Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Jerry Falwell Jr., Jimmy Carter, and Liberty University ...
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
LYNCHBURG, Va. — Jerry Falwell, Jr., the president of Liberty University, which hails itself as the world’s largest Christian university, says that he is writing a book with former Democratic President Jimmy Carter, the specifics of which have not yet been announced. Carter, who has publicly expressed his support for “gay marriage” and says that he believes in evolution, claims to be a born again Christian and teaches Sunday School in Georgia.
According to The Hill, Falwell announced that he was joining forces with Carter to write the book during the Washington premiere of Dinesh D’Souza’s film “Death of a Nation.”
“We just started working on it,” he said. “It’ll take a year, I bet.”
Falwell also shared the report on social media, writing, “I believe a political revolution is underway in our great nation. Instead of conservative v. liberal, the future will be progressive elites (think Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger, ⁦@HillaryClinton⁩, Hitler, Soros) v. freedom loving average Americans!”
As previously reported, Carter has raised eyebrows several times in recent years over his statements about Christianity, such as in 2015, when he told the Huffington Post that he believes Jesus would approve of same-sex “marriage,” and really, “any love affair.”
“I believe Jesus would. I don’t have any verse in Scripture,” he said. “I believe Jesus would approve gay marriage, but that’s just my own personal belief. I think Jesus would encourage any love affair if it was honest and sincere and was not damaging to anyone else, and I don’t see that gay marriage damages anyone else.”
“The earth is four billion years old, … but I don’t see a conflict there,” Carter also told reporters in 2016 during a visit to Ken Ham’s Ark Encounter, referring to the conflict between Christianity and evolution. “And as a scientist, I believe in evolution.”
Last year, he advised liberal op-ed columnist Nicholas Kristof that he can’t judge whether or not someone is a Christian despite their doubts about Christ’s virgin birth and resurrection.
“One of my problems with evangelicalism is that it normally argues that one can be saved only through a personal relationship with Jesus, which seems to consign Gandhi to Hell. Do you believe that?” Kristoff also asked.
“I do not feel qualified to make a judgment. I am inclined to give him (or others) the benefit of any doubt,” Carter replied.
Despite his beliefs, Carter still refers to himself as a born-again Christian and teaches Sunday School at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Georgia. He spoke at a Liberty University Commencement in May, sharing his thoughts about global concerns such as human trafficking and the threat of nuclear war.
As previously reported, Falwell has been a vocal supporter of President Trump since January 2016, repeatedly asserting throughout Trump’s presidential campaign that the then-candidate bears the fruit of one being born again because of his characteristic good deeds.
“I’ve seen his generosity to strangers, to his employees, his warm relationship with his children,” he said on CNN’s “Legal View With Ashleigh Banfield” in February 2016. “I’m convinced he’s a Christian. I believe he has faith in Jesus Christ.”
Falwell contended that those who expressed concerns about Trump’s behavior were violating the “judge not” clause in Matthew 7:1.
“Jesus said, ‘Judge not, lest ye be judged. Let’s stop trying to choose the political leaders who we believe are the most godly because, in reality, only God knows people’s hearts. You and I don’t, and we are all sinners,” he said in an interview with the Liberty University newspaper in March 2016.
In October 2016, when some Liberty University students denounced Trump as being antithetical to Christianity after sexually-charged remarks surfaced from 2005, Falwell asserted that, in their immaturity of youth, they were wrongfully “ignoring” the teachings of Jesus on judging.
“Donald Trump does not represent our values and we want nothing to do with him,” one student had written in a circulated statement that generated over 1,000 signatures of support from students, faculty and alumni. “… He has made his name by maligning others and bragging about his sins. Not only is Donald Trump a bad candidate for president, he is actively promoting the very things that we as Christians ought to oppose. … We don’t want to champion Donald Trump; we want only to be champions for Christ.”
“This student statement seems to ignore the teachings of Jesus not to judge others, but they are young and still learning,” Falwell stated, in part, in response.
Falwell’s twitter account is predominantly filled with political posts, and on July 21, he retweeted the following remark from vloggers Diamond and Silk regarding allegations that Trump once had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels: “We don’t give a freakin’ frying flipping fish about something that happened over 10 years ago. We didn’t vote for the pope, a priest or a pastor; we voted for a president. Our president did nothing wrong so leave him D [expletive] alone!”
John Jay, the first chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, once said, “Providence has given our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as privilege and interest, of a Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
August 7, 2018

Dinesh D'Souza's latest film, "Death of a Nation," is another home run. We saw it this past Saturday in its opening weekend. It is outstanding and current, as all of his films are. In it, Mr. D'Souza presents the truth behind the Big Lies of the commie/fascist/Nazi/Ku Klux Klan/Democrat/"Progressive" collective with his in-depth research, interviews, and high-quality historical reenactments by actors who look impressively like the people they're portraying.

Although I had heard radio audio of many of them, I had not seen most of the video clips he showed of insane Hell's Media in their vicious reactions to Donald Trump winning the 2016 presidential election. They're quite sobering to watch. The deranged hate from these people is stunning.

During much of the Obama administration, I wrote one or two columns a week, and in many of them I called for prayers that God would give our nation undeserved mercy, a reprieve from the inevitably despotic consequences of our nation's broad embrace of all kinds of wickedness and corruption.

The Lord answered our prayers in a mighty way by preventing all the scheming and fraud of the communist Democrats to shove the criminal harpy, Hillary Clinton, into the presidency. I thank God He did not allow her to win! He gave us President Trump, and all the forces of Hell and its human servants are of one mind, unified in pure, lunatic hatred for him. We have not seen anything like it in our nation's history.

Just as Islam is the photo-negative of Christianity, so was the treatment of Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) by Hell's Media compared to their treatment of President Trump. The entire Left – politicians, media, Hollywood, academia – were all drooling dogs worshiping at Obama's treacherous feet, giving cover to his every lie and lawless, anti-American scandal.

Those same people are now doing their worst to destroy President Trump, a man who has done none of what they falsely accuse him of doing, and certainly none of the corrupt, power-mad things Obama and others in his administration did. The breathtaking depth of corruption and criminality in the Obama intelligence agencies and the ensuing hoax of this seemingly interminable "Russia collusion" investigation are beyond measure. It's clear that this Mueller guy is hell-bent on making a Donald Trump "crime" out of thin air.

In "Death of a Nation," Mr. D'Souza lays bare not only the lies of these people who are baselessly, viciously attacking President Trump, but also the related lies of their comrades in history, including the Third Reich. And he wonders if America will again be saved as it was during the Civil War era.

The film's presentation, its cinematography, sound, all of it, are excellent, and the music is glorious. It's real, and it's uplifting, but also a warning to those with eyes to see. Our nation is in a battle for its freedom and soul, and Mr. D'Souza is trying to impart the critical nature of our situation and the need that we all stand firmly for truth and righteousness in the United States, no matter how dear the cost of standing for what's right and true. As with all of his pictures, you'll applaud at the end. Go see it while it's still on the big screen.

‘Death of a Nation’ Movie Is a Masterful Win for Conservatism


Prominent Conservatives Attend Screening of 

New D'Souza Film

Prominent conservatives attend a screening of Dinesh D'Souza's latest film "Death of a Nation." One America's Jack Posobiec spoke with D'Souza and others about the film, and why Democrat policies have historically been dangerous.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
In most developed societies, technology and its devices are readily available and in use for all who will have them. The benefits of this progress have been many. However, there seems to be a dangerous growing epidemic that has been created as a result.
Every day we see it in stores, restaurants, and on the streets as we walk — people staring vacantly at the screens in their hands instead of interacting with those around them. And all ages seem to have access to the screens that blind them to the real world around them.
What are some of the dangers of this new way of living?
Baroness Susan Greenfield, a British research scientist whose work focuses on brain physiology, cautions that social media and video games may create a society of individuals with grossly underdeveloped mental and emotional capacities.
In an interview with The Telegraph, Greenfield stated, “What I predict is that people are going to be like three-year-olds: emotional, risk-taking, [with] poor social skills, weak self-identity and short attention spans.” The instant gratification of social media and video games, she asserted, would lead them to need “something every moment to distract them so they can’t have their own inner narrative, their own inner thought process.”
As validation of her prediction, the baroness mentioned a recent study by Harvard and Princeton Universities that discovered “students preferred to give themselves an electric shock rather than face 10 minutes alone simply thinking.”
Such startling and abnormal findings raise concern for our youth and should bring about action concerning the problem.
It is not uncommon for kids to have smart phones well before high school. In fact, according to PsychCentral, “56 percent of children between the ages of 10 to 13 own a smartphone. While that fact alone may come as a shock, it is estimated that 25 percent of children between the ages of 2 and 5 have a smartphone.”
The article aptly notes, “It should come as no surprise that smartphones and tablets have now replaced basketballs and baby dolls on a child’s wish list. Elementary school-aged children start asking, or let’s say begging, for these forms of technology before they can even tie their shoes.”
The devices, which are created to appeal to increasingly (and astonishingly) younger ages, and the unmonitored and easy access to the Internet can do unfathomable damage to children. Technology is all around us, and as it typically involves face-to-screen time instead of face-to-face time with real people, it promotes isolation — one of its central dangers. This is especially troubling for children and can cause countless side effects — two of which are the inability to interact with others and the inability to self-regulate.
In her blog on, W. R. Cummings states in “The Negative Effects of Technology on Childhood Behavior”:
When screen time is idolized, face-to-face time with other people is devalued. Fresh air drops to the bottom of the priority list, and playing (and therefore learning) becomes a backup preference. The ideal overwhelmingly becomes to stare at a screen to be entertained.
Children are no longer forced to entertain themselves, but are now able to turn off the active parts of their brain to enjoy themselves. By no fault of their own, they’ve lost a huge piece of their ability to deal with boredom.
This cause-and-effect reaction makes learning in the classroom more difficult for kids, which causes frustration, self-doubt, and negative choices. They’re less able to use gained social skills to maintain conversations with their peers. This causes avoidance of peer interaction, inability to express emotion to others, and a desire to escape group activities.
The article then addresses one of the same concerns raised by Baroness Greenfield: that of instant gratification:
The biggest problem with technology in childhood behavior, however, seems to be the learned expectation that every need or want can be (and should be) met immediately. Instant gratification becomes the norm, instead of the treat.
Items can be bought with the click of a button.
Packages can arrive on the doorstep in twenty-four hours.
Entire seasons of TV shows can be watched in one sitting without having to wait each week for their arrival.
Games can be played at faster processing speeds than any toy could compare with.
Delaying gratification is a skill that a lot of children are no longer being forced to learn. When a kid can’t have what they want, or what they’re working for, right away, they become overwhelmed. Frustrated. Sad. Upset.
To counteract these attitudes, Greenfield suggests that children engage in activities with a beginning, middle, and end. Some examples are reading books, playing sports, and gardening in which the plant growth would not be hurried in contrast to “multi-tasking where everything happens all at once and you can go backward and forward in time in games.”
The negative effects of technology on children today are not necessary. If parents take responsibility by gaining knowledge, creating legitimate limitations, and setting right examples, a vibrant childhood does not have to be replaced with a lifeless virtual reality.


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
On Monday, tech giant Apple joined in on the censorship fun by removing five of six podcasts of Alex Jones and Infowars from their iTunes and Podcasts apps. Apple’s move was draconian, completely removing all of the shows on those five podcasts instead of singling out the more “offensive” ones.  
“Apple does not tolerate hate speech, and we have clear guidelines that creators and developers must follow to ensure we provide a safe environment for all of our users,” a company statement said. “Podcasts that violate these guidelines are removed from our directory making them no longer searchable or available for download or streaming. We believe in representing a wide range of views, so long as people are respectful to those with differing opinions.”
So, Apple is creating a “safe space” for news consumers, is that it? Then why is progressive The Young Turks show still available on the platform? Its hosts regularly disagree with conservatives and are certainly not always “respectful to those with differing opinions.” On election night of 2016, host Ana Kasparian referred to female Trump supporters as “dumb.” Both Kasparian and The Young Turks founder Cenk Uygur have loudly disagreed with Jones himself, with Uygur shouting in his face and Kasparian calling him a “fat f**k” at the 2016 Republican National Convention.
Not to be outdone, Facebook continued its war against Jones and his Infowars platform by banning four pages — the Alex Jones page; the Alex Jones Channel page; the Infowars Nightly News page and the Infowars page — belonging to Jones for allegedly violating the social network’s policy on “hate speech.”
Facebook claimed in a statement that the pages were removed “for glorifying violence, which violates our graphic violence policy, and using dehumanizing language to describe people who are transgender, Muslim and immigrants, which violates our hate speech policies.” The statement did not offer any specific violations.
As with Apple’s, Facebook’s decision is inconsistent. The social-media giant still allows many pages depicting and encouraging violence and racial animosity, such as Antifa pages calling for violence, a page called “Kill Trump,” and many pages dedicated to “hateful” speech against Christians, Jews, Americans, etc.
Google and its satellite company YouTube have stepped up their own censorship efforts by banning Jones’ channel. Try to go to Jones’ official YouTube page and you will only see the message, “This channel is no longer available. Unsubscribe if you would like to remove it.”
Spotify has also jumped on the censorship bandwagon by banning Jones and Infowars from their site, claiming that the Alex Jones Show violated its hate content policy, which prohibits content that “expressly and principally promotes, advocates or incites hatred or violence against a group or individual based on characteristics.”
All of these tech companies banning so-called conspiracy theorist Jones on the same day? It seems almost coordinated — a conspiracy, if you will.
Gateway Pundit does an excellent job in quantifying the damage done by these tech companies’ efforts to marginalize not just Jones, but conservatives in general. Beginning in January of 2017, traffic from Facebook to selected conservative news sites has dropped by 93 percent. That’s not coincidence. The giants in the liberal tech world realized that the election of Donald Trump had a lot to do with alternative news sources, and they have acted accordingly to get rid of that influence.
Infowars editor Paul Joseph Watson put it this way on Twitter: “This is the key point. 4 big tech firms all banned InfoWars within 12 hours of each other. This suggests collusion and PROVES that their terms of service are all arbitrary and bulls**t. Incredible”
Amazingly, Jones is still on Twitter — for now. Though, with Twitter’s policy of shadowbanning conservative voices, one has to wonder how long Jones will last there. In the wake of Jones’ banning by other social-media and tech sites, Twitter is facing enormous pressure to ban Jones as well.
Interestingly, Apple now has a large presence in the People’s Republic of China and is working closely with that government, which currently bans over 8,000 websites, including Google, Facebook, and YouTube. At least the communists are honest about it. They don’t want their people to see certain things, so they block them. In America and other western nations, the censorship is more insidious, as we are told such bans are all about restricting “fake news” and “hate speech,” even though these claims are observably false.
Make no mistake: These bans have little to nothing to do with so-called hate speech or fake news. The leftists who run these companies and the overlord leftists in the mainstream media and globalist circles who pressure these companies do not like the fact that Americans can now get their news and information without their spin on it. Alex Jones is nothing but the first domino here.
A day that will live in infamy.

ALERT: They Did It To Alex Jones’ Infowars;

Who or What Is Next?

The Alex Jones Purge is Tommy Robinson Part 2!!!

THE PURGE: Here’s Why Liberals Will Lose 

the Online Culture War!!!

by Dr. Steve Turley

Alex Jones banned from all airlines! 

Jack Posobiec, Periscope Reports

Infowars purge is just the beginning

Ezra Levant of Rebel Media Reports:


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. — The pro-homosexual Greater Purpose Community Church in California says that it has sold its former building and plans to open a public brewery in the now-closed Logos Bookstore in Santa Cruz. The brewery, which will also be used as meeting space for Sunday services, will donate part of the proceeds to Planned Parenthood, among other organizations.
“We decided to sell the building, because for us a church is a community and a movement,” leader Chris VanHall told NBC Bay Area. “It’s not brick and mortar.”
The former building had a large homosexual rainbow flag unfurled outside, and members marched in the recent Pride Parade, according to the publication Good Times. VanHall also had a “Happy Pride Month” rainbow frame on his Facebook profile photo for the month of June.
While looking for a new place to gather, VanHall’s rental agent mentioned the former Logos Bookstore and signed a lease agreement with former Logos Owner John Livingston to use the space as both a meeting place for Greater Purpose and a brewery and eatery.
“It’s more about community than anything,” Livingston told reporters. “I really like their approach.”
In the meantime, Greater Purpose is meeting in The Food Lounge, a restaurant and bar in the city. VanHall asked the owner of the lounge to keep the bar open, so members could have a beer while listening to his sermons.
“We have a glass of beer, glass of wine, and it’s a comfortable atmosphere where people can not only listen to a progressive take on theology, but they can also engage in conversation,” he said.
“They can have one or two. As a matter of fact, if they have two, my sermon’s always better,” VanHall jested.
He said that the former Logos Bookstore will be named the Greater Purpose Brewing Company. VanHall plans to revamp the location into space for manufacturing beer, mead and hard cider. The brewery will be open to the public, but on Sunday mornings, VanHall will use the facility for Sunday services before the brewery opens.
“We don’t want to dupe anyone. We don’t want to have this bar and, ‘Come on in and have a beer,’ and boom, you get a church service,” he explained.
VanHall said that he also plans to split profits from the brewery and donate part of the proceeds to local non-profit organizations, such as Planned Parenthood, which has an office upstairs.
“I thought to myself, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if a church could figure out a way to make a product where they split profits with local community service organizations?’ And we were like, ‘Hey, we love beer. We love making beer. Why not do a brewery?'” he outlined.
“A woman’s right to choose is something most churches are silent on or opposed to, but that’s not where we stand in the faith community,” Van Hall told Good Times. “We hope to be an absolute conundrum for people walking by. A church that serves beer and gives the profits away to places like Planned Parenthood is really exciting to me.”
World Religion News notes that Greater Purpose already hosts meetings open to all religions called “Faith on Tap,” during which participants have a drink while discussing how to raise money or volunteer to support local causes.
The late Anglican preacher J.C. Ryle once exhorted, “Controversy is an odious thing, but there are days when it is a positive duty. Peace is an excellent thing, but, like gold, it may be bought too dear. Unity is a mighty blessing, but it is worthless if it is purchased at the cost of truth. Once more I say, Open your eyes and be on your guard.”
(Friday Church News Notes, August 24, 2018,,, 866-295-4143) - 
The Greater Purpose Community Church of Santa Cruz, California, is building a beer brewery that will also serve as its meeting place. Pastor Chris VanHall says, “I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be great if a church could figure out a way to make a product where they split the profits with local community service organizations, we were like ‘hey, we love beer, we love making beer, why not do a brewery?’” He said that drinking a couple of beers “improves the sermon.” The church’s web site says, “[We] will embrace you regardless of your faith, personal life choices, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, political preference, social status, or economic standing.” The profit from the church’s brewery will go to abortion provider Planned Parenthood. This is “The Shack” Christianity which is void of conviction of sin, repentance, and life-changing regeneration. Such things are labeled “bigotry and hate-filled theology” by The Greater Purpose Community Church.