Tuesday, May 28, 2019


SEE: https://www.wayoflife.org/reports/john_macarthur_and_cultural_liberalism.htmlrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
May 28, 2019 (first published January 24, 2012)
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
This is a warning about the dangerous waters of evangelicalism and the fact that many fundamental Baptists are building bridges to these waters. 
Recently I received an e-mail from a father who said that his church has begun using John MacArthur’s material for Sunday School. He asked, “Should a parent like myself be concerned?” 

I replied: 

“I would be extremely concerned if a church started using MacArthur's material. Not only is he a staunch Calvinist who believes that one must be born again in order to believe, but he is a worldly rock & roll evangelical.” 

In spite of the many good things in MacArthur’s teaching and his gift in exposition, Bible-believing parents should be deeply concerned about building bridges to him.
The first part of the following report is from the Middletown Bible Church, Middletown, Connecticut (no date), http://www.middletownbiblechurch.org/separate/macrock.htm

John MacArthur hosts a youth conference which is called the "Resolved Conference." Thousands of young people attend and listen to Christian lyrics sung to the heavy drum beat of rock music. There is no question that rock music is accepted and approved by John MacArthur and his church. This can be verified by going to the "Resolved" website [http://www.resolved.org/].

Peter Masters, Pastor of London’s famous Metropolitan Tabernacle where Spurgeon preached, wrote an article entitled, "The Merger of Calvinism with Worldliness."  An excerpt from this article follows:

“When I was a youngster and newly saved, it seemed as if the chief goal of all zealous Christians, whether Calvinistic or Arminian, was consecration. Sermons, books and conferences stressed this in the spirit of Romans 12.1-2, where the beseeching apostle calls believers to present their bodies a living sacrifice, and not to be conformed to this world. The heart was challenged and stirred. Christ was to be Lord of one’s life, and self must be surrendered on the altar of service for him.

“But now, it appears, there is a new Calvinism, with new Calvinists, which has swept the old objectives aside. A recent book, 
Young, Restless, Reformed, by Collin Hansen tells the story of how a so-called Calvinistic resurgence has captured the imaginations of thousands of young people in the USA, and this book has been reviewed with great enthusiasm in well-known magazines in the UK, such as Banner of TruthEvangelical Times, and Reformation Today. This writer, however, was very deeply saddened to read it, because it describes a seriously distorted Calvinism falling far, far short of an authentic life of obedience to a sovereign God. If this kind of Calvinism prospers, then genuine biblical piety will be under attack as never before. The author of the book is a young man (around 26 when he wrote it) who grew up in a Christian family and trained in secular journalism. We are indebted to him for the readable and wide-reaching survey he gives of this new phenomenon, but the scene is certainly not a happy one.

“The author begins by describing the Passion, conference at Atlanta in 2007, where 21,000 young people reveled in contemporary music and listened to speakers such as John Piper proclaiming Calvinistic sentiments. And this picture is repeated many times through the book – large conferences being described at which the syncretism of worldly, sensation-stirring, high-decibel, rhythmic music, is mixed with Calvinistic doctrine.

“We are told of thunderous music, thousands of raised hands, ‘Christian’ hip-hop and rap lyrics (the examples seeming inept and awkward in construction) uniting the doctrines of grace with the immoral drug-induced musical forms of worldly culture. Resolved is the brainchild of a member of Dr. John MacArthur’s pastoral staff, gathering thousands of young people annually, and featuring the usual mix of Calvinism and extreme charismatic-style worship. Young people are encouraged to feel the very same sensational nervous impact of loud rhythmic music on the body that they would experience in a large, worldly pop concert, complete with replicated lighting and atmosphere. At the same time, they reflect on predestination and election. Worldly culture provides the bodily, emotional feelings, into which Christian thoughts are infused and floated. Biblical sentiments are harnessed to carnal entertainment.’ (Pictures of this conference on their website betray the totally worldly, show business atmosphere created by the organizers.)

“Truly proclaimed, the sovereignty of God must include consecration, reverence, sincere obedience to his will, and separation from the world. You cannot have Puritan soteriology without Puritan sanctification. You should not entice people to Calvinistic (or any) preaching by using worldly bait. We hope that young people in this movement will grasp the implications of the doctrines better than their teachers, and come away from the compromises. But there is a looming disaster in promoting this new form of Calvinism” (Peter Masters, "The Merger of Calvinism with Worldliness").

MacArthur’s use of rock music in his own church is puzzling in light of the excellent statements he has made in the past against rock music, such as the following:

“Our music cannot be like the music of the world, because our God is not like their gods. Most of the world's music reflects the world's ways, the world's standards, the world's attitudes, the world's gods. To attempt to use such music to reach the world is to lower the gospel in order to spread the gospel. If the world hears that our music is not much different from theirs, it will also be inclined to believe that the Christian way of life is not much different from theirs” (
The MacArthur New Testament Commentary(1986)see discussion of Ephesians 5:20, p. 260).

“The association of hard rock with violence, blasphemy, sadomasochism, sexual immorality and perversion, alcohol and drugs, and Eastern mysticism and the occult are not accidental. they are fed from the same ungodly stream. A leading rock singer once said, ‘Rock has always been the devil's music. It lets in the baser elements.’ Putting a Christian message in such a musical form [rock style] does not elevate the form but degrades the message to the level already established in the culture by that form” (
The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, see discussion of Ephesians 5:20, p. 261).

“It should be noted that the many contemporary entertainers who think they are using their rock–style music to evangelize the lost are often doing nothing more than contributing to the weakening of the church. Evangelizing with contemporary music has many serious flaws. It tends to create pride in the musicians rather than humility. It makes the gospel a matter of entertainment when there is not one thing in it that is at all entertaining. It makes the public proclaimers of Christianity those who are popular and talented in the world’s eyes, rather than those who are godly and gifted teachers of God’s truth. In using the world’s genres of music, it blurs the gap between worldly Satanic values and divine ones. It tends to deny the power of the simple gospel and the sovereign saving work of the Holy Spirit. It creates a wide generation gap in the church, thus contributing to the disunity and lack of intimacy in the fellowship of all believers. It leads to the propagation of bad or weak theology and drags the name of the Lord down to the level of the world. The music of the gospel is certainly not a legitimate means for making money or seeking fame, and it must never be allowed to cheapen what is priceless or trivialize what is profound” (
The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, see discussion of Ephesians 5:19, p. 257).

“Rock music, with its bombastic atonality and dissonance, is the musical mirror of the hopeless, standardless, purposeless philosophy that rejects both God and reason and floats without orientation in a sea of relativity and unrestrained self–expression. The music has no logical progression because it comes from a philosophy that renounces logic. It violates the brain because its philosophy violates reason. It violates the spirit because its philosophy violates truth and goodness. And it violates God because its philosophy violates all authority outside of self” (
The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, see discussion of Ephesians 5:19-20, p. 261).

“It [rock music] does this by catering to pride, by being grounded in emotion, by appealing to the flesh, by watering down the message, by sending a false impression of the nature of the gospel, and by cheapening the Christian life.” See 

“Now I believe that basically speaking, rock music in and of itself is problematic—period. And I believe that for many reasons. One is: rock music is a product of a disoriented, despairing, drug-related sex-mad generation. There’s no question about that. The first big rock singer was Elvis Presley, who killed himself with drugs and who went through women, you know, continuously. And he gave rise to the whole rock generation. He was the first, and his whole act was sexual, sensual, you know; it was terrible. Nowadays we think he was comical because we’ve come so far. But the vernacular of rock music at this particular point represents a generation that I have real trouble identifying with. And what happens is if you put a Christian message in that vernacular, I think Christianity suffers immensely because I don’t think you can take that kind of medium and use it to propagate a Christian message” [Transcribed from the tape, GC 1301-R, titled "Bible Questions and Answers Part 20." All Rights Reserved.]

We fully agree with these strong statements against rock music by John MacArthur. However, by tolerating and allowing rock music in his own church, MacArthur either does not practice what he preaches or he has changed his position on music, and no longer believes what he once preached.
Indeed, John MacArthur is facing two ways in regard to the heresy of “cultural liberalism.” On one hand, he reproves the emerging “new Calvinists” for their worldliness, while on the other hand, he engages in that very thing. 

In an interview with Alex Crain of Christianity.com, which was posted on YouTube, Aug. 18, 2011, MacArthur said:

“The fear is that the power of the world’s attraction is going to suck these guys and every generation after them, more and more into the culture, and we’re going to see a reversal of the Reformed revival. ... My fear is that the further this thing goes in trying to accommodate the culture, the less it’s going to be able to hang on to that core doctrine” (“MacArthur Predicts Reversal of the Reformed Revival - Part 1,” http://youtu.be/xYhmo5gabQU). 

MacArthur, who rightly warns that the heresy of cultural liberalism puts the next generation at risk, is referring to the popular philosophy which was enunciated by Mark Driscoll as the combination of “theological conservatism with cultural liberalism,” which is not new but has always been a major element of New Evangelicalism. It entails such things as Christian rock, drinking, champagne dance parties, beer brewing lessons, gambling nights, hula “worship,” analyzing R-rated movies for “edification,” and performing secular rock in the context of “worship.” 

What MacArthur says about the danger of cultural liberalism is true, but his condemnation of it is grossly ineffective and hypocritical because he is guilty of it. 

Camp Regeneration, a youth camp hosted by MacArthur for “churches throughout the nation each July,” is rife with cultural liberalism. 

High school boys and girls dress immodestly, engage in questionable activities (such as girls getting covered with wet mud in the presence of boys) and rock out to rap music performed by ear-ringed, tattooed hip-hop artists in an atmosphere of darkened auditoriums, flashing lights, and smoke. 

The Master’s College, which is headed by MacArthur, hosted a hip-hop concert in December 2011 featuring Lecrae, Trip Lee, Tadashii, Sho Baraka, DJ Official, and THI’SL. The Master’s College students produce pop/rap/country rock videos with full blown dance routines and covers of secular rock songs. They host a Fall Thing event that is extremely worldly. In 2011 the theme was “Unrestricted Reality,” and the students donned costumes imitating characters from Star Wars, sci-fi fantasy, superheroes, and the pop culture in general. This plays right into the hands of the culture’s fascination with fantasy and the devil’s use of it to corrupt men’s minds. The young people wouldn’t want to dress up this way unless their minds and hearts were already infatuated with Hollywood. 

The Master’s College’s annual Week of Welcome features beach activities and pool parties complete with girls in tight and very skimpy bathing suits. (All of this is evident from the photos placed at the Flickr pages owned by the camp and school and from YouTube clips. See http://www.pccmonroe.org/2011/10.htm.) 

Can someone tell me how MacArthur is leading the way against the adaptation of the sensual pop culture and why he is a safe “conservative” to follow? He was correct in observing that cultural liberalism will ruin the youth and eventually destroy sound doctrine, and his own flock will be the proof of it, as will those of every foolish pastor that follows in his footsteps. 

Many fundamental Baptists are on the same destructive path, as we have documented in the free eBook “
The Collapse of Separatism Among Fundamental Baptists.” See www.wayoflife.org/freebooks


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
“The German government’s anti-Semitism commissioner on Saturday warned the country’s Jewish community to avoid donning yarmulkes, the traditional Jewish head coverings for males, in some public spaces due to a rise in anti-Semitic crimes.”  Such warning is akin to sounding the death knell for religious freedoms in Germany.
Commissioner, Felix Klein danced around the issue of Islamic antisemitism and the link between Muslim migration and continued escalation of this phenomenon.  Klein “suggested that police, teachers and lawyers should be better trained to recognize what constitutes anti-Semitism…..the internet and social media have largely contributed to this — but so have constant attacks against our culture of remembrance.”
Instead of virtually telling Jews outright to stop wearing yarmulkes for their own safety, Germany has a responsibility to protect the rights and freedoms of Jews, and should immediately institute a zero tolerance policy against all antisemitism. It will likely avoid dealing with its violent surge in Islamic anti-semitism however, in efforts to escape the brand of “Islamophobia” and continue its open-door immigration. We see this loathesome term “islamophobia” also applied in America in the face of criticism of the antisemitic statements spewed by Representative Ilhan Omar.
Former Democratic candidate for Congress in Florida, Pam Keith,  tweeted out:
“When you see an attack on @IlhanMN or @RashidaTlaib KNOW that it is not because they are anti-Semitic, but rather because their attackers are Islamophobic. It is NEVER about their intentions. It is ALWAYS because the right sees their presence in Congress as an affront.”
In Germany last year….
a man wearing the Star of David was beaten down and kicked right in the center of Berlin. Some weeks earlier, a similar incident in Germany’s capital caused public outrage and sparked a nationwide debate on anti-Semitism when a 19-year-old Syrian attacked an Arab-Israeli and his companion with a belt in broad daylight. Both victims wore yarmulkes.
The president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster, told Berlin public radio last year that “Jews should be careful in big cities, after two men wearing kippahs were assaulted”. He went on to say that “defiantly showing your colours would in principle be the right way to go [to tackle anti-Semitism]…..Nevertheless, I would advise individual people against openly wearing a kippah in big German cities.” One can understand Schuster’s concern for the safety of his community, but the government has a responsibility to protect all citizens from violence.
As discussed earlier on Jihad Watch, a groundbreaking report by The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies confronted Islamic antisemitism in Germany.  The government should now address it instead of ‘tolerating’ the persecution of Jews.
“German official warns Jews against wearing kippahs in public”, DW News, May 25, 2019:
The German government’s anti-Semitism commissioner on Saturday warned the country’s Jewish community to avoid donning yarmulkes, the traditional Jewish head coverings for males, in some public spaces due to a rise in anti-Semitic crimes.
“I cannot advise Jews to wear the kippah everywhere all the time in Germany,” Felix Klein said in an interview carried by the Funke media group, using another word for yarmulke.
The official said he had “changed his mind (on the subject) compared to previously.”
The number of attacks against Jews in Germany increased from 1,504 in 2017 to 1,646 in 2018 — a rise of 10%. The number of reported violent cases against Jews rose from 37 to 62 over the same period, according to official figures.
Justice Minister Katarina Barley told the Handelsblatt newspaper the increase was “shameful for our country” but added that the police were “vigilant.”
Last year, a man wearing the Star of David was beaten down and kicked right in the center of Berlin. Some weeks earlier, a similar incident in Germany’s capital caused public outrage and sparked a nationwide debate on anti-Semitism when a 19-year-old Syrian attacked an Arab-Israeli and his companion with a belt in broad daylight. Both victims wore yarmulkes in what was an allegedly anti-Semitic attack. ‘Deep-rooted’ prejudice
After several high-profile incidents of anti-Semitic violence, Germany’s Jewish community appealed to the government to institute an anti-Semitism oath for groups seeking public funding.
Germany’s anti-Semitism commissioner, Felix Klein, suggested that police, teachers and lawyers should be better trained to recognize what constitutes anti-Semitism.
According to Klein, “the lifting of inhibitions and the uncouthness which is on the rise in society” are factors behind the recent anti-Semitic wave.
“The internet and social media have largely contributed to this — but so have constant attacks against our culture of remembrance,” he added…..


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
The most “controversial” so-called ‘populist’ leaders experienced notable wins in EU elections, giving renewed hope that the EU has a sizable force of “Eurosceptic” populists to contend with–those who will continue to stymie globalist ambitions of open-door immigration which will weaken the sovereignty of Judeo-Christian democracies, and re-shape the EU through Islamization.
In France, in a fairly close vote, Marine Le Pen declared victory over globalist Emmanuel Macron. “Previously, Le Pen had called the European elections a referendum on the presidency of Macron and called on him to resign from office if his party were not able to win.”  The voice of the people in France has spoken, despite being condemned as “far right”….
Prime Minister Edouard Philippe reacted to the exit poll predictions saying, “The far right is consolidating its positions, this message is strong and we have received it.”
Another notable and expected win: Hungary’s Viktor Orban who long vowed to “shake up the EU” in the face of EU demands and bullying on migrant quotas. As promised, Orban is delivering. After declaring a big victory, he reaffirmed his goals…..
“Prime Minister Viktor Orban told supporters of his Fidesz party that he would cooperate with everyone in Europe who wanted to halt immigration. ‘The election victory means that … Hungarians gave us the task of … stopping immigration all across Europe,’ Orban told cheering fans in Budapest. Hungarians wanted Fidesz to ‘protect Christian culture in Europe‘ he said.
Italy’s Matteo Salvini won a majority and declares “a new Europe is born“.
In the UK, the Brexit party humiliated the Conservative and Labour Parties in a sweeping victory.
In Germany: Angela Merkel’s Union “suffered heavy losses” but not enough unfortunately. “Technically”, the  Christian Democratic Union and the Christian Social Union  received the largest share of votes “but the environmental party experienced the biggest surge.” Merkel’s Union dropped by about seven percent compared to the last election in 2014 when they took a 35.3 percent share of the vote.” Given results, there is still hope that the public will wake up to Merkel’s disastrous leadership and their country’s islamization advancement in 2021 general elections.
“Le Pen Triumphs Over Macron in EU Election Exit Poll, Calls for Fresh National Elections”, by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, May 26, 2019:
Populist leader Marine Le Pen and her Rassemblement National (National Rally, or RN) have triumphed over sitting French president Emmanuel Macron in the European Parliament elections, according to exit polls.
Ms Le Pen declared victory following exit polls showing the RN winning around 24 per cent of the vote, compared to Macron’s La Republique En Marche! (LREM) who, according to projections, has come in second with 22.5 percent of the vote, French newspaper Le Figaro reports.
Declaring victory, the RN leader said, “The trust we have been given by the French in designating us as the first party in France but especially as that of the future alternation is an immense honour.”
She went on to call for Macron to dissolve the French parliament, saying “it is up to the President of the Republic to draw the consequences” and calling for fresh elections, stating that Macron put his own presidency on the line in the vote.
“The winners and losers: Six things to know about the EU elections in Germany”, by Rachel Loxton, The Local, May 27, 2019:
The results of the European Parliamentary elections are in and Germany has spoken. Here’s what it all means. Who won in Germany?
The Greens. Okay, that’s not true. Technically, the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party the Christian Social Union (CSU) received the largest share of votes (28.7 percent) but the environmental party experienced the biggest surge.
The Union suffered heavy losses – their support dropped by about seven percent compared to the last election in 2014 when they took a 35.3 percent share of the vote. It was even worse for the centre-left SPD, who took 15.6 percent of the vote on Sunday, a drop of 12 percent compared to five years ago.
Crucially, the Green party, which won more than 20 percent of the vote in Germany, increasing by about 10 percent from 2014, took more than a million votes both from the SPD, led by Andrea Nahles, as well as from the CDU, which is led by Angela Merkel’s successor Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer….
“Big win for Orban’s party in Hungary EU vote”, France 24, May 27, 2019:
The Fidesz party of Hungary’s nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban scored a big win in European parliament elections, according to results published by Hungarian media on Sunday.
With 98 percent of the vote counted, Fidesz has won 52 percent according to the Magyar Nemzet newspaper, up from the 51 percent it won in 2014.
The left-wing Democratic Coalition (DK) is far behind in second place with 16.3 percent and the small liberal Momentum party is set to break into the European parliament for the first time with 9.7 percent.
The Socialists (MSZP) are on 6.6 percent, just ahead of the far-right Jobbik party which has suffered a dramatic drop from 15 percent in 2014 to just 6.5 percent.
The environmentalist LMP party is expected to lose its single MEP seat, out of 21 allocated to Hungary.
This election has also seen record turnout for a European election in Hungary, standing at 41.7 percent half an hour before polls closed….
 A New Europe is Born:
Nationalist Populists Smash Globalist Elites in EU Vote!!! 
The New York Times FINALLY Admits: 
The World is Turning Nationalist Populist!!!
The Brexit Party TRIUMPHS as Tories and Labour Collapse!!! 
EU elections: UK Brexit party sweeps to victory, humiliates Conservative and Labour parties
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
A humiliating commentary on the leadership of Theresa May who quit on Friday, right before elections over her failure in handling Brexit; while the Labour Party isn’t far behind….
Media reports that the Tories suffered their worst election result in two centuries, dropping to just nine per cent of the vote and winning only four seats — losing 15 — while the Labour Party is said to have had its worst election result in 100 years, halving its presence in the European Parliament from 20 to just ten seats.
The UK public was ready for big change and declared it at the ballot box. Nigel Farage, leader of the Brexit Party tweeted out:
Never before in British politics has a party just 6 weeks old won a national election….If Britain does not leave the EU on October 31st, these results will be repeated at a general election.
Critics accuse Farage of stoking anger over issues like immigration. To be more specific, it was public worry about Islamization that rose Farage to fame. In 2015, Nigel Farage warned….
there is rising public concern about immigration partly because people believe there are some Muslims who want to form ‘a fifth column and kill us’,   and that there has never before been a migrant group that wants to ‘change who we are and what we are’.
But then something happened, Farage had a change of heart. Robert Spencer expressed that Nigel Farage had become just another establishment politician…..
[Nigel Farage] reveals his abject ignorance of Islam and the jihad threat. Note Farage’s absurd moral equivalence in claiming that the Old Testament is incompatible with Western values in the same way that the Qur’an is. The difference is that the Old Testament has been part of Western culture since there has been a Western culture. Interpretative traditions are mainstream in Judaism and Christianity that mitigate its violent passages and other aspects that are not in accord with modern understandings of human rights. There is no such tradition in Islam. Farage insists that the vast majority of Muslims are assimilating and accepting Western values; he doesn’t have, however, any coherent idea of how to deal with those who aren’t. Farage makes the familiar conflation of Islam and Muslims, arguing that if one finds any problem with Islamic texts and teachings, one is condemning all Muslims. There is no reason why that should be so, and if he would foreclose upon any discussion of the motivating ideology behind jihad terror and Sharia oppression, how can he confront them?
Farage insists that we must not think that we are at war with the entire religion. But what, Mr. Farage, are we to think about the Muslims who consider themselves and their religion to be at war with us?
Farage has now  “demanded a seat at Brexit negotiations… warning that he would turn British politics upside down if denied.”
“Farage Declares ‘This Is Just the Beginning’ After Brexit Party Victory in EU Elections”, by Victoria Friedman, Breitbart, May 27, 2019:
Nigel Farage has led the Brexit Party to victory while the establishment parties are left assessing the damage after their historic losses, with the Brexiteer declaring: “This is just the beginning.”
With almost all regions counted, the Brexit Party is in the clear lead after winning around one-third of the vote and projected to have gained 29 seats. In a distant second, the pro-Remain Liberal Democrats won 15 seats, while the new Change UK (CUK), established solely to stop Brexit, failed to gain a single seat.
“Never before in British politics has a party just 6 weeks old won a national election,” Mr Farage posted to Twitter Monday morning. “If Britain does not leave the EU on October 31st, these results will be repeated at a general election.
“History has been made. This is just the beginning.”
Media reports that the Tories suffered their worst election result in two centuries, dropping to just nine per cent of the vote and winning only four seats — losing 15 — while the Labour Party is said to have had its worst election result in 100 years, halving its presence in the European Parliament from 20 to just ten seats.
Speaking to Good Morning Britain on Monday morning, Mr Farage warned that the establishment political parties will suffer in the next General Election, scheduled for 2021, if they fail to take the UK out of the EU by October 31st, saying: “That date will become a bigger factor in peoples’ minds as these five months go by. If we don’t leave on the 31st of October, then the Brexit Party will go on to a General Election and stun everybody there, too.”
The Brexit Party leader later told the BBC that his party would be ready for even an October snap General Election, saying that it “might not be easy, but that work starts this afternoon.”
Recent polling of Westminster voting intentions point to the Brexit Party being ahead of the Conservative Party and just two points away from taking the lead over Labour…..
Le Pen WINS!!! Macron Humiliated in EU Elections!!! 

Marine Le Pen Demands Macron’s 


Nationalist Right SURGES to STUNNING VICTORY in Belgium!!!
SALVINI WINS! LEGA Officially the BIGGEST Party in ITALY!!!
Salvini: "Europe is Tired of Being a Slave to the Elites"
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Italian populist leader Matteo Salvini said “Europe is tired of being a slave to the elites” as his party swept to victory in the EU parliamentary elections.
With the count almost finalized, Salvini’s Lega party has captured 34.3% of the vote, with the center-left Democratic Party (PD) in second place on 22.7%.
Illustrating how far Salvini’s party has progressed, in the last European elections in 2014, Lega achieved just 6% of the vote.
Salvini’s success was matched by Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party in the United Kingdom and by Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in France. While Farage was expected to win, Le Pen came out on top after a close race to beat Emmanuel Macron’s party.
Meanwhile in Germany, support for Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party plummeted to a historic low.
The Italian Interior Minister said the results were a sign that “a new Europe is born, adding, “I am proud that the League is participating in this new European renaissance.”
“This is a sign that Europe is changing, Europe is tired of being a slave to the elites, corporations and the powers-that-be,” Salvini told reporters in Milan.
The Brexit Party will now become the largest party in the EU, although Farage will hope that’s only a temporary measure given his desire to see the UK leave the European Union.
Nationalist Right WINS in Poland and Hungary; Makes Gains in Germany!!! 


Roberta Morrison Gilbert teaches about and uncovers roots of the Word of Faith Movement and their influences in the church today.


Complaint Filed Against Jackson Township Police Dept. For Violating NJ Gun Laws
BY Alexander Roubian, NJ2AS
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
New Jersey – -(AmmoLand.com)- Regardless of what anyone thinks about the Second Amendment, we should all agree that the job of law enforcement is to uphold and enforce the law. Many law enforcement officers do just that. Some, like Jackson Township Chief of Police Matthew Kunz, have decided to place their personal feelings and agenda above the law and the Constitution.
Our citizen advocates have alerted us that Chief Kunz is arbitrarily requiring firearm applicants to submit their fingerprints for a handgun permit if it has been more than two years since they last provided them. Chief Kunz is brazenly not following New Jersey state law, administration code and guidelines and undermining the Second Amendment freedoms of the people he exists to serve and protect. And we are going to hold him accountable.
On May 21, the New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS) filed a formal complaint to Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley Billhimer and the New Jersey Attorney General's office, urging them to investigate the Jackson Township Police Department for violating state law and take action. You can read the complaint to the NJ Attorney General by clicking here, and click here to read the complaint to the Ocean County Prosecutor. It is intolerable for law enforcement to break the law and we need your help to hold Mr. Kunz accountable.
New Jersey law (NJ Statutes Annotated 2C:58-3, NJ Administrative Code 13:54-1.4 or in the New Jersey State Police Firearms Applicant Investigation Guide) is clear about the process for obtaining a firearms identification card and handgun permit. You can read acomplete summary here, but the basic process is:
  • Fill out the STS-33 application,
  • Consent to a mental health background check,
  • Provide two references, and
  • Submit fingerprints once.
In fact, the law includes clauses specifying that applicants “need not be fingerprinted again” and “no additional requirements” shall be imposed. We clearly spelled out the law and rules in our complaints, something Chief Kunz swore he would uphold.
For some Jackson Township residents, being forced to undergo additional fingerprinting may just be the latest outrage of exercising their Second Amendment rights in the state of New Jersey. But for others the additional requirement may be a life-and-death delay on their ability to protect themselves.
Low-income residents may not be able to afford the $52+ average fingerprinting cost. Others may not be able to take time off work to make a fingerprinting appointment. But hey, as one of the highest paid Chiefs in New Jersey, with a salary of over $200,000, that is pocket change for Chief Kunz.
 Jackson Township Chief of Police Matthew Kunz
Jackson Township Chief of Police Matthew Kunz
Regardless of how much of a burden it imposes, Jackson Township’s requirement is simply not required and added to deter people from exercising their constitutional right. If Chief Kunz merely required applicants to touch their nose in order to obtain a permit, it would be illegal.
Sadly, Chief Kunz is the latest in a long line of New Jersey bureaucrats who think they are above the law and who are limiting the constitutional rights of their citizens to obtain a firearm and defend themselves.
And we are going to hold him accountable. Will you help us?
Want to go even further and stand up to bureaucrats like Chief Kunz? Join the New Jersey Second Amendment Society by clicking here and count yourself among thousands of patriots across the state. New Jersey bureaucrats can try to bully us, but we have strength in numbers. Please join today and help us expose the bullies and hold them accountable.

About the New Jersey Second Amendment Society:New Jersey Second Amendment Society
New Jersey Second Amendment Society – Our mission is to promote the free exercise of Second Amendment rights within the community and Legislature of New Jersey, to educate the community regarding the enjoyable, safe, and responsible use of firearms, and to engender a sense of camaraderie and fellowship among the members and their families. Visit: www.nj2as.org
UPDATE MAY 30, 2019:

NJ2AS Delivers Victory for Jackson Township Residents! 

Is Your Town Next? ~ VIDEO