Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
If you were shocked by the images of the Mexican flag flying over an Aurora, Colorado, immigration detention center this weekend, you'll be appalled at an even more disgusting spectacle:
One of the top promoters of the so-called Lights for Liberty nationwide protests by Trump-hating, ICE-bashing radicals was a nonprofit religious organization known as the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. As a designated "host," LIRS played a key role in publicizing, organizing and participating in demonstrations against President Donald Trump's deportation enforcement actions targeting some 2,000 illegal immigrants and their families who have ignored removal orders or skipped out on court hearings.
Brazen hatred of cops, Border Patrol and ICE agents were on full display at the open borders protests fronted by LIRS and other left-wing groups, including Code Pink, CASA and CAIR. Marchers echoed the "Close the Concentration Camps" rhetoric of Congressional Brat Pack Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.). They carried signs declaring "ICE=Gestapo" and "Free the People, Burn the Camps." It's not just idle rhetoric. Antifa thug Willem Van Spronsen, armed with a rifle and incendiary devices, attempted to set a Tacoma ICE facility on fire on Saturday before being shot dead. He has been hailed as a "hero" and a "martyr" by fellow "progressive" travelers, while sympathetic mainstream reporters and activists look the other way.
The president and CEO of LIRS, Krishanti Vignarajah, is a Sri Lankan refugee and former Michelle Obama policy director who led the Lights for Liberty event in Washington, D.C. She argues that Americans are obligated to open the floodgates at the southern border (since she turned out so great) and vehemently opposes what she calls "militant border enforcement." To these border-sabotaging radicals, of course, any border enforcement is "militant."
LIRS sounds like just the kind of extremist group you'd expect to be kept afloat by billionaire George Soros' big bucks. But hold on to your wallets and your American flags, folks: In 2016, LIRS relied on $64.7 million in government subsidies from taxpayers — that's you and me — to fund a whopping 96.2% of its budget.
LIRS is one of nine agencies that receives tens of millions of dollars to resettle refugees from around the world. The organization brags that it is "a vital arm of the United States refugee admissions program" that has worked with the State Department to import "over 500,000 refugees" to our country. One of LIRS' most famous clients? Somalian-born Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar, whose immigration, marriage and tax fraud problems I reported on in my column last month.
If only a fraction of LIRS clients share Omar's contempt for our security and self-governance, you can see the trouble we're in. And that's just the caseload of one of the nine resettlement giants that together rake in an estimated $1 billion a year.
In addition, the Lutheran nonprofit is one of two specially designated groups (the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is the other) that is contracted by the government to provide social services and benefits (including "psycho-educational support" and "low-cost or pro bono immigration legal assistance") to sponsor families hosting illegal immigrant children.
Disguised as compassion and Christian morality, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service's activism is a profit-seeking machine — even as the agency has been plagued by allegations of mismanagement that prompted an external probe two years ago. Last week, the group unveiled yet another initiative: "United Sanctuaries of America." You should know, especially if you are a citizen of faith who believes in the sovereignty of our country, that the following organizations are partnering with LIRS, possibly to erase our borders:
—New Sanctuary Coalition
—Hispanic Heritage Foundation
—League of United Latin American Citizens
—Washington Office on Latin America
—Mary's Center and Hispanic Federation
—Gethsemane Lutheran Church
—Good Shepherd Lutheran
—Church of the Reformation
—Christ Lutheran
—Christ the Servant Lutheran
—Our Savior Lutheran
Bottom line: Open borders equals cash flow: more aliens, more grants, bigger paychecks.
Exit question: Will a single American elected official please stand up and challenge the continued public funding of this subversive religious racket bent on hoisting foreign flags and alien interests above our own?



This is not a joke

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
In this new video, Paul Watson explains what happened after Facebook designated him a “dangerous” person. He reveals that Facebook shockingly painted a target on his back by informing its 2 billion users that it’s okay to post “calls for high severity violence” against him. Don’t miss it.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

Former Texas Representative Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, a Democratic candidate for president, told ABC News Monday that President Donald Trump’s political rally in North Carolina last week was comparable to a Nazi Party rally held in Germany during the time of Adolf Hitler. O’Rourke, who lost to Republican Ted Cruz in last year’s U.S. Senate race in the Lone Star State, and is now polling very poorly in his presidential bid, said, “Yes, President Trump is a racist. What we saw in North Carolina last week was almost an impromptu Nuremberg rally.”

It was during the rally in North Carolina that the crowd chanted, “Send her back,” after Trump referred to Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.). Trump had previously tweeted that “Progressive” Democratic Congresswomen, “who originally came from countries in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly … and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”
Most liberal media, who clearly see themselves as part of that same “progressive” movement, have almost uniformly left off the rest of Trump’s tweet after he said, “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” which leaves, no doubt intentionally, a different impression than how Trump intended it. After telling them to “go back,” he added, “Then come back and show us how … it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!”
Anyone who is not blinded by irrational hatred of Trump can see that his remarks were tongue-in-cheek, telling them to “come back and show us how it is done,” then adding, “These places need your help badly.” Obviously, Trump does not believe that “these places” need their help, because they are either openly socialist, or are very sympathetic to socialism. And in his State of the Union message earlier this year, Trump specifically rejected socialism, pledging that America would never become a socialist country.
O’Rourke, however, like most on the Left, is essentially humorless, and he responded by calling Trump a “racist,” asserting that Trump was “inciting hatred” against Omar and stoking “violence against people based on the color of their skin, based on their religion, based on their differences from the majority of Americans.”
Actually, if anyone is inciting violence, it is O’Rourke, who compared the Trump rally to a rally of Hitler’s National Socialist Party. Considering that Hitler was directly responsible for attempted genocide — the extermination of the Jews of Europe — comparing Trump to Hitler and his followers to Nazis who supported such evil, is more likely to incite violence against Trump and his followers.
In fact, that has already happened. The liberal media made little of it, but it was a supporter of socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders who attempted to murder a Republican member of Congress, Steve Scalise. Another Sanders supporter physically assaulted Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), while Paul was mowing his lawn. One can only imagine the reaction if a supporter of Trump, or Ted Cruz, or any other prominent Republican assaulted a Democrat politician, especially Omar, or one of the other four members of the so-called Squad of socialist members of Congress.
All across the country, backers of President Trump — everyday Americans just minding their own business — have been likewise assaulted just for wearing a Make America Great Again cap.
Besides Omar, the other three members of the so-called Squad include Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. Although Trump made no mention of the ethnicity of any of the four women, Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media have generally agreed with O’Rourke’s intemperate remarks that Trump went after them “based on the color of their skin, based on their religion.”
While the media nit-pick and micro-analyze every word Trump utters or tweets, desperately looking for something to criticize, one of these four women, Rashida Tlaib, celebrated her swearing-in as a new member of Congress in January by telling an audience, “We’re going to impeach the mother f*****,” in a obscene reference to Trump. Again, one can only imagine the reaction of the Democrats and their media allies were Trump to refer to any opponent with such vile language.
On one of the programs of the popular TV series Twilight Zone, a man was thrown back in time to 1889 Austria. When he happened to come upon an Austrian family, with a newborn boy — Adolf Hitler — he immediately began plotting to kill the child. After all, he reasoned, this would prevent the deaths of millions of people a half-century later.
If O’Rourke and others are going to compare Trump to Hitler and Trump supporters to National Socialist Party followers, would it be too much of a leap to fear that such over-the-top rhetoric could inspire another deranged socialist to attempt to murder the president of the United States and his followers? They could reason like the man in the Twilight Zone episode that they are saving America from another Adolf Hitler, and saving the lives of millions.
Unfortunately, such demagogic and dangerous language by O’Rourke and far too many others in supposedly responsible positions of government and media is not being condemned widely enough.



After years of coddling under Obama, 

the U.S. finally gets tough with Erdogan

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
In a move sure to test the boundaries of Turkey’s partnership with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and its alliance with the United States, the Turkish military this week began to take delivery of components of Russia’s S-400 anti-aircraft missile system. That move prompted the U.S. to oust Turkey from the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program. Turkish pilots and technicians training in the U.S. will be sent back to Turkey by the end of the month.
Turkey was scheduled to take delivery of about 100 F-35s at a cost of some $1.4 billion. In addition, Turkey’s involvement in the F-35 program involved more than just the purchase of aircraft. Ankara was slated to provide some 900 components for the F-35, giving its defense industry and economy a significant boost. That will no longer occur and Lockheed-Martin has already formulated contingency plans so that production will not be impeded by Turkey’s removal.
Turkey’s ouster from the F-35 program was prompted by two overriding considerations. The first is grounded practicability. Standardization and compatibility are integral to NATO’s defense strategy. For logistical purposes, standardization of military equipment is favored when practicable. In addition, sophisticated weapon platforms need to be able to communicate with each other and uniformity facilitates this goal. The Russian S-400 throws an unfamiliar wrench into the wheels of a well-oiled machine.
More importantly, Turkey’s acquisition of the S-400 jeopardizes the F-35 and its fifth generation stealth technology. This was the view expressed by White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham, who noted that the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter “cannot coexist with a Russian intelligence collection platform that will be used to learn about its advanced capabilities.” Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition Ellen Lord echoed that position.
Turkey or rogue elements within the Turkish military could in theory provide the Russians with ways to defeat the F-35’s stealth characteristics. American fear of this technology falling into the wrong hands does not stem from paranoia but is grounded in hard, cold truth and past experience. The Russians, whose Su-57 stealth fighter jet program is plagued with problems and is technologically inferior to the F-35, would like nothing better than to get their hands on an F-35 or alternatively, get their hands on information that could be useful in defeating the F-35’s stealth properties.
The Turkish government, headed by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has proven to be untrustworthy and duplicitous. According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, the head of Turkey’s intelligence service and close ally of Erdogan, Hakan Fidan, passed to Iran sensitive intelligence collected by the U.S. and Israel. Moreover, Turkish intelligence betrayed the names of 10 Iranian assets who were working for Israeli intelligence. The Israeli spy ring was run out of Turkey and was considered highly effective until disrupted by Turkish perfidy. Turkey also helped Iran circumvent sanctions and provided aid and comfort to ISIS operatives, until ISIS turned on its masters in Ankara. Amazingly, despite Fidan’s treachery, which the Israelis made known to their U.S. counterparts, the Obama administration continued to deal with him on sensitive matters, and Obama considered Erdogan to be a key confidant. The two leaders cultivated a warm, friendly relationship. 
But Erdogan’s procurement of the S-400 is bound to have other adverse consequences for Turkey and may run afoul of the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act. Under the CAATSA, President Trump is authorized to impose additional economic sanctions on Turkey. In addition, Turkey’s ability to procure other weapon systems, like the dual rotor CH-47F Chinook heavy transport helicopter, the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, and F-16 fighter jets, may be in jeopardy.
It remains to be seen how this saga will play out. Turkey’s foreign ministry characterized the U.S. action as “unfair” but its mercurial leader, who has often tested the boundaries of the NATO alliance by adopting policies running counter to NATO’s goals, remains undeterred by the F-35 embargo and the prospect of further U.S. sanctions. He has even expressed an interest in purchasing the Russian S-500, the successor to the S-400.
The Russians, who never miss an opportunity to exploit weakness in the alliance, have offered to supply the Turks with the Su-35 heavy multirole fighter jet, which is an advanced version of Russia’s Su-27 fighter jet. As Turkey’s relations with Russia, China and Iran continue to warm, the prospect of Turkey becoming more and more reliant on equipment from the east cannot be discounted.
It is clear that Erdogan is doing all that is within his power to distance himself from the West, and ingratiate himself with the West’s enemies. While Turkey is an important country due to its geographical location – it borders Europe and Asia and maintains boundaries with Syria, Iran and Russia – NATO must decide whether retaining this deeply problematic nation in the alliance is worth all the baggage that Erdogan brings to the table.