Wednesday, June 21, 2017


 Trump Was Right: New Study Reveals Up to 5.7 Million Illegals Voted in Election
 Media claimed illegals voting was "fake news"
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
A new study reveals that up to 5.7 million illegal immigrants were likely to have voted in the 2008 election, meaning Donald Trump was almost certainly right when he said this was the reason for him losing the popular vote to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 race.
After Trump made the claim that votes by millions of illegal immigrants cost him the popular vote, he was lambasted by the press, who blamed an Infowars story published on November 14 in which we reported that around 3 million illegals voted.
Ever since then, Trump’s assertion that millions of illegals voted has been called a “fake news” conspiracy theory.
Back in January, the New York Times again called Trump’s claim a “lie,” however a new study shows that if anything we underestimated the number of illegals who voted.
“A research group in New Jersey has taken a fresh look at postelection polling data and concluded that the number of noncitizens voting illegally in U.S. elections is likely far greater than previous estimates,” reports the Washington Times.
Just Facts President James D. Agresti and his team of researchers looked at data from a Harvard/YouGov study which includes a sample size of tens of thousands of voters, including non-citizens who admit they are not eligible to vote.
Agresti concluded that as many as 5.7 million illegals voted in 2008,a far higher figure than previously thought. In 2012, the figure was as high as 3.6 million.
“The details are technical, but the figure I calculated is based on a more conservative margin of sampling error and a methodology that I consider to be more accurate,” Mr. Agresti told The Washington Times.
Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by almost 3 million. If we take the 2008 figure and subtract that from her total, Trump would have easily won the popular vote.
Vice President Mike Pence is currently leading an investigation into voter fraud in the 2016 presidential election. If his findings replicate Agresti’s, the media is going to have egg on its face once again.
 The REAL Election Hack That MSM Won’t Cover 
 Published on Jun 23, 2017
In a voting fraud lawsuit, a County Clerk has asked, “You think the Secretary of State can tell you NOT to follow state law?” Answer: “I know exactly that they can, yes. Absolutely.” 
Dr. Laura Pressley, Election Integrity Technologist & Strategist, challenged the idea that illegal ballots could be used. She was given a $40,000 personal fine for objecting and told the fines would go away if she didn’t appeal. Instead she doubled down and her case has begun the review process by the Texas Supreme Court. She joins David Knight to talk about the problems created by ALL e-voting machine manufacturers, worldwide— removing the key items that allow auditing and integrity.
 Defeat Of Ossoff Proves Americans Are 
Sick Of Democrats
 Published on Jun 21, 2017
Alex Jones gives his analysis of the Georgia Special Election in which Karen Handel defeated Democratic operative Jon Ossoff despite his campaign outspending and over-hyping his platform.


 Published on Jun 21, 2017
Alex Jones goes off on Jeff Bezos visiting the White House after months of running hate campaigns against Trump and trying to derail him from the start and why a global giant like amazon is NOT good for the economy.


 VIDEO ABOVE Published on Jun 16, 2017
President Trump signed an executive order spelling out his new policy on Cuba on June 16 in Miami.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
While it failed to undo all of the damage unleashed by former President Obama, President Donald Trump's reversal of the previous administration's unilateral concessions to the Communist Castro regime ruling Cuba drew widespread praise. From Cuban-born Americans and opponents of communism to prominent members of Congress concerned with liberty and human rights, Trump's decision to crack down on the murderous dictatorship was hailed as a major step forward in eventually liberating Cuba. However, not everyone was happy. The Cuban regime, of course, was foaming at the mouth with outrage, vowing to continue oppressing the people of Cuba regardless of what Trump says or does. Even some liberty-minded voices in the United States suggested Trump was engaged in foreign interventionism. By contrast, some Trump supporters argued that the president did not go far enough.
Among those praising Trump's actions was a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers with ties to Cuba. In an op-ed published by the Miami Herald, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), and U.S. Representative Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) welcomed the reversal of Obama's scheming. Blasting the “ruthless, tyrannical dictatorship” that violates the “God-given rights” of the Cuban people, the bipartisan group of lawmakers noted that Obama's supposed agenda of helping the people of Cuba had never materialized. “In fact, many Cubans say human rights conditions on the island have worsened since President Obama’s visit to the island in March 2016,” the lawmakers said, pointing to the estimated 500 political arrests during Obama's trip during which he promoted the communist vision of “rights” while handing the Castro regime a desperately needed lifeline. There were 10,000 political arrests in 2016 alone, they added. 
And Obama is at least partly to blame for the brutality. “Unfortunately, the previous administration’s policy is currently funding this brutality and repression,” the lawmakers explained, highlighting how the communist regime was making a fortune off of Obama's concessions. “This flow of funds has only given the Castro regime additional resources to oppress those who dare to freely express themselves.... President Trump understands this, and his new Cuba policy will ensure that the United States truly empowers the Cuban people instead of the dictatorship. The changes he announced will assist Cubans struggling for liberty by ensuring that U.S. policy toward Cuba actually benefits the Cuban people.... The days of the Castro regime are numbered, and soon the Cuban people will be free. Until that day, the United States will stand in solidarity with the longsuffering Cuban people until they finally enjoy the liberties and respect for basic human rights to which every individual is entitled.”
The Castro regime, by contrast, was outraged by the announcement and the policy changes. Castro "Foreign Minister" Bruno Rodriguez, who was in Vienna, blasted Trump and his announcement. He called Trump's speech “a grotesque spectacle that came out of the Cold War" and blasted the Cuban-born Americans in attendance as "terrorists" and "mercenaries." "There will not be a presidential directive from the U.S. that will alter the direction of Cuba," Rodriguez fumed. “We have gone through everything, our people have gone through everything. What could they menace us with now that they haven't before and failed?” In a statement, the regime also blasted Trump for allegedly "hostile" rhetoric and for taking "a backward step in the relationship between the two countries.” The regime, like many other autocracies, likes to equate itself with the nation and people it enslaved.

On the other hand, prominent Cuban-born American patriots who helped get Trump elected were happy about the changes, although they did not believe Trump went far enough. Frank De Varona, for example, who sat in the front row for Trump's announcement and who invaded Cuba as part of the Bay of Pigs operation in 1961, said Trump should go further in undoing the damage unleashed by Obama. “Freedom-loving Cubans in the island and Cuban Americans in the United States are very grateful to President Donald J. Trump for the first steps taken to partially reverse the shameful unilateral concessions given by President Obama to the Cuban communist regime without a Quid Pro Quo or nothing in return,” said De Varona, who ran one of Trump's three Miami victory offices and had an opportunity to present Trump with an award on behalf of Bay of Pigs veterans.
“Today in Cuba there is more repression, beatings of peaceful opponents, and arbitrary arrests than before the restoration of United States diplomatic relations with the communist regime and the many concessions given by President Obama,” continued De Varona, who spent two years in appalling conditions in a Cuban gulag after what he believes was the deliberate betrayal of the Cuban freedom fighters by subversive establishment forces in the U.S. government. “The strengthening of the United States' policy toward Cuba is most welcome. As stated earlier, Cuba is a merciless totalitarian state. Cuban Americans were very pleased to hear President Trump blasting the enormous abuses of human and civil rights by the Castro regime. It was reassuring to hear the president saying that the United States commercial embargo would remain in place until the communist oppressive regime take steps to open up Cuba. Upholding the Helms-Burton Law is crucial.”
However, De Varona also expressed some concerns about what was not said. He noted, for example, that despite the Cuban regime's long history of supporting terrorism and its ongoing support for terror, Trump did not indicate that he would put Havana back on the U.S. government's list of state sponsors of terrorism. Nor did Trump outline a plan to put the regime back on the list of governments that participate in human trafficking. “It is very important that President Trump takes these two actions very soon,” added De Varona, who pointed out that Cuba's regime remains a sponsor of global terrorism and is deeply involved in trafficking people as well as drugs and weapons. The constitutionalist activist also blasted the notion of extending credits to the Cuban regime at U.S. taxpayer expense via the Export-Import Bank, saying the institution should instead be abolished.
Finally, De Varona called for action against the regime's minions. “President Trump needs to sanction economically the high officials in the regime and high ranking military officers of both nations,” he said, referring to the oppressors of both Cuba and Venezuela. “Frequently, these oppressors come to the United States to invest in property with the stolen funds from their nations. Freezing their assets of the high-ranking oppressors in the United States is an effective way to punish those who abuse their fellow citizens.” He also said governments around the world should speak out. “It is inhumane for Western nations to remain silent to all the killings, beatings, arrests, and to conduct business as usual with these two unrepentant bloody regimes,” De Varona concluded.
Some critics tried to paint Trump's announcement as flip-flopping on his pledges to engage in less meddling abroad. However, even on the campaign trail, Trump was clear about his desire to overturn Obama's concessions to the murderous regime in Cuba. “The United States should not prop up the Castro regime economically and politically, as Obama has done and as Hillary Clinton plans to do,” Trump declared in October at the Bay of Pigs Museum and Library in Little Havana in front of the Brigade 2506’s Veterans Association. “They don’t know how to make a good deal, and they wouldn’t know how to make a good deal if it was staring at them in the face.” For the first time in history, the Cuban veterans group, which De Varona believes was deliberately betrayed by establishment forces in Washington, D.C., endorsed a candidate in a presidential election: Donald J. Trump.
In his speech, Trump also mentioned Berta Soler, the leader of the non-violent Ladies in White (Damas de Blanco), who was denied the right to travel to Miami for the event by the Castro regime. She previously warned Obama that giving the regime what it wanted would not help the Cuban people. And in a letter sent to Trump just weeks before his announcement, she noted that, unsurprisingly, she was correct. “These days, Mr. President, when most of the World responds with a deafening silence to the harassment, arbitrary detentions, beatings, house searches, and robberies against peaceful opponents, human rights activists and defenseless women, your words of encouragement are most welcomed,” she wrote to Trump. “Taking advantage of the lack of pressure from the United States, the Castro regime increased its repressive actions to levels not seen since the Black Spring of 2003 when 75 peaceful dissidents were sentenced to terms of imprisonment of up to 25 years.” After Trump's announcement, she again praised Trump and said there should be conditions to U.S. engagement with Cuba.
Not all liberty-minded voices in the United States were enthusiastic about the developments, though. Former Congressman Ron Paul, a Republican from Texas as well as a fierce defender of liberty and the Constitution, expressed dismay over the move, calling it a return to Cold War thinking. “President Trump’s shift back to the bad old days on Cuba will not have the desired effect of liberalizing that country’s political environment,” Paul, a staunch non-interventionist, said in his widely read weekly column. “If it did not work for fifty years why does Trump think it will suddenly work today? If anything, a hardening of U.S. policy on Cuba will prevent reforms and empower those who warned that the U.S. could not be trusted as an honest partner.”
Whether the enforcement of U.S. laws dealing with the Cuban dictatorship or restricting its funding sources will actually help bring down the autocracy remains unclear. What has been clear for decades, though, is that subversive elements within the United States put the murderous Castro regime in power to begin with. In fact, the U.S. Ambassador to Cuba at the time, Earl Smith, outlined the betrayal of the Cuban people by the U.S. establishment in a book. Top establishment media propagandists such as Herbert Matthews at the New York Times painted Castro as a freedom fighter, even when honest analysts such as John Birch Society founder Robert Welch pointed out that the barbarian was obviously a communist.
It is time for the forces that put Castro in power to begin with — and helped murder tens of thousands of innocent Cubans by extension — to be exposed. Those include the establishment swamp known as the Council on Foreign Relations, which continues to betray freedom-loving people in the United States and around the world to this day. Aside from Cuba, numerous other nations have been betrayed and enslaved with help from the enemies of freedom. The betrayed nations and peoples have included China, Ukraine, Hungary, Iran, Poland, and many more. Only when that totalitarian-minded globalist establishment is exposed and thereby neutralized will liberty be safe in America and around the world.

Related articles:
Trump Vows that, “With God's Help,” Cuba Will Soon Be Free
President Trump Justified in Reversing Obama’s Cuba Policy
Obama Pushes Communist Vision of “Rights” on Cuba Trip
Obama’s Political Career Began With Castro-backed Terrorist
The Betrayal of Cuba
Globalists, UN, and Big Business Legitimizing Cuban Regime
Obama Visit Doesn’t Deter Cuban Government from Suppressing Dissidents
White House Eases Travel, Commerce Restrictions Imposed on Cuba
Amid Obama Visit, Che Guevara's Son Vows Communist “Tsunami”
D.C. Leaders Look to Communist Cuba for “Education Successes”
Obama Set to Remove Castro Terror Regime from U.S. Terror List
Exposure of Radical CFR Latin America Boss Offers Broad Insight
Birch Society's Robert Welch Was Correct on Castro
Ex-Bodyguard Exposes Fidel Castro’s Drug Dealing, Corruption, Murders
In Latin America, Russia and China Push New World Order

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
After a disastrous debut with her Vladimir Putin interview, NBC anchor Megyn Kelly has struck out again, with a highly contrived and deceptive hit piece directed at host Alex Jones.
“Tonight, we confront Alex Jones on his notorious lie about the Sandy Hook massacre,” Kelly said in a preface to the much-hyped program that aired Sunday night. She continued: “First tonight, our report on the incendiary radio host, Alex Jones. For years, Jones has been spreading conspiracy theories, claiming, for instance, that elements of the U.S. government allowed the 9/11 attacks to happen and that the horrific Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax. Some thought we shouldn't broadcast this interview because his baseless allegations aren't just offensive, they're dangerous. But here's the thing: Alex Jones isn't going away. Over the years, his YouTube channel has racked up 1.3 billion views. He has millions of listeners and the ear of our current president.”
That opening salvo revealed the real targets behind the Kelly/NBC attack on Jones: 1) the newer alternative media that is destroying the Big Media stranglehold on news delivery; and 2) President Donald Trump, whom the same media “progressives” have failed to destroy, despite their incredible, unprecedented campaign of hate, fraud, and lies.

Along with the rest of the Fake News elitists, the globalists at NBC Universal are petrified that only 6 percent of Americans trust their reporting, and hundreds of radio and Internet media alternatives are garnering an ever-larger audience share of the news-consuming American public. In that independent media firmament, Alex Jones and his multiple Infowars platforms are the biggest stars, with, as the NBC piece noted, millions of listeners and viewers.
Although far from being totally defanged, the Big Media thought cartel has lost its ability to control the perception of reality, as the 2016 presidential election overwhelmingly demonstrated. Taking down the alternative media — with Jones and Infowars as top targets — is essential to taking down President Trump, which, clearly, is what the global elites are trying to do.
The absurdity at the top of all this is that NBC/Kelly and their media cronies are charging the alternative media (and Jones specifically) with “spreading conspiracy theories,” while they continue to flog the same Trump-Russia conspiracy theory that they have been obsessed with for the past year. So absurdly fixated on this pet conspiracy theory have they been — without yet turning up a shred of evidence — that they have repeatedly been caught ignoring major breaking news events in order to breathlessly report the latest non-news tidbit that might bolster their (by now clearly fraudulent) Trump-Putin collusion narrative.
Megyn Kelly, the former Fox News glamour girl, has shown her true colors since joining the virulent anti-Trump progressive posse at NBC/MSNBC: Lester Holt, Chuck Todd, Andrea Mitchell, Matt Lauer, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Mika Brzezinski, Al Sharpton, Brian Williams, et al. As we reported in our earlier article on the Megyn Kelly vs. Alex Jones dustup, Kelly promised, repeatedly and profusely, that she was not out to do a hatchet job on Jones. In fact, she told the InfoWars host: “If there’s one thing about me it’s that I do what I say I’m going to do and I don’t double cross. It’s not going to be some gotcha hit piece, I promise you that.”
“I'm not looking to portray you as some boogeyman,” Kelly insisted. In fact, the NBC maven schmoozed Jones with the story that she is “fascinated” by him and saw a “different side,” a softer side, of him during his recent court battle for custody of his children. She wanted to focus on Alex Jones the sensitive family man. Yeah, right!
Fortunately, Jones made audio and video recordings of the whole Kelly/NBC interview process and has released his own tape of the affair to allow viewers to judge for themselves who is telling the truth and who is not. He is challenging NBC to release the full unedited video footage on their website.
According to Jones, Kelly and her NBC crew filmed him for around 14 hours, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m., trying to get damning footage that they could creatively edit to portray him in the worst possible light. Speaking of light, Infowars reporter Kit Daniels noted that “Kelly’s crew didn’t even bother to light Jones properly for the interview by using three-point lighting that’s a journalistic standard; instead they used ‘villain lighting’ often used in cinema to demonize certain characters.”
However, even villain lighting wasn’t enough; NBC had to bring on veteran anchor Tom Brokaw to rail against Jones, racism, and hate, thereby insinuating, without any supporting evidence, that Jones is a racist. The “racist” charge, of course, is, and has been for decades, the last refuge of leftist cowards who can’t morally and intelligently defend their indefensible ideologies, policies, and actions. It’s their default setting; simply yell “racist” to vilify your opponent, and presto!, you’re absolved from the obligation of debating the real issues.
In the interests of full disclosure I should note that I have been a guest of Alex Jones on Infowars a number of times over the years, as have been other writers for The New American. Although I have seen only a small fraction of his total, prodigious output, I am not aware of a single instance in which he has made any statement that could reasonably be construed as racist. To the contrary, he gives every indication of continuously opposing the racial divisiveness and polarization fostered by his leftist critics. Compare, for instance, Alex Jones’ positions on racial comity versus the deadly record and hateful, incendiary rhetoric of NBC’s resident, champion, racist agitator Al Sharpton.
You can be sure that NBC and the other mainstream media (MSM) character assassins gunning for Jones would have by now found any statement of his that would pass as even the faintest simulacrum of racism. That they have not produced any shows that it is they who are being untruthful and trafficking in hate.
But what about Jones? Is he promoting hate, as they charge? First of all, let us stipulate that Alex Jones is not everyone’s cup of tea. As to his personal style, he is, admittedly, given to visceral, sensational, bombastic, livid, over-the-top rants that are sometimes laced with profanity. Is that his real persona, or is it “performance art” (as his personal attorney has claimed) — or is it a combination of both conviction and showmanship? I don’t know, but I would surmise that it is a combination, with conviction and passion outweighing calculated drama. It is not a style I imitate, commend, or condone. I believe that, especially in these increasingly volatile times, we should be promoting genuine civility in our political discourse. However, even during his super-charged, vein-popping, live-screaming ventilations, Alex Jones directs his incandescent outrage toward the outrageous actions of those who are destroying liberty and promoting tyranny. He unabashedly counts them as “enemies of humankind,” but he vows to expose them, oppose them, and thwart them — not shoot them, beat them, kill them, assassinate them, or decapitate them, as the Leftists are threatening to do.
And, of course, many on the Left have already moved from the threat stage to the action stage, with violence against both property and persons. Kelly/Brokaw/NBC and the rest of the MGM (Marxist Globalist Media — it’s time to stop referring to them as “mainstream” MSM) have no commensurate concern about the virulent, violent left-wing rioters and demonstrators from Antifa, Occupy, Black Lives Matter, Indivisible, #Resistance, Revolutionary Communist Party, et al. Thus, their one-sided appeals for “civility” are as phony as their claims for impartial, fair, unbiased reporting. It is this rampant, transparent fraud by the Fake News establishment that is driving the growth of the alternative, freedom-oriented media and causing viewers to flee the dinosaur MGM. today described the NBC/Kelly hit piece on Jones as a “ratings flop,” noting that it “ended up a distant third in the network ratings race during its first half hour on Sunday night. According to Nielsen Media Research, the program “brought in an average of 3.5 million viewers, marking the fewest viewers the show has drawn since debuting on June 4.” Kelly's politicized venture “trailed both a repeat episode of CBS's ‘60 Minutes,’ which delivered 5.3 million viewers, and U.S. Open golf coverage on Fox, which was the highest-rated program in the 7:00 p.m. ET timeslot.” And, noted, “Among the key 18 to 49-year-old demographic that advertisers covet most, a re-run of ABC's ‘America's Funniest Home Videos’ beat Kelly and ‘60 Minutes’ by almost 40 percent.”

Related articles and videos:
Alex Jones Trumps Megyn Kelly With Pre-emptive Interview Release
Deep State and Fake News
Finding Fake News
FAKE NEWS: Big Media's False Claims on Russian Hacking Fail to Stop Trump — Again
Media's Anti-Trump Bias Obvious in Second Presidential Debate
Hillary's First Press Conference in 278 Days? More Like a Media Love-in
Behind the Big News: Propaganda and the CFR (Video)


 More Protesters Disrupt Trump Assassination Play, Yell 'CNN Is ISIS'
"Liberal hate kills!"
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
More protesters disrupted the Central Park public Theater production of Julius Caesar Sunday night, taking umbrage with the depiction of the bloody murder of the President of The United States.
Video of the separate incidents reveals that the protesters were yelling “Goebbels would be proud!” “Liberal hate kills” and “CNN IS ISIS!” before being dragged away by security.

According to reports, during the second stage invasion, the man filming the the incident was attacked by others in the crowd. Security was called in and also dragged the videographer out of the theater.
It has been claimed that police told the man “Dude we’re on your side but just keep it down.”
The ‘CNN is Isis’ term was popularized by Infowars’ Alex Jones, and is currently part of a contest devised to stand up to the left’s calls for violence against the president and against other Americans for simply exercising their rights.
The second round of protests come on the heels of interjections on Friday when conservative activists Laura Loomer and Jack Posobiec interrupted proceedings.
While some advertisers have cut their ties with the production, CNN and the New York Times have refused to do so.

The show, which featured a Donald Trump lookalike being stabbed to death by Senators,o much to the delight of the mostly liberal audience, concluded its run Sunday after continuing to be staged despite the shooting of Steve Scalise, and the attempted murder of Republican representatives at a baseball game last week.
 NYC 'Trump Assassination Play' Protester Speaks Out 
 Published on Jun 20, 2017
Laura Loomer joins Alex Jones live via Skype to discuss her recent protest of Shakespeare In The Park's rendition of Julius Cesar where a blatant assassination of President Trump is depicted.
Laura Loomer and Joe Biggs - Shakespeare Assassination Play and Political Violence


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
June 21, 2017
Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
The following is excerpted from THE FUTURE ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE. See end of report for details.
The Bible teaches that the apostasy will increase until a “one world church” is formed. This is signified by the religious harlot of Revelation 17.
1. The pure Bride of Christ becomes a wicked fallen woman.

This downfall started even during the days of the apostles when some of the churches were committing spiritual fornication with the world (James 4:4). Demas was one of those who turned from the truth because he loved the world (2 Tim. 4:10).

The doctrine of Balaam and Jezebel was operating in the early churches.
“But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication” (Rev. 2:14).

“Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols” (Revelation 2:20).
According to this false doctrine, Christians have liberty to participate in the wicked things of the world.

The doctrine of Balaam and Jezebel has increased throughout the church age and is the doctrine that prevails among professing Christians today.

2. The harlot “church” is already taking shape.

Though it won’t be complete until the time of the Antichrist, the harlot “church” is already growing rapidly in the world.
It is being built through the unity movement. Throughout Christianity there is a call for “unity.” We are told that unity is more important than doctrine. We are told that we should not create divisions among Christians. We are told that we should not judge other Christians, but that we should join them in fellowship and ministry. We are told that the different denominations are like ice cream. There are many different flavors of Christianity--Roman Catholic, Anglican, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Evangelical, Baptist, Church of Christ, etc.--but we cannot say that only one is right and the others are wrong. We are told that we should learn from one another and not condemn one another.

This ecumenical philosophy is creating the one-world church, but the Bible teaches us to earnestly contend for the one true faith that was revealed during the days of the apostles (Jude 3). Paul taught that we are not to allow any other doctrine, which is the most narrow approach to doctrinal purity that one can conceive (1 Tim. 1:3). We are to separate from those who teach different doctrine (Rom. 16:17).
The harlot “church” is also being built by contemporary worship music. This music merges the things of Christ with the world’s party music. The Christian rock philosophy is a Balaam/Jezebel philosophy. Contemporary Christian Music creates an appetite for the things of the world. It builds bridges to the world and to apostasy so that the churches that use it become corrupted in doctrine and practice. There is a close association between contemporary worship music and the Roman Catholic Church.

See 1 Corinthians 15:33, which warns that wrong associations corrupt good manners of Christian living. (See the book
The Directory of Contemporary Christian Worship Music and the video presentation The Foreign Spirit of Contemporary Worship Music, which are available from Way of Life Literature.)

The harlot “church” is being built by many other things, including the social gospel, kingdom building, the positive philosophy (don’t speak about “negative,” controversial things), contemplative prayer, and the heresy of “non-essential” doctrines. (See
What Is the Emerging Church? from Way of Life Literature.)

3. The harlot “church” will take its final form after the Rapture.

We see an outline of this timeline in the book of Revelation.

In Revelation 2-3 Jesus addresses the seven churches, and we can see in these chapters a description of the apostasy that began small in the days of the apostles (signified by the church of Ephesus losing its first love, Rev. 2:4-5) and grows through the age until most of the churches are apostate (signified by the church of Laodicea, Rev. 3:15-17).

In Revelation 4 the true churches are taken out of the world to heaven’s throne room to be with Christ. Just as John was called up to heaven in Revelation 4:1, so will all of the New Testament believers be called up to heaven at the Rapture (1 Th. 4:15-17). See Jesus’ promise to the faithful Philadelphia church (Rev. 3:10-11). This church signifies the true churches that still exist at the end of the age. They are weak but they keep God’s Word (Rev. 3:8).

In Revelation 6 the judgments begin to fall on the world of unbelievers for seven years. During this time, the Antichrist will come to power and the harlot “church” will reign with him for a brief time.

4. Consider the characteristics of the harlot “church” of Revelation 17:
Mystery Babylon descends from ancient Babylon (Rev. 17:5).

The apostate harlot “church” descends from the false religion established at Babel during man’s early history (Gen. 10:8-10; 11:1-9). Babylon is “the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth” (Rev. 17:5), meaning that the world’s dark religions had their evil beginning with her. At Babel the devil organized the first idolatrous religion. The Tower of Babel was preeminently an act of idolatry. It was the beginning of the mystery religions that eventually permeated the world. It represented mankind united against the Creator and His holy laws. At the heart of Babylonianism is the worship of self, which is based on the ancient lie that Satan uttered to Eve, “ye shall be as gods” (Gen. 3:5). Babylon is the devil’s world kingdom, with all of its religious, political, and commercial aspects. The head of this dark kingdom is called “the god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4) and “the prince of the power of the air” (Eph. 2:2).

The Babylonian religion spread throughout the earth. Idolatrous towers were built all across Mesopotamia. These were devoted to the worship of the sun, moon, and stars. Goddess worship was also prominent. The idolatry was practiced by the Babylonian Empire, the Medo-Persian, the Greek, and the Roman. It spread from the Middle East to Africa, Europe, North and South America. (We deal with this in the section on Babylon in the apologetics course
An Unshakeable Faith and in the PowerPoint/Keynote presentation on Babylon that accompanies that course.)

The Roman Catholic Church is a Christianized Babylonianism. The Papacy, the Mass, Mariolatry, the Rosary, the Priesthood -- all of these were borrowed from the idolatrous Babylonian religions. The ancient Babylonian mother-goddess worship was the basis for Rome’s doctrine of Mary. In the Bible, Mary is never called Queen of Heaven or the Mother of God, but the old mother-goddesses had these titles. The images of the goddess Isis and her baby Horus were the models for the Madonna and child. (Evidence for this can be found in the section on Babylon in the apologetics course
An Unshakeable Faith and in the PowerPoint/Keynote presentation on Babylon that accompanies that course.)

“Babylon the great” in Revelation 17 is the final form of Satan’s world religion and government. It is taking shape today and will come to power with the Antichrist during the Tribulation and will be destroyed before Christ returns (Rev. 19:1-3). (For a detailed study of Revelation 17-18 see the
Advanced Bible Studies Series course on Revelation, which is available from Way of Life Literature.)
Mystery Babylon is worldwide.
“Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: ... And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues” (Rev. 17:1, 15).
The “many waters” are “peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.”
Mystery Babylon’s headquarters is in Rome.
“The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth” (Rev. 17:9).
Rome is famous for her “seven hills.” Rome, of course, is the headquarters for the Roman Catholic Church, which is at the center of the great harlot religious system.

Mystery Babylon will probably be ruled by the pope. On August 7, 1977, Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury in the Anglican Church, said: “We should like to see the churches of England, Scotland, the United States and any other countries, bound together in one body. If the pope would like to come in as chairman, we should all welcome him” (Why Were Our Reformers Burned?). Our books Evangelicals and Rome and The Directory of Contemporary Worship Music document the back-to-Rome movement within practically every segment of Christianity.
Mystery Babylon is filled with blasphemy.
“I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy” (Rev. 17:3).
This is true of the Roman Catholic Church. The titles of her popes are blasphemous (e.g., “holy father,” “his holiness,” “vicar of Christ”). Rome’s mass is blasphemous. It is blasphemous to claim that bread actually becomes Jesus and it is blasphemous to worship the bread when it is put into a box called a tabernacle in Catholic churches. Rome’s doctrine of Mary is blasphemous. Rome has created fables about Mary’s sinless birth, her bodily assumption into heaven, her coronation as queen of heaven, her intercession for sinners. Consider Santa Maria Maggiore Church (Saint Mary Major) in Rome, which was built to honor Mary as the “Mother of God.” It features a large mosaic on the ceiling depicting Mary sitting with Jesus on His throne and being crowned by Him as Queen of Heaven. Another image of Mary in this church is titled “Mary Queen of Peace,” which is blasphemous because peace only comes through Christ. Outside of the St. Mary Major Church, Mary is even depicted hanging on the cross with Jesus! The Saint Stanislaus Kostka Catholic church in Chicago has an image of Mary sitting on the ark of God and surrounded by worshiping angels. This is a great blasphemy, as the ark was the place where Jehovah God abode in the tabernacle (Ex. 30:36). (For photos of these things see “Rome’s Mary on the Cross” at the Way of Life web site --

The blasphemy is not limited to the Roman Catholic Church. It is spreading throughout Christianity. It is blasphemous, for example, to mix the holy things of Christ with the unholy party music of this world. The emerging churches even go further in their blasphemy, by performing wicked secular rock songs in their church services. For example, NewSpring Church in Florence, South Carolina, performed “Highway to Hell” by the vile rock band AC/DC for Easter service 2009, and Northpoint Church of Springfield, Missouri, performed “Sympathy for the Devil” by the Rolling Stones for Easter service 2011. It is also blasphemous to say that God accepts the moral perversion of homosexuality, which many evangelicals are saying. (See
The Treacherous Waters of Evangelicalism, which is available as a free eBook from Way of Life Literature -- It is blasphemous to say that the God who sends sinners to hell is a mean God, but this is what some in the emerging church are saying. (See the book What Is the Emerging Church?)
Mystery Babylon is clothed in purple and scarlet.
“... the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour” (Rev. 17:4).
The apostles and Christians of the early churches lived simple lives and built simple churches, but apostate Christians love impressive cathedrals, flowing robes, ritualism, candles and incense, and expensive clothing.

Revelation 17:4 describes exactly how Rome’s bishops and archbishops and cardinals and popes are clothed even to this day. In 2003 I witnessed a mass in St. Paul Without the Walls basilica in Rome in which the bishops were clothed in scarlet. When Pope John Paul II died, the cardinals who met to elect a new pope were clothed in scarlet.

Many of the emerging churches are moving in the direction of Rome by adopting things such as candles, incense, dim lighting, ambient music, labyrinths, icons, prayer stations, art, dance, meditation, chanting, and contemplative prayer. (See
What Is the Emerging Church? from Way of Life Literature.)
Mystery Babylon is immoral.
“... the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: 2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication” (Rev. 17:1-2).
She is described as a whore. This refers both to spiritual and physical fornication.

The apostasy has always been associated with living after “the lusts of the flesh” (2 Tim. 4:3-4).

The Roman Catholic Church has been immoral throughout its history. After Martin Luther visited Rome he observed, “If there be a hell, Rome is built over it.” He was referring to the wickedness that he found in that city. Many of the popes, who were supposed to be “celibate,” committed fornication. Pope John XII (955-63) is described by the
Catholic Encyclopedia as “a course, immoral man, whose life was such that the Lateran palace was spoken of as a brothel.” Pope Benedict IX (1032-1045) lived a “dissolute life.” Pope Sixtus IV (1471-84) erected a house of prostitution in Rome. Pope Pius II (1458-64) and Pope Innocent VIII (1484-92) each had at least two illegitimate children. Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503) had at least four illegitimate children whom he made rich through church positions. Alexander held unspeakable orgies in his palace and kept married women as mistresses. Pope Julius II (1503-13) had at least three illegitimate children. Throughout the world, Roman Catholic priests are infamous for homosexuality and child abuse. In Northern Ireland they are called “filthy beasts” by the Protestants. According to Roman Catholic bishop Pat Buckley, studies have shown that 80% of the Catholic priests in Ireland have broken their vows of celibacy (“500 Irish Priests Having Regular Sex with Women,” London News Telegraph, Jan. 21, 2006). In America, Rome has paid over $1 billion to settle court cases against child-molesting priests. Most of these are homosexuals. A 2004 study found that 5,148 priests had been charged with committing this wickedness.

The rock & roll Christianity of these last days is filled with immorality. Rock & roll Christians live almost the same as the world. They love the world’s wicked movies and television programs and the world’s music and the world’s immodest dress fashions and the world’s vain sports stars and the world’s strange video games and the world’s Internet sites. Even homosexuality is widely accepted among the rock & roll churches. (See
The Treacherous Waters of Evangelicalism, a free eBook available from Way of Life Literature.)
Mystery Babylon is wealthy.
“And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand...” (Rev. 17:4).
This is an accurate description of the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church. The crown of Pope Paul II (1464-1471) was “set with diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, chrysolites, and jaspers” (Ouseley, A Short Defence, 1821, p. 230). The wealth of the Catholic Church is vast. In the 1970s, the Vatican was the third wealthiest “nation” behind America and Japan.

The wealth also describes the Protestant denominations and “evangelicalism” and the charismatic movement today. Like the church at Laodicea, they are rich and increased with goods (Rev. 3:17). Evangelical and charismatic churches are large and prosperous. Evangelical and charismatic colleges and publishing houses are rich and influential. Their radio and television ministries are heard by millions. Some of the evangelical and charismatic leaders own multiple mansions and fly around the world in their own luxury jets. In 2006, churches in America spent $8.1 BILLION just on audio and projection equipment (“High Tech Churches,”
Christian Post, Sept. 26, 2007). An article in Christianity Today in October 2006 entitled “Let’s Improve the Public Perception of Evangelicalism,” described “evangelicalism” in the following terms: “We now have institutional resources and influential churches to a degree barely hoped for 50 years ago. Our people are better educated and more affluent. Our global networks are connecting believers like never before.” This is more representative of the apostate church of Laodicea and the harlot “church” of Revelation 17 than the simple churches founded by the apostles.
Mystery Babylon is ecumenical.
“the Mother of harlots...” (Rev. 17:5).
She has many daughters who share her character. This refers to the ecumenical movement that is joining together all branches of Christianity: Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Protestant, Baptist, Pentecostal, evangelical, charismatic, etc. The ecumenical movement is even bringing “Christians” together with pagan religions.

The emerging “harlot church” was seen at the 1983 World Council of Churches’ (WCC) General Assembly in British Columbia, Canada. The WCC is made up of more than 340 denominations representing roughly 500 million professing Christians. The opening ceremony was led by North American nature-worshipping Indians who burned fish and tobacco in a fire to their pagan gods. Three Hindus, four Buddhists, two Jews, four Muslims, and a Sikh participated in the Assembly. There were readings from Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim scriptures. A Hindu woman from South India performed a pagan dance to the earth mother goddess. Philip Potter, General Secretary of the WCC, said that it is God’s will “to unite all nations in their diversity into one house.” Dirk Mulder, moderator of the WCC interfaith dialogue program, said that a Buddhist or Hindu can be saved without believing in Jesus (
Foundation, Vol. IV, Issue III, 1983). There were also “evangelicals” who participated in this abominable conference. Clearly this is the “church” of Revelation 17.

The emerging “harlot church” was seen on January 24, 2002, when Pope John Paul II led the Day of Prayer for Peace in Assisi, Italy. The interfaith prayer gathering featured some 200 religious leaders, including representatives of “Christian” denominations (Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Reformed, Baptist, Lutheran, Mormon, Mennonite) as well as representatives of Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Bahai-ism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Hinduism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, etc. Prominently featured were 29 Muslim leaders from such countries as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan, Morocco, and Libya, all of which persecute Christians to various degrees.

The emerging “harlot church” is seen in the contemplative prayer movement which is spreading quickly throughout Christianity. This movement borrows practices from the old Roman Catholic monasticism system, which in turn were borrowed from pagan Babylonian religions. The contemplative prayer movement promotes the writings of Roman Catholic mystics such as Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena, John of the Cross, Ignatius of Loyola, Francis of Assisi, and Madame Guyon. Many within the contemplative prayer movement are openly promoting Zen Buddhism and Hindu yoga, which are Babylonian religions. The late Thomas Merton, one of the most influential men in the movement, was both a Buddhist and a Catholic monk. Jesuit priest Thomas Clarke admits that the contemplative movement has “BEEN INFLUENCED BY ZEN BUDDHISM, TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION, OR OTHER CURRENTS OF EASTERN SPIRITUALITY” (Finding Grace at the Center, pp. 79, 80). The contemplative prayer movement puts professing Christians into communication with the demons that are the powers behind the ancient Babylonian idolatry. Many of the most influential evangelical leaders are recommending contemplative prayer, including Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Chuck Swindoll, David Jeremiah, Beth Moore, Max Lucado, Philip Yancy, Lee Strobel, and Charles Stanley, as we have documented in the report “Evangelicals Turning to Catholic Spirituality,” which can be found at the Way of Life web site --

Thus, there is already a harlot “church” taking shape and sitting upon many waters.
Mystery Babylon is a persecutor.
“And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus...” (Rev. 17:6).
It has been estimated by reputable historians that during the Roman Catholic Inquisition 50 million people were killed for the crime of “heresy” between A.D. 600 and A.D. 1850. This is the number cited by John Dowling, who published The History of Romanism in 1847 (book VIII, chapter 1, footnote 1).

From A.D. 1160-1560 the Waldensian Christians who dwelt in the mountains in northern Italy and France were visited with 36 terrible persecutions because they refused to submit to the Roman Catholic Church (Thomas Armitage,
A History of the Baptists). They were almost completely destroyed. For example, in 1209, Pope Innocent III called for a war against the Waldenses. Anyone who volunteered to join the war was promised forgiveness of sin and many rewards. Tens of thousands took up arms for the pope and marched against the Waldenses. Some 200,000 non-Catholic Christians were killed within a few months. Two large cities were destroyed, together with many smaller towns and villages. The Christians were thrown from high cliffs, hanged, disemboweled, pierced through, drowned, torn by dogs, burned alive, crucified. In one case, 400 mothers fled for refuge with their babies to a cave in Castelluzzo, which was located 2,000 feet above the valley in which they lived. When they were discovered by the rampaging Catholics, a large fire was built outside of the cave and they were suffocated. Thousands were made homeless and were forced to wander in the woods and mountains to escape the persecutors. “In this manner, the war was carried on for twenty years. Town after town was taken, pillaged, burnt. Nothing was left but a smoking waste” (John Christian, A History of the Baptists).

This is but a tiny sampling of Rome’s Inquisition.

During the Great Tribulation, terrible persecution will be unleashed against those who refuse to submit to the Antichrist, and the harlot religion will be intimately aligned with him.
“I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them” (Dan. 7:21).

“And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people” (Daniel 8:24).

“Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another” (Mat. 24:9-10).

“And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? 11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled” (Rev. 6:9-11).

“After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; 10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. 11 And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God, 12 Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen. 13 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? 14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” (Rev. 7:9-14).

“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed” (Rev. 13:15).
The New Testament describes two types of churches: true and false. There will be true churches in the world until Jesus takes them away through the Rapture. But false churches will outnumber true churches by far and will eventually be formed into the great worldwide harlot “church.” This “church” will rule with the Antichrist for a short season and will then be destroyed.

xcerpted from THE FUTURE ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE. ISBN 978-1-58318-172-0. One of the many reasons why the Bible is the most amazing and exciting book on earth is its prophecies. The Bible unfolds the future in great detail, and The Future According to the Bible deals in depth with every major prophetic event, including the Rapture, the Judgment Seat of Christ, the Tribulation, the Antichrist, Gog and Magog, the Battle of Armageddon, the Two Witnesses, Christ’s Return, Muslim nations in prophecy, the Judgment of the Nations, the resurrection body, the conversion of Israel, the highway of the redeemed, Christ’s glorious kingdom, the Millennial Temple, the Great White Throne judgment, and the New Jerusalem. The first two chapters deal at length with the amazing prophecies that are being fulfilled today and with the church-age apostasy. Knowledge of these prophecies is essential for a proper understanding of the times and a proper Christian worldview today. The 130-page section on Christ’s kingdom describes the coming world kingdom in more detail than any book we are familiar with. Every major Messianic prophecy is examined. Prophecy is a powerful witness to the Bible’s divine inspiration, and it is a great motivator for holy Christian living. In this book we show that the Lord’s churches are outposts of the coming kingdom. The believer’s position in Christ’s earthly kingdom will be determined by his service in this present world (Revelation 2:26-27; 3:21). The book is based on forty years of intense Bible study plus firsthand research in Israel, Turkey, and Europe. 520 pages