Wednesday, September 25, 2019


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
In 1212, thousands of children and teens in France and England set off for the Holy Land to convert Muslims to Christianity. Led by shepherds, these mostly poor and dispossessed young people headed for the Mediterranean, believing it would miraculously part and allow them to cross on dry land. Instead, the children, promised free passage by a couple of unscrupulous merchants, were sold into slavery or died in a shipwreck.
Last week’s Climate Strike by schoolchildren to “save the planet” is a grotesque parody of this legend of faith and courage, yet no more likely to accomplish anything useful. The strike was the first act of this week’s UN’s “Global Climate Week,” along with blocking traffic in DC (with the help of Antifa and Black Lives Matter), a “Youth Climate Summit,” and an orgy of hypocrisy at the UN General Assembly. No doubt we’ll see “world leaders” dramatically call for “global action,” then pass symbolic resolutions that, like every “climate summit” since 1979, will do absolutely nothing to lower temperatures enough to stop the warmists’ alleged apocalypse.
But instead of young pilgrims risking and losing their lives on behalf of their faith, the Climate “pilgrims” are mostly the global comfortable and affluent enjoying a day off from school as they preen and pontificate about a subject they know little about, and bask in the attention and flattery of important “grown-ups” like Hollywood stars and venal politicians equally ignorant about how global climate works.
In the “woke” children’s anti-carbon crusade––a word, of course, the progs have proscribed as “Islamophobic––callow youth are increasingly becoming the props in a fashionable farce whose sinister aim is dismantling the West’s economies, and further concentrating political and economic power at the expense of we the people.
This global publicity stunt shows why sensible people don’t take adolescents seriously––and why progressives want to lower the voting age––when it comes to complex issues of public policy and the trade-offs required by a participatory democracy. Most adolescents are by nature narcissists and drama queens, and think histrionic emotion is more important than cold facts, sound arguments, and real-world limits to gratifying their petulant demands for utopia. And they like nothing better than to have supposedly mature adults validate their feelings with attention and novel diagnoses of psychological ailments that cover for mere immaturity. So no surprise we’re now hearing about “eco-anxiety” caused by reports of impending “environmental doom,” calls to stave off a deadly “climate crisis,” as the Economist called a whole special issue hyping climate doom, and warnings that “panic is long overdue,” according to Salon.
The progs know that attention-craving teenagers are the perfect shock-troops for advancing the socialist goals of the left, just as they have been for the antigun lobby. And grownups are giving them a huge stage, including an appearance before the Democrat-controlled Congress by eco-mascots 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg and Seattle’s seventeen-year-old Jamie Margolin. Margolin’s comments prove the old wisdom that children should be seen and not heard:
I want the entirety of Congress––in fact, the whole U.S. government–– to remember the fear and despair that my generation lives with every day, and I want you to hold on to it. How do I even begin to convey to you what it feels like to know that within my lifetime the destruction that we have already seen from the climate crisis will only get worse. What adds insult to injury is the fact that we keep getting promised what isn't there. On college applications, I keep getting asked what I want to be when I grow up . . . . Everyone who will walk up to me after this testimony saying I have such a bright future ahead of me will be lying to my face.
As Oscar Wilde said about the extravagantly lachrymose death of Dickens’ Little Nell, one would have to have a heart of stone to read this bathetic cri de coeur and not burst out laughing. If a well-fed, pampered, leisured American teenager–one of the richest human beings to ever walk the earth–thinks she lives in “fear and despair,” she should be packed off to Congo or Iran or Somalia or Venezuela and learn what real “fear and despair” feel like. That Republican Congressmen sat and listened to this blather is yet another instance of their reflexive preemptive cringe in the face of progressive nonsense and bullying.
And why let this appearance before Congress legitimize, even indirectly, the similarly lunatic climate policies proposed by the Dems’ primary candidates? According to the New York Post’s Jonathan Lesser,
Bernie Sanders, for instance, wants all of our electricity to come from renewable resources in just 10 years. Huh? In 2018, the single largest source of renewable energy was large hydroelectric dams, which many environmentalists want to ditch. Wind and solar power provided about 370 terawatt-hours of electricity, roughly 9% of all generation, which was around 4,200 TWh. How does he expect to generate 10 times more wind and solar in 10 years?
Likewise Paul Driessen, who also points out the fantastic silliness of the Dems’ “climate crisis” solutions that rely on “renewable” wind and solar:
So let’s suppose we blanket the United States with enough industrial-scale wind and solar facilities to replace the 3.9 billion megawatt-hours Americans used in 2018 – and we manufacture and install enough king-sized batteries to store sufficient electricity for seven straight windless or sunless days. We would need something on the order of one billion 100-kilowatt-hour, 1,000-pound lithium and cobalt-based battery packs – similar to what Tesla uses in its electric vehicles. (This does not include the extra battery storage required to charge up the cars, trucks, and buses we are supposed to replace with EVs.)
And we still have to calculate the costs of materials like iron, concrete, and rare-earth metals mined in countries that use child and slave labor: As Driessen points out,  “For cobalt alone – say UNICEF and Amnesty International – over 40,000 Congolese children, as young as four years old, slave away in mines, from sunrise to sundown, six or even seven days a week. That’s today. Imagine how many will be needed to serve the ‘ethical green energy utopia.’” Throw in the expense of disposing worn-out components like solar panels and turbine blades, and the pollution caused by mining, constructing, and transporting all these materials, and it’s clear to anyone other than a quarter-educated teenager or a government subsidy-pirate that “free, clean, and renewable” is a pipe dream.
Except, of course, for hydroelectric and nuclear power, which are also renewable and free from CO2 emissions. But the climate catastrophists reject these obvious and cost-effective energy sources: Dams because they intrude on nature and disturb the animals; nuclear because of the still lingering antinuclear hysteria of the Seventies, that era’s big crisis du jour. Also, the antinuclear Dems claim, spent nuclear fuel is too dangerous to store. It doesn’t cut any ice with the catastrophists that Finland, for example––one of those prog pin-up countries so superior to our red-white-and-blue capitalist hell-hole––is building a safe, underground nuclear storage facility. Meanwhile we’ve been sitting on the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste site since 1987, thanks to the environmental lobbies that spend billions gratifying their nature-loving sensibilities at the expense of their fellow citizens.
But we all know what this whole show is really about. The “climate crisis” feeds off of ancient cultural stereotypes about nature as a benevolent mother whom we wicked moderns have sullied and raped with our industrial capitalism and pollution. This narrative serves as a pseudo-religion for wealthy secularized Westerners who take for granted carbon-powered industries and technologies that make idealizing nature affordable. And, unlike most religions, it conveniently requires only virtue-signaling, mouthing fashionable shibboleths, providing political support for policies hoi polloi bear the brunt of, and token “green” rituals like recycling bottles and cans, and buying overpriced “Organic” and “No GMO” foods no more nutritious or safe than the rest. It’s a cheap way to claim a superior status as one of the ecologically “saved,” and condemn to perdition the wicked, greedy “damned,” even as the righteous enjoy a comfortable life subsidized by cheap, carbon-based energy.
More sinister are the numerous green boondoggles that redistribute billions of dollars of public wealth to various institutions and industries through subsidies and research grants, and to the politicians and lobbyists and foundations that facilitate this scam as well as take their cut. They have to work night and day to prop up the anthropogenic, catastrophic global warming melodrama in order to keep the funds flowing by censoring and spinning the daily evidence that their 100-year-old “greenhouse” hypothesis is still a long time away from being proven a fact. That’s why they manipulate climate data and jigger the computer models–– so that there’s always unprecedented warming to hype. For example, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has massaged temperature data to disappear the recent coldest weather in 20 years. Meanwhile Canada and other countries are destroying raw temperature data because they don’t comport with the “adjusted” numbers that always end up being warmer.
Finally, the real danger here is the continuous dismantling of the Constitution that checks concentrated, expansive power to keep it from encroaching even further on the rights of individuals and the sovereignty of the states. Progressives have for over a century been impatient with these barriers to their grandiose technocratic ambitions. You can hear it in one-time Secretary of State and Senator John Kerry’s tweet about the “climate crisis”: “We just can’t sit on our asses and leave the political process to Neanderthals who don’t want to believe in the future,” he  told an audience in Australia.  That says it all: The arrogant contempt of the self-proclaimed “bright” for the citizens whom the Constitution has given unalienable rights beyond the reach of government, and to whom it has bestowed a “political process” the primary aim of which is to check over-weeing, wannabe tyrants like John Kerry.
Don’t fall for the exploitation of immature, drama-prone children in order to misdirect us from the weakness of the alleged scientific “consensus,” or to camouflage the venal motives of buccaneering researchers and power-hungry politicians who, to paraphrase Petronius, “would pull a dollar out of the dung with their teeth.” The only way to handle any real crisis is to remain free, think for ourselves, and rely on ourselves, our families, our communities, and our common sense.

Using "Climate Change" to Enslave US - Behind The Deep State

In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman explains how globalist Deep State functionaries are fomenting hysteria over "climate change" and "global warming" to steal liberty and money from humanity. Among other issues, Alex discusses the science, the agenda, and the deadly consequences of allowing this fraud to continue. Referenced Videos: Interview with Professor William Happer Interview with Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner Agenda 2030: The Next "Great Leap Forward" 🚨 Get the Latest News:



Greta Thunberg’s Rage Activism is Already BACKFIRING on Environmentalists!!!


Greta & the UNCRC: “Children’s Rights” Used by UN to Destroy Parental Rights

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is a War on Parents

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Want to know where Hillary Clinton’s “it takes a village” or Melissa Harris-Perry’s “get over the idea that children belong to their parents” came from?
These ideas, and Greta’s UN stunt, are products of a 30-year-old agenda, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), that’s received very little attention in spite of the widespread havoc it’s unleashed on children and families.
The UN has produced many agendas. Nixon’s “War on Drugs” was written 10 years earlier, verbatim with all the schedules, by the UN.
Universal Background checks were the goal of the “Gunwalker” & “Fast & Furious” false flags
 that were intended to create a problem that would be solved by Universal Background Checks 
(and universal gun registration).
The War on Drugs and the War on Guns is joined by a UN War on Energy, Mobility & Property — UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainability (formerly UN Agenda 21).
But the most overlooked agenda is the 30-year-old UNCRC. The UNCRC is a War on Parents and, although the US is the only country in the world that hasn’t ratified it, federal judicial tyranny is enforcing it. The video below was part of a movement 10 years ago to formally recognize Parental Rights in a constitutional amendment to stop judicial activism.
The UNCRC has been the basis for • the transgender agenda forced by schools on children as young as kindergarten, • gender dysphoria diagnoses by schools used to perform chemical castrations & mastectomies on minor children against the wishes of the parents, and • the push for removal of age-of-consent laws for pedophilia. Now Greta & 15 other children have filed complaints against five nations based on the UNCRC.
Creepy Enviro Brat Throws Tantrum at UN 
For Some Reason
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Creepy environmentalist brat Greta Thunberg, who belongs in school instead of living out her stage parents' aspirations of fame, threw a tantrum at the UN.
"You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words," Thunberg began her rant at the U.N.'s Climate Action Summit.
Thunberg is a privileged 16-year-old from one of the more prosperous countries in Europe. Her family is quite well-off. She's now a famous brat and everyone has to pay attention to her tantrums. How exactly did anyone steal this near-adult's childhood?
Like an evil Pippi Longstocking, Thunberg has been prepped to act like the leader of a children's crusade. But she's less Joan of Arc than one of the Children of the Corn, throwing hysterical tantrums and demanding that everyone listen to her, while castigating them as liars and hypocrites once they do.
Some might be tempted to say that this is not atypical behavior from a 16-year-old.
There's some truth to that.
There are very few occasions when 16-year-olds should be given a national or global stage. Justifying school truancy with hysterical tirades about the end of the world isn't one of them. 
If Greta Thunberg didn't need therapy before this, she certainly does now. That and an afterschool job. She has too much time on her hands and too little emotional maturity. Her only tactic is playing the guilt card while accusing all adults of destroying the planet.
These are just teenage antics taken to an obnoxious apocalyptic extreme. 
Greta can't act like an adult. But the adults listening to her tantrums ought to be acting like adults.
Surprised? Greta Thunberg's "Coach" A Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates Operative



The same globalists seem to have financial ties to every major propaganda movement

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
16-year-old climate opportunist Greta Thunberg is being pushed by the worldwide establishment after speaking in front of Congress, the U.N., meeting the Pope and being the face of this weekend’s climate protests.
How did this teenage girl become such a dominant figure in the issue of climate protection?
It turns out there are powerful forces behind the sudden rise of the Swedish adolescent, including some of the usual suspects.
A woman who accompanies Thunberg to most 
public events is 
German climate activist Luisa-Marie Neubauer. reported, “Thunberg soon also got her own coach – a well-known climate activist from Germany by the name Luisa-Marie Neubauer (pictured). What is the likelihood of a young girl who starts a school strike outside the Swedish parliament, getting schoolchildren from all over the world to join her cause and fight against climate change? And how often do 16-year-olds have their own coaches?”
It turns out Neubauer is the “Youth Ambassador” of the “ONE” foundation, an international lobbying organization funded by George Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates, Bono and others.
In a tweet from 2018, Neubauer wrote, “Perks of being a ONE Youth Ambassador: you get to meet awesome ONE campaigners all over the world.”
According to the “ONE” website, “ONE originated in conversations between Bill Gates and Bono in the early 2000s about the need to better inform Americans about extreme poverty around the world.”
“Together with Melinda Gates, Bobby Shriver, George Soros, Ed Scott, Bob Geldof, and Jamie Drummond, they created an anti-poverty advocacy organization called DATA that focused on deploying celebrities and other influential individuals to urge world leaders to take action on specific development issues,” the site continues.
Like anti-gun activist David Hogg, the globalist establishment is shoehorning Thunberg into the public spotlight to further their agenda even if it means taking advantage of a teenager with Asperger’s.
Alex Jones exposes the manipulation of today’s youth in this exclusive Infowars report:

Who is Greta?
Why is she mad?
Paul Joseph Watson talks about Sweden’s new Global Warming poster child, Greta Thunberg.
Greta's Parents Pictured in Antifa Gear, After Climate Activist Denies Ties to Violent Group


Brainwashed teen exposed as pro-Antifa shill

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
After photos surfaced of Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg wearing a shirt associated with Antifa, she denied any ties to the violent left-wing protest group.
“Yesterday I posted a photo wearing a borrowed T-shirt that says I’m against fascism,” she tweeted in July. “That T-shirt can apparently to some be linked to a violent movement. I don’t support any form of violence and to avoid misunderstandings I’ve deleted the post. And of course I am against fascism.”
Thunberg went on to criticize her detractors, claiming the shirt was innocuous, “can be bought anywhere” and is only linked to violence “according to some.”
In recent days, however, photos have emerged showing her parents, Svante Thunberg and Malena Ernman, wearing the exact same t-shirt, throwing her whole explanation into question.
The clothing prompted conservatives, including Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk, to ask why Congress would allow the pro-Antifa teen to lecture the US.
“She’s been pictured wearing pro-ANTIFA clothing & raising money for ANTIFA causes in Europe,” Kirk charged.
“This is the Democrats’ star witness—a supporter of domestic terrorism?”
Trump supporter Terrence K. Williams also questioned why Thunberg’s parents allow her to wear clothing associated with Antifa, which has faced calls by members of Congress to be labeled a domestic terror group.

Report: Greta’s Parents Reported to Child Services in Sweden~Report being taken very seriously

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Leo Zagami September 24, 2019
Earlier today, a private person posted pictures of their concern report about Greta Thunberg for child abuse by the parents. The report was allegedly sent to the Kungsholmen’s district administration in Stockholm and is being taken very seriously.
“We have an obligation to assess within 24 hours,”the childcare unit told Swedish local News agency, who added : “When large parts of the adult world and established media participate in the mass psychosis around Greta Thunberg – who obviously doesn’t feel so good – it’s like having to pinch one’s arm. Is this true? What are you doing? This is not healthy.”
 Swedish Party Chairman for Social conservatives and lifestyle liberals, who is also a lawyer  wrote on Twitter:
Since Greta Thunberg began her career as an opinion maker and climate guru just over a year ago, many debaters have expressed concern that the girl may have been exploited by her mother and the public relations consultant behind the campaign said
“Sedan Greta Thunberg påbörjade sin karriär som opinionsbildare och klimatguru för drygt ett år sedan har många debattörer uttryckt en oro över att flickan kan ha utnyttjats av sin mor och pr-konsulter som står bakom kampanjen.”
 Despite what the MSM reported President Trump did the right thing in ignoring poor Greta yesterday who needs help as soon as possible.

Quote of the Week: Greta Thunberg Claims to be Able to “See” Carbon Dioxide in the Air Anthony Watts May 2, 2019
At first, I thought this had to be a joke. Then I thought it must be some sort of misinterpretation. Sadly, no.
From the website Afrinik, quoting the book –Scener ur hjärtat by Malena Ernman, Svante Thunberg
“According to her mother Malena Ernman (48), 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg can see CO2 with the naked eye. She writes that in the book ‘Scenes from the heart. Our life for the climate’, which she wrote with her family.”
“Greta was diagnosed as a child with obsessive-compulsive disorder and Asperger’s syndrome, just like her younger sister Beata. The activist also has a photographic memory. She knows all the capitals by heart and can list all the chemical elements of the periodic table within one minute. In addition, she has another gift according to her mother.”
“‘Greta is able to see what other people cannot see,’ writes Malena Ernman in the book.”
“’She can see carbon dioxide with the naked eye. She sees how it flows out of chimneys and changes the atmosphere in a landfill.’”
Of course, with a ~ 410 parts per million concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, we know that is a physical impossibility. Carbon Dioxide is a colorless and odorless gas:
It also does not reflect or absorb any light within the light spectrum that humans can see. Even if Greta had some special ability to see into the near infrared, the absorption spectrum of CO2 is far removed from the human range of color sensitivity.
But, this claim underscores how bizarre her activism has become, and people seem to want to look the other way instead of questioning her abilities and cognitive understanding of the information she professes to know.