Monday, June 5, 2017


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Faced with an orchestrated influx of millions of migrants from Africa and the Middle East, German officials have started commandeering private property to house the tsunami of new arrivals. Italian property owners have also been forced, literally kicking and screaming, to house migrants against their will. Plans to put resistors in jail are reportedly being considered. And in Sweden, where an extreme housing shortage in Stockholm has been made even more acute by the arrival of hundreds of thousands of migrants in recent years, authorities are using tax money to outbid Swedes in the intensifying competition for living space. Other fundamental freedoms are also being attacked under the guise of dealing with the self-inflicted “refugee crisis.” And it is going to get worse.
Perhaps the most extreme attacks on private property have come from Germany. In the city of Hamburg (shown), the ruling coalition of extreme left-wing authorities first began seizing private property to house migrants with a controversial law passed in October of 2015. With some 400 migrants arriving in the city each day and migrant shelters already packed to capacity with new arrivals, officials claimed it was needed. At first, it was just commercial property that was supposed to be confiscated and turned into migrant housing, and only if the property in question was vacant. The confiscation was also only supposed to take place if the owner refused to hand over their properties voluntarily in exchange for compensation funds extracted from taxpayers.

But as always occurs with government attacks on fundamental rights, it was a slippery slope — and it did not take long for phase two to begin.  
Now, authorities in Hamburg, Germany's second-largest city, are even targeting and commandeering residential properties as well. According to local and international news reports this month, authorities have now seized six apartments in the central Hamm district, against the owner’s will. After the properties were confiscated, officials began “renovating” them so they would be suitable for tenants of the government's choosing. The property owner will be billed for all the “renovation” expenses incurred by the government, a spokesman for the governing council behind the seizures was quoted as saying in the press. The costs are estimated to run into five figures. A “city-appointed trustee” will oversee the process and the housing units commandeered by authorities.
But this is just the start, according to various news agencies. The local government, dominated by the far-left Socialist and Green parties, even established a “hotline” for residents of Hamburg to report any properties they may know of which may have been vacant for more than four months. After those four months are up, the residential properties will be subject to being commandeered by local government and being put under the supervision of the government's “trustee,” who can then pack the apartments with migrants or other tenants at taxpayer expense. Activists reportedly also set up a website dubbed “Vacancy Reporter” to help authorities locate vacant real estate for authorities to commandeer in Hamburg and beyond.
Of course, multiple government policies have fueled the housing crisis. From failing to approve building permits to imposing draconian restrictions on rent, local authorities have helped ensure an acute shortage in supply. Combined with the surge in demand brought about by the national government's deeply unpopular policy of inviting millions of Third World migrants into the country at taxpayer expense, the housing and rental-property markets have been radically distorted. And so, city officials have resorted to further attacks on private property rights to deal with the problems government helped create to begin with.  
Outside of Hamburg, municipalities have also been evicting tenants from their apartments to house migrants. The first reported case in Germany happened in September of 2015 in the town of Nieheim. It involved Bettina Halbey, a 51-year-old nurse. “I was completely taken aback,” she told Die Welt after receiving the eviction letter. “I find it impossible to describe how the city has treated me.” On social media, she described the move as “a kick in the teeth.” Later that month, Gabrielle Keller, in the German town of Eschbach, was ordered by authorities to vacate her government-owned apartment, again to make room for migrants. “The alternative would have been to set up beds in the gym,” argued the mayor.
An even more draconian scheme to trample private property rights to house migrants was also floated in the German capital of Berlin. Under that proposal, police would have been authorized to invade private property without a warrant to determine whether the residence would be suitable for migrant housing, according to media reports. However, even amid the escalating “refugee” crisis brought on by “former” East German Communist Party propagandist Angela Merkel and her “open door” policy, that was considered an unconstitutional bridge too far. More than a few critics suggested Hamburg's attacks on property rights may also be unconstitutional, but no official determination has yet been made.    
Still, critics expressed outrage. “Hamburg’s situation clearly illustrates the downside to uncontrolled mass migration,” argued Matt O'Brien with the Washington, D.C.-based Federation for American Immigration Reform, which opposes mass migration. “Western civilization operates on the notion that the first duty of a government is to protect the life, liberty and property of its own citizens. All other obligations are subsidiary. Hamburg decided to protect foreigners at the expense of German citizens and, in so doing, failed to fulfill the first duty of government. Let’s hope that if the U.S. government ever begins expropriating private land in response to a migrant crisis, it’s to build a border wall, not to house massive numbers of immigrants that the people of the United States never wanted here.”
Local political figures in Hamburg have also spoken out, comparing the attacks on private property to tyranny and shameful communist horrors in Germany's past. “The proposed confiscation of private land and buildings is a massive attack on the property rights of the citizens of Hamburg,” André Trepoll with the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party was quoted as saying in media reports, saying the “law of intimidation” was a “political dam-break with far-reaching implications.” “It amounts to an expropriation by the state.... The ends do not justify any and all means.” The leader of the Free Democrats Party in Hamburg, meanwhile, called it an “unacceptable crossing of red lines” and noted that, ironically, such “coercive measures” would “only fuel resentment against refugees.”
Germany is hardly the only formerly sovereign European nation in which citizens and their fundamental rights — including their private-property rights — are being trampled by authorities to accommodate the avalanche of Third World migrants. In Italy, for example, an elderly hotel operator was terrorized by armed agents of the state for refusing to have his property packed full of migrants. A horrifying video of the episode went viral across the Internet. When Luigi Fogli, 80 at the time, refused to house “refugees” for 7 euros in tax money for each — all of them apparently African men without families present, video shows — authorities simply forced him to do it, literally.

Late last year, the Italian Interior Ministry even floated a scheme, dubbed the “Viminale Plan," that would have put resistors behind bars for refusing to allow their properties to be commandeered for housing migrants. Under the plan, widely reported in Italian media, thousands of armed enforcement agents from the police and the military would be deployed to oversee enforcement. The Justice Ministry was reportedly prepared to provide trials and detention to those who resisted the plan. And almost incredibly, the commandeering of private property was set to take place without compensation, as the government does not have the funds to pay.
As The New American has documented extensively in a series of articles, private property rights are not the only fundamental human rights being targeted in Europe under the guise of dealing with the so-called refugee crisis. Indeed, across Europe and the rest of the Western world, the globalist-engineered migrant crisis is leading to attacks on a wide array of fundamental liberties including self-government, privacy, free speech, freedom of the press, and more. In Germany, authorities have been raiding apartments and arresting those who criticize foreigners, Islam, or the mass-migration agenda too vociferously.
The Islamist terror attacks that have resulted from the crisis and will continue to worsen, meanwhile, are being cited by regional authorities at the European Union and national powers as a pretext to justify the ongoing expansion of the police state at the national, regional, and international level. More than a few political leaders have suggested the establishment's agenda behind the migrant tsunami is the destruction of national cohesion, Christianity, and the nation-state on the road to regional and global governance. And senior establishment bigwigs such as former Goldman Sachs boss and UN migration czar Peter Sutherland have all but confirmed it. Indeed, the United Nations is funding TV ads urging German women to wear Muslim head scarves.
The attacks on private property rights must be resisted by all clear-thinking people. America's Founding Fathers warned about just how serious infringements on private property were. John Adams, America's first vice president and second president, was perhaps the most firm and eloquent. “The moment the idea is admitted into society, that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence,” Adams warned. “If ‘Thou shalt not covet,’ and ‘Thou shalt not steal,’ were not commandments of Heaven, they must be made inviolable precepts in every society, before it can be civilized or made free.”
Across the Western world, including in the United States, that idea was admitted long ago. And under the guise of housing migrants, the idea is rapidly being expanded all over the West.
Amid the globalist-orchestrated refugee crisis, in which globalist Western governments destroyed Middle Eastern and African nations before inviting the victims to Europe and the United States at taxpayer expense, the very foundations of Western civilization and Christendom are being eroded. And that was probably the agenda all along. Instead of bombing foreign countries to rubble and then welcoming the Third World into the West, real solutions to the problems must begin by holding accountable the establishment figures behind the tragedies.
Trampling the fundamental rights of Germans, Americans, and Italians is probably the worst possible way of dealing with the crisis. Instead of attacking innocent citizens, everyone in Brussels and Washington, D.C., who engineered the illegal wars on Libya and other nations based on illegitimate United Nations resolutions should face legal accountability — up to and including criminal prosecution if crimes were committed, as it seems they were. Property owners in the West and around the world should be left in peace.

Related articles:
Refugee Crisis: Using Chaos to Build Power
Refugee Crisis Has Europe on the Brink
Swedes and Germans Told to Integrate Into Their “New Country”
Swedish Police: Government Covering Up Huge Migrant Crime Spree
Globalists Who Created Refugee Crisis Now Exploiting It
UN “Together” Propaganda Bid Seeks to Flood West With Migrants
German Newspaper: Officials Are Covering Up Crimes by Migrants
Hungarian PM: Mass Migration a Plot to Destroy Christian West
Americans, Europeans Agree: Trump Is Right on Immigration
Obama-UN Refugee Summit: Huge Push for More Refugees
Insider: EU-U.S. Must Take More Refugees, Get Rid of Sovereignty
U.S. Intel: Obama Coalition Supported Islamic State in Syria
 Italy's Minister Of Interior: Surrender Your Homes To Migrants Or Face Jail
Italy’s Minister Of Interior: Surrender Your Homes 
To Migrants Or Face Jail 
Jail for those who oppose migrants
 Italy’s Minister of the Interior Angelino Alfano is planning to throw citizens in prison if they don’t hand over their homes to migrants, according to a report from Italian paper Ilgiornale.  


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
It looks as if the Justice Department swamp not only has not been drained, but is full of more voracious crocodiles than ever before. This case started during the Obama administration, but it is the Trump administration’s Justice Department that is handing down this ruling. President Trump needs to repudiate it, or else he owns it.
In battles over mosques all over the country, the elephant in the room is not allowed to be discussed: the connections of the mosque leaders to the Muslim Brotherhood and other jihad groups. People don’t oppose these mosques because of “racism” or “bigotry,” but because they’re concerned about jihad terror. With most of the mosques in the U.S. getting funding from Saudi Arabia and surveys having shown that most mosques in the U.S. preach hatred of Jews and Christians and the necessity ultimately to replace the U.S. Constitution with Islamic law, these are legitimate concerns, but discussion of them is foreclosed as “Islamophobic.”
“Diversity and inclusion training,” meanwhile, means having to listen to a lot of lies about how Islam is a religion of peace and Muslims are victimized by “Islamophobia.” The object of the “training” is to intimidate the “trainees” into fearing to oppose Islamic supremacism, jihad terror, Sharia, and the mosques in which such things are preached.
“’Municipalities around the country should pay close attention to what happened in Bernards Township,’ Adeel A. Mangi, lead counsel for the mosque, told My Central Jersey. ‘The American Muslim community has the legal resources, the allies and the determination to stand up for its constitutional rights in court and will do so.’”
Threat noted. It should also be noted that there is no constitutional right to break American laws under the guise of freedom of religion. This principle has been obscured, and needs to be reasserted, or we are in for a world of hurt.
The Trump administration Justice Department should be allowing for such discussion, not strong-arming and extorting communities to support what will likely be a Muslim Brotherhood installation in their midst. Is Sessions even aware of this ruling? Is Trump? If they’re not, it’s criminal negligence, and if they are, it’s something even worse.
“A New Jersey town denied Muslims a mosque. Now it must pay them $3.25 million,” by Katie Mettler, Washington Post, May 31, 2017:
The worshipers waited four years and 39 public hearings for the official denial: Muslims in their small New Jersey town would not be allowed to build a mosque.
The 2015 decision made by the planning board in Bernards Township, N.J., a majority-white suburb of 26,000 people, came after significant public opposition to the mosque that thrust the community into the national spotlight and spurred religious discrimination lawsuits from the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge and the Department of Justice.
On Tuesday, the township learned the cost of its six-year-old decision: $3.25 million.
As part of a settlement of the suits, the township must allow construction of the mosque to begin at its original proposed location, according to the Justice Department. Bernards Township will pay the Islamic Society $1.5 million in damages and $1.75 million in attorney fees and require town officials to submit to diversity and inclusion training.
“Municipalities around the country should pay close attention to what happened in Bernards Township,” Adeel A. Mangi, lead counsel for the mosque, told My Central Jersey. “The American Muslim community has the legal resources, the allies and the determination to stand up for its constitutional rights in court and will do so.”…



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 Former Vice President Joe Biden officiated over his second 
same-sex ceremony on Saturday, this time between the finance chair of 
the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and his partner.
Biden presided over the ceremony for Henry Muñoz III and Kyle Ferrari on Saturday, and a photograph of the occasion was posted online by Melanie Griffith.
“My dearest friends Henry Munoz and Kyle Ferrari were married today by VP Joe Biden. Wishing them everlasting love and a joyous life journey!” the actress, whose daughter Dakota Johnson stars in the controversial “50 Shades of Grey” film, wrote.
As previously reported, last August, Biden officiated another ceremony between two White House staffers at his Washington home. Brian Mosteller worked as director of Oval Office operations for Barack Obama, and Joe Mahsie served as a travel coordinator for Michelle Obama.

“Proud to marry Brian and Joe at my house. Couldn’t be happier, two longtime White House staffers, two great guys,” Biden wrote.
His wife, Jill, also Tweeted the photo after the ceremony, writing, “Love is love.”
Biden first publicly announced his support for same-sex “marriage” in 2012, just days before Barack Obama did likewise.

“I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women, and heterosexual men and women marrying one another are entitled to the same exact rights, all the civil rights, all the civil liberties,” he said.
But CNN reported at that time that “Biden has, in the past, counseled the president against coming out for same-sex marriage.”
Biden, a Roman Catholic, attended numerous homosexual pride events at the White House throughout his tenure and once stated that he believes transgenderism is “the civil rights issue of our time.”
The Huffington Post reports that in March, Biden made statements critical of the Trump administration after the U.S. Department of Justice dropped a lawsuit filed by the previous attorney general that challenged North Carolina’s bathroom bill. The law at issue required those visiting government facilities to use the restroom that correlates with their birth sex.
“Instead of focusing on the fact that 40 percent of the homeless youth on the street are identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender [and] rejected by their families out on the street, and what do we do about that, we’re now focusing on whether or not a transgender child, which bathroom they can use,” Biden is reported as stating.
Jesus said in Mark 10:6-8, “But from the beginning of the Creation, God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife, and they twain shall be one flesh.”
1 Corinthians 11:9 also outlines that God made “woman for man,” and Proverbs 18:22 declares, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.”



Trump's Response Of The London Bridge Attack Twisted By The Left 

 Published on Jun 5, 2017

” The latest issue of the Islamic State's weekly newspaper al-Naba released two days ago warned that another terrorist attack in Britain was "definitely coming."

Al-Naba, a 16-page color newsletter, is distributed within ISIS territory but is also posted and distributed online via the usual ISIS mediums such as Telegram and social media.” according to PJ Media.

England’s Prime Minister Teresa May has responded to the online availability of ISIS threats.

While the mayor of London called for people to not be alarmed that innocent people were being mowed over and stabbed by Islamic terrorists in the heart of London. Clearly there is reason to be alarmed. Apparently even with a warning, there is just so much police can safeguard against while the general public is defenseless.

 Bilderberg Elite Hide Behind Walls While Pushing Open Borders 

Bilderberg Elite Hide Behind Walls While Pushing Open Borders

Elite enjoy perimeter security while advocating borderless world



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Despite heavy attendance by open borders advocates, the Bilderberg conference is surrounded by thick walls, zealous police and “no trespassing” signs.
Entrance to the conference in Chantilly, Virginia, attended by over 130 of the world’s top politicians, bankers, intelligence outfits and media owners, is tightly controlled by police and private security who ensure that only vetted, invited guests are allowed into the Westfields Marriott where Bilderberg is taking place.
Overall, Bilderberg has perimeter security similar to that of Eastern European countries which are currently boosting their border security amid the migrant crisis.

But in a fit of hypocrisy, the EU leaders attending Bilderberg are the same ones demanding countries like Hungary and Poland reopen their borders to allow Middle Eastern migrants, many of whom are military-age males who lack critical language and employment skills, to flow into their countries without proper vetting.
“A host of EU countries are set to demand Poland and Hungary accept their quota of migrants or they will face being booted out of the crumbling bloc,” the Daily Express reported. “Both countries have ignored EU proposals to relocate 160,000 migrants and the rest of the bloc is set to take action to ensure they share the burden.”
But if someone uninvited dared to enter the Bilderberg grounds, he’d be quickly arrested and removed.
Interestingly, the EU originated out of past Bilderberg meetings in which top globalists designed the framework for an unelected European bureaucracy that would slowly erode the national sovereignty of Old World nations.

The initial idea for the EU came as early as 1955 when the Bilderberg Group met in West Germany.
“…Pressing need to bring the German people, together with the other peoples of Europe, into a common market,” a leaked document from the 1955 meeting stated.  “…To arrive in the shortest possible time at the highest degree of integration, beginning with a common European market.”

The “common European market” later developed into the Euro and the trade regulations of the EU.
The elites attending Bilderberg see themselves as the “specialized class” responsible for steering the world because they believe the public’s “too stupid” to make their own decisions.
That’s why Bilderberg members have no problem demanding tight perimeter security for their own conferences but not for nation-states.
 Elites Push Russian Collusion; 
Lie As They Collude At Bilderberg
 Published on Jun 2, 2017
The elite are once more gathered for Bilderberg, colluding on how best to destroy freedom across the globe as they continue to push the Trump-Russia collusion lie.
 Bilderberg Breakdown 2017 
Published on Jun 3, 2017 

Rob Dew and Michael Zimmerman of Infowars discuss the details of the infamous, ultra-secret meeting of elites who call their club Bilderberg, in Chantilly, Virginia.

Witnesses To Bilderberg Meeting Speak Out 
 Published on Jun 5, 2017
Alex Jones talks with David Knight and Owen Shroyer about what they witnessed at Bilderberg 2017.

  BREAKING: Van plows into 15-20 on London Bridge, people on scene call it “terrorist attack”



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“We had to run. There was loads of shooting.”
There isn’t usually shooting after a drunk driver loses control of his vehicle, but still, this could be nothing -— a drunk driver indeed, or a Filipino robber. Or it could be jihad.
“BREAKING: Van ploughs into ’15-20′ people on London Bridge,” by Tom Evans, The Sun, June 3, 2017:
ARMED police have swooped on London Bridge after a car reportedly ploughed into dozens of people.
Police arrive at London Bridge after serious incident outside pub
People at the scene have claimed the incident is a “terrorist attack”.
Reporters for Daily Star Online have seen people fleeing the area and running away from the bridge in tears.
Witnesses claim to have seen a speeding white van veering into pedestrians.
And Twitter users have suggested seeing “bodies” at the scene.
London’s transport authority said London Bridge station had been closed at the request of the police.
Emergency helicopters, ambulances and police cars have all been sighted in the area.
One terrified woman said she was at a restaurant and police swarmed on the area.
She said police were shooting. “We had to run. There was loads of shooting.”…
 London at war VIDEO: Police storm into pub, order people to get down as Muslims roam streets 
in jihad murder spree
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 London Mayor Sadiq Khan said that jihad attacks were “part and parcel” of life 
in a big city. “It is a reality I’m afraid that London, New York, other major cities 
around the world have got to be prepared for these sorts of things.” He also 
criticized Donald Trump for saying it was time to “get tough” on terrorism.
“‘On the floor!’: Moment police barge into a pub near London Bridge and shout at terrified customers to get on the ground as knifemen target bar and restaurant goers,” by Ann Schmidt,, June 4, 2017:
Video shows police officers barging into a pub near London Bridge and shouting at customers to get down and hide under tables, as reports of possible acts of terrorism are happening around London.
It has been reported that five men mowed down up to 20 people with a white van on London Bridge before getting out of the vehicle near Borough Market and stabbing several people in bars and restaurants, including one man who was reportedly stabbed five times in the chest.
The video, posted to Twitter, shows a commotion as people walk back and forth inside the bar, believed to be Katzenjammers on Southwark Street, near where the attacks where happening.
Police can be heard shouting for people to get down, and customers begin to crowd underneath tables and benches.
Officers are then seen, motioning for people to stay down as they continue shouting and walk around the bar.
The five men who drove the van onto London Bridge and randomly stabbed multiple people near Borough Market shouted ‘this is for Allah’….
 UK: May says “things need to change,” then repeats false and failed analysis that jihad is 
“perversion of Islam”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 Theresa May says “far too much tolerance of extremism in our country,” 
and that “when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism things need
 to change.” Then she repeats the same false and failed analysis, that 
the jihad “is a perversion of Islam.” Her refusal to identify the 
motivating ideology behind these jihad attacks means that she will never
 confront this enemy properly, and never deal with the real source of 
the incitement to violence. And so for all her tough talk, she is doomed
 to failure.
“Theresa May says ‘enough is enough’ in wake of London Bridge terror attack as she confirms General Election will go ahead,” by Jack Maidment, Telegraph, June 4, 2017:
Theresa May has vowed that “enough is enough” as she urged people to go about their lives as normal after seven people were killed and almost 50 injured in the London Bridge terror attack.
The Prime Minister said that there is “far too much tolerance of extremism in our country” as she set out plans to crackdown on terror.
She said that while the Manchester Arena attack which killed 22 people, the Westminster attack in March which left four people dead and the London Bridge attack are not directly connected there is now a “new trend” in the threat the UK faces as “terrorism breeds terrorism”.
The Prime Minister said that the UK must do more to tackle the threat posed by “Islamist extremism”.
Speaking in Downing Street after chairing a meeting of the Cobra emergency committee, she said: “It will only be defeated when we turn people’s minds away from this violence and make them understand that our values, pluralistic, British values, are superior to anything offered by the preachers and supporters of hate.”
Mrs May paid tribute to the emergency services who responded to the latest attack with “great courage and great speed” as she confirmed that many of the injured are in “life threatening conditions”.
She said: “Our country has made significant progress in disrupting plots and protecting the public.
“But it is time to say enough is enough. Everybody needs to go about their lives as they normally would.
“Our society should continue to function in accordance with our values but when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism things need to change.”
All of the major political parties have suspended national campaigning ahead of the General Election and Mrs May said campaigning will resume tomorrow with polling day on June 8 to go ahead as planned.
She said: “As a mark of respect the two political parties have suspended our national campaigns for today but violence can never be allowed to disrupt the democratic process.
“So those campaigns will resume in full tomorrow and the General Election will go ahead as planned on Thursday.”
The Prime Minister struck a defiant tone as she said that “things need to change” in the fight against terror and that the UK “cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are” as she suggested that longer sentences could be introduced for terror offences and pledged to review the Government’s counter terrorism strategy.
She said the London and Manchester attacks are connected in “one important sense”.
“They are bound together by the single evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division and promotes sectarianism,” she said.
“It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam.
“It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth.
“Defeating this ideology is one of the great challenges of our time but it cannot be defeated through military intervention alone.”
 London Bridge Attack: We Are Too Tolerant 
On Muslim Extremism 
 Published on Jun 4, 2017
Alex Jones plays a clip of PM Theresa May after the London Bridge Terror Attack that Occurred the previous evening.
 Dan Bongino, Ex Secret Service Agent: 
Don't follow London mayor's advice, 
be alarmed
Tommy Robinson: “Get these murderous scumbags 
off our streets”
 British Govt Houses ISIS Next To 
Children’s Primary School
 Published on Jun 7, 2017
Tommy Robinson reports, while terrorism hits the streets of the UK, the government is housing known radical Islamists including Abu Haleema, who has been placed 100 yards from a primary school.
Left Defends Londonistan Mass Murder
The Left Defends Islam Because They Hate The West
 Published on Jun 4, 2017
Alex Jones breaks down how Soros and The LEFT are bringing down america and destroying christian values using their islamic terrorist puppets that they fund because that is their true nature.
They will do what ever it takes to End Western Culture.
None Dare Call It A Jihad
 Published on Jun 5, 2017
Alex Jones breaks down the facts surrounding the ongoing Jihad of western civilization. Reminding all of the tolerant left that ISIS announced that they would flood Europe and the U.S. with jihadists years ago.

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
What a hypocrite. Freedom of religion? If Erdogan values the freedom of religion so highly, why is he trying to choke off and destroy the Greek Orthodox Church by requiring that the Ecumenical Patriarch be a Turkish citizen, and yet closing and refusing to allow the reopening of the only Greek Orthodox seminary in the country? Erdogan has never visited the Christian institutions in Turkey, and has consistently refused to recognize the Ecumenical Patriarch. The hypocrisy of his self-righteous moralizing regarding the Ramadan iftar is compounded by Turkey’s steadfast refusal to admit its complicity in the Armenian Genocide and the Greek and Syro-Chaldean obliteration from Asia Minor.
If Erdogan really believes in religious freedom, he could show it by visiting the Ecumenical Patriarchate and recognizing the right of Christians to live in Turkey. He could allow the Orthodox seminary to reopen. He could maintain the Hagia Sophia as a museum, without continuing its reconversion into a mosque. Of course, if he really wanted to show his respect for the freedom of religion in a big way, he could give it back to the Christian community for use as a cathedral, with an apology for 450 years of persecution of the Christians under Ottoman and then secular Turkish rule.
It is, of course, virtually inconceivable that he would do that. I only suggest it to cast his hypocrisy in sharp relief. This is a man who has systematically pursued policies to reduce and ultimately destroy the Christian presence in his country, depending on the ignorance and indifference of the outside world regarding the persecution of Christians in Turkey in order to lecture Trump about the freedom of religion. Erdogan could himself benefit from a few honest lectures about what the freedom of religion actually means.
“Turkey: Erdogan challenges US freedom of worship,” by Jaber Ali, Middle East Confidential, June 2, 2017:
President Erdogan has questioned Trump’s administration claim of respecting the freedom of religion during an Iftar dinner in Ankara.
In a message directed at Washington during his address, the Turkish president raised concerns about Trump administration’s decision to not host an Iftar-dinner as part of events marking the Muslim Holy month of Ramadan.
Upholding such a decision will be discriminatory, Erdogan said as he reminded the U.S. of their claimed promotion of freedom of worship. “Did you not say you did not oppose freedom of religion?” he asked….
A concrete decision is yet to be made but President Erdogan has signaled that failing to host a dinner could lead “views on the United States to change.” He didn’t go into details on how the relationship between them will be affected.
Turkey has often highlighted that its ties with the U.S. would be affected due to its national security concerns that is, it claims, being jeopardized by individuals and groups resident in the US or in the Middle East. “We know what those who smile at our face do in our back” Erdogan stated as he raised the cases of Reza Zarrab, a Turkish-Iranian man who faces trial in the U.S. on allegations of busting sanctions against Iran, and Fethullah Gulen, accused of pioneering the failed 2015 coup plot. The latest arming of the Kurdish fighters in Syria was also a cause of alarm for the authorities in Anakra.
“From now on, everything will be reciprocal,” Erdogan warned. Washington has not yet reacted to his address.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Yesterday, I appeared on CBN to discuss why jihad attacks become more frequent during Ramadan.
I start at the eight-minute mark.

“Ramadan Martyrs Get Extra Reward: Experts Warn to Brace for ‘Holy Month of Jihad,'” by George Thomas, CBN News, June 1, 2017:
Watch CBN News’ George Thomas’  interview with Middle East expert Robert Spencer & former Muslim Isik Abla on why Islamic terrorists are commanded to kill during Ramadan
ISIS is calling on its followers to massacre civilians during Islam’s holy month of Ramadan, saying violence is a ‘beloved” act to Allah.
And it appears the bloodletting is underway.
Muslims in Afghanistan are mourning the loss of family members, friends and colleagues, the day after a massive truck bomb in the capital city killed at least 90 people and injured more than 450 people….
“The depth of, and the magnitude of the destruction, was so high that even properties within a 3 mile radius of the incident were affected, said Abdullah Habibzai, Kabul’s acting mayor.
A suicide bomber drove his truck into Kabul’s heavily guarded diplomatic quarter during the morning rush hour, leaving behind chaos and destruction….
“The total damage based on our recent data is at least 1.5 million U.S. dollars but the estimation is going on and we expect up to 6 million U.S. dollars damage to the properties,” Habibzai told reporters at a news conference.
The attack in Afghanistan came just days after ISIS massacred 29 Christians near Cairo, Egypt and carried out two massive car bombings in Baghdad, Iraq, killing at least 31 people….
The bloodshed comes as Muslims around the world started their annual 30-day Ramadan fast on May 26.
“Ramadan is a holy and glorious month so we welcome this Ramadan with joy,” said Muhammad Fikri, a Muslim religious teacher. “In this month we come to the mosque to worship, give charity and also try to clean our hearts.”
In Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim nation, hundreds of thousands are flocking to mosques to also pray for peace.
“In welcoming this Ramadan, let us show that Islam is cool, peaceful and safe and let us compete in making good things in our life,” said Sun Keng Hok, an Indonesian Chinese Muslim….

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“Circumcision is obligatory (for every male and female) (by cutting off the piece of skin on the glans of the penis of the male, but circumcision of the female is by cutting out the bazr ‘clitoris’ [this is called khufaadh ‘female circumcision’]).” — ‘Umdat al-Salik e4.3, translated by Mark Durie, The Third Choice, p. 64
Why is it obligatory? Because Muhammad is held to have said so: “Abu al- Malih ibn Usama’s father relates that the Prophet said: ‘Circumcision is a law for men and a preservation of honour for women.’” — Ahmad Ibn Hanbal 5:75
“Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah: A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to her: ‘Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.’” — Abu Dawud 41:5251
“Do not cut severely,” but not “Do not cut.”
That’s why it is so common around the world, and why it is certain to become increasingly common in the United States, particularly with help from the ACLU, which doubtless wants to avoid appearing to be “Islamophobic.”
Note that Shaker Elsayed is quite clear in his remarks that FGM is to be practiced in order to control female sexuality.
Meanwhile , even lawmakers who fatuously praised Dar Al-Hijrah noted that “the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center is affiliated with the Muslim American Society.” The Muslim American Society is the chief arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S., according to Ikhwanweb, the Muslim Brotherhood’s English website. Shaker Elsayed, the mosque’s imam from 2005 to the present, was Secretary General of the Muslim American Society. According to a captured internal Brotherhood document, the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. is engaged in a “grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
There is more. The late jihad leader Anwar al-Awlaki was the imam at Dar al-Hijrah. He is said to have been a “spiritual adviser” to three of the hijackers who attacked America on September 11, 2001. Al-Awlaki was also in regular contact with Umar Farouk Abdulmuttalab, the Christmas underwear bomber who tried to blow up a passenger jet over Detroit on Christmas Day 2009.
Former Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who murdered thirteen Americans in a jihad massacre at Fort Hood in Texas, worshiped at Dar al-Hijrah when he lived in the area and was in touch with al-Awlaki shortly before he carried out his attack.
The Saudi-backed North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, bought the mosque’s grounds in 1983. Mohammed al-Hanooti, the mosque’s imam from 1995 to 1999, was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali taught Islamic studies and was a camp counselor at the mosque; he is now in prison for plotting to assassinate President George W. Bush. Abdelhaleem Hasan Abdelraziq Ashqar, a member of the mosque’s Executive Committee, was convicted in November 2007 of contempt and obstruction of justice for refusing to testify regarding Hamas and received an eleven-year prison sentence.

“Dar al-Hijrah Imam Endorses (Partial) Female Genital Mutilation,” by John Rossomando, IPT News, June 2, 2017 (thanks to the Geller Report):
Female genital mutilation (FGM) can be an effective tool to prevent promiscuity among girls, the imam at a prominent northern Virginia mosque claimed in a recent lecture flagged by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
Without it, “hyper-sexuality takes over the entire society and a woman is not satisfied with one person or two or three,” said Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center Imam Shaker Elsayed in a May 19 talk, “Foundation of a Happy Family.” Only tip of a girl’s clitoris should be cut, he said, otherwise it creates “serious harm in the sexual life of the child when she grows up. And this is why the West thinks of alkhikah as sexual mutilation…”
The video remains posted on the Falls Church, Va. mosque’s YouTube channel.
Muslim societies which prohibit FGM are making a mistake “to prohibit the tradition and they end up causing a lot of damage on the other extreme side of the sexual life of a woman,” Elsayed said.
He isn’t the only prominent voice in the U.S. Muslim community endorsing female genital mutilation. The Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America (AMJA) endorses the practice in two fatwas posted on its website, using justifications similar to Elsayed’s. While not required, one fatwa says, “it is considered an honorable thing for females.”
Islamist advocates argue that FGM has nothing to do with Islam.
After several Detroit area doctors were charged with violating Michigan’s ban on female genital mutilation in April, activist Linda Sarsour denounced denouncing the practice as contrary to Islam.
“FGM has no place in Detroit or anywhere else in the world. FGM is barbaric & not an Islamic practice,” Sarsour wrote.
She should target that message to its proponents. Sarsour spoke at a fundraiser at Elsayed’s mosque six days before his talk on female anatomy and promiscuity. FGM did not come up, but Sarsour described Islam’s prophet Mohammed as “a feminist in his own right.”


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
One of the prevailing heresies growing in the modern visible church is the Word of Faith movement. It is a movement that grew out of the charismatic sect of Pentecostalism and teaches that Apostolic sign gifts of the early church, such as tongues, prophecy, and healings, have not ceased. One of the practices in this movement is the exorcism of demons.
At a Word of Faith church in Spindale, North Carolina, a homosexual man had his demons expelled by 30 members of his congregation. He was actually beaten and assaulted by these people. According to an article in the Daily Mail one member of the church testified in court that the man was slapped, beaten, and choked for nearly two hours by the members of this crazed cult.
The article reports,
As part of an ongoing, two-year investigation into abuse of Word of Faith Fellowship congregants by church leaders, The Associated Press interviewed four former church members who say they witnessed Fenner being attacked.
Based on interviews with 43 former members, documents and secretly made recordings, it was reported in February that Word of Faith Fellowship congregants were regularly punched, smacked, choked, slammed to the floor or thrown through walls in a violent form of deliverance meant to ‘purify’ sinners by beating out devils.
The church’s website is here, where the home page doesn’t feature information about the church’s location, a statement of faith, or any of the expected information from a church’s website, but features a series videos defending its questionable actions over the years and calling out a former member of the church who has broken away from the cult and has been dedicated to exposing them for their actions.
This is the fruit of the false doctrine and false gospel of the Word of Faith church.
 Former Word of Faith Fellowship members speak out
 Exposing Word of Faith Prosperity Gospel:
Justin Peters/SO4J-TV 
  republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Uploaded on Apr 18, 2009
A CALL FOR DISCERNMENT DVD: a Fair Biblical Critique of the Word of Faith Prosperity gospel. SO4J-TV worked w/Justin Peters Ministries to Produce an Updated 2010-2011 DVD of Justin's Excellent & Informative 6 Hour Seminar (3 Sessions) on 2 DVDs. JUSTIN PETERS teaches his eye opening Seminar around the World that Exposes the Deceptions of the Health & Wealth Prosperity gospel. Word of Faith Theology dominates Christian Satellite & Cable TV.


This 2010 6 Hour Seminar on 2 DVDs include a lot of Video & Audio Clips of various Word of Faith Leaders such as: Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen, Kenneth & Gloria Copeland, Jessie Duplantis, Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Hagin, Creflo Dollar, Paula White, Larry Huch, Myles Munroe, Jan & Paul Crouch, Fredrick Price, Mike Murdock, John Crowder, John Hagee, Sid Roth, Rod Parsley, Paul & Jan Crouch, etc.

This DVD allows people to See and Hear for themselves what these individuals are actually Teaching, along with the many False Prophecies that have been spoken and Not come True. Everything is then balanced with Scripture as there is Biblical Commentary, and Scriptures to help the viewer Examine Everything with the Word of God (Acts 17:11, 1 John 4:1, 1 Thess 5:21).


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►SO4J-TV & Video Productions -

►DVD -





• Justin's Testimony: his Cerebral Palsy & Nora Lam
• The Duty of Discernment
• Definition of Discernment
• Bereans: Search the Scriptures - Acts 17:11
• Why do we need Discernment?
• Answering the Critics


• History: Word Faith / Metaphysical Cultic Origins
• Phineas P. Quimby
• Essek W. Kenyon
• William Branham
• Kenneth Hagin, Sr.
• Word of Faith Doctrines
• Positive Confession
• Little gods Doctrine
• The Fall
• Jesus Christ - Just a man?
• Spiritual Death of Jesus
• Jesus Made Sin?


• Abuse of Tongues
• Spectacular Claims
• Heavenly Encounters
• Bizarre Behavior
• Slaying in the Spirit
• Divine Revelation Knowledge
• Occultic / Demonic
• False Prophets


• Points to Ponder
• Healing - Is it Always God's Will?
• Is Healing in the Atonement?
• The Biblical Record
• Requirement for Healing
• A Sense of Expectation
• Money
• Right Heart & Perseverance
• Hindrances to Healing
• Lack of Faith
• Not Saved?
• Gospel of Jesus Christ

This 6 Hour Seminar has all New Footage of Justin Peters. It includes the same great Material in his previous DVD's— but better Quality, more Clips, and it fits now on 2 DVDs vs 3. It also has a large DVD Menu that is easier to navigate around than the past DVD's.


• Justin Peters Ministries

• SO4J-TV & Video Productions



★ Prosperity Gospel is Unbiblical—SO4J-TV Judgment Day-Are You Ready?(6/9)