Tuesday, September 24, 2019


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
In this new video, Paul Watson discusses how social media users have been 
complicit in the morphing of social media into a Kafkaesque surveillance and mind 
control tool -- which will soon include Maoist-style punishments. Don't miss it!


“Too often people in power preach diversity, while shunning or silencing the faithful,” Trump said. “True tolerance means respecting the rights of all people to express their deeply held religious beliefs.” While Trump did not specifically call out individual nations, Vice President Pence -- who spoke before the president -- criticized several countries for attacks on religious freedom, including China's persecution of ethnic Uyghur Muslims, Venezuela's contested leader Nicolás Maduro's anti-Semitic rhetoric and Iran's oppression of Christians, Jews and Sunni Muslims. Trump -- who was joined on stage by Pence, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other world leaders -- also announced that his administration was allocating an additional $25 million to protect religious freedom as well as religious sites and relics, and launching an initiative with business leaders to protect religious freedom in the workplace. “This institution will engage the private sector to protect people of all faiths in the workplace,” he said.


‘The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations,’ says president

President Trump: "We’re Standing Up for Almost 250 Million Christians Around the World"

Media Paid More Attention to Teen Girl's UN Tantrum Than Trump's UN Speech


Conservative activist Scott Presler organized over 200 volunteers, mostly Trump supporters, in an effort to help clean the neglected Democrat cities where Americans are suffering in unsanitary conditions. On a shoe-string budget and in one days work the group removed over 50 tons of garbage! California's Democrat representatives have received federal money many times that was meant to be allocated toward the Los Angeles homeless crisis but the money disappears and the crisis continues to get worse. Visit Scott Presler's website to find out how you can donate or participate in future trash pick ups! https://scottpresler.org/


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

Wycliffe, YWAM, & Other Evangelical Groups to Take Part in Roman Catholic-Endorsed Global Event in 2020

This week, we received a letter to the editor that alerted us to plans for a “2020 Global Year of the Bible.” As you read the information below, please keep in mind, Lighthouse Trails does not oppose the idea that “billions” of people in the world could potentially read the Bible. Of course not! The underlying and significant story here is the ecumenical, “let’s-all-come-together-no-matter-what” aspect and the unspoken but obvious objective ” to “engage in a global conversation” about the Bible in order to draw followers into specific belief systems.
The letter to the editor says:
To Lighthouse Trails:
I just read an article today on the Christian Post regarding a new initiative called “A.D. 2020 Global Year of the Bible.”
[LTRP Note: The CP article begins:
“Missionary leaders from over 34 countries convened at the Museum of the Bible on Monday morning to launch A.D. 2020 Global Year of the Bible, a first-of-its-kind evangelical initiative endorsed by Roman Catholic Pope Francis. . . . In a recorded video endorsement from the Vatican, Pope Francis praised the Global Year of the Bible initiative and told those leading it to ‘be encouraged.’”]
Promoters include over 500 leaders and organizations from 200 countries, YWAM, American Bible Society, Wycliffe Bible Translators, the World Evangelical Alliance and Call2All. Many other Bible translation and missionary groups from around the world are involved. One should read the entire article to get the full scope; it is staggering. And groups like PULSE and others who stage enormous gatherings of youth are also involved. The piece de resistance, however, comes at the end of the article which states that the entire endeavor is being heartily endorsed by Pope Francis in a recorded video from the Vatican.
We are seeing it folks, the one-world religion, not only forming, but gaining momentum and almost at the point of culmination. I do not know how any Bible-believing Christian can be in agreement with such a clearly ecumenical agenda. The Pope will very likely be the head of the false church described in Revelation. He is not “officially, visibly” that yet, but it is there, just waiting in the wings. Millions of evangelicals now eagerly agree with the Catholic Church and going along with what seem to be endless initiatives and efforts to “Christianize the world.” It is dominionism and the one-world religion—there is no other conclusion to come to.
The 2020 Global Year of the Bible website is registered with the University of the Nations in Hawaii. Loren Cunningham (YWAM’s leader) is the International Chancellor of that school. You may remember a 2018 article from Lighthouse Trails titled “YWAM—Wants Every YWAMer to Practice Contemplative Prayer!” YWAM has been a big promoter of contemplative prayer and emergent missiology for several years. A “natural” outcome of contemplative/emergent spirituality is a change in spiritual outlook that takes on ecumenism—with all faiths.
In a September 16, 2019 article from Religious News Service titled WEA launches curriculum for the AD 2020 global Year of the Bible,” it also discusses the “2020 Global Year of the Bible”:
Bishop Efraim Tendero, Secretary-General of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), today launched a global campaign to mark 2020 as the “Year of the Bible”. Founded in 1846, the WEA represents over 600 million Christians worldwide with national alliances in 130 nations.
Projected to be one of the most collaborative movements in Christian history, the Year of the Bible is also supported by His Holiness Pope Francis of the Catholic church, the global Lausanne network, Youth With A Mission, the United Bible Societies, The Seed Company, Biblica and many more.
The year-long initiative is expected to achieve the greatest global Bible engagement in history, as billions follow a call to read the Bible and engage in a global conversation on its message. (emphasis added)
Lighthouse Trails can’t help be nervous about this “global conversation” with which “billions” might be involved. If organizations like YWAM and the Roman Catholic Church are instigators of this global conversation with billions, then we can easily speculate what this conversation will look like given that YWAM and the Catholic Church are leaders in promoting the interspiritual, panentheistic contemplative prayer movement (not to mention YWAM’s “new missiology” views that often leaves the Gospel out of missions and the Catholic Church’s overwhelming emphasis on the Eucharist that re-crucifies Christ at every Mass). All the while, Christian leaders either stand by passively and silently or join in helping to bring about a global “revival.”
It’s ironic, to say the least, that the Roman Catholic Church would endorse the 2020 Year of the Bible when the RCC discourages their members in reading the Bible. Historically, the RCC leadership has not wanted Roman Catholics to read the Bible but has taught them to leave the reading and interpretation of the Bible up to the popes and priests. So why would the present Pope endorse such an initiative, unless his reasons are to use the occasion to “bring back the lost brethren” into the “Mother Church”? And tragically, evangelical leaders are helping to accomplish the task, whether they realize it or not.
See Related YouTube video below Related Articles.
Related Articles:
Related Video:
First Video: One year ago, the Vatican proposed that 2020 would be the Year of the Bible in honor of St. Jerome who first translated the Bible into Latin (for the Catholic Church). 2020 is the 1600th year anniversary of Jerome’s death.
(photo from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission)


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Dave Gaubatz is a former U.S. Federal Agent with Top Secret/SCI clearance, expert in counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism on national security issues, highly trained in Islamic ideology and tactics, Arab linguist, author of Muslim Mafia, has investigated over 300 mosques/Islamic Centers in the USA and 150 outside USA, and after leaving his position in the government continued this work as a Civilian Agent. Using firsthand investigation, he then evaluates Risk/Threat Levels based on multiple factors including Materials on Premises and What They Advocate, Ties to Muslim Terrorists, and Sharia Adherence.  Mr. Gaubatz estimates that 80% of mosques in America recruit and train in jihad (violent & civilization). Finally, he makes Recommendations to protect America, our citizens, our children.  He asks about each mosque:  Would ISIS be proud?
NOTE: Several Reports/Affadavits will be published. When you read one from earlier dates, note that Dave Gaubatz issued Risk/Danger warnings ahead, but in some cases, violence occurred later from a member of one of those reported mosques (ex: Trolley Square, Salt Lake City, Utah shooting; child abuse Nashville, TN). When you read a report that came after an attack (Ex: Report 2017, Boston Marathon Bombing by Tsarnaev brothers 2013), note that violence had already occurred, Mr. Gaubatz reported continued Risk/Danger years later from the same mosques terrorists had attended.  Reading professionally investigated and evaluated Reports/Affadavits from various years is important so the American public is aware of new or continuing Risk/Danger and can demand protection from all levels of government officials and law enforcement that they are sworn to provide.
In October 2017, I conducted firsthand research at eleven Islamic Centers/Mosques in CT, and in addition I conducted firsthand research at the Hartford Seminary to determine what Christian students and others are being taught in regards to Islam and Shariah law.
I am a former U.S. Federal Agent who specialized in counter-intelligence and counterterrorism, specifically Islamic based terrorism. I have worked and lived in the Middle East since 1978. I was the first U.S. civilian federal agent in Iraq at the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom (Mar 2003). In the U.S. alone I have conducted firsthand research at over 300 Islamic mosques. I have placed undercover researchers in Muslim Brotherhood organizations and obtained valuable national security intelligence. I am a U.S. State Department trained Arabic linguist. Based on my professional analysis of my visit to the Islamic Centers/Mosques in Connecticut, I report the following:
The mosques I conducted firsthand research at are primarily Sunni Salafist (Wahhabi) Saudi and Pakistani fronts for Islamic based terrorists groups such as Al Qaeda and ISIS. Six of the eleven CT mosques were rated to be of “HIGH RISK” (see below) in regards to Shariah adherence and the very high likelihood violence will be or has been committed by worshippers of these mosques based on the violent nature of what is being taught by their Islamic mosque leaders. These mosques had very violent materials inside for worshippers that advocate the overthrow of America and physical Jihad against U.S. and Israeli targets. This is based on the mosque having the same Islamic manuals in their possession that Islamic terrorist groups utilize for their training. The mosques rated “High Risk” had material written and edited by a convicted Islamic terrorist supporter (Ali AlTimimi). The Imam and mosque worshippers were extremely Shariah compliant. ISIS and Al Qaeda would find these mosque acceptable for their training and education of Mujahadeen fighters (Islamic terrorists).
My research determined after my complete analysis that six of the eleven Connecticut mosques are likely terrorist safe havens for Islamic sleeper cell Jihadists and there is a strong likelihood violent Jihadist activity will be conducted by “sleeper terrorists” attending these particular mosques.
It is important to note that I do not use the Quran in my analysis, as it is over 1400 years old, thus I use only current materials, of which the majority are dated within the last ten years or newer.
The following are my recommendations for media organizations, politicians, and law enforcement.
MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS: It is imperative media organizations warn citizens of the potential for violence the mosques I analyzed to be of “High Risk” and to put pressure on our law enforcement and politicians to conduct criminal and civil investigations in order to prosecute Islamic leaders conspiring to overthrow the U.S. government and conduct violence against innocent Americans inside and outside of our country.
POLITICIANS: Elected officials from both liberal and conservative sides must demand our law enforcement from local, state, and federal levels investigate mosques conspiring to overthrow the U.S. government and harm innocent Americans, specifically targeting our children. The mosques rated “High Risk” must have their nonprofit organization status removed by the authorizing federal agency (IRS) and immediately closed for the safety of American citizens.
CITY, COUNTY, STATE, AND FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT: It is imperative U.S. law enforcement use legal means to fully investigate the leadership and worshippers of this mosque. The mosque should be closed down immediately based on their advocating of establishing an Islamic caliphate worldwide and under Shariah law.
The six CT mosques rated “High Risk” had materials advocating the following:
A: Treason/Sedition against the U.S.
B: Physical jihad against Americans inside and outside of our country
C: Slavery
D: The implementation of Shariah taw inside America, using force to achieve this goal
E: Rape of women and girls
F: Child marriages (in America)
G: Domestic violence against the wife or wife’s of Muslim men
H: Shariah law punishments (HUDUD) in America
A few examples from the Islamic materials found in the mosques:
From the newspaper “Muslim Journal”, 20 Oct 2017
“Islamic Marriage and Community Life/A Message to the Young Muslim Men and America” “As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill conduct, admonish them (first). (Next) refuse to share their beds. (And last) beat them”
From the book “The Legislative Types of Jihaad” August 2013
“Jihaad against the Disbelievers and the Hypocrites: “With the heart, With the tongue, With one’s wealth, With the body, by fighting”
“And when you are called upon to go out to Jihaad, then hasten to answer the call” “Jihaad is an obligation upon everyone whether he goes out to fight or stays behind. The one who stays behind must provide help when his help is sought, provide aid when his aid is sought, and must hurry to join the fight when he is called upon.”
From the book Riyadh US Saleheen, volume II. (2003)
“Wage war on all the idolaters as they are waging war on all of you. Warfare is ordained for you, Go forth light armed and heavy armed.
“These traditions enumerate the virtues and advantages of archery. This was an important weapon of warfare during the days of the Holy Prophet. But this weapon is no more useful in the modern warfare, it’s place has been taken over by modern weapons like guns, rifles, missiles, bombs, etc. Therefore to acquire skill in the manufacture and use of weapons has the same recompense and advantages.”
The high risk mosques informed Muslims to do as Prophet Mohammed did, and use his example in marriage. He married Aisha when she was six years old and consummated (raped) her when she was nine. Note: A child of six or eleven can’t consent to sexual intercourse. Mohammed was in his 50’s and encouraged his friends to take child brides as well.
Researcher: Dave Gaubatz (U.S. Federal Agent (Retired) (ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED/5 Dec 2017)
Islamic Centers/Mosques researched firsthand by Special Agent Dave Gaubatz (Retired) While in. CT and MA during the month of Oct 2017, I had the opportunity to conduct firsthand research at 13 Islamic Centers (mosques) and the Hartford Seminary.
I ranked the sites from low to high to determine the likelihood of violence being advocated at the mosque and the likelihood worshipers are likely or not be involved in an Islamic terrorist attack against U.S. Interests. Using my background as a former U.S. Federal Agent, knowledge of the Arabic language, Shariah adherence, after personally conducting prior research in over 300 mosques and the Islamic terrorist organization (HAMAS). In addition I used public domain internet resources.
During each of my visits for research I had at least one U.S. citizen come with me as my witness.
The rankings are below, with the mosques scoring the highest and most likely be the cause of future terrorist attacks.
1. Hartford Seminary​​​  (High Risk) 21 Oct 2017
77 Sherman St, Hartford, CT
My initial impression of the seminary was that it was more of an Islamic Center than a Christian based organization. The library included Islamic material that is no more than propaganda tools to change the hearts and minds of Christian students to belief Shariah law is applicable to America inside our country, and ranks of importance equal or greater than the U.S. Constitution. Violent materials, to include physical Jihad were present in the library, as well as material from convicted Islamic leaders imprisoned in the U.S. for advocating terrorism.
2. Islamic Center of Boston Cultural Center (High Risk) 27 Oct 2017
100 Malcolm X Blvd., Roxbury (Boston area) MA
3. United Muslim Mosque​​​ (High Risk)​​ 27 Oct 2017
132 Prospect St, Waterbury, CT
4. Islamic Center of New London​​ (High Risk) 27 Oct 2017
16 Fort Street, Groton, CT
5. Masjid Mustafa​​​ (High Risk) 27 Oct 2017
120 Schrafts Drive, Waterbury, CT
6. Islamic Center of Wallingford​​ (High Risk) 24 Oct 2017
950 Yale Ave, Wallingford CT’
7. Islamic Center Of Greater Hartford, CT (High Risk)​​ 20 Oct 2017
1718 Berlin Hwy, Berlin, CT
8. Muhammed Islamic Center of Greater Hartford (High Risk) 23 Oct 2017
155 Hungerford St. Hartford, CT
9. Islamic Center Boston​​​ (Medium Risk) 27 Oct 2017
Boston, MA
10. Abdul Majid Hasan Islamic Center (Medium Risk) 24 Oct 2017
870 Dixwell Ave Hamden, CT
11. Masjid Al Islam​​​​ (Medium Risk) 19 Oct 2017
624 George St, New Haven CT
12. Islamic Center of CT​​​ (Medium Risk) 21 Oct 2017
1 Medina Dr, Windsor, CT
13. Al Noor Islamic Center​​ (Low Risk) 23 Oct 2017
4 West Road, Ellington, CT
14. Bosnian American Islamic Mosque (Low Risk)​​ Oct 2017
595 Franklin St, Hartford, CT
In addition to my qualifications above, I was a Federal Agent in the USAF for 20 years and as a civilian 1811 federal agent had traveled to many countries in the Middle East, and have previously interrogated Al Qaeda members. I am a U.S. State Department-trained Arabic linguist.
Dave Gaubatz USAF Retired U.S. Federal Agent (Retired) Author, Muslim Mafia27 Nov 2017ELECTRONICALLY SIGNEDPAUL D. GAUBATZ


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
This massively malignant force exercises more control over the public discourse in the United States today than any totalitarian government ever dreamed of having. It must be shut down, or the freedom of speech will quite soon be a dead letter.
“Facebook still auto-generating Islamic State, al-Qaida pages,” by Desmond Butler and Barbara Ortutay, Associated Press, September 18, 2019:
WASHINGTON (AP) — In the face of criticism that Facebook is not doing enough to combat extremist messaging, the company likes to say that its automated systems remove the vast majority of prohibited content glorifying the Islamic State group and al-Qaida before it’s reported.
But a whistleblower’s complaint shows that Facebook itself has inadvertently provided the two extremist groups with a networking and recruitment tool by producing dozens of pages in their names.
The social networking company appears to have made little progress on the issue in the four months since The Associated Press detailed how pages that Facebook auto-generates for businesses are aiding Middle East extremists and white supremacists in the United States.
On Wednesday, U.S. senators on the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation questioned representatives from social media companies, including Monika Bickert, who heads Facebook’s efforts to stem extremist messaging. Bickert did not address Facebook’s auto-generation during the hearing, but faced some skepticism that the company’s efforts were effectively countering extremists.
The new details come from an update of a complaint to the Securities and Exchange Commission that the National Whistleblower Center plans to file this week. The filing obtained by the AP identifies almost 200 auto-generated pages — some for businesses, others for schools or other categories — that directly reference the Islamic State group and dozens more representing al-Qaida and other known groups. One page listed as a “political ideology” is titled “I love Islamic state.” It features an IS logo inside the outlines of Facebook’s famous thumbs-up icon.
In response to a request for comment, a Facebook spokesperson told the AP: “Our priority is detecting and removing content posted by people that violates our policy against dangerous individuals and organizations to stay ahead of bad actors. Auto-generated pages are not like normal Facebook pages as people can’t comment or post on them and we remove any that violate our policies. While we cannot catch every one, we remain vigilant in this effort.”…


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Rep. Omar tweeted: “The President of the United States is continuing to spread lies that put my life at risk. What is Twitter doing to combat this misinformation?”
Meanwhile, Omar and Hamas-linked CAIR don’t think they put Trump’s life at risk when they constantly characterize him as “anti-Muslim,” “racist,” etc. What is Twitter doing to combat this misinformation?
Actually, Twitter should allow for the freedom of speech. If Omar and Hamas-linked CAIR believe that Trump is spreading “misinformation,” they should counter him with the facts rather than demand that he be shut down. But they cannot do that, so they call for censorship, in exactly the same way that they work to shut down foes of jihad terror and Sharia oppression of women and others. They cannot refute us, so they work to silence us. And totalitarian Leftists and cowed, clueless dhimmis fall into line.
“CAIR, CAIR-Minnesota Call on Twitter to Suspend Trump’s Account Over False ‘9/11’ Smear of Rep. Ilhan Omar,” Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) press release, September 18, 2019 (thanks to Henry):
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today strongly condemned President Trump for sharing a false, Islamophobic smear targeting Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) on Twitter and called on that social media company to suspend the president’s account for violating its terms of service. #SuspendTrump
SEE: Tell Twitter to Remove Trump’s anti-Muslim Tweet, Suspend Account https://www.votervoice.net/CAIR/campaigns/68496/respond
Today, Trump retweeted a video falsely indicating that Rep. Omar “partied on the anniversary of 9/11.” The President added his own comment to the post, stating “IIhan Omar, a member of AOC Plus 3, will win us the Great State of Minnesota. The new face of the Democrat Party!”
[NOTE: It appears that the original tweet has been taken down, while Trump’s retweet remains online.]
The video was in fact from a Congressional Black Caucus event held on September 13th to celebrate black women in Congress.
SEE: Trump Retweets Video Falsely Claiming Ilhan Omar Danced on 9/11
In her response, Rep. Omar tweeted: “The President of the United States is continuing to spread lies that put my life at risk. What is Twitter doing to combat this misinformation?”
SEE: Rep. Omar’s Response
“It is unconscionable that the president of the United States would so casually promote falsehoods that threaten the life a member of Congress elected by the people of Minnesota,” said CAIR-MN Executive Director Jaylani Hussein. “Action must be taken by Twitter against the president and the source of the false information.”
“President Trump once again displays an absolute disregard both for the truth and for the harm he causes by spreading false, anti-Muslim smears for his own political gain,” said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad. “Twitter must suspend the president’s account and stop his weaponization of social media to target Muslims, other minority communities and his perceived political enemies.”
Awad encouraged all Americans to report the President’s tweet and the account from which it originated….


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
To activate and view hyperlinked references, please click here once and then click any superscripted number below to access a hyperlinked reference, or scroll down to the bottom of the article to view all hyperlinked references.
Witnessing in their own words on the National Vaccine Information Center’s Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall at NVIC.org, the suffering of people being abused by medical doctors enforcing one-size-fits-all vaccine policies is being revealed. Americans from all walks of life are describing the trauma of being threatened, coerced and punished by doctors violating the informed consent ethic,1 , 23 who have abandoned the precautionary principle of “First, do no harm” 45 and are behaving more like prison guards than compassionate healers. When doctors and legislators are taught to consider individuals unable to get vaccinated without being harmed as expendable, and treat people defending informed consent rights like public enemy Number One, 6 the practice of medicine and public health lawmaking has lost its way and become a prescription for prejudice, discrimination and abuse.
Here is one mother’s experience:
parents research
“When my first child was born, we had him vaccinated on schedule. After a routine visit he had a reaction to one, which we believe was either DTaP or MMR. He screamed all night and it was not his typical fussy cry. He was different.
More than one doctor ignored our worry and never reported the incident. They expected us to continue vaccinating and we were told horror stories at each visit about kids who had died from being unvaccinated.
We stopped vaccinating him at 15 months when he was showing developmental delays. He had some autistic tendencies and a speech delay. He had to go to speech therapy for 5 years. Thankfully not diagnosed autistic. After we stopped vaccinating him the behaviors got less and less.
When my daughter was born we decided we weren’t vaccinating her based on my son’s reaction and doing research on vaccine ingredients. After she was born, we were harassed by the nurse because we wouldn’t give our minutes-old daughter the hepatitis B vaccine. She made a scene and my husband had to stand watch over our baby. We were told if we didn’t catch the kids up on their vaccines within the year at the pediatrician’s office we’d be dismissed from the practice.
After 10 years of being patients there, not only were we harassed and kicked out, there was no responsibility taken by the doctors for harming my son. To this day we have no pediatrician that will accept our unvaccinated yet healthy children.”  7

Doctors Are Abusing Their Power and Our Trust

Does the thought of going to the doctor or taking your child to a pediatrician fill you with anxiety or even fear because your doctor refuses to listen to you, makes you feel stupid and doesn’t seem to care about your child’s individual health needs? Are you concerned that your doctor will threaten or deny you or your child medical care if you decline even one of the dozens of doses of vaccines that government health officials tell your doctor to give to every patient?
worried parents
You are not alone. Trust is the key to a positive relationship with a doctor, especially if you are a parent doing everything you can to keep the child you love healthy. We are all taught to trust doctors with the wellbeing of our physical bodies and the bodies of our children. Doctors hold the most power in the doctor-patient relationship, but they should not be allowed to abuse that power. Finding an enlightened, compassionate doctor, who treats you with respect in a personalized patient-centered practice, is one of the most empowering and life-saving actions you can take. 89
In a study published by the National Institutes of Health in 2015, researchers found that one in three people in the U.S. avoid seeking medical care because they don’t like the way doctors made them feel and have low confidence in their doctors’ competence.10 , 11 Struggling with chronic health problems and dissatisfaction with medical advice for how to heal or stay well are main reasons for why between 25 and 40 percent of Americans and Europeans embrace holistic health alternatives like dietary supplements, meditation, yoga, spiritual healing, chiropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture and homeopathy to maintain health. 121314

Polls Reveal Public’s Doubts About Vaccines, Big Pharma, Government

Dislike of how doctors treat patients and concerns about the medical establishment’s cozy relationship with the pharmaceutical industry 1516171819 has definitely eroded the people’s trust in the effectiveness and safety of prescription drugs and vaccines.20 A 2019 Harris poll revealed that 45 percent of American adults doubt the safety of vaccines and 27 percent of those cited either knowledge of past secrets and wrongdoing by the pharmaceutical industry or by the government.  2122232425  The trust factor is further damaged when people find out that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) fast tracks vaccines to licensure 26272829 and public health officials are electronically monitoring every vaccine they do and do not take, 303132and doctors are being financially bribed or sanctioned by HMOs and government agencies 33 to make sure that every child gets every one of the 69 doses of 16 vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease control (CDC) right on schedule. 343536
But it is the authoritarian abuse of power held by doctors over patients and parents of minor children that does the most damage to trust. Here is one parent’s description of broken trust:
serious doctor
“My pediatrician, in New York, came highly recommended to me by a colleague. Initially he seemed like a knowledgeable and skilled physician. However, when my daughter approached the CDC recommended vaccine schedule dates and I began asking questions (God forbid!) about vaccine safety and efficacy, this doctor turned into a bully. He was insistent that the benefits of vaccines outweighed the risks and that my daughter was at risk of hospitalization or worse if I declined.
Whether I brought peer reviewed medical journal articles or other questions or information to his attention, the bottom line was I needed to vaccinate. At one encounter, he outright threatened to remove me from his practice if I didn’t comply with the CDC schedule. Apparently, the bonus he was to receive for ensuring that his patients all fully complied with the full vaccine schedule was more important than the relationship he had built with me and my child. It was more important to vaccinate than to have any kind of role whatsoever regarding my child’s wellbeing.
I left the practice after I was threatened.” 37

Pharma, Health Care Industry Biggest Political Lobby

The health care industry is the largest employer in the U.S. 38 and medical doctors are the highest paid profession. 3940 The pharmaceutical industry, which depends upon medical trade partners to prescribe drugs and vaccines, is the biggest lobby influencing law and policymaking by the federal government 41 and state legislatures. 42 , 43
In the past two decades, Big Pharma has spent more than $4 billion lobbying Capitol Hill and federal agencies for special treatment, nearly twice as much as any other industry. If lobbying by hospitals, nursing homes, health professionals, and HMOs are included, it comes to more than $8 billion that has been poured into politically influencing public health policy and regulations in this country. 44 Congress has made it easy for federal agencies to develop lucrative public-private business partnerships between the pharmaceutical industry and the federal government. 454647

Vaccines Profitable Because of Mandates, Liability Shield

Vaccines, especially vaccines mandated by governments, are among the most profitable pharmaceutical products being sold by multi-national corporations in a global $36 billion dollar vaccine market that some forecasters predict will nearly double in size by 2024. 484950 That market is particularly profitable in the U.S. because vaccines, which are licensed and recommended by the federal government, are the only commercial products that state governments legally require every parent to purchase and give to their children as a condition for attending school. 51
mother baby doctor
Plus vaccine manufacturers are the only corporations selling products in this country that cannot be sued, even when there is evidence the company could have made a product less likely to injure or kill people. 5253Doctors and medical workers who give children and pregnant women federally recommended vaccines can’t be sued either. 54
With no liability, at the very least doctors should feel a moral obligation and have the legal right to protect vulnerable people - especially infants and children – from suffering crippling and sometimes deadly vaccine reactions.  But sadly, state legislatures in California 55 and New York 56 have passed laws not only eliminating the legal right for parents to obtain personal belief vaccine exemptions for children to attend daycare and school, but they have cruelly taken away the legal right for private doctors to exercise professional judgment and conscience when granting children a medical exemption to vaccination. 575859 In 2019, Hawaii became another state prohibiting children from attending school with medical exemptions that do not strictly conform with narrow vaccine contraindications approved by the federal government. 6061

Doctors Becoming Agents of the State Enforcing Vaccine Policy

If the politically powerful Pharma-led forced vaccination lobby gets its way, all personal belief vaccine exemptions will be stripped from public health laws. Doctors employed by state health departments will be given the authority to deny vaccine vulnerable children a school education if a doctor in private practice has granted a medical exemption to vaccination for a reason that is not approved by the federal government.
The goal is to force all doctors to become agents of the state without the power to depart from government policy, even if implementing government policy will increase the risk of injury or death for an individual. It means that when you find an enlightened and compassionate doctor, in the future you may not be able to get a medical exemption to vaccination, even when you and your doctor agree there are genetic, biological and environmental risk factors that place you or your child at high risk for having a vaccine reaction. 62
The plan is to make the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices – also known as ACIP – a de facto vaccine law-making body in the U.S. for every state.
Who and what Is the ACIP?

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)

Established in 1964, the ACIP is a federal advisory committee of 15 doctors specializing in vaccinology, infectious diseases and related fields, who are appointed to a four-year term by the Secretary of Health to develop vaccine recommendations approved by the CDC for giving FDA licensed vaccines to children and adults. 63 In addition to 15 voting members, there are eight ex-officio members representing federal government agencies such as the National Institutes of Health, FDA, Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense, as well as 26 non-voting liaison representatives from the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and insurance industries, medical trade and public health associations, state health departments and academic doctors employed by major universities that often receive large sums of money from pharmaceutical companies and research grants from the Department of Health. 64
vaccine doses
Over the past 55 years, this federal advisory committee has been given more power by Congress and state legislatures to affect the lives of all Americans. The ACIP has voted to increase the number of federally recommended vaccines that doctors routinely give to infants and children from a few doses of six vaccines in 1964 to dozens of doses of 16 vaccines today. 65 When ACIP makes a recommendation with the approval of the CDC, medical trade associations like the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) 66 obediently follow suit and adopt those recommendations as “standard of care.” 67 When ACIP recommendations are endorsed by other influential vaccine promotion arms of government, like the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) 6869 and National Vaccine Program Office ((NVPO) and become “standard of care” for all doctor’s offices, pharmacies, hospitals, nursing homes and other medical facilities in the country, a very wide vaccination net has been cast for every child and adult in America. 7071

Pharma Taking ACIP Recommendations to the Bank

The cost to comply with ACIP recommendations and fully vaccinate a child has skyrocketed from about $30 in 1983 7273 to nearly $3,000 in 2019. 74
The pharmaceutical industry literally takes ACIP recommendations to the bank.
In 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act gave vaccine manufacturers partial liability protection for harm caused by vaccines that the ACIP recommends for children; 7576 in 1994 Congress established the Vaccines for Children Program that now, every year, uses $4 billion dollars in taxpayer money to purchase ACIP recommended vaccines from drug companies and provide them for free to uninsured and underinsured children; 77 and in 2010, Congress passed the Affordable Care Act that requires all health insurance companies to provide ACIP recommended vaccines for free to patients. 78
Clearly, every “universal use” vaccine recommendation that ACIP makes – such as giving all children an annual flu shot or multiple doses of expensive vaccines like for chickenpox, HPV, pneumococcal and meningococcal 79 - is worth billions of dollars to drug companies selling liability free vaccines in the U.S., especially when states automatically add ACIP recommended vaccines to daycare and school attendance mandates. And now that state legislatures are moving to eliminate personal belief vaccine exemptions and put doctors in handcuffs so they can’t give medical exemptions, there is no limit to profit making as scores of new vaccines are fast tracked by the FDA to licensure 80 that will be recommended by the ACIP for universal use, including genetically engineered vaccines for HIV, RSV, strep A and B, herpes simplex, e-coli, TB and many, many more. 8182
ACIP recommendations are a drug company stockholder’s dream and have become a parent’s worst nightmare.

Conflicts of Interest on Vaccine Advisory Committees

conflict of interest
An investigation by the U.S. House Government Reform Committee with a report published in 2000 found serious conflicts of interest between the pharmaceutical industry and voting members of the two most important federal vaccine advisory committees: the ACIP, which reviews and votes on the quality of scientific evidence used to make national vaccine policy, and the FDA Vaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, which reviews and votes on the quality of scientific evidence used to license new vaccines. 8384Those findings have been independently confirmed by journalists investigating conflicts of interest between the pharmaceutical industry and the federal government. 8586
Today, government-appointed members of both the ACIP and FDA vaccine advisory committees still can be given a conflict of interest waiver by the Department of Health so they can vote on the licensing of vaccines and make national vaccine policy that is turned into public health law. 87,888990
So, what is the quality of the scientific evidence that the CDC’s ACIP uses to make national vaccine policy promoted by the CDC, which gets turned into public health law in your state?

CDC’s ACIP Approved Vaccine Contraindications Almost Non-Existent

Let’s start with vaccine contraindications, which are health conditions the CDC’s ACIP tells doctors are the only reasons why you or your child absolutely should not get a vaccine.
Basically, under ACIP guidelines, the CDC considers almost no health condition or vaccine reaction history to be an absolute contraindication to vaccination, and that is what your doctor has been taught to believe as well. 91
The CDC’s ACIP tells doctors that only pregnancy or severe immunodeficiency is a contraindication to getting live virus vaccines like MMR and varicella zoster, but inactivated vaccines are not an absolute contraindication for pregnant women or people with severe immunodeficiency. 92 This is a very important fact because, often, the pharma-medical trade lobby tries to convince legislators that all ACIP recommended vaccines must be mandated for children to protect pregnant women and the severely immune compromised, 9394 who cannot get any vaccines at all, but clearly that is not true.
serious doctor
According to the CDC’s ACIP, there are only two types of vaccine reactions that are absolute contraindications to getting re-vaccinated: 95
Number One: A life threatening allergic anaphylactic reaction that occurs within minutes of vaccination.
Number Two: Development of encephalopathy, such as prolonged seizures, coma and other brain dysfunction, within seven days of receiving pertussis-containing vaccines – but only if the doctor believes the encephalopathy is “not attributable to another cause.”

CDC’s ACIP Vaccine Precautions: A Short List

The CDC publishes a very short list of health conditions that doctors are told are not absolute contraindications - only “precautions” - because they “might increase the risk of a serious adverse reaction, cause diagnostic confusion, or might compromise the ability of the vaccine to produce immunity.” 96
Only one CDC-approved universal precaution applies to all vaccines: if a person has a “moderate or severe acute illness with or without fever.”
But that is only a precaution, not a contraindication, and what constitutes a “moderate or severe acute illness” is left up to the discretion of the doctor. To make matters more confusing, the CDC recommends that hospitalized patients should be vaccinated if they are “not acutely moderately or severely ill.”
Maybe that is why, when I was hospitalized for emergency kidney stone surgery and under heavy sedation, I was grilled twice in the middle of the night by two different teams of doctors and nurses about exactly when I had gotten my last flu shot. And maybe that is why hepatitis B negative mothers in the last stages of labor are being badgered about giving their newborns a hepatitis B shot immediately after birth, 97 and why sick people in an emergency room are being harassed about catching up on every vaccine the ACIP recommends.
The message the CDC sends to doctors is that 99 percent of the U.S. population is a candidate for vaccination 100 percent of the time. To simplify, many doctors, pharmacists and other vaccine providers, who cannot be sued if a vaccine they gave a person injures or kills that person, just ignore precautions because the CDC downplays their significance by incoherently describing vaccine precautions like this:
“A person might experience a more severe reaction to the vaccine than would have otherwise been expected; however, the risk of this happening is less than the risk expected with a contraindication.” 98
Say what?
Has your once healthy child gotten sick and then slowly regressed into chronic poor health after previous vaccinations and you want to avoid giving more vaccines that could make your child’s health worse? Sorry, no medical vaccine exemption for your child.

CDC’s ACIP Makes It Easy for Doctors to Bully Mothers

The CDC’s short list of vaccine contraindications and precautions is one reason why doctors have been given a green light to emotionally batter mothers trying to protect their vaccine injured children from further harm like this mother, who described her traumatizing experience on NVIC’s Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall:
“Following my son's first birthday, November 16, 2017 we went to his 12 month check-up. Although we were not fully knowledgeable about the effects or damage caused by vaccines, we knew enough to know not to vaccinate all at once, or more than 3 shots at the time. Suffice to say, our son received three shots that day including the MMR and DtaP.
“Immediately thereafter, my son fell asleep after an hour of agonizing cries. That day was the last day my son babbled/talked (said mama, dada); held his bottle; reacted or responded to his name; ate (we would make his food at home from scratch which he loved, especially his veggies, and stopped attempting to crawl.
“My son had a fever of 104 for almost two weeks, a severe rash on his entire body, cradle cap and thereafter caught an ear infection. We contacted his pediatrician…during this sick visit I explained to our doctor that we believed our son had an adverse reaction to the vaccines and explained all the differences we noticed immediately following the shots.
“She quickly dismissed my concerns and responded with, “He’s a perfect little guy, he’ll be eating a burger in no time.” I replied, “Yes, my son is perfect but he is no longer the baby I gave birth to - something is not right here.” I was crying and awfully vulnerable; however, once again, it fell upon deaf ears.
“Her response was, “He’s up for a vaccine, are you going to vaccinate?” I looked up at her in disbelief and replied, “Over my dead body!” That was the last time my son visited this doctor, who also did not provide preventive care for my child and neglected to report or make a record of this adverse reaction (vaccine injury) to the vaccines received at her office.” 99
It gets worse.

CDC’s ACIP Directs Doctors to Ignore Illness, Signs of Vaccine Reactions

There is a separate, much longer list the CDC publishes entitled “conditions incorrectly perceived as contraindications or precautions to vaccination.” 100 This list directs doctors to ignore many signs and symptoms of serious vaccine reactions, current illnesses and brain and immune system disorders that, in the absence of methodologically sound scientific research, could very well increase risks of vaccine reactions for vulnerable individuals
If your doctor has become one of those vaccination hardliners wielding a syringe like a sword by ignoring vaccine precautions and strictly observing what the CDC describes as “incorrectly perceived contraindications,” then:
  • If you or your child are coming down with or recovering from a respiratory or gastrointestinal infection and have a fever or are taking antibiotics 101102103104 and want to delay getting vaccinated: No medical exemption for you.
  • If your baby was born prematurely, weighs only five pounds, and you want to delay vaccination until your baby is older and stronger: 105106107108 No medical exemption for your baby. 109
  • If you are a pregnant healthcare worker and don’t want to get a hepatitis B shot or flu shot because you have a personal and family history of autoimmunity: 110 No medical exemption for you. 111112113
  • If you or your child has suffered a fever over 105 degrees F, or a collapse or shock-like state, 114 or a seizure, 115116 or persistent inconsolable crying for more than 3 hours after receiving a pertussis containing vaccine: 117 No medical exemption for you.
  • If you or your child have a serious autoimmune disorder like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis: 118,119120121122 No medical exemption for you.
  • If you or your child have mild HIV infection: 123 No medical exemption for you.
  • If you or your child have a neurological disorder like cerebral palsy, developmental delays or medication-controlled seizures: 124125126127128129130131 No medical exemption for you.
With the CDC’s ACIP telling doctors it is safe to vaccinate 99 percent of people 100 percent of the time and that most bad health outcomes that occur after vaccination are “just a coincidence,” it is no wonder that less than one percent of bad health outcomes after vaccination are ever reported to the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). 132
doctor patient hands
In 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court majority declared that FDA licensed and CDC recommended vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe,” so vaccine manufacturers are immune from lawsuits even when there is evidence a manufacturer could have made a vaccine less likely to injure and kill people. 133 Under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, the government has paid more than $4 billion to children and adults who have been harmed by ACIP recommended and state mandated vaccines.134

Emerging Science Confirms We Are Not All the Same

Emerging science is revealing that what pharmaceutical companies, medical trade associations and government health officials have taught doctors, legislators and the public to believe is true about vaccine risks and failures 135 is not the whole truth.
We are not all the same and we do not all respond the same way to infectious diseases or vaccines.
Our responses to infectious diseases and the risk for complications can vary, depending upon our genes, environment, and age and health at the time of infection. 136137 That is why malnourished, vitamin deficient children living in impoverished environments, for example, are at higher risk for complications from measles and other infections. 138139140
Our risk of having a vaccine can range from zero to 100 percent. It depends upon the genes we were born with; our epigenetic history and microbiome DNA; the environments we live in; our age and health at the time of vaccination, and the type and how many vaccines we get. 141142,143144
Some of us get vaccinated and still get infected with and transmit infections like measles, pertussis and influenza to other people, sometimes without showing any symptoms at all. So much for vaccine acquired herd immunity. 145146147

Where Is the Good Science?

Where IS the good science to back up the scientific validity that the extremely short list of ACIP-approved contraindications to vaccination should be codified into law by state legislatures and used to take away the legal right for conscientious doctors to grant school children medical vaccine exemptions?
When your doctor orders you or your child to get vaccinated or be kicked out on the street without medical care, that doctor does not know if the odds will be in your favor or if you will become a vaccine reaction statistic – and neither does the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP).
Your doctor also does not know whether the vaccinations given will actually work, or you will be become a silent carrier of disease that you can transmit to other people without knowing it. 148,149
The disappearing medical exemption to vaccination is a symptom of a much larger problem. A recent Gallup poll confirmed that the pharmaceutical industry is not the most poorly regarded industry in America and the government and health care industry are a close second and third. 150 The people are getting fed up with being lied to and exploited by institutions they have been taught to trust.
It is time for enlightened, compassionate doctors with a conscience to join hands with the people 151152 and push back against one-size-fits-all vaccine policies created by government health officials that are not anchored with good science and are being turned into state law.
We, the people, have the human right and must have the legal right to exercise voluntary informed consent to medical risk taking, no matter what a doctor orders us to do to our bodies or the bodies of our children.
NVIC stands with the tens of thousands of Americans, who are defending vaccine informed consent rights in every state in this country. We are committed to protecting freedom of thought, speech, religious belief and conscience because those are civil liberties that define who we are as a nation.
It’s your health, your family, your choice.
And our mission continues: No forced vaccination. Not in America. 
Note: This commentary provides referenced information and perspective on a topic related to vaccine science, policy, law or ethics being discussed in public forums and by U.S. lawmakers.  The websites of the  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) provide information and perspective of federal agencies responsible for vaccine research, development, regulation and policymaking.