Thursday, August 8, 2019


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
This is the work of Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, which in itself makes it suspect. Tahir ul-Qadri is widely hailed as a “moderate” because of his massive Fatwa on Terrorism and Suicide Bombings, but that jaw-droppingly windy document is just another exercise in deception
In fact, Tahir ul-Qadri is the framer of Pakistan’s inhuman blasphemy laws. And here he purports to show how the Qur’an, properly understood, promotes peace. This only leads to the inevitable question: if this is so, why do so many Muslims worldwide misunderstand the Qur’an’s peaceful message, and why do they all misunderstand it in the same way? 
In reality, as I show in my “Blogging the Qur’an” series and in The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran (which you can order here), mainstream and authoritative Islamic commentators understand the Qur’an to be teaching that is the Muslims’ responsibility to pursue warfare against and the subjugation of unbelievers. Here again, how is it that these men, who dedicated their lives to understanding the Qur’an properly, instead misunderstand it so drastically? I’m sure Tahir-ul-Qadri will have no answer to that.
“Koran encyclopaedia hopes to promote peace,” by Kaya Burgess, The Times, August 6, 2019 (thanks to Mark):
Extremists who take passages from the Koran out of context to justify violence will be challenged by an encyclopaedia published in the UK at the weekend — the first to re-order Koranic verses into themed chapters focusing on peace and women’s rights.
The work is written in English and has been described as a remarkable achievement, designed to show why Islam is described as a peaceful religion.
The Koran is written as it was “revealed” to the Prophet Muhammad in the early 7th century. Its 114 chapters and more than 6,000 verses are not in thematic order. Readers wishing to understand Islam’s teaching on a topic may have to find references scattered throughout the Koran….


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
From the print edition of The New American:
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) has mounted a massive disinformation campaign to fool the American voting public. Thousands of members are flocking to the rapidly growing organization. Many DSA members have also joined the Democratic Party, holding key positions in almost every state. Millions of voters have supported DSA candidates running as Democrats. Hundreds of DSA-supported candidates have been elected to county commissions, city councils, education boards, and state legislatures across the country. Two members, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) and Rashida Tlaib (Mich.), have penetrated Congress. DSA-driven policies — Medicare for All (socialized healthcare), the Green New Deal, National Popular Vote, $15 minimum wage, illegal alien amnesty — are rapidly becoming Democratic Party policy. All this is possible because DSA has managed to convince the U.S. mainstream media and most of the public that they are harmless European socialists who don’t want communism. They want America to be more like Sweden or Norway, not like the Soviet Union, China, or Cuba.
According to the DSA website:
Socialists have been among the harshest critics of authoritarian Communist states. Just because their bureaucratic elites called them “socialist” did not make it so; they also called their regimes “democratic.” Democratic socialists always opposed the ruling party-states of those societies, just as we oppose the ruling classes of capitalist societies. We applaud the democratic revolutions that have transformed the former Communist bloc.
So why does DSA openly support the communist Maduro regime in Venezuela? Why does DSA also work closely with several European Communist Parties, including those of France, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, and Germany?
Why did DSA National Political Committee member David Green write in 2007:
What distinguishes socialists from other progressives is the theory of surplus value. According to Marx, the secret of surplus value is that workers are a source of more value than they receive in wages…. Surplus value is the measure of capital’s exploitation of labor.… Our goal as socialists is to abolish private ownership of the means of production.
The answer is simple. DSA might talk a good game about being democratic and giving the people a voice, but it is essentially a communist organization, one that is fully committed to socialist revolution, including undoing the Constitution and the rights it protects and doing away with the free-enterprise system. It is also a willing component of the world revolutionary movement.
Rejuvenating Socialism
Three years ago, DSA was an obscure, graying Marxist sect of about 6,000 members — only about 20 percent of whom were consistently active. DSA had some strength in academia, organized labor, churches, and locally in the Democratic Party, but its influence was way down from its 1980s heyday.
Today, off the back of the 2016 Bernie Sanders presidential campaign and the subsequent anti-Trump protest movement, DSA boasts nearly 60,000 mainly young activists, a string of election victories, a massive social-media presence, and more than 200 locals in all 50 states.
While DSA is effectively an umbrella group for nearly every variant of Marxist and anarchist tendency in America, the influence of Italian Communist Party theoretician Antonio Gramsci is most prominent.
Gramsci believed that Marx and Lenin got it wrong. Revolution would not come from an uprising by oppressed workers. Instead Gramsci believed that the workers had been brainwashed by “capitalism” and the church to accept the status quo. Therefore society had to be reconditioned into a socialist consciousness. The churches, media, government, education, art, culture, unions, and political parties would all have to be captured by communists in order to shape the consciousness of the people in a socialist direction. And that’s what DSA has tried to accomplish.
DSA national director Maria Svart confirmed the organization’s ongoing commitment to Gramscian philosophy when she told a gathering of European communist and socialists parties in Brussels, Belgium, in April 2019: “We have a very ‘Gramscian strategy’ of … bringing an ideological challenge to this whole system.” 
DSA and Religion
As the late conservative journalist Andrew Breitbart liked to say, “Politics is downstream from culture.” Good Gramscians such as DSA understand that culture is downstream from religion. 
So right from the start, Harrington’s Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC) and then DSA maintained a religious and socialism commission dedicated to spreading socialist doctrines through Christianity, Judaism, and, more recently, America’s Islamic communities. 
Many DSA comrades held senior positions in mainstream Protestant churches and, to a lesser degree, the Catholic Church. 
Among the more prominent Protestant DSA comrades were Stephen Charleston, assistant bishop of Connecticut and president and dean of the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts; Harvey Cox, Hollis professor of divinity at Harvard; Gary Dorrien, Reinhold Niebuhr professor of social ethics at Union Theological Seminary; Norm Faramelli, lecturer in philosophy, theology, and ethics at the Boston University School of Theology; and more. 
James Cone, the father of Black Liberation Theology and colleague of Obama’s Reverend Jeremiah Wright, was very close to DSA, as was Jim Wallis, of Sojourners and formerly President Obama’s faith advisor. Wallis has played a major role in moving American Evangelical Christianity to the left in recent years. 
Prominent Catholic DSA comrades included John Cort, Catholic Worker and  Archdiocesan Labor Guild; Monsignor George Higgins, interfaith justice; and Sister Mary Emil Penet, founder of the Sister Formation Conference.
DSA comrades also include Unitarians, Muslims, and Jews.
DSA and the Unions
After many communists were expelled from the AFL-CIO in the 1940s and ’50s, most of American organized labor came under moderate — or sometimes criminal — control and stayed that way up until the early 1990s. During this time unions would often endorse Republicans and refused to tie themselves exclusively to the Democratic Party.
Circa 1994, AFSCME president Gerald McEntee approached the AFL-CIO with his idea for Project ’95, a coalition effort aimed at retaking the House for the Democratic Party. However, moderate AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland refused to cooperate. In response, McEntee and SEIU leader John Sweeney began plotting Kirkland’s removal. They soon built a coalition that included not just the core of the old communist-led CIO (the Auto Workers, Steelworkers, Mine Workers), but the Machinists, leftist Ron Carey’s Teamsters, the Carpenters, and the Laborers.
When the dust had settled, John Sweeney, who formally joined DSA just before the election, emerged as America’s top labor leader. 
The new leadership quickly removed the AFL-CIO’s constitutional clause banning communists from holding office in AFL-CIO unions — with predictable results. 
According to DSA’s Democratic Left Spring/Summer 2000 edition,
And there’s good news: More DSA members and alumni of DSA’s Youth Section are moving up through the administrative and organizing reaches of AFL-CIO international unions, and global labor solidarity groups, than ever in recent memory.
Today DSA has huge influence in the 1.8-million strong SEIU, the government workers union AFSCME, various education unions, and in the AFL-CIO itself. National Nurses United, one of the main players in the push for socialized healthcare, is a wholly owned DSA subsidiary. 
And in today’s America, the unions and the Democrats are locked at the hip.
In an essay in Democratic Left Spring/Summer 2000, then DSA vice-chair Harold Meyerson wrote:
The strategic importance of unions in American politics has increased almost exponentially since John Sweeney took the helm at the AFL-CIO in 1995. It’s the unions that have brought the Democrats back to the brink of retaking Congressional power.
DSA controls America’s unions, and the unions largely control the Democratic Party.
DSA and the Democratic Party
Under DSA founder Michael Harrington’s able leadership, DSA began a concerted campaign to move the Democratic Party to the left. Hundreds of DSA comrades joined the Democratic Party and held regular meetings at Democratic conferences through DSA fronts such as the “New Directions Movement” and “Democratic Agenda.”
In the early days, DSA had dozens of prominent Democrats on its membership roster, including New York City mayor David Dinkins; St. Paul, Minnesota, mayor Jim Scheibel; Ithaca, New York, mayor Ben Nichols; Irvine, California, mayor Larry Agran (who briefly ran for president); and several state representatives, including Michael Paymar (Minnesota), Babette Josephs (Pennsylvania), and Harlan Baker (Maine).
Congressional DSA comrades have included Neil Abercrombie (later governor of Hawaii), Major Owens (New York), one-time second-ranking Congressional Democrat David Bonior (Michigan), Mary Jo Kilroy (Ohio), and senior member of the Armed Services Committee Ron Dellums (California). Current Congressmen who have been in DSA include Jan Schakowsky and Danny Davis (Illinois), and Jerry Nadler (New York), who as chairman of the Judiciary Committee oversees the Justice Department and the FBI — and may lead the impeachment of President Trump. The goal now is to build DSA-controlled groups working semi-autonomously under the Democratic Party banner.
Key elements of this takeover are the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which was founded by Bernie Sanders with DSA help in 1991; Progressive Democrats of America (founded by DSA member Tim Carpenter in 2004); the DSA-infiltrated Working Families Party; and the mass organizations Our Revolution and Indivisible. Our Revolution, which boasts 300,000 members, is completely controlled by DSA. Many chapters in fact double as DSA branches.
According to senior DSA members Carl Davidson and Bill Fletcher, Jr., writing in Organizing Upgrade:
At the moment, there are two major caucuses: the social democratic Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) and the neo-Keynesian New Democrat Coalition (NDC)/Third Way Caucus.… DSA, Working Families Party (WFP) and Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) make up the left wing of the CPC.…
The Congressional Progressive Caucus gets even greater reach at the grassroots through Our Revolution and Indivisible. Our Revolution grew out of the 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign and has hundreds of local chapters. Indivisible was formed in the protests around Trump’s inauguration, first around a manual on how to organize. It now boasts a reported 3,800 local groups.
The implications? Socialists shouldn’t work ‘within the Democratic party,’ but with one of its clusters, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, especially its DSA/WFP/PDA left wing and its mass allies. The Progressive Caucus is by far the largest of the Democratic Caucuses, with numbers above 100 members.… The goal would be to develop and expand the CPC, win over as many of the New Democrats as possible.
DSA and Presidential Politics
DSA is about power, so it always sought to influence those fellow leftists who one day may be serving in the White House.
In 1962, two decades before he founded DSA, Michael Harrington published his opus on American poverty, The Other America. Harrington’s book argued that upwards of 50 million Americans lived in a “system designed to be impervious to hope.” Harrington’s book is widely credited with inspiring President Johnson’s “Great Society,” the massive and disastrous expansion of the federal welfare system that is still blighting the nation today with its intergenerational welfare and related endemic crime.
DSOC/DSA leader Michael Harrington also enjoyed a close personal relationship with Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy, and endorsed his 1980 presidential campaign.
In 1979, Harrington invited Kennedy to address one of DSOC’s Democratic Agenda conferences.
Although Senator Kennedy declined to appear, he did send a message of support to the DSA stating, “I share your conviction that progressive economic and social programs must gain a high priority in the direction of our party and our nation.... I welcome the opportunity to work with you.”
President Clinton’s speechwriter David Kusnet was a DSA comrade. The Clintons were also very close to influential Los Angeles philanthropist Stanley Sheinbaum, a well-known DSA donor and member. DSA also claims that several of its members served on Hillary Clinton’s Health Care Task Force — her failed attempt to socialize American healthcare. Notorious DSA comrades Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven were standing directly behind President Clinton in the oval office when he signed the 1993 Voter Registration Act. This legislation, promoted by Cloward and Piven, was designed to encourage higher turnout among low-income Democratic-leaning voters — a strategy still being followed today.
Barack Obama could hardly turn around without tripping over a DSA comrade. Writing in the Chicago magazine In These Times, in March 2008, editor and DSAer Joel Bleifuss asserted:
In particular, Obama can be linked to the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the Democratic Party-oriented organization that is a member of the Socialist International.
A former communist turned DSA activist, physician Quentin Young was the father of the American “single payer” or socialized healthcare movement. 
 As Young told Amy Goodman:
Barack Obama, in those early days — influenced, I hope, by me and others — categorically said single payer was the best way, and he would inaugurate it if he could get the support.
During Obama’s first presidential campaign, several DSA comrades climbed on board, including Harry Boyte, co-chair of the campaign’s Civic Engagement Group; Eliseo Medina, Latino Advisory Council; Cornel West, National Black Advisory Council; and Jose LaLuz, who served as president of Latinos for Obama.
Once Obama was elected, Eliseo Medina, a leader of the illegal-alien-amnesty movement, served as an immigration advisor to the president. Obama appointed one-time DSA comrade Ron Bloom as his “Car Czar,” and Rosa Brooks, the daughter of prominent DSA leader Barbara Ehrenreich, was appointed senior advisor to the under secretary of defense for policy, Michele Flournoy.
Several of the current crop of 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls have DSA connections.
Bernie Sanders owes his career to DSA. Sanders addressed his first DSA group in Los Angeles in 1986, and has addressed multiple socialist affairs since. 
From the Spring 2000 edition of DSA’s Democratic Left editorial:
DSA honored independent socialist Congressperson Bernie Sanders of Vermont at our last convention banquet, and we have always raised significant funds nationally for his electoral campaigns.
DSA boasts that its efforts put Sanders into the U.S. Senate in 2006, and there is no doubt it formed the backbone of his presidential campaign in 2016, as it will again in 2020. Even Sanders’ biographer Stephen Soifer was a DSA comrade.
Senator Elizabeth Warren worked closely with DSA supporter Heather Booth to create her signature Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. In 2013, Warren was given an award by the DSA-controlled Midwest Academy, a Chicago-based Alinsky-style training school for communist agitators. I mean “community organizers.”
Senator Amy Klobuchar comes out of Minnesota’s Wellstone movement. Klobuchar’s mentor Senator Paul Wellstone was actively involved with DSA for at least 15 years. He was reportedly about to announce a presidential run when he died in a plane crash in 2002.
Representative Tulsi Gabbard’s first congressional race was launched by one-time DSA member and Hawaii’s first lady Nancie Caraway. She has worked extensively with DSA comrades over the last few years.
Former Representative Beto O’Rourke employed many DSA comrades in his unsuccessful 2018 race for U.S. senator from Texas.
South Bend, Indiana, mayor Pete Buttigieg’s father, Joseph Buttigieg, was a DSA affiliate and leading Gramsci scholar. As a teenager, young Pete was on the DSA mailing list and won a prestigious national essay competition on the topic of his socialist hero Bernie Sanders. Mayor Pete worked closely with some DSA members in South Bend.
DSA always tries to cover its bases.
Public (Grassroots) Enemy No. 1
DSA is usually portrayed in the media as a dynamic bunch of idealistic young socialists, fully committed to justice, fairness, and democracy. In reality, DSA is a Marxist revolutionary organization fully committed to destroying America’s constitutional freedoms and free-enterprise system.
The communistic DSA has influence at every level of the Democratic Party (federal and local), organized labor, academia, and religion.
DSA is a “clear and present danger” to the national security of this nation. Unless this organization is thoroughly investigated, exposed, and countered, expect it to continue to wreak havoc on the Constitution for some years to come. DSA aims to finish what the Communist Party started. We cannot allow that to happen.


Sick Film Shows Liberal Elites Hunting Down, Murdering Trump Supporters

Hollywood fantasizes about killing conservatives so much they made a movie about it

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Hollywood produced an upcoming film about liberal elites systematically hunting down and killing Trump supporters in a mass civil war purge.
The Hunt, set for release on September 27, depicts a group of left-wing elites stalking a dozen “Deplorables” for sport.
“Did anyone see what our ratfucker-in-chief just did?” one liberal character asks in the trailer.
Another left-winger responds: “At least The Hunt’s coming up. Nothing better than going out to the Manor and slaughtering a dozen Deplorables.”
The film also depicts Trump supporters as uneducated, racist hillbillies.
“The script for The Hunt features the red-state characters wearing trucker hats and cowboy shirts, with one bragging about owning seven guns because it’s his constitutional right,” wroteThe Hollywood Reporter Tuesday.
“The blue-state characters — some equally adept with firearms — explain that they picked their targets because they expressed anti-choice positions or used the N-word on Twitter. ‘War is war,’ says one character after shoving a stiletto heel through the eye of a denim-clad hillbilly.”
The poor timing of the trailer’s release prompted several outlets to pull ads for the film in the wake of two recent shootings by right-wing and left-wing gunmen in El Paso and Dayton.
Breitbart Editor-at-Large John Nolte said the film may appear to be hardcore leftist fantasy, but the Trump supporters may actually be the protagonists.
“At first glance, the movie looks like murder-porn for leftists — wish fulfillment when it comes to killing we deplorables,” Nolte wrote Wednesday.
“The trailer, though, actually makes it look as though the deplorables are the heroes-victims, though I’m sure it will be a bit more complicated than that.”
Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), who was nearly killed by a pro-Bernie Sanders gunman in 2017, took to social media Tuesday to remind Americans that people shouldn’t be “targeted for their political views,” after Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) doxxed over a dozen Trump-supporting businesses on Twitter.
“People should not be personally targeted for their political views. Period,” Scalise tweeted.
“This isn’t a game. It’s dangerous, and lives are at stake. I know this firsthand.”

‘The Hunt’ Epitomizes Homicidal Hollywood Hypocrisy on Guns


New film stirs fears of political violence

Murder, It’s a Democrat Thing

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
With leftists seeking to blame the El Paso shooting on President Trump, guns, white people and whatever other boogieman will help score political points, a simple fact should be understood:
Murder is a Democrat thing.
We can start with the striking statistic that 68 percent of all homicides occur in just certain parts of 5 percent of America’s counties — and all, or virtually all, of these are Democrat areas.
Also striking is Democrats’ devolution on prenatal infanticide. The line always was, though the savvy never believed it, “We want abortion to be safe, legal and rare.” Leftists also insisted that “we don’t really know when life begins” or when “an unviable tissue mass becomes a baby.” To echo Barack Obama’s debate disclaimer from some years ago, that’s above their “pay grade.”
But all that has been aborted. Now leftists support prenatal infanticide up until birth, and sometimes beyond, though this is subject to change without notice. (Coming, perhaps, is the day leftists will absolutely know when an “unviable tissue mass” becomes human: when it can vote Democrat.)
In other words, yes, he’s a baby; yes, he’s human.
And, yes, you can murder him because you feel like it. How sociopathic can you get?
This devolution is no surprise. Leftists are, almost one and all, de facto atheists; as such, they essentially believe man is just a material being, a chemicals-and-water organic robot. To quotebarrel-of-laughs botanist Lawrence Trevanion, people are “objects that perceive.”
Obviously, viewing people as objects leads to objectification; you use objects and, when the spirit moves you, maybe even abuse objects. This is why leftists such as sanctimonious Pete Buttigieg and Irish Bob (O’Rourke) will politicize tragedies such as the El Paso and Dayton shootings before the blood is even dry. To them, the victims are objects that serve a purpose, a means to an end.
So they can be human props, just like the Illegal-alien Children in Cages™, or kids paraded in front of press conferences or on stage at Democratic National Conventions. “Do it for the children?” It’s really, “Do it with the children” or “Do it to the children” — whatever yields the power you crave.
Of course, projecting, leftists are also full of the hate they ascribe to others. (After all, they’re incapable of hating what they see as the sin without hating who they see as the sinner, so they assume others operate likewise.) This is why former CNN host Reza Aslan, an Iranian immigrant who once ate human flesh on television, recently sent a tweet in which he appeared to say that all Trump supporters should be eradicated.
If that was his meaning, he’d just be carrying on a long tradition. The “Left” has been bloody ever since it was born during the French Revolution, where Maximilien Robespierre’s crew killed thousands in the Reign of Terror. Since then, the USSR’s Stalin, China’s Mao, Cambodia’s Pol Pot and others have added approximately 100 million corpses to the total. The formula is simple, too: Leftists+Sufficient Power=Dropped Mask and Mass murder.
Power really is the only limiting factor because godlessness, that leftist norm, correlates with moral nihilism, and thus are leftists bereft of true moral constraints. Fyodor Dostoevsky explained this state of being in The Brothers Karamazov, writing, “Without God, all things are permitted.” Leftists don’t have principles, but preferences — which is why they’re notorious for the political-winds-enabled goalpost shift.
Worse still is how leftists (and the conservatives who defend yesterday’s liberals’ mistakes) destroy children, on the inside, with corruptive miseducation, entertainment and sexual-devolutionary messages and temptations. From bodies to hearts to minds to souls to statues and traditions and beyond, threatening all that’s great and good, destruction is leftists’ stock in trade.
Leftists were once part of the counter-culture, but the only culture that’s truly theirs is the Culture of Death, that dark phenomenon Pope John Paul II so lamented. [Editor’s Note: Ironically, Pope John Paul II himself is a part of the death cult with his religion of perverts and the “mass.”) So you can point fingers, modern Democrats, but in your hearts some of you, I suspect, know exactly what too many of you are: stone-cold killers.
 Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Gab (preferably) or Twitter or log on to


Mom Shuts Down ‘Drag 101’ Event Targeting Children



Venue cancels event after Mom takes action

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
An activist mom is encouraging parents to speak up after she was successfully able to cancel a Drag Queen event targeting children.
Elizabeth Johnston, known as the “Activist Mommy,” shared how she was able to get an Ohio venue to drop a Drag 101 event which aimed to teach children “the basics of drag makeup.”
Johnston took action after discovering one of the drag queens to be featured at the event was 9-year-old “Miss Mae Hem,” who earlier this year prompted an Ohio state legislator to propose an amendment to child endangerment laws after the boy performed outside an Ohio bar last December.
After learning the child would be featured at the event, Johnston called the venue and threatened them with a national campaign of negative publicity.
“I called management this morning and warned them that we would start a national campaign giving them bad press if they did not cancel the event,” Johnston said.
“Within a few hours, they called her back, and told her the event had been canceled!” reports
Johnston says she wants her story to serve as an example to other parents who want to push back against the liberal drag/trans agenda targeting children worldwide.
From her website:
We share all this with you for two crucial reasons: to protect children and to empower parents to do so.
[…] The longer we stand idly by while it becomes normalized for men dressed like women to read stories to little children the more our children will be exploited.
[…] For far too long, parents and Christians have lacked the backbone to stand up to the progressive left’s gender insanity and fascistic political correctness. But no more!