Monday, January 15, 2018

  Our Lady of Glastonbury Abbey is a community of Benedictine monks who live in Hingham, Massachusetts. They follow the Rule of Saint Benedict, dedicating themselves to a life of prayer, service and hospitality. All are welcome to enjoy the monastery grounds and join the monks in daily Mass and prayer services. Glastonbury celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2014. For more info,


 "A few minutes after five o’clock, the bells began to ring from the abbey’s chapel, reminding us that it was time for the afternoon vespers. Acapella in that simple space, we sang psalms with words like, “Hear the voice of my pleading as I call for help, as I lift up my hands in a prayer to your holy place.” With the monks, I began to sing words sung for thousands of years by the people of God. After the benediction, the Benedictines headed for supper and I followed. The evening meal was silent, save for the opening prayer and the memories read of monks long gone."
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
For many years, Lighthouse Trails has written about the slide that Biola University in Southern California has taken into contemplative spirituality. Our first indication that the school was heading that way was in February of 2006 when we learned that Biola was actively participating in a publication called Conversations Journal, a magazine whose primary purpose is to bring contemplative spirituality to the church, and editorial involvement includes names such as Richard Foster, Basil Pennington (a Catholic mystic), Tilden Edwards (co-founder of the panentheistic Shalem Institute), and others of the contemplative viewpoint. Since then, we have watched as Biola has gotten whole-heartedly on the contemplative band wagon with its own Institute for Spiritual Formation through Biola’s Talbot School of Theology.
Fast forward nearly twelve years to the fall of 2017 when the longstanding president of Biola, Dr. Barry Corey, took a month-long sabbatical leave starting with a week at the Glastonbury Abbey in Massachusetts (a Benedictine monastery) then wrote about his time of contemplative silence at the Abbey for the students of Biola in an article titled “The Abbey Makes Space for the Soul” in the school’s student-run newspaper Chimes.
Of course, it makes sense to us that the president of a strongly contemplative university would spend time in silence at a Catholic mystical retreat center. We have been explaining for many years now that contemplative prayer came to the evangelical church from the Catholic monasteries (e.g. Thomas Merton at the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky). So naturally, a contemplative proponent such as Corey would be drawn to a Catholic contemplative retreat center. It’s like going back to the roots of what has become the foundation of Biola’s “faith.” And with the president himself boasting of his time at the Glastonbury Abbey, no doubt, many students will wish to follow suit. Most of them probably won’t have the money to take a week off and fly across the country to Massachusetts (college students are generally strapped for funds – Biola’s yearly tuition runs over $40,000 a year). But with President Corey’s glowing report of his time at Glastonbury, students can at least order a few books from Glastonbury’s online bookstore.
Here are some titles Biola students might purchase from the Glastonbury bookstore: Becoming the Presence of God (Contemplative Ministry for Everyone) by Michael Ford, Finding Our Sacred Center by Henri Nouwen, Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation by Richard Rohr, Christ in All Things: Exploring Spirituality with Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, Guidelines for Mystical Prayer, What the Mystics Know: Seven Pathways to Your Deeper Self by Rohr, and a multitude of other similar books. The majority of the books in Glastonbury’s bookstore radiates with the contemplative message that God is in everyone. For those who are new to understanding contemplative spirituality, THAT is the foundation of contemplative prayer (i.e., Spiritual Formation) – God in everyone, which of course, if was true, then Christ died for us in vain as man would not need a Savior separate from himself. This is why we have given our lives up to warn the church about the infiltration of this panentheistic spirituality that now affects over 90% of the Christian colleges, universities, and seminaries. If contemplative spirituality (as promoted at Biola) is legitimate, then the Gospel is not needed, and those of us who believe in it are the worst of fools.
Some reading this may be thinking, well, just because Dr. Corey visited a contemplative monastery doesn’t mean that Biola itself is promoting or teaching contemplative prayer. On that matter, we could give one example after the next (see links to some of our former research below). But let’s look at just a few recent things from Biola’s website:
First, in Biola’s Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care, in the Fall 2017 issue is an abstract from an article titled “Evangelical Spiritual Disciplines: Practices for Knowing God” written by Dr. Tom Schwanda (Associate Professor of Christian Formation & Spirituality at Wheaton College). It reads:
Evangelicals are not known for their awareness of or appreciation for their own history. . . . “evangelicals . . . have never been introduced to the richness of their own spirituality. Many evangelicals, and more broadly Protestants, were unaware of spiritual disciplines until Richard Foster’s groundbreaking publication Celebration of Discipline first released in 1978. While Foster wrote as an evangelical he was recovering the classic spiritual disciplines that have been shaped by 2,000 years of the Christian church. As important as this was there is also both historical and practical value for evangelicals to recognize the rich spiritual treasures within their stream of Christian spirituality. This article seeks to redress this weakness in one limited way by examining the origin of evangelical spiritual disciplines and their development over the past three centuries. (source; emphasis added)
What Dr. Schwanda means is that evangelicals have been missing out on “classic spiritual disciplines” (primarily contemplative prayer), that is until Richard Foster brought them to us. He’s also saying that Christians don’t have to look for these disciplines from other religions or belief systems because we already have a heritage of Christian mysticism in our own backyard (i.e., a long line of Catholic mystics). Ray Yungen tried to explain this in his book, A Time of Departing. Read the section below, which should provide some insight:
In [Thomas] Merton’s efforts to become a mystic, he found guidance from a Hindu swami, whom Merton referred to as Dr. Bramachari. Bramachari played a pivotal role in Merton’s future spiritual outlook. [Henri] Nouwen divulged this when he said:
“Thus he [Merton] was more impressed when this Hindu monk pointed him to the Christian mystical tradition. . . . It seems providential indeed that this Hindu monk relativized [sic] Merton’s youthful curiosity for the East and made him sensitive to the richness of Western mysticism.”
Why would a Hindu monk advocate the Christian mystical tradition? The answer is simple: they are one in the same. Even though the repetitive words used may differ (e.g. Christian words: Abba, Father, etc. rather than Hindu words), the end result is the same. And the Hindu monk knew this to be true. Bramachari understood that Merton didn’t need to switch to Hinduism to get the same enlightenment that he himself experienced through the Hindu mystical tradition. In essence, Bramachari backed up what I am trying to get across in A Time of Departing, that all the world’s mystical traditions basically come from the same source and teach the same precepts . . . and that source is not the God of the Old and New Testaments. The biblical God is not interspiritual!
Evangelical Christianity is now being invited, perhaps even catapulted, into seeing God with these new eyes of contemplative prayer. And so the question must be asked, is Thomas Merton’s silence, Henri Nouwen’s space, and Richard Foster’s contemplative prayer the way in which we can know and be close to God? Or is this actually a spiritual belief system that is contrary to the true message that the Bible so absolutely defines—that there is only one way to God and that is through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice on the Cross obtained our full salvation? ( A Time of Departing, 2nd ed., p. 199)
Second, to show that Biola is promoting contemplative spirituality, if you examine the editorial staff for the Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care, you will see numerous contemplative and/or emergent names (Ruth Haley Barton, Klaus Issler, Kyle Strobel, Larry Crabb, Bruce Demarest to name a few); there is no way that the Journal is not going to be promoting contemplative spirituality.
One more example, in Biola’s class SEED570 Introduction to Spiritual Formation, one of the textbooks being used is Adele Ahlberg Calhoun’s book, Spiritual Disciplines Handbook. In a Lighthouse Trails review of this book, we quote Calhoun from her book where she states:
I would be remiss not to mention the spiritual tutors that I know only through books: Dorothy Bass, Eugene Peterson, Gerald May, M. Basil Pennington, Dallas Willard, Phyllis Tickle, Fredrick Buechner, Richard Foster, Henri Nouwen, Richard Rohr, Jonathan Edwards [not a contemplative], Francis de Sales, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Ignatius Loyola, St. Benedict, Julian of Norwich and many more. Their ideas, voices and examples have shaped my own words and experience of the disciplines. (Acknowledgment’s page)
If you are not familiar with these names, please take some time to study them. They are all mystical advocates. Calhoun’s book does not belong in any school that calls itself Christian. You can see on the Biola website that Calhoun spoke at the school in 2013 as well. In our review of Calhoun, we showed how she advocates the spirituality of Catholic panentheists Thomas Keating and Basil Pennington.
If there is a Biola student reading this article, we beseech you to weigh this matter out in light of Scripture. Your president is pointing you to a spiritual outlook that negates the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is as New Age, panentheistic, and universalistic as it gets. Henri Nouwen, whom you have most likely heard about in some of your classes at Biola, said this statement near the end of his life after spending years practicing contemplative prayer:
Today I personally believe that while Jesus came to open the door to God’s house, all human beings can walk through that door, whether they know about Jesus or not. Today I see it as my call to help every person claim his or her own way to God.”—From Sabbatical Journey, Henri Nouwen’s last book, page 51, 1998 Hardcover Edition
Nouwen came to this conclusion after immersing himself in the very same contemplative silence that Glasonbury Abbey lives by. If the above statement by Nouwen were true, then everyone (even Hitler) will be saved, and it really doesn’t matter what belief a person holds to because every way, every path (be it Buddhism, Hinduism, even atheism) will be a path to God.
Biola University has been introducing students to the beliefs of Henri Nouwen, Thomas Merton, and many other mystics for a long time. Forty thousand dollars a year is a lot of money to pay for an education like that!

Note: Any Biola student, professor, or staff member who would be willing to read A Time of Departing, the book we publish that explains contemplative spirituality, we will be happy to send a free copy. Please just email us at Your name will be kept confidential.
Some of our other coverage on Biola University since 2006:
2017 – Biola University Brings in Emergent Speaker for Students, as Pathway to Apostasy Continues
2017 – Evangelical Universities & Seminaries Offering Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation – Going into the Deeper Waters of Contemplative Spirituality
2016 – Erwin McManus, Moody, Liberty, Cedarville, and Biola Help Pave the Emergent/Social Justice/Progressive Future with Barefoot Tribe
2016 – Mindfulness! Heard of It? What Does it Mean, and Where is it Showing Up in Christian Circles?
2014 – Letter to the Editor: Rick Warren, the Road to Rome, and More Trouble at Biola University
2013 – Biola Conference Welcomes Ruth Haley Barton as it Continues Heartily Down Contemplative Path
2008 – Lee Strobel’s Son – Founder of Contemplative Ministry – Biola Named as “Partner,” Lee Strobel as “Supporter”
2008 – Biola Magazine Managing Editor Admits Biola Promotes Contemplative Spirituality
2008 – Biola University Student Reports on Contemplative Chapel Services – Warns Parents to Avoid Biola
2006 – The Shape of Things to Come: Biola University Embraces Contemplative Spirituality
2006 – Biola University … and Emerging Spirituality

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails has been reporting on and challenging Moody Bible Institute for several years because they have been progressively promoting and turning to contemplative spirituality via Spiritual Formation programs. And yet, in our dealings with them, they have always denied doing this. As we have pointed out so many times, once a school begins going down that path, liberalism (or what we call emergent) and a twisted view on the Gospel and the Bible are the byproducts. Perhaps Moody leadership thought they would increase enrollment by becoming trendy, culturally relevant, emerging, contemplative, and liberal. They forgot one thing – God doesn’t bless the mixing of truth and error – in fact, He judges it.
The following article was posted in November of 2017. On January 10th, the Broken Twig blog posted a new article titled Moody just accepted resignations of President Paul Nyquist, Provost Junias Venugopal & COO Steve Mogck.” While replacing Moody’s leadership may solve some of their problems, if the school doesn’t acknowledge their embracing of the contemplative prayer movement, they will not climb out of this hole but will continue falling further into it.
By The Broken Twig blog
“We’re in a storm.” That’s the reason President Nyquist recently gave for a nearly 30 percent drop in enrollment at Moody the past four years, which has caused the institute to close its Spokane campus and cut more than 20 faculty in Chicago. Nyquist took no responsibility for this dramatic drop in enrollment, which occurred on his watch, but attributed it to a nationwide trend – a “college bubble” that is bursting. He also pointed to a changing culture that rejects Christ and His Word and fails to raise children interested in a Bible education.
While it’s true that many have predicted that the future pool of college applicants is shrinking, bursting a bubble that’s prevailed for decades, it doesn’t explain Moody’s dramatic downturn in such a short amount of time. In fact, total fall enrollment in post-secondary institutions from 2013-2015 decreased only two percent nationwide. During that same time period, applications at Moody plummeted from 1,300 to 1,040 – a 20 percent drop!  . . .
Enrollment at Moody was steady until 2013 when it began to plummet.  In September of that year, Moody changed its longstanding policies regarding alcohol, smoking and gambling. In fact, the policy position was so startling, even the New York Times wrote a piece documenting the change. Click here to continue reading.
Related Reading:
Erwin McManus, Moody, Liberty, Cedarville, and Biola Help Pave the Emergent/Social Justice/Progressive Future with Barefoot Tribe
Letter to the Editor: There is No Doubt That Moody Has Gone Contemplative – This Year’s Radio Programs Proves It.
Embracing Contemplative Shows Ill Effects at Moody Bible Institute in Ecumenical “Road to Rome” Event
Moody’s Pastors’ Conference Teaching Lectio Divina This Week – And Seven Years of Warning by Lighthouse Trails Go Unheeded 
 What Would D. L. Moody Say Today to Moody Bible Institute About Mingling Truth and Error? 
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
By Dwight L. Moody
I do not see how any Christian, most of all a Christian minister, can go into these secret lodges with unbelievers. They say they can have more influence for good, but I say that they can have more influence for good by staying out of them and reproving their evil deeds.
You can never reform anything by unequally yoking yourself to ungodly men. True reformers separate themselves from the world. But, some say to me, if you talk that way you will drive all the members of secret societies out of your meetings and out of your churches. But what if I did? Better men will take their places. Give them the truth anyway, and if they would rather leave their churches than their lodges, the sooner they get out of their churches the better.
I would rather have ten members who are separated from the world than a thousand such members! Come out from the lodge.
Better one with God than a thousand without Him! We must walk with God, and if only one or two go with us, it is all right. Do not let down the standard to suit men who love their secret lodges or have some darling sin they will not give up! (source:


 False Prophet Martin Luther King Jr. Exposed! Full Documentary
 Martin Luther King, Jr., is a man that is universally praised as one of the greatest heroes of the 20th century. Every year on the 3rd Monday in January, a national holiday is celebrated in his honor. The truth is that Martin Luther King, Jr., was a wicked false prophet, a sexual pervert, and a communist tool. This film is not about race. God has made all nations of the earth of one blood. This film will judge MLK, not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.
Short film for use in a social studies classroom, including original footage of Martin Luther King describing the influence that Gandhi had on his philosophy of non-violence and its application within the Civil Rights Movement.
  Robert E Lee or Martin Luther King
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
January 21, 1998
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061

The following is excerpted from an article by Carmeron L. Horne, a member of Hillsdale Baptist Church, Tampa, Florida. As my readers know, I rarely print anything dealing with politics or American government. One reason is that many of our readers do not live in America. Another is that I believe the root cause of a nation's problems are spiritual, and as a preacher I can do more to help my nation by focusing on things related to strengthening churches than I can by addressing political/social evils. The following article, though, so skillfully exposes the lies promoted constantly by the mainstream humanistic media and the public education system that I want to share it with our readers. It is refreshing to hear some truth amidst the deceptive revisionist history one hears on every side today.

As for Horne’s implication that the American Civil War was
not fought over slavery, I only agree in part. While slavery was not the only issue over which the Civil War was fought, it was certainly one of the issues and it was an important one. Other prominent issues in the war were state’s rights and the power of the federal government, but had there not been slavery, the Civil War would not have been fought. Slavery was an ugly blight upon a great nation founded upon the concept of human liberty, and it was a practice that was supported by many professing Christians. Further, we cannot forget the wretched racism that accompanied the practice of slavery. I refer to the idea that the black man is less of a man or a different kind of a man than the white man, and, in some cases, the idea that he was not a real man. The Ku Klux Klan and many similar organizations and movements were a real phenomenon that grew after the Civil War in the fertile soil of Southern racism. I say this as a Southern boy who descends from a long line of racists. As a high sheriff in Georgia, my great grandfather killed seven black men (and repented of it before God before he died); many of my relatives were members of the KKK; my grandmother’s pastor was the head of a KKK chapter; my own father took up petitions to send the “black man back to Africa where he belongs.” I refuse to ignore or whitewash this aspect of the Civil War. To acknowledge that white racism is only one type of racism that is alive and well in this fallen world and that black racism and many other types of racism are just as real and just as ugly, does not make white racism any less wrong. This is not to say that all Southerners were racists or that every person who believes that races should remain separate are racists; but the racial hatred that produced a John Wilkes Booth was a hatred that was far reaching, and it certainly played its role in the Civil War. And I denounce it in no uncertain terms.

By Cameron L. Horne

Did you know that a famous Confederate general was born on this date in 1807? Yes, you heard right - General Robert Edward Lee was born in Stratford Virginia on January 19th, 1807!

While our media is busy honoring a civil rights figure of dubious political, ethical, and moral character, they are ignoring a truly great American hero!

For those who still persist in thinking that the American war of 1861-1865 was a "civil" war fought over slavery and the preservation of the union, General Lee stands as a shining example of the truth. Robert E. Lee was an emancipationist who freed his own slaves long before the war began. In fact, before the war he said that he would free every slave in the South if it would prevent war. He knew however that it would not have. For him, and every other Southern lady and gentleman it was not a civil war, but a war for Southern independence!

Contrast him with William T. Sherman, the general who marched through Atlanta leaving a trail of civilian death and destruction, who wrote on July 10, 1860: "Two such races [white and black] cannot live in harmony save as master and slave." I doubt you ever read that in your public school history textbooks.

There is a great deal of American history that has remained buried and hidden from the awareness of the general public. ...

Robert E. Lee understood that anything granted by a government can be withdrawn by that same government, but anything given to us by our Creator cannot be taken by government because it precedes and supersedes government. Please don't forget that the purpose of our Constitution was not to grant rights, but to identify and guarantee them. Lee and many others in the South recognized that the Northern States were violating the Constitution. ...

General Lee did not want secession, but when he realized that no other option was left, he said: "I will still follow my native state with my sword, and if need be with my life... These are my principles, and I must follow them." When Lee resigned his commission in the United States Army to join the Confederacy, he said: "I cannot take up arms against my own state. A union that can only be maintained by swords and bayonets ... has no charm for me."

General Lee was a true role model; the likes of which is rarely seen today. He was imbued with wisdom, high moral character, an unfailing sense of duty, true manhood and a heroic nobleness that inspired steadfast loyalty among the troops of the Army of Northern Virginia. During the war, he ate what his troops ate, and often slept on the cold ground even when a house and bed was available. When his officers complained, he said: "Why should a general live better than a soldier in the ranks?"

Even in defeat, his faith never wavered. In a letter to his wife after the battle of Gettysburg, he wrote: "I trust that a merciful God, our only hope and refuge, will not desert us in this hour of need, and will deliver us by His almighty hand, that the whole world may recognize His power and all hearts be lifted up in adoration and praise of His unbounded loving-kindness. We must, however, submit to His almighty will, whatever that may be." Such was the character and conviction of General Robert E. Lee.

Contrast this man with the plastic icon that our society has chosen for January 19th. Today is the day that Congress has set aside as a national holiday to celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. - a thoroughly despicable hypocrite, a violent and immoral degenerate, a worthless charlatan, and a Marxist.

Lest anyone attempt to level the charge of RACISM against me, let me point out that the preceding description contained no reference to race. That is because it wasn't his race that made him despicable, it was his behavior.

I also did not include the title of "Dr." because he plagiarized his way through Boston University and Crozer Theological Seminary. This documented and verifiable fact was revealed by none other than those who were closest to him. David J. Garrow (a leftist academic who was sympathetic to King) said that King's wife, Coretta Scott King, who also served as his secretary, was an accomplice in King's repeated cheating. The four senior editors of "The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr." (an official publication of the M.L. King Center for Nonviolent Social Change Inc.) stated that King's writings at both the university and the seminary were: "Tragically flawed by numerous instances of plagiarism." Most of King's papers, speeches, and "sermons" were copied word for word from the works of Dr. Jack Boozer, Edgar S. Brightman, and Paul Tillich.

The good "Reverend" King was also a dedicated Marxist and Communist. King was intimately involved in several Communist front groups including the Highlander Folk School in Monteagle, Tennessee founded by Myles Horton and Don West: both members of the Communist Party U.S.A. The agenda of many of these meetings was to plan tours of the Southern states to initiate demonstrations and riots.

King went on to found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). This organization was staffed and funded by other Communist individuals and front groups. According to the FBI, many of Kings "nonviolent" marches were in reality carefully crafted public image appearances that were usually accompanied by the violent demonstrations of his followers. The FBI also uncovered King's habit of using SCLC money to hire prostitutes to keep him entertained during the civil rights tours. According to witnesses working in local hospitals, many of these prostitutes would end up in the emergency room after being physically abused by King.

J. Edgar Hoover tried to warn the President and Congress by making all files available to them. The FBI files were also made available to all the major electronic and print media. The rest is history. A federal judge sealed the files until the year 2027, the President and the media said nothing, and the charade continued.

The last night Martin Luther King spent on earth was at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis having sex with two prostitutes and physically beating a third.

Retired FBI Assistant Director William C. Sullivan describes himself as a liberal and said that he was initially "One hundred percent for King..." until he learned the truth during the investigation. After having "seen it all" during his 30 years with the FBI, Sullivan said that King was one of only seven people he had ever encountered who was such a total degenerate. 

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 Anyone vaguely familiar with Martin Luther King, Jr. has known this for 
some time,  but the newly released JFK files expose MLK as a sexual 
pervert with actual documentation. It’s time for The Social Gospel 
Coalition, Russell Moore, and other evangelicals to stop beatifying this
 man as an evangelical leader to be admired. The Social Gospel Coalition
 has named its upcoming 2018 Cultural Marxism conference after the civil rights 
activist, in spite of the fact that King questioned the resurrection,
 doubted the Bible’s miracles, and held to what anyone might rightly 
call theological liberalism. Regardless of being strongly partnered with
 Communists and preaching the false gospel of Rauschenbuschism
the Evangelical Intelligentsia regularly invokes his name as a saint in that great 
cloud of witnesses.
President Donald Trump ordered the release of documents relating to President John F. Kennedy from the National Archives, and those documents contain a dossier on King. What they reveal, according to Fox News and other sources, is that King had multiple extramarital affairs, likely sired an out-of-wedlock child with his mistress, and had a penchant for orgies. Please note that these have all been common knowledge about King, but these documents provide hard evidence of the claims.
The Washington Examiner claims that a 20-page document details a “two-day drunken sex orgy in Washington D.C.” attended by King, in which he took part in the festivities. The primary source document may be read here. The document reveals that the orgy contained both heterosexual and homosexual behavior (it’s long been known that King engaged in bi-sexual behavior). Claims that this document is an attempt by J. Edgar Hoover to slander King are entirely foolish, considering that this was an internal report that was sealed from the public.
The document also details MLK’s communist sentiments, quoting a “Gus Hall,” who was the General Secretary of CPUSA (the Communist Party), as saying, “King is a whole-hearted Marxist who has studied it, believes in it, and agrees with it, but because of his being a minister of religion, does not dare to espouse it publicly.”
Furthermore, the document cites attendees at several of his events who testify to “behind the scenes drinking, fornication, and homosexuality that went on at the conference,” and provided testimony of prostitutes being brought in for King and his associates. Along with this the document also reveals that King was carrying on ongoing affairs with at least three women, including a prominent folk singer. The document states, “It is a fact that King not only regularly indulges in adulterous acts but enjoys the abnormal by engaging in group sex orgies.”
The lineup at MLK50 is like a roster for New Calvinism, including DA Carson, Matt Chandler, and Russell Moore. Steve Gaines, the President of the Southern Baptist Convention, seems to have been invited as the token Arminian.
You can read the document for yourself here.
 President Trump Signs a Proclamation to Honor Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr Day Jan 12,2018
 The Truth About Martin Luther King, Jr.
Stefan Molyneux


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The Catholic Church, which makes millions of dollars annually on refugee resettlement, is now saying that those who oppose the Muslim migrant influx are morally deficient. If you don’t want your land invaded by tens or hundreds of thousands of people with vastly different values, which they consider superior to yours, you are simply not a good Christian.
Yet there is real cause for concern. Are Catholics to turn a blind eye to the fact that all of the jihadis who murdered 130 people in Paris in November 2015 had just entered Europe as refugees? Is it racism and xenophobia to recall that in February 2015, the Islamic State boasted it would soon flood Europe with as many as 500,000 refugees? Or that the Lebanese Education Minister said in September 2015 that there were 20,000 jihadis among the refugees in camps in his country?
Meanwhile, 80% of migrants who have come to Europe claiming to be fleeing the war in Syria aren’t really from Syria at all. So why are they claiming to be Syrian and streaming into Europe, and now the U.S. as well? An Islamic State operative gave the answer when he boasted in September 2015, shortly after the migrant influx began, that among the flood of refugees, 4,000 Islamic State jihadis had already entered Europe. He explained their purpose: “It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world, and we will have it soon, inshallah.” These Muslims were going to Europe in the service of that caliphate: “They are going like refugees,” he said, but they were going with the plan of sowing blood and mayhem on European streets. As he told this to journalists, he smiled and said, “Just wait.”
On May 10, 2016, Patrick Calvar, the head of France’s DGSI internal intelligence agency, said that the Islamic State was using migrant routes through the Balkans to get jihadis into Europe.
“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)
“Vatican Official Decries ‘Obsession’ with National Security, Border Control,” by Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart, January 12, 2018:
A Vatican official has come out swinging in defense of Pope Francis’ insistence on the topic of immigration, accusing the Pope’s critics of being “obsessed” with national security and border control.
Asked in an interview with Italian media whether the Pope isn’t “obsessed” with the immigration question, Jesuit Father Michael Czerny, undersecretary for the Vatican’s office of Migrants and Refugees, responded that it isn’t Pope Francis who is obsessive, but rather his critics.
Many would say that the modern “obsession with borders and national security to the detriment of the rights and dignity of refugees and refugees” is excessive, the priest declared. And for many others, “the media predilection for sensational stories that feed xenophobia and isolationism is also excessive,” he added.
For many people, “the way in which politicians create or exaggerate a sense of crisis to obtain short-term advantages is decidedly excessive,” he said.
Anybody who thinks the Pope’s focus on migrants is obsessive “should give the current situation a thoughtful look,” Father Czerny said. If anything is excessive, “it is the slowness with which the ‘developed’ world responds to such obvious and pressing needs,” many would say.
Citing the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, the priest said that “the rise of nationalism and xenophobia must be counted among the new dangers for global peace and stability.”
“Far from criticizing the Pope’s attention,” he said, “many good people—and I think they are the overwhelming majority—are indeed deeply grateful for his moral guidance and good example.”
“And I agree with him when he says: ‘Those who fuel fear towards migrants, perhaps for political ends, instead of building peace, sow violence, racial discrimination and xenophobia,’” he said.
The official added that true leaders “show that the common good can and must be pursued and that there is no ‘common good’ based on fear, defense and marginalization.”
The Vatican office for Migrants and Refugees working for “the expansion of safe, legal channels for all migrants through the granting of humanitarian visas” as well as promoting “programs of community sponsorship” for migrants and refugees.
Last fall, the Vatican announced the roll-out of a two-year campaign called “Share the Journey” aimed at provoking a “shift in thinking” on immigration.
The campaign is being spearheaded by the global Catholic charities network Caritas Internationalis, and was launched as a response to Pope Francis’ frequent summons for a “culture of encounter.”
Our world “faces not a migration crisis, but a crisis of global solidarity,” Caritas says on its website. “Be part of a worldwide campaign to reach out to migrants, change perceptions, open hearts and minds, and strengthen the bonds that unite us all.”….
EWTN (CATHOLIC NEWS): Fr. Michael Czerny S.J. (Jesuit), Undersecretary to the Section for Refugees and Migrants, in the Vatican's Department for the Promotion of Integral Human Development joins Lauren Ashburn.
 Fr. Michael Czerny, SJ, on the Migrants 
and Refugees Section