert Heinlein wrote in his novel Beyond This Horizon: “An armed society is a polite society.” It is also a safer one.
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