Saturday, September 29, 2018


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
The EU is imploding, not only due to its welcome of the hijrah but also because of government confusion and instability over the Muslim migrant issue. Weeks ago, EU president Jean-Claude Juncker made an unusual about-face about open-door immigration by backing an EU decision for a 10,000-strong armed border force that will lead a crackdown on illegal immigration.
Now: European Commissioner for migration Dimitris Avramopoulos has pledged to the United Nations that the European Union is working to “enhance legal pathways” to mass migration, with the Hungarian government condemning the commissioner for calling on member states to accept resettled migrants.
The aim is to “institutionalize mass migration at an international level” to facilitate the Global Compact For Migration, which the U.S. backed away from last year, noting that it undermines a nation’s sovereignty. Avramopoulos asserted that mass migration cannot be stopped, and dismissed the rise of so-called “populist” leaders — those leaders who aim to protect their national security and the freedom of their societies. For example, the Visegrad group (Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia), Austria, and Italy have resisted mass migration due to the chaos evident in open-border countries such as Sweden, Germany and France.
Although Avramopoulos discussed his aim to reduce “‘irregular’, otherwise known as illegal, immigration,” reports have frequently circulated that European countries have lost track of their migrants — among whom are Islamic State jihadis — and are at a loss of what to do about it.
Hungarian leader Viktor Orban has warned that “plans by the EU to put Brussels in charge of national border protection and asylum policy would mean handing the ‘keys to the gate’ of Europe to open borders eurocrats.”
“EU Chief Backs Proposed U.N. Compact, Will ‘Enhance Legal Pathways’ for Mass Migration to Europe,” by Victoria Friedman, Breitbart, September 27, 2018:
“European Commissioner for migration Dimitris Avramopoulos has pledged to the United Nations that the European Union is working to “enhance legal pathways” to mass migration, with the Hungarian government condemning the commissioner for calling on member states to accept resettled migrants.
Commissioner Avramopoulos told the United Nations General Assembly on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration Wednesday that the European Union (EU) is developing immigration systems to comply with UN’s proposed controversial Global Compact for Migration which aims to institutionalise mass migration at an international level.
“The European Union has made significant progress in developing all the building blocks of a comprehensive migration policy that are contributing to achieve many of the objectives for safe, orderly and regular migration,” he confirmed.
Acknowledging that illegal mass migration “remains a divisive topic across the globe”, Mr Avramopoulos denied that it could be stopped, telling delegates: “The reality, however, is that migration and human mobility are part of our history and are here to stay.”
“We have made a clear call to our Member States to enhance legal pathways to Europe,” he added, saying that it was “essential” to create “a better management of labour migration” in addition to reducing “irregular”, otherwise known as illegal, immigration.
The Brussels commissioner is also said to have urged EU members to honour their pledges to accept resettled migrants, with Hungarian foreign minister Péter Szijjártó later telling press: “Neither Hungary, nor the other countries of the Visegrád Group, nor any other European country wants to legalise illegal immigration.”
Calling it “unacceptable and outrageous” that Mr Avramopoulos spoke on behalf of the whole EU, despite “many countries” not wanting “resettlement programmes”, Mr. Szijjártó emphasised: “This is why we did not and accept and will not be accepting the UN Global Compact for Migration.”


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Once again, the “Islamophobia” canard is being wielded by CAIR as a means to attain special status to Muslims. This is being done in public school systems, but is as yet unrecognized by authorities for what it is.
A federal judge has sided with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and against students and parents in the San Diego school district in their fight against a program that provides special protections and considerations to Islam that are not provided to other religions….School officials voted in April 2017 to enter into a formal partnership with CAIR.
Over in Canada, CAIR’s sister organization, the National Council of Canadian Muslims (formerly CAIR-CAN), was doing the same thing. The Toronto District School Board created an Islamic Heritage Month guidebook with the help of the NCCM, to be used in its public schools. The Jewish organization B’nai Brith noted that the book promoted the “Islamophobia” narrative and defined “Islamophobia,” in part, as “fear, prejudice, hatred or dislike directed against Islam or Muslims, or towards Islamic politics or culture.” As B’nai Brith rightly said: “Fighting bigotry against Muslims can’t be pretext for tolerating human rights violations.” It is now common knowledge, or at least should be, that human rights violations (including FGM, honor killing, wife-beating, and the jihad murder of infidels) are religiously mandated and practiced in Sharia states, and are increasingly being imported into Western nations.
Even the judge admitted the school district’s plan was to “develop an anti-Islamophobia Initiative … to address Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bullying and the district’s decision in April 2017 to adopt implementing ‘action steps.’” The parents complained that the district was entangling itself with a religious organization to fight a “Muslim bullying crisis” that didn’t exist…
“Judge sides with CAIR against students, parents,” by Bob Unruh, World Net Daily, September 28, 2018:
A federal judge has sided with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and against students and parents in the San Diego school district in their fight against a program that provides special protections and considerations to Islam that are not provided to other religions.
Judge Cynthia Bashant this week refused to grant a preliminary injunction against the district’s pro-Islam activities, citing a wide range of factors. She concluded such issues are “matters which the courts ought to entrust very largely to the experienced officials who superintend our nation’s public schools.”
At issue is an agreement between the district and CAIR purportedly to combat bullying.
The school district has modified its deal with CAIR, which has been designated by the United Arab Emirates as a terror organization. The U.S. government has confirmed that CAIR is a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood, which advocates a worldwide Islamic caliphate with zero tolerance for other religions.
The Anti-Defamation League has condemned CAIR as a Muslim Brotherhood front group that continues “to partner with various anti-Israel groups that seek to isolate and demonize the Jewish state.”
Bashant earlier forbade references to those subjects in her courtroom as irrelevant.
School officials voted in April 2017 to enter into a formal partnership with CAIR. Books were purchased and distributed.
Then in the face of resistance from parents, the board modified its plan and established an “intercultural” committee, telling CAIR it still was a major partner in the work.
The parents raised questions about the district’s violations, through its anti-bullying, anti-Islamophobia effort, of the Establishment Clause of the Constitution and California state law. The plaintiffs pointed out there were almost no complaints of bullying of Muslim students. And there were many more complaints of bullying against other students, including Jewish students.
The case still will go to trial on the issues, but the decision this week means there are not the restrictions on school advocacy that the parents had requested pending the trial.
The judge claimed there was no evidence to support the parents’ contention the district gave Muslim students benefits not given to other students, despite the fact that the district doesn’t not have any “Christianophobia” or other outreach efforts.
“The judge was going to rule against us no matter what,” said Dan Piedra, chief of the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund, in an interview with the Investigative Project on Terrorism. “We are most likely going to appeal the decision to the ninth Circuit, and if we get a favorable panel, then we can get an injunction pending appeal. Her analysis about the Establishment Clause is clearly wrong.”
Even the judge admitted the school district’s plan was to “develop an anti-Islamophobia Initiative … to address Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bullying and the district’s decision in April 2017 to adopt implementing ‘action steps.’”
The parents complained that the district was entangling itself with a religious organization to fight a “Muslim bullying crisis” that didn’t exist…



Social media crackdown continues

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Alex Jones and David Knight break down the latest censorship campaigns launched against Infowars.


Special Report: Has China Taken Over America?


America fighting to resist Communist China’s massive influence

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Millie Weaver covers statements recently made by Alex Jones at a rally in Austin, Texas, where he alleges that China and big tech have unilaterally compromised the United States.
Are the statements made by Alex Jones true, or just a conspiracy theory? Let’s investigate.
Also watch – REVEALED: China & ANC Communists to Split White Land in South Africa


Here's why Judge Brett Kavanaugh's speech was more than
just an opening statement!!!
'It Was Heartbreaking': Friend of Kavanaugh 
Reacts to Hearings, FBI Probe
A friend of Brett Kavanaugh who has known the judge since high school said on Fox & Friends that Thursday's hearing with Christine Blasey Ford was "heartbreaking."


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Billionaire Craig Newmark, the founder of Craigslist, says he wants to advance “investigative journalism.” So, he’s lavishing millions on the same left-wing publications and Deep State media operatives that epitomize Fake News. Newmark spoke at a National Press Club Headliners Luncheon on Monday, September 24, just a day after announcing he would be investing $20 million in a new investigative journalism nonprofit called The Markup. Two of the founders of the new outfit — Julia Angwin and Jeff Larson — are veteran scribblers at the left-wing muckraking site ProPublica. The other founder, Sue Gardner, is a former executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Newmark told the National Press Club (NPC) that investigative reporting, which has traditionally come from print publications “is vital given the rise of deception and misinformation that often comes from the highest levels of government.” "For what's done in print journalism, that's specifically and most of all investigative reporting, I think that's more and more important," he said. "Because journalism, and investigative journalism more than anything, is the immune system of democracy. We do need reporters to keep people honest, and that is never going to end."
That all sounds good, and is true, as far as rhetoric goes. However, Newmark doesn’t explain how funding “journalists” who have proven records as radical partisans and coverup artists for corruption and subversion is going to fulfill his prescription to “keep people honest.” Consider ProPublica, for example. Prior to funding The Markup, Newmark has been a major donor to ProPublica, which predictably takes the left side of virtually every issue: pro-abortion, pro-LBGT, pro-immigration amnesty, anti-border security, anti-gun rights, anti-capitalist, anti-police, pro-racial agitation. It’s hardly surprising then that Newmark’s fellow funders of ProPublica comprise the usual suspects of the big Deep State tax-exempt foundations that have been financing America’s social revolution for decades: Ford, Carnegie, Soros, Sandler, Pew, Hewlett, Casey, etc.
One could hardly expect the ProPublica sleuths to expose any of the operations of their generous benefactors. Their posturing as social-justice crusaders who “speak truth to power” is ludicrous; they are the complicit, submissive servitors of the greatest wielders and abusers of power. So, naturally, they are not going to expose the connections of Soros, Ford, and other big foundations to the revolutionary activists of  ACORN, Black Lives Matter,, etc. They are not going to report on massive bribery and corruption at the Clinton Foundation or Hillary Clinton's ties to Vladimir Putin and her Uranium One transfer to Russia of 20-25 percent of America's uranium resources. And they will look the other way at Planned Parenthood's harvesting of aborted baby parts.
While posing, on the one hand, as outsiders, as alternative media, fighting for the little guy, on the other hand the ProPublica champions boast of their connections to the Big Media organizations that have rightfully become known as Fake News. ProPublica claims over 100 “publishing partners” that assist its crusade, including: ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, PBS, NPR, Bloomberg, BuzzFeed, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Mother Jones, Huffington Post, Los Angeles Times,The Nation, Newsweek, TIME, Slate, Vice, Vox, Salon, The Daily Beast, and more. That hardly fits ProPublica’s carefully crafted image of nonpartisan, independent, underdog, anti-establishment truth tellers.
Another indication that Newmark’s new venture, The Markup, will follow the same leftward direction as ProPublica, is his financial support for Mother Jones, the San Francisco-based far-left magazine that has been a bible for the Marxist, socialist, Castroite, anti-American activists for decades. It seems most likely that The Markup will continue the radical tradition of Newmark beneficiaries ProPublica, Mother Jones, the Poynter Institute, and the CUNY (City University of New York) Graduate School of Journalism, which has been renamed as the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism.
And there’s more. According to the NPC, Newmark told its Headliner luncheon that the “spirit of co-operation will be key and may involve engaging with big technology companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter on how they can stop the kinds of misinformation campaigns that the country's intelligence community agreed Russia waged before the 2016 election.” All of which points to The Markup joining the rest of Big Media in support of Big Tech’s censorship of conservative and non-politically correct media that oppose their “progressive” agenda. Newmark isn’t the only rich lefty supporting The Markup. “In addition to Newmark’s contribution,” reports The Hill, “the organization’s funding sources include the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, which gave $2 million, and the Ford Foundation and John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.”
"I’m proud to back The Markup and support people whose work I’ve followed and admired for a long time,” Newmark said in a statement. “As a news consumer, I look for journalism that I can trust, and by producing data-driven, rigorously fact-checked reporting on the effects of technology on society, The Markup is helping to fill a largely unmet need."
A more honest assessment: The Markup will prove to be yet another cog — along with CNN, PBS, NPR, CBS, New York Times, etc. — in the globalist Fake News machine.
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President Donald Trump, on Friday afternoon, indicated an openness to a one week delay on a Senate floor vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Speaking to reporters during a pool spray in the Oval Office, the president deferred to Senate leadership after Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) voiced his support for a week-long delay pending an FBI investigation. “Whatever they think is necessary,” Trump said. The president also lauded Thursday’s Senate Judiciary Committee testimony from Christine Blasey Ford, Kavanaugh’s accuser. “I thought her testimony was very compelling, and she looks like a very fine woman to me,” Trump said. “Very fine woman. And I thought that Brett’s, likewise, was really something that I hadn’t seen before. It was an incredible moment, I think, in the history of our country. But certainly she was a very credible witness. She was very good in many respects.”


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will inaugurate in the German city of Cologne one of the largest mosques in Europe on Saturday.The Cologne Central Mosque, built by Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB) after eight years of construction work, has a capacity of 1,200 people.
It is already widely known that Saudi-funded mosques pose a threat, due to their spread of the Wahhabi ideology. Now Turkey, with its dreams of reviving the Ottoman Empire, is spreading its jihad ideology through its own mosques in the U.S. and Germany.
After Erdogan was reelected, concerns circulated about his growing powers not just within Turkey, but in the United States as well, “according to experts who believe he’s determined to spread his controversial brand of Islamist-nationalistic fervor through a network of mosques and religious centers.”
A top adviser to the Turkish president also has said that Turkish intel “will run operations against Erdogan’s political opponents on US soil” and elsewhere.
Erdogan’s expanding powers, combined with news of his inauguration of one of the largest mosques in Cologne, are troubling:
“It will be the most important and one of the largest mosques in Europe and Germany. It has a symbolic meaning for our Muslim brothers living here,” Nevzat Yasar Asikoglu, chairman of the DITIB, told reporters.
Nonetheless, Germany continues to escort in the hijrah with its reckless open-door immigration policy. Germany already has the second highest Muslim population in Western Europe, after France. Turkey also has aspirations to become part of the EU, helped along by Brussels, which has set aside billions to aid in Turkey’s possible EU membership.
“Erdogan to inaugurate mosque in Germany on Saturday,” by Nilay Kar, Anadolu Agency, September 25, 2018:
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will inaugurate in the German city of Cologne one of the largest mosques in Europe on Saturday.
The Cologne Central Mosque, built by Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB) after eight years of construction work, has a capacity of 1,200 people.
“It will be the most important and one of the largest mosques in Europe and Germany. It has a symbolic meaning for our Muslim brothers living here,” Nevzat Yasar Asikoglu, chairman of the DITIB, told reporters.
“Our mosque also symbolizes peace, brotherhood as well as the culture of co-existence,” he said.
Asikoglu said those who visit the mosque are impressed by interior adornment of the mosque in which Seljuk motif was predominantly used.
The mosque has nine entrances and there is a crescent and a star in the middle of its dome.
The 17,000 square-meter mosque complex also has a shopping center, an exhibition and a seminar hall, a 600-people capacity conference hall, a library, working offices and a car park on the ground floor…..


(Natural News) As Leftists continue to lose political power in America due to elections (President Trump) and Supreme Court nominations (Brett Kavanaugh), their activists are becoming more militant and extremist. Now, we’ve learned that left-wing groups are openly discussing mass executions and planned murders of prominent conservatives, and they’re using Twitter to carry out the attacks. (See details and links, below.)
Twitter is just one of several tech giants that selectively bans conservative speech but refuses to remove radical left-wing users who openly call for violence and murder. For political reasons, tech giants have decided to protect left-wing terrorist groups in America, becoming complicit in the escalation of the coming civil war. As just one example among hundreds, see this article from InfoWars: “KILL TRUMP, HANG HIM, HUNT HIM” FACEBOOK PAGE DOESN’T VIOLATE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY STANDARDS.
Now, The Daily Caller reports that someone in the House of Representatives has “doxxed” conservative U.S. Senators by using a congressional computer to publish their home addresses and phone numbers to Wikipedia. “Doxxing” means publishing someone’s personal, private information such as the location where they live, their social security number or their private phone number.
Importantly, doxxing members of the U.S. Senate allows left-wing “kill teams” to physically locate where those Senators live. Armed with this information — and driven to violent hysteria by a complicit, lying media — left-wing kill teams can assault the homes of U.S. Senators while they sleep and attempt to executive those Senators and their families. As this article shows below, left-wing activists are openly and explicitly discussing such plans on Twitter, and they are not being banned by Twitter or other tech giants.
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The doxxed Senators include Sens. Lindsey Graham (who gave a roaring speech yesterday, condemning the dirty tactics of Democrats like Sen. Feinstein), Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch. The Daily Caller reports:
“They appear to be targeting Republican members of the committee after they question Judge Kavanaugh,” a Hatch spokesman told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
A Lee staffer confirmed the senator’s home address in Utah and personal cell phone number were posted to the public page.
This “doxxing” took place immediately after Sen. Graham ripped into the Democrats at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, yesterday. It was timed, in other words, to target those who are arguing for the defense of Brett Kavanaugh.
While doxxing alone is not a call for mass executions, there’s more to this story…

Radical left-wing thought leaders plot executions and murder strategies on Twitter… and Twitter won’t ban them

The full extent of the planned violence and mass executions becomes apparent when you see what’s being openly discussed on Twitter. Writer Debra Heine has uncovered truly shocking details that she describes in a September 27th article on PJ Media. It begins:
Communist agitators took to Twitter this week to brainstorm strategies for a violent armed insurrection against their perceived enemies.
“Dr. Bones,” the co-host of the far-left podcast The Guillotine, started the conversation going with his 5,000-plus Twitter followers. Bones (@Ole_Bonsey on Twitter) asked: “Hey quick little question for military minded lefties: should leftists train/organize in an ‘insurgent’ focus where they blend into a civilian population for potential attacks or a more ‘militia’ structure focused on holding/maintaining turf?”
As PJ Media reports, this left-wing group, with over 15,000 Facebook followers, calls for “ambushes and assassinations” against conservatives. The two hosts go by the handles @Ole_Bonsey and @DeadIrishRebe. As PJ Media explains, “the pair seem to be huge fans of mass-murdering Communist dictators and “revolutionaries” like Mao Zedong and Che Guevera.”
Here are some of the suggestions from “Dr. Bones,” the apparent leader of the left-wing group now calling for execution squads to murder prominent conservatives:
“Organize as hidden cells, unknown even to the population… bleed them dry once they take control.”
“Instead of a full size AR which is pretty goddamn obvious I’m thinking having people prioritize compact and easily concealable platforms, something you could keep under a jacket and never tip anyone off too.”
An apparent follower of the radical left-wing group, @The_Einzige adds:
“Having a common language and tactics is unbelievably important in future situations where your 5 person cell has an opportunity for a big kill and can group up with 4 other cells to get the needed firepower.”
Another member of the group, going by the handle @Bored_Anterieur, adds:
“Like a boy scout, be prepared:
Pistol-caliber SBR
Rifle-caliber SBR
AR15 / AK47
with this, you’re prepared for a very wide range of tactical scenarios. different load outs for different members of squad will provide flexibility for specific applications of force”
Another user, named @MutualRevolt, chimes in about the terror cell structure that Leftists will adopt to carry out maximum violence and carnage:
“…the less information one person has on EVERYONE in the group defends against one person being caught and spilling everything on the network. A network of distributed/only necessary information/ gives more flexibility and safety to the movements to disrupt.”
Another user, going by the handle “Captain Howdy” (@jackherer20) has been covered by PJ Media before. As PJ Media reports:
@JackHerer20 (Captain Howdy) is a particularly nasty St. Louis antifa who has been featured at PJ Media and Far Left Watch before. In January of 2018, he encouraged his followers to dox GOP officials and show up at their homes.  He also offered to pay someone to assassinate President Trump. Incredibly, he still maintains a Twitter account.

Anti-Trump “resistors” inside the DOJ use government computers to find and share home addresses of conservatives

PJ Media also correctly points out that a recent Project Veritas video caught a DOJ “resistance” employee admitted to using government computers to discover and share the license plates and home addresses of targeted conservatives. This means that left-wing operatives inside the DOJ, FBI and other anti-Trump organizations are using government resources to set up conservatives for left-wing kill teams.
The DOJ employee caught on tape is named Allison Hraber. She’s a member of the so-called “Democratic Socialists of America,” a radical left-wing terrorist group with strong ties to Marxist and Communist ideologies. She used government resources to discover the home address of a conservative Trump supporter, then “doxxed” that information to her DSA conspirators who waged a stalking episode at the personal home of the target in order to intimidate that person. It won’t be long before this escalates to sending “kill teams” to such homes to carry out murder plots and political assassinations.
My warning for all conservatives is that it won’t be long before conservative Supreme Court justices like Brett Kavanaugh are targeted for political assassinations by the radical left-wing kill teams. They openly talk about such plans, and they are clearly driven to mass mental illness by a complicit, anti-America media cartel that continues to indoctrinate left-wing masses with hatred and lies about America and its political leaders.
Many DSA members already see themselves as waging a “resistance” campaign against the United States government, and they are engaging in daily sabotage to destroy the U.S. government infrastructure from within, all while using government tools to target their political opponents, all of whom happen to be conservatives and Trump supporters.
Hraber is caught on tape via Project Veritas saying, “what’s kind of lucky is at the DOJ, we can’t really get fired.” She also admits, “so we ran the license plate… we cannot do it officially,” but admits they run license plates on their intended targets “unofficially.”
Notably, even after being caught on video admitted to these felony crimes, Hraber has not yet been arrested or charged with anything, proving once again that even when left-wing radicals are caught confessing to their crimes, they are never held accountable.

We must all be ready for the rapid escalation of violence by deranged, lawless Leftists who are committed to taking over America and murdering all prominent conservatives

It’s not difficult to see where this is all headed. The desperate, lawless Left — now apparently led by deep state treasonous criminals like Sen. Dianne Feinstein — is willing to do anything they think might be required to destroy their political opponents. Complicit in all this are the tech giants like Google, Facebook and Twitter, all of which have selectively silenced conservative channels while protecting and even promoting left-wing terrorism groups that are openly calling for violence against conservatives. This, the tech companies tell us, is their campaign to combat “hate speech.” But in their minds, “hate speech” is defined as anything uttered by a conservative.
It’s also clear now that left-wing terrorists are deeply embedded in the U.S. Congress, where they managed to use House computers to doxx U.S. Senators, as reported above. They have also infiltrated and now occupy many positions inside the DOJ, IRS and other government agencies. This is on top of what we already know about James Comey, Andrew McCabe and the treasonous actions of anti-Trump traitors inside the FBI, none of whom have yet faced anything resembling real justice for their obstruction of justice (covering up the crimes of Hillary Clinton) and acts of open insurrection against Trump campaign officials via the FISA warrant fraud. (This fraud also involved criminal actions carried out by Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch, Peter Strzok and many others).
The upshot is that the more political power Leftists lose, the more they turn to desperate tactics like doxxing and calling for executions and mass murder. This is not conjecture. They openly admit this in their own words. You can see the videos, read the tweets and confirm it all for yourself. Should they fail to take the House in the upcoming mid-term elections, I fear they will unleash open insurrection in the streets of America, launching a nationwide campaign of “kill teams” and terror cells to attempt a sweeping political coup and mass murder takeover.
Notably, all this is playing out exactly as myself and Alex Jones have warned over the last two years. EXACTLY. We have both accurately reported on what’s coming, and we have repeatedly warned informed Americans to get ready to defend America, defend the President and defend the Republic against the deranged, lawless violence of increasingly unhinged Leftists. The conventional media, for their part, has only fed the hysteria by deliberately publishing deep state lies and false accusations from anonymous (fictitious) sources.
If the escalation stays on its current trajectory, civil war violence seems inevitable. Remember the other day when a group of deranged Leftists confronted Sen. Ted Cruz at that public restaurant in Washington D.C.? It won’t be long, I fear, before the next similar confrontation involves the stabbing of a conservative U.S. Senator (or the shooting). I share this urgent warning because U.S. Senators like Ted Cruz need to take real measures to protect themselves and their family members. (It’s also crucial that Ted Cruz win in Texas, as we cannot survive the open borders policies of “Beto” who is another left-wing lunatic running for office by promising to overrun and destroy America.)
The Left’s plans, importantly, are not mere conjecture or theory. Their “kill team” desires are being open discussed, encouraged and even supported by a complicit media that, for the last two years, has knowingly carried out a malicious campaign to overthrow the results of the 2016 election and rip this country apart.

How to stay informed: Crucial information resources you need to follow

The complicit, lying media refuses to report any real truth to the American people. It’s only the independent media that now dares to carry out legitimate journalism and publish the real stories of what’s going down.
Here are some resources you need to follow daily: – A replacement for Google News, this site aggregates real-time headlines from 20+ independent media websites, including PJ Media, Daily Caller, Breitbart, and others. – A replacement for YouTube, this platform features thousands of video channels, including many news channels that cover daily news events in near-real time. – A search engine covering independent media. Allows you to easily search thousands of indy media websites to get the true story on current events.
Lastly, if you’re interested in my own forward-looking analysis of current events, follow my channel on
God Bless America.


Leftists Have Radicalized The Democratic Party To Dominate America

CIVIL WAR ALERT: Leftists openly plot mass executions of conservatives as Democrats release home addresses of Republican Senators



As of the early morning of September 28th, the “Help Christine Blasey Ford” campaign total stood at $473,622 of a $150,000 goal

BY Chris Menahan | Information Liberation
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Judge Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford has raised over $750,000 through multiple GoFundMe campaigns to cover “expenses” related to her testimony.
As of the early morning of September 28th, the “Help Christine Blasey Ford” campaign total stood at $473,622 of a $150,000 goal.
The “Cover Dr. Blasey’s security costs” campaign has raised $209,987 of a $175,000 goal.
A host of other similar campaigns for Ford raised around another $100,000.
Ford did manage to work a plug in for her GoFundMe campaigns during her testimony:

"Her lawyers have paid for her polygraph ... as is routine," Christine Blasey Ford's lawyers tell prosecutor Rachel Mitchell, who is asking questions for GOP members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Hopefully, she can use the funds to buy much-needed coffee!

VIDEO: Christine Blasey Ford gets her request for coffee personally delivered to her by @CoryBooker while she sat at the witness table in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.