Sunday, July 23, 2017


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
HANGZHOU, Zhejiang (China Aid) As China clamps down on the freedoms of its state-run churches, officials in the country’s eastern Zhejiang province have recently issued orders aimed at closing Sunday schools and keeping children from Christian events over the summer months.
“For a long time, teenagers and students have not been allowed to participate in religious activities,” a local Christian surnamed Zhang said, referencing a Chinese law that seeks to control religion among children by forbidding them from attending religious events.
“However, the Three-Self Churches and house churches would usually hold summer camps during the summer vacation. The government then emphasized … that even the Sunday schools would be closed down. The government’s major intention is to shut down the Sunday schools.”
 This crackdown comes in the wake of a recent order from the Henan Provincial Three-Self Patriotic Committee and the Henan Provincial China Christian Council arbitrarily forbidding churches from organizing summer camps for minors and students, citing high temperatures as a possible health risk. A Christian from Henan said the government’s behavior is atypical, since such camps have been allowed in previous summers, and the government would originally only interfere if they received a tip-off about the event.

Likewise, Zhang argued, “The government is trying to control ideology. During [Chinese Presidents] Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao’s time, the government was tolerant toward preaching and missionary work. After Xi Jinping came into power, the government’s grip on religion has strengthened.”

In order to further their control, the Nanyang Municipal Religious Affairs Bureau, located in Henan, ordered all 20,000 registered house church members in the province to join the Three-Self Church. Many Chinese Christians disagree with the Three-Self Church based on theological discrepancies and rampant government censorship, making the forced merging of these two branches a violation of religious freedom.

Additionally, Henan has recently begun making Three-Self Churches seek approval for all large-scale religious activities.

ChinaAid reports abuses, such as those suffered by churches in Zhejiang and Henan, in order to stand in solidarity with persecuted Christians and promote religious freedom, human rights, and rule of law.

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 An Italian Coast Guard vessel brings survivors and bodies from a boat ...
  EU Foreign Policy Chief Wants European Coast Guard 
to Protect Migrants
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 Federica Mogherini said that she is most concerned with migrants’ 
rights, as Europe has been overwhelmed with foreigners pouring into the 
July 17, 2017
Federica Mogherini, the foreign policy chief of the European Union, said at a press conference on Monday that Frontex, the European coast guard, should protect migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean from North Africa and the Middle East to enter Europe.
A reporter at the event asked Mogherini about Frontex’s practice of detaining migrants attempting to sneak into Europe.
“We are working so much with the IUM and the UNHCR to guarantee that [migrants] have access to these centers where living conditions appear to be inhumane, to improve the living conditions of the migrants, to protect their lives and their rights,” Mogherini said to the press.
Mogherini cited UN refugee chief Filippo Grandi, saying that the EU needed to change the “logic of detention,” and she criticized the EU for not following Grandi’s words.
The EU’s foreign policy chief lamented the conditions that migrants face as they cross into Europe and called for the continent to do more to help those to cross from Africa and the Middle East. “The work the European Union is doing with the UN agencies, with the international NGOs, is exactly to protect the migrants,” she said.
In order to alleviate the crisis, Mogherini said the EU would help those who wanted to “voluntarily return” to their home countries, but made no mention of those who wished to stay in Europe.
Europe has experienced a migration crisis for years as countries in North Africa and the Middle East collapse into civil war, with millions of migrants pouring into European countries every year. The crisis has fueled a nationalist backlash across the continent as voters seek to more effectively close their borders.


 Scott HofertScott Hofert
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.2 Peter 2:1-3
This passage explains clearly why exposing false teachers in the church is a crucial aspect of the gospel. There are many who distort the true gospel of Jesus Christ and cause destruction in the church. Last night, while evangelizing at a Rob Bell conference in Charlotte, NC, I ran into a couple who were in line to see the event. This couple claimed to be church planters who pastored a church here in Charlotte yet they took serious issue with the gospel that we were giving to people. I found it peculiar that a pastor, a professed minister of God’s word would be so repulsed by the preaching of His word.
This morning I woke up to see that this pastor’s wife had spouted her commentary all over one of the threads of our Facebook video, threatening to contact the staff of my church and griping about how obnoxious our preaching was to those who were simply there to “hear their friend [Rob Bell] speak.”
This prompted me to research the “church” they planted and lead here in Charlotte, and what I found was, well, actually unsurprising.
The name of this “church” is Watershed. It’s located in the Plaza Midwood area of Charlotte. The church is co-pastored by Scott Hofert, whom we met last night, and Matt O’Neil. What kind of church is this? According to their website,
Watershed was birthed out of two things: deep relationship and justice. Our founders and co-pastors, Matt O’Neil and Scott Hofert, along with their wives Donna and Taryn, met in the late 90’s while working together for a Virginia-based international humanitarian organization.
Okay, so they met while working for a humanitarian organization. Red flag. Humanitarian = social justice. Couple this with Scott’s wife’s comments on our Facebook page in opposition to our proclamation of gospel truth where she states,
I was there in line last night- we are church planters and pastor a church in plaza midwood. Your loudspeaker blared in all our ears as you yelled scripture and damnation so we couldn’t hear ourselves think. In a city like ours surrounded by so much brokenness and poverty are there not better ways to bring God’s kingdom than accosting people who bought tickets to hear a friend speak? Wouldn’t your hours be better spent feeding the hungry, empowering the marginalized and being hope rather than yelling about it? And we wonder why people don’t want to become Christians, you know? If you wanted to bring attention to yourselves you succeeded- but to God? Not a chance.
Notice this: She objects to us “yelling Scripture,” and believes that the preaching of the Word of God is why unbelievers don’t want to “become Christians.” We preach Christ, and if unbelievers reject what we proclaim, it is Christ who they reject. These “church planters” are repulsed by Scripture. But it makes sense now. They are not really church planters–not in the biblical sense by any means–they are social justice warriors. They claim the name of Christ yet flee from His word.
This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’Matthew 15:8-9
Okay, so this pastor, Scott Hofert, and his wife are at a Rob Bell conference. Rob Bell, a well known false teacher and distorter of God’s truth, is widely known for rejection of the biblical doctrine of Hell and false teachings on the sinfulness and depravity of mankind. With this comes Bell’s obvious objection to the Holiness of God whose divine attributes, according to Scripture, include not only love and mercy, but justice and wrath. I wanted to see if these so-called church planters promulgated the same distortion of God’s character.
I took a look at their beliefs posted on the church website, and I must say, the beliefs do not depict the Christ that is found anywhere in Scripture. What I found was pure idolatry–a false Jesus that these so-called church planters and “pastors” have invented for themselves. While I will not go through every belief line by line, I will focus on a few of the weightier here.
First, the question is “What do you believe about salvation, sin and redemption?”
We believe that the original gift we are given in this lifetime is goodness.  When God created us, he did so and called us good, called us beloved and found us to be pleasing.  However, we also believe that, regardless of how well we are cared for throughout our lifetimes, we all experience a degree of woundedness or distortion in ways that are both seen and unseen. Through his life, death and resurrection, we believe Jesus was announcing a way of becoming awake and a way of letting go of the sin that these wounds create in ourselves and in our world.
This is a completely baseless and false assertion about Jesus’ redemptive purpose. It is true that we were created in the image of God and God called His creation “good.” But the statement then veers off into something foreign to the Scriptures. Our depravity, as humans, is not dependent or relative in any way to “how well we are cared for throughout our lifetimes.” The Scriptures say “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).” Our “woundedness” is directly related to our sin nature. We are sinners because of our nature. Through the fall, sin entered the world and tainted our good image (Romans 5:12).
Further, the purpose of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection presented in this church’s beliefs is a total distortion of Christ’s salvific work. Jesus did not purpose His work on the cross to “announce a way of becoming awake and letting go of sin,” Jesus bore our sin on the cross.
For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.2 Corinthians 5:21
This is a false gospel.
In the statement of beliefs regarding social justice, it states,
Since our inception Watershed’s passion for undermining systems that perpetuate human suffering has slowly grown … Watershed believes that our response to the change we experience in our life with God should activate our empathy and compassion to personally and communally respond to systematic suffering; lovingly, creatively, non-violently, sacrificially and purposefully.
It is not wrong to be compassionate toward those who are suffering. In fact, a necessary consequence of becoming a regenerate child of God is compassion. Yet, the primary mission of the church is not relieving the suffering of this world. The primary mission of the church is the proclamation of the Risen Christ, the savior of the world. His final words to the church were to go forth and make disciples. How do we do that?
How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us?” So faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ. Romans 10:14-17
Now, remember, this is what these “church planters” were opposed to, the preaching of the Word of God, the “yelling of Scripture and damnation,” as the pastor’s wife states. The couple is totally fine with a false teacher like Rob Bell coming to spew his repugnant falsehoods about our God yet totally opposed to the reading and preaching of Scripture. See a problem here? Of course, according to a few of the visitors to Bell’s event, their reason for being there is because they find Bell’s God “comforting.”
Now, keep in mind, that the vast majority of Bell’s constituency are unrepentant idolaters who, instead of seeing themselves as God sees them, find comfort in a false God that approves of their sin. That’s Bell’s purpose. Interestingly, Watershed’s God appears to be of the same ilk. For their statement of beliefs makes the following assertion:
At Watershed we acknowledge that sexual expression can be both life giving as well as destructive to ourselves and to others, regardless of orientation.  We believe God’s love and acceptance is not withheld from anyone due to their sexual identity or expression.
So they are obviously a gay-affirming church. This means they believe that you can practice sin unrepentantly and still see the Kingdom of God. Yet the Scriptures completely deny this false assertion in Romans 6:9-11. Further, Jesus says in Luke 13:3-5, not once, but twice, “unless you repent, you all will likewise perish.” This false church denies the biblical gospel of repentance and faith in Christ alone.
Like Rob Bell, this false church denies or downplays the existence of a real, eternal punishment for those who die without Christ and instead redefine Hell as something people in this temporary life experience while “on the receiving end of abusive power, greed, or lust.” While this experience can be devastating, this experience is nothing close to what Jesus describes as everlasting torment for unbelievers–where the worm does not die and the fire is never quenched (Mark 9:48). Jesus was adamant about the existence of this eternal place of death and torture and warned incessantly against it. There is no equivocation in the Scriptures regarding the existence of Hell, yet Hofert and his church have decided that this is not an important issue and the relieving of temporal sufferings should most certainly take precedence over the true gospel. They state,
And while Watershed will often engage dialogue about what happens after a person dies, the conversation that we find more interesting is what happens in our lives with each other and in this world before you die.  In other words, how will your life becoming more alive and more in sync with the ways of Jesus make ways for heaven to overwhelm the hells that we know exist today for others?
Why would a pastor be so offended by those proclaiming Christ and his truth? These people do not know Christ. Scott Hofert does not know Christ, not the biblical Christ. Hofert has idolized a false Jesus, teaches a false gospel, and operates a false church. Hofert’s God is a god that overlooks sin and comforts sinners in their transgressions. The true God is a just God who demands punishment to satisfy his wrath towards sin. Man can never completely satisfy God’s wrath, and this is why Hell is eternal for those outside of Christ.
Hofert believes that his ways, his teachings, his ideas are better than God’s, yet his ways, according to the Scriptures, will only lead him to destruction (Proverbs 14:12), unless he repents. Scott Hofert is clearly a false teacher according to the Word of God and because of this, he must be marked and avoided (Romans 16:17).
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
If you google “Islam” and “news” this week, you will pull up from the Internet the inspiring story of Esma Voloder, who has just been declared Miss World Australia 2017.
Here is her message to the world:
My heart is full Gratitude and joy overtook me last night as I was crowned @missworldaustralia 2017 at @grandhyattmelbourne Last night re-affirmed that dreams really can become realities. We have all heard this and some of us have been fortunate to not only think it, but truly know it… though it has never prevented the doubt that creeps up on us… it is faith in the best outcome provides us with the strength and motivation to do our best and continue striving. So many people I would like to give a whole hearted thank you to- My family for your love and support. Miss World Australia team and @pageantqueenaus (Miss World Australia director) for your kindness, understanding, faith and trust in me. The judges who represented diverse and relevant elements and industries in Australia that I admire- from an organisation dedicated to helping those in need and giving women opportunity, comedy to keep us light hearted, fashion that keeps us feeling who we are, health and fitness which equips us with the energy to chase our dreams and send positive messages, and reality which showcases bravery to be who we are in front of a large audience. To @phuketpearls for the stunning crown inspired by the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge-it is so appreciated and considerate of you to have incorporated iconic Australian culture into your carefully handcrafted masterpiece, it is so beautiful and I love it dearly <3 The @hugthailand for your partnership and hospitality- I am so very excited to travel to the land of smiles once I have an extra big one to bring to your country @ozwearaustralia , @novoshoes and all our other sponsors for their generously donated gifts (products, thoughts, hospitality and love) . Each time I received something I felt so spoilt and meeting some of you has been a pleasure you are all so infectious and it really does translate in your products. Thank you for having myself as your ambassador. It has been a blessing to raise funds under #beautywithaprpose and for @varietyaustralia . Thank you Australia- for giving me a home and opportunity to do good #missworldaustralia2017
So far, so breathtakingly banal.
This crazed, cliche-filled stream of naively covetous consciousness, by this pretty and mindless girl, who is grateful to, and is full of love for, practically everyone, begins with her heartfelt thanks — in the manner of someone accepting an Oscar at too great a length — to her family, for their “love and support,” to the Miss World Australia team for their “kindness, understanding, faith, and trust in me,” to the judges “who represented diverse and relevant [?] elements [?] and industries in Australia that I admire,” “from an organisation dedicated to helping those in need” and “giving women opportunity, comedy to keep us light hearted” and “health and fitness which equips us…” — possible spokeswoman  for gym equipment? — “with the energy to chase our dreams” and “send positive messages” [?] and “reality [?] which showcases our bravery [?] to be who we are.”
But there’s not just this blend of nonstop nonsense and banality. There’s also the shout-out to, product placement for, the sponsors, for all the gifts they’ve lavished upon her, from “ozwear” to phuketpearls for providing her with a $58,000 necklace, and to an entire country, Thailand, for its “partnership and hospitality,” which she hopes to visit (and of course she will, it’s all part of her deal) — would-be tourists, please take note of her endorsement — just as soon as she can learn to give a smile big enough for that “land of smiles.” And then a last little incoherent thrust: “you are all so infectious [!] and it really does translate [!] in your products [!]. Thank you for having myself [English is not her strong suit] as your ambassador.”
But that’s not the main reason to deplore Ms. Voloder’s newfound fame. She doesn’t just want to be a brand ambassador for pearls and ozwear and tourism in Thailand. She wants to be a brand ambassador for Islam, the faith she was born into and which, she assures us, has been getting a bad rap. Included in her acceptance speech was this:
“The Islam that I know, that is in the Qur’an, I don’t associate that with any acts that are occurring around the world. People tend to blame religion for the atrocities that are happening, but if we do that we take responsibility away from the individuals.”
“A lot of things have been misconstrued about Islam. I feel that a category has been created that is not really what the Qur’an actually promotes. I believe Islam is about peace, unity, prosperity and inclusion.”
The Islam that she knows may be in the Qur’an, but only in the most misleadingly abridged of versions. Shall we yet again, as we always must on such occasions, remind her of 9:5 and 9:29 and 8:12 and 3:151 and 47:4 and 98:6? Is it possible that her eyes glazed over when she came to those verses, or did she somehow manage to ignore them and more than a hundred others like them, that command Muslims to fulfill the duty of violent Jihad against the Infidels, until such time as they are everywhere subdued, and Muslims rule, everywhere?
She may not “associate” the Qur’an “with any acts that are occurring around the world” (by this she is demurely alluding to terrorist acts by Muslims, of which there have been more than 30,000 since 9/11/2001), but apparently many of those who commit these acts do not agree. Some of them chant Qur’anic verses on uploaded YouTube videos showing the decapitation of Infidels, or the blowing up of enemy vehicles. Others show the warriors of the Islamic State, marching through Mosul or Raqqa under the black flag of Islam, with the Shehada written on it, apparently associated by these warriors not with peace but war. And the two killers of Drummer Rigby, Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, converts to Islam who after their attack proudly held up their copies of the Qur’an, even quoting passages about violence — is it they who have misunderstood Islam, or is it Esma Voloder? What was it that that vastly learned Shi’a theologian, Ayatollah Khomeini, did not understand about Islam when he issued  his many calls for making war on the West and, especially, on the archenemies  Zionists and Americans? Was his successor Ayatollah Khamenei calling for “peace” or “unity” or “inclusion” when, a few weeks ago, he called for a Jihad against the hated Hindus in Jammu and Kashmir? Was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, self-appointed caliph of the Islamic State, showing an ignorance of the “real” Islam when he so often called for “jihad,” or for ‘more jihad” or for “tornadoes of jihad to erupt,” with not the slightest doubt that he meant endless war against the Infidels? Like the Ayatollahs Khomeini and Khamenei, al-Baghdadi has had extensive theological training. He obtained a BA, MA, and PhD in Islamic studies from the Islamic University of Baghdad. Is it possible that all three were misinformed by their teachers about the true peaceful Islam, the only kind of Islam that Esma Voloder recognizes?
Esma Voloder, of course, has plenty of distinguished company in her certitudes. Tony Blair, who claimed to never be without his copy of the Qur’an, once praised that book as “practical and way ahead of its time. The most remarkable thing about reading the Koran – in so far as it can be truly translated from the original Arabic – is to understand how progressive it is.” His successor David Cameron knew Islam, the real Islam, could do no wrong, so that after the killing of Drummer Rigby, he quickly denounced the attack, describing it as a “betrayal of Islam.” Theresa May has repeatedly called Islam “peaceful” after every terror attack — not just at home, but to an American audience in Philadelphia — and described the Muslim attack on Westminster Bridge as a “perversion of Islam.” Barack Obama has said, repeatedly, that “Islam is a religion that preaches peace.” His predecessor George Bush produced his own variations on the theme in a series of treacly Iftar messages: “Islam is a vibrant faith. Millions of our fellow citizens are Muslim. We respect the faith. We honor its traditions. Our enemy does not. Our enemy doesn’t follow the great traditions of Islam. They’ve hijacked a great religion.” And “Islam is a faith that brings comfort to people. It inspires them to lead lives based on honesty, and justice, and compassion.” And “all Americans must recognize that the face of terror is not the true faith — face of Islam. Islam is a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. It’s a faith that has made brothers and sisters of every race. It’s a faith based upon love, not hate.”
For Pope Francis, who has somehow managed to overlook 1400 years of war against Christians by Muslims, “all religions want peace” (this was uttered shortly after an 85-year-old priest had his throat slit) and “Islam is peaceful” and the “Qur’an is peaceful” and “Muslim terrorism does not exist.” How many times must he say it, in how many variations on the nonsensical theme, to make you believe it? Credo quia absurdum — this should be the motto repurposed for this Pope — “I  believe because it is absurd.”
Just repeat the Pope’s prescription for World Peace and Interfaith Outreach ad libitum, and surely something good will eventually come of it. Or will it? Lots of people in the Western world have wagered not just their own reputations, but the survival of their own peoples, on some version of the ever-more doubtful notion that Islam is about “peace, unity, prosperity, and inclusion.”
Esma Voloder has her precious crown, her ozwear, her phuket jewels, her endorsement deals and brand ambassadorships locked in, with many more no doubt to come. But she wants to do something for the good of everyone. She wants to promote Islam. Pro bono, apparently. She claims, and she may even believe, that Islam is all about “peace, unity, prosperity, and inclusion.” Though Muslims have been purveyors of taqiyya since 680 A.D., I don’t think that’s necessarily the case here. She sounds like a political naif who is simply repeating a line she has been fed. But perhaps I am being too kind. Whether she is misinformed, or deliberately deceptive, given her new position as Miss World she will undoubtedly have many occasions to tell interviewers her understanding of Islam. As always, such an interview will make even a minimum of sense only if the interviewer has properly prepared to question her by reading the Qur’an, and some of the hadith and sira. It won’t be time wasted; as a central subject of the age, Islam is here to stay, and anyone who has actually learned something about it will find many occasions on which such knowledge will come in not just handy, but indispensable.
Such an interviewer ought first to allow Esma Voloder to have her pollyannish say, all about “peace, unity, prosperity, and inclusion.” She should then be asked what verses in the Qur’an she thinks support her view of  peace, or unity, or inclusion? Could she recite a single such verse? If she offers 5:32, make sure to insist on reciting 5:33, and explain how it modifies 5:32. And if there are some verses (early, Meccan) she manages to recall, remind her of the doctrine of abrogation, which she undoubtedly will never have heard of. Then suggest that there are quite a few verses in the Qur’an that help explain the dozens of military campaigns Muhammad took part in, just in the last ten years of his life. What does Esma Voloder make of this verse (read out 9:5)? Or this (read out 9:29)? Or this (read out 47:4)? Read them slowly. Explain that there are more than a hundred such verses in the Qur’an, and that you’ve posted them at your website, to which you then provide a link. Piqued by Ms. Voloder’s display of confusion, which will be obvious as soon as she tries to explain away just those three verses quoted by the interviewer, others will want to check out these and other Qur’anic verses for themselves. And with that link,you’ve made it easy for them.
Ms.Voloder will have a hard time explaining away these verses, but make her task harder still. Even before she can offer the “these-verses-have-to-be-put-in-context” excuse, the interviewer should proleptically note that “the usual way” these verses are dealt with by Muslim apologists is not to forthrightly acknowledge them, but instead to “contextualize” them, to pretend they apply only to specific enemies from 1400 years ago. “But,” the interviewer can add, “both the glosses provided by the most eminent Qur’anic commentators, such as Ibn Kathir, and the behavior of Muslims themselves over the past 1400 years, show that these verses were meant to be prescriptive, applicable for all time, and not merely descriptive, applicable to a particular time and place and enemy.” And if that interviewer is in a take-no-prisoners mood, even with one so winsome and mentally helpless as Esma Voloder, then let Esma be asked yet again, by way of summary so far, to explain why Muhammad’s life is so full of war, assassinations, mass decapitations, and the Qur’an so full of commands about conducting violent Jihad against, striking terror in the hearts of, the [Infidel] enemies, if Islam is all about “peace, unity, cohesion”?
And then it may be time to demonstrate, in the most telling way possible, how little Esma Voloder knows about Islam. Leave the Qur’an — the point about its sinister contents has been made — and raise the issue of the Hadith. Ask Ms. Voloder if she has ever read them, if she knows why the Hadith are so important to Muslims. If she answers that she  has “never’’ read because she didn’t think they were that important, or still worse, had never heard of them, that will make her look not just ignorant, but idiotic. If she answers “yes” or “well, some of them,” take this as the moment to recite the usual horrifying list of events in Muhammad’s life that Muslims would prefer you never find out about: Muhammad’s marriage to little Aisha, the murders of Asma bint Marwan, Abu Afak, and Ka’b bin al-Ashraf, the rape (as it must be called) of the Jewish girl, Saafiya, by Muhammad on the same day he had her father, husband, and brother killed, the torture and murder of Kinana of Khaybar, the killing of the 600-900 prisoners of the Banu Qurayza.  Don’t spare Ms. Voloder; ask sweetly, but ask, if she is familiar with any or all of these events in the life of Muhammad, just as you had asked her earlier about those Jihad verses in the Qur’an. Either she will have to admit to knowing about them, and then have to explain them away (just how do you explain away Aisha? Asma bin Marwan? Saafiya? Kinana?) as best she can, which makes her look both sinister and foolish, or she will claim she was not aware of those particular hadith, which leaves her looking merely foolish. And then ask if she is aware that Muslims consider Muhammad, the man responsible for that list of atrocities that have just been recited, as “al-insan al-kamil,” the Perfect Man, and “uswa hasana,” the Model of Conduct. Given what you have just told her about Muhammad, would she describe him as the Perfect Man? What can she say?
And then, just one last question for beauty queen Ms. Voloder.  Ask her to imagine herself walking down a street in Saudi Arabia or Iran or Afghanistan or Pakistan, her hair loosely flowing, as she wears it in Australia, her makeup and dress just the same as she had for her Miss World competition, with her shoulders bare, or dressed as she does for her work as a criminal profiler. Then ask her what she thinks would happen to her, wearing  that sort of getup, in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan. We all know she would at the very least be yelled at, perhaps beaten by the mutawwa (religious police), even possibly taken into custody to be charged by the state, or might well have to endure both curses and beatings administered by outraged Muslim vigilantes. And don’t even ask what would happen to her in those countries if she dressed as she would have had to for the swimsuit component of the Miss World competition). She cannot deny the likelihood of such mistreatment. Doesn’t that at least give Ms. Voloder a moment’s pause as Defender of the Faith? And shouldn’t that be enough, along with those 30,000 acts of Muslim terrorism since 9/11 for which she can find no convincing explanation in Islam, to create, among the handful still wanting to believe her, more than a little doubt?




  Violent Privilege: Islam & New Police

 Published on Jul 22, 2017

Some will wrongly blame an entire group for the violent acts of individuals. But others will wrongly cover up the violent crimes of individuals because it might reflect negatively on a group. The left excuses violent crime if committed by Muslims and the right excuses violent crime if committed by the police. In Minneapolis, the same town where Philando Castile was murdered by a cop, we look at the violent privilege of Mohamed Noor, a member of both privileged groups.

 Anni Cyrus Video: Muslim Killer “Cops” and Why Only Muslim Lives Matter

 Anni Cyrus on Middle East Tensions & Sharia






EXCERPTS:  "“I’m also a gay rights activist,” Scaramucci said. “You can look it up. I’ve given to American Unity PAC, I’ve given to the Human Rights Campaign; I’m for marriage equality. 

As an organizer of SALT, an annual political and business conference in Las Vegas for hedge fund managers, Scaramucci had invited as a speaker TV personality and transgender Republican advocate Caitlyn Jenner. A report last year in the Huffington Post on business support for LGBT rights quotes him as saying, “We don’t want to be on the wrong side of history.”

On Twitter, Scaramucci has also criticized North Carolina’s anti-LGBT House Bill 2, calling the measure prohibiting transgender people from using the restroom in schools and government buildings “shameful.”"




Trump Taps New Communications Director Who Advocated for ‘Gay Rights Movement,’ ‘Pro-Choice’ Cause 

BY HEATHER CLARK; SEE:;  republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has appointed Anthony Scaramucci to be the new White House Communications Director—a man who has publicly stated his support for same-sex “marriage” and abortion rights.

“Republicans should support gay marriage,” he tweeted in 2012, again writing later that year in response to a follower, “I am not a partisan. For gay marriage, against the death penalty, and pro-choice. I am for social inclusion, fiscal responsibility.”
Just in November, Scaramucci wrote, “I support the gay rights movement and I am an active proponent of equality.”
On Saturday, after reports began to surface that some of Scaramucci’s past tweets seemed to conflict with the president’s views or appeared critical of the president, he advised that he would be deleting older posts, stating that his positions have “evolved.”

“Full transparency: I’m deleting old tweets. Past views evolved & shouldn’t be a distraction. I serve @POTUS agenda & that’s all that matters,” he wrote.
However, while some political posts from the past were indeed deleted, the aforementioned tweets expressing support for same-sex “marriage” remain as of press time.
“I hope she (Hillary) runs, she is incredibly competent,” dated 2012, was one of the tweets Scaramucci deleted, as well as “Walls don’t work. Never have never will. The Berlin Wall 1961-1989 don’t fall for it (dated 2015).”

He also deleted a past tweet about climate change and one expressing his thoughts on gun control.
“You can take steps to combat climate change without crippling the economy. The fact many people still believe CC (climate change) is a hoax is disheartening,” Scaramucci wrote in March 2016.
The entrepreneur and Fox News commentator, who also served on the Trump presidential transition team, assumed his role as communications director on Friday. Press Secretary Sean Spicer announced his resignation the same day, and was replaced by his deputy, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the daughter of former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.
Trump thanked Spicer for his work in a statement, while also expressing confidence in Scaramucci.
“I am grateful for Sean’s work on behalf of my administration and the American people. I wish him continued success as he moves on to pursue new opportunities. Just look at his great television ratings. Sean will continue to serve the administration through August,” he said.
The president said of Scaramucci, “Anthony is a person I have great respect for, and he will be an important addition to this administration. He’s been a great supporter and will now help implement key aspects of our agenda while leading the communications team. We have accomplished so much and we are being given credit for so little. The good news is the people get it even if the media doesn’t.”
As previously reported, while the Trump administration declined to recognize June as “LGBT Pride Month,” Trump has made several supportive remarks over the past year about homosexuals, and sold “LGBT for Trump” t-shirts and pins during his presidential campaign.
“He (Trump) was the very first Republican nominee to mention the LGBTQ community at our Republican National Convention and was applauded for it. And I was there applauding with him,” Vice President Mike Pence, a professing Christian, told ABC’s “This Week” in February.
 Anthony Scaramucci Supported Abortion, Gay Marriage, Gun Control, & Obama
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
On Friday, Wall Street financier Anthony Scaramucci was announced as the White House's new director of communications, a new hire that reportedly spurred the resignation of Press Secretary Sean Spicer. The 53-year-old has no previous experience in government, having previously worked in business and as a host on the Fox Business Network. And, as internet sleuths have noted, some of Scaramucci's old tweets include anti-Trump and pro-liberal sentiments, a somewhat awkward reality given his new job.
Back in August 2015, while on Fox Business, Scaramucci called his new boss a "hack" and accused him of being a "bully" due to  critical remarks he made about hedge fund managers. Scaramucci actually addressed the matter of some of his anti-Trump rhetoric during his introductory press conference, calling it "one of the biggest mistakes" of his life and attributing it to his political inexperience.
The matter of his old tweets goes even further, however, because they include not just criticisms of Trump, but statements about policy that would probably place him somewhere in the neighborhood of centrist big-money Democrats, or quite liberal Republicans. For instance, he has voiced support for gun control, same-sex marriage, abortion rights, and policies to address climate change.

Supports Same-Sex Marriage

Anthony Scaramucci/Twitter

Wants Increased Gun Control

Anthony Scaramucci/Twitter

Voted For Clinton And Obama

Anthony Scaramucci/Twitter

Opposed The Trump Border Wall

Anthony Scaramucci/Twitter

Believes In Climate Change

Anthony Scaramucci/Twitter

Supports The Gay Rights Movement

Anthony Scaramucci/Twitter

Supports Abortion Rights And Opposes The Death Penalty

Anthony Scaramucci/Twitter
Now, this might all sound foreboding for Scaramucci's chances of sticking in the job, or holding Trump's favor as the days and weeks roll by. But the essential, underlying this is this: Since the 2016 presidential campaign season really started rolling, Scaramucci has been a vocal and unapologetic Trump booster in every sense of the word.
His language when discussing the president during Friday's presser made this all the more obvious. He repeatedly professed his "love" for the president, and also insisted (contrary to an immense amount of polling data) that he's "loved" by the American public, too.
He even gushed over Trump's athleticism, which is not something you typically hear that often ― he claimed to have once seen Trump throw a football through a tire, as well as sink three-foot golf putts, which for the record, is not a particularly impressive feat for someone who spends as much time golfing as Trump does.
In other words, although his past personal policy beliefs might not square perfectly with those of the GOP establishment or of Trump himself, you can feel virtually guaranteed that these past tweets and comments aren't going to be a problem. Because when it comes down to it, Scaramucci has made it clear that he's a Trump man now, and there might not be anything more important to his long-term job security.