Sunday, February 12, 2017


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Pro-life Americans nationwide took to the streets on Saturday to call on Congress to defund the abortion and contraception giant Planned Parenthood.
Demonstrations took place in a reported 45 states and at over 200 Planned Parenthood locations, from California to Alabama, to New York and Florida, with some gatherings drawing dozens and others drawing hundreds.
In Albuquerque, New Mexico, an estimated 300 residents participated in the event, 200 joined the protest in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and in Peoria, Illinois approximately 70 people took to the streets to speak out against the abortion giant.
The event was organized by three pro-life entities: Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, Created Equal and the Pro-Life Action League.

“As long as they are going stay in the abortion business, that is an organization that shouldn’t be getting one red cent of federal tax money,” Monica Miller, director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, told Reuters.
Participants gathered at their local Planned Parenthood and held signs expressing their opposition to taxpayer money being distributed to the controversial organization, such as “Defund Planned Parenthood,” “Stop abortion now” and “Abortion is not health care.”
“Why should tax dollars be given to somewhere where they’re doing killings of babies?” participant Marisol Pfaff of Missouri told NPR.

“They do not have mammograms. They do not provide prenatal care. They do not provide pediatric care, so it is not comprehensive health care for women,” participant Delia Laux of Virginia also told reporters. “Planned Parenthood will say, ‘We’re not using that money for abortion. We’re using it for other services.’ The fact is money is refundable.”
As previously reported, according to Planned Parenthood’s annual report, during the 2014-2015 fiscal year, the organization received $553 million in taxpayer funding/grants in 2014, up from $528 million the year prior, which equated to 43 percent of its total income. $48 million of Planned Parenthood’s income was used for sex education, and $39 million was used for public policy, or to influence legislation, up from $33 million in 2013. Despite its expenditures, it still garnered a $61 million dollar profit.
It aborted 323,999 babies nationwide during that fiscal year, equating to approximately one-third of the more than 900,000 annual abortions in America.
Those who support Planned Parenthood staged counter-protests at more than 100 of the 225 demonstration locations on Saturday, holding signs such as “Women are more than wombs,” “Free abortion on demand” and “I Stand with Planned Parenthood.” Some engaged in chants about “body autonomy” and “women must decide their fate.”
“A fetus is not a baby, abortion is not murder, women are not incubators!” California counter-protester Maya Malika proclaimed, according to the San Francisco gate.
“If you ever, ever, ever really cared about people, you would not want to have someone be murdered,” pro-lifer Arline Miyazaki called out to the those who came to defend the organization. “I’ll pray for you.”
As previously reported, Sens. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, and James Lankford, R-Okla., recently introduced the “Protect Funding for Women’s Health Care Act,” which would redirect the more than $500 million in federal funding from Planned Parenthood to women’s health care providers that do not perform abortions.
The Act notes that community health centers, local health departments, physicians’ offices and others provide a variety of women’s services and pregnancy care—minus the killing. Reports state that there are over 13,500 community health centers alone that assist with women’s health.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 Notable former pastor and founder of Newspring church in Anderson, SC  
gave his tacit approval of alcohol consumption in 2013. Three years later,  
he was fired by his church for “falling into sin” with alcoholism. The elders of his
 church made the decision to terminate him from the pastorate. Less than
 two months later, after a 30-day alcohol rehab program, he claimed to 
be cured of his disease and vowed to return to ministry.
I spent 30 days in a treatment facility in Arizona from mid-July until mid-August. Being in that place allowed me to come face to face with issues from my past as well as my current struggle, and placed me in a place to successfully overcome my over medication via alcohol.
Now, I’m not sure if what he said after that is a result of his years of intoxication, or if he’s simply playing some kind of mind game, but he went on to say,
I can honestly say I am excited about the future God has for me and my family. The one thing I keep hearing from Him over and over again is that He is not finished with me.
Shortly after this, he started a new business. “Churches are businesses,” he says, and offers a consulting service to help churches gain tithing customers and increased revenue. This was his strong point in his years of ministry. His experience of managing 425 employees with a 63 million dollar budget is his selling point. Certainly not exegeting the Scriptures, shepherding a flock, setting an example as a pastor being above reproach. No, it’s just a business.
Well, after all of this, it appears his preaching career is making a comeback after all, and he’s holding true to his promise of returning to ministry. In typical disgraced pastor fashion, he makes his triumphant re-entry into ministry on the stage of a heretic.
Last night on Facebook he posts the following:
In July of 2016 I thought I would never preach again!
I allowed myself to be deceived by the enemy and depended on alcohol more than Jesus!
However…during this entire time Steven Furtick hasn’t been someone who “had my back” but rather has stood by my side and been a source of encouragement, friendship and has been willing to tell me what I needed to hear.
Last night he allowed me the honor of returning to preaching on the stage at Elevation – and what I thought was dead came to life again. In life the “who” that stands with you really does matter – and I am more thankful for Steven and Holly than they could ever imagine…and I’m looking so forward to being there again today.
Jesus brings dead things back to life – if you are doubting or disbelieving I understand – I’ve been there; however, if you are bit dead then God is not done – His plans for you are still greater than you could have ever imagined!
Not that Perry was ever in the camp of sound biblical expositors–he wasn’t. He was as false of a teacher as they get. But he wasn’t a Word of Faith heretic. He was merely a seeker-sensitive preacher and a poor exegete that gained a large following by applying his business skills and managing 425 employees with a 63 million dollar budget. Not once has he ever rightly divided the Scriptures.
But Steven Furtick, on the other hand, is far more than just seeker sensitive, he’s Word of Faith–and it’s in his hands that Perry Noble has placed his hope of returning to the stage.
For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it. –Titus 1:7-9
 Is Jesus or Steven Furtick The One Whom the Prophets Longed to See?
 Perry Noble Exposed and Fired For Alcohol
The Blasphemous Gospel of Steven Furtick by Perry Noble (Fighting for the Faith Chris Rosebrough)


   How to Activate Angels MP3

"I Saw An Angel Named 209"

 I Saw An Angel Named 209



"To My intercessors on behalf of America":

"I was impressed by the Holy Spirit to write, “You have deeply prayed for righteousness. You have vehemently prayed down lawlessness. You are seeing the fruit of your prayers. Boundaries and borders are being established in the nation as lawlessness is being firmly challenged. Still, America will not lose her compassion. She is still a melting pot, but I am remolding this melting pot to prevent a melt-down. Be flexible and optimistic with change. In the midst of change, remember that I AM still mercy. The scepter of mercy will continue in America. Therefore, don’t be discouraged by the angry clamor. Turn off the clatter, don’t be alarmed, and listen to Me. I am moving things into place. I am working on behalf of this nation.” "Continue reading

"Jennifer Eivaz is the author of The Intercessors Handbook & Seeing the Supernatural (coming Fall 2017) and a featured writer for several online publications including the Elijah List and Charisma Magazine. Jennifer is a vibrant minister and conference speaker who carries the wisdom and fire of the Holy Spirit. She presently serves as an Executive Pastor with Harvest Christian Center in Turlock, California, and is focused on raising up a passionate and effective prayer community that is tempered with love and hears the voice of God accurately. Jennifer loves the Presence of God and is a prophetic voice to her church and to others. Her teaching style is authentic and aimed at the heart, having been built on her personal testimony of God's incredible goodness and miraculous display in her life and in the life of her church. Jennifer is married to HCC’s Senior Pastor Ron Eivaz, and they have two wonderful children. She is a graduate of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa."
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 This camp is always talking about seeing a “new thing,” or some kind 
of “shift” in the movement of the Holy Spirit. Recently, New Apostolic 
Reformation (NAR) prophetess, Jennifer Eivaz wrote about a vision she 
had from an Angel by the name “209.” In the NAR world, angels are given 
numbers based on various aspects of their characteristics.
While my interns were prophesying during their training class, I saw in the spiritual realm an angel named 209. The angel was a little larger than a normal sized man. He was all white, including his robe, and radiated with glory. His wings were fluttering rapidly as if he was ready to go and do something glorious. I knew exactly why he had come. This angel was a territorial angel assigned to the 209 region (209 is an area code) here in Central California.
As though God assigns angels to “territories” based on man-made telephone borders, I decided to look up this “Angel 209” and found the following:
Number 209 is a compilation of the energies of number 2, the influences of number 0 and the vibrations of number 9. Number 2 adds its energies of diplomacy and co-operation, consideration for others, finding balance and harmony, duality, devotion and selflessness, faith and trust and your life purpose and soul mission. Number 0 represents the beginning of a spiritual journey and stands for potential and/or choice, developing spiritual aspects, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 powerfully amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with. Number 9 resonates with leading by positive example, Lightworkers and Lightworking, philanthropy and humanitarianism, problem solving, generosity and benevolence, the Universal Spiritual Laws, Karma and the Spiritual Law of Karma. Number 9 also relates to endings and conclusions.
Now, if this sounds “new-agey,” it’s because it is. False prophets and false teachers don’t rely on the Word of God to guide them to completeness and equip them for every good work (2 Tim 3:16-17). No, they receive extra-biblical revelations from sources not spoken of in Scripture. They mix false religions with what appears to be true Christianity giving themselves a form of godliness but denying its power (2 Tim 3:5).
Jennifer Eivaz is no exception. She blatantly denies the sufficiency of Scripture and has made a laundry list of spurious allegations against the Holy Spirit she claims she received in this vision where she supposedly saw this “Angel 209.” According to her recent blog post, she sees a major shift in the United States.
I was impressed by the Holy Spirit to write, “You have deeply prayed for righteousness. You have vehemently prayed down lawlessness. You are seeing the fruit of your prayers. Boundaries and borders are being established in the nation as lawlessness is being firmly challenged. Still, America will not lose her compassion. She is still a melting pot, but I am remolding this melting pot to prevent a melt-down. Be flexible and optimistic with change. In the midst of change, remember that I AM still mercy. The scepter of mercy will continue in America. Therefore, don’t be discouraged by the angry clamor. Turn off the clatter, don’t be alarmed, and listen to Me. I am moving things into place. I am working on behalf of this nation.”
In this vision, she saw what she calls “black lids” covering large areas of the nation including entire cities. These lids, she writes, were “in place to cover, silence, and muffle the gospel from being preached in America. They were rules, regulations, court orders, and penalties, etc.” She then supposedly sees these lids of “unreasonable fees, penalties, fines, inflated pricing, excess charges, etc.” being lifted in the coming days. She says it’s these “lids” that have discouraged the church and “righteous people” from doing the work of ministry in America.
Scripture, on the other hand, says that much of the church is worldly and apathetic to the things of God–and this is why they don’t do the work of ministry (Revelation 3:16). The world has always been hostile to the gospel, yet this has never hindered God’s purposes from being carried out. It is not government fees and regulations that have hindered the gospel from being preached in America. This is a ridiculous and exaggerated claim.
She continues, however, claiming that God “gave her a word that the droughts were over” in California. The rains “came almost immediately” after this, she says “the rains came pouring, and then flooding, into the area the very next week.” Of course, the local television station can also somewhat accurately predict rain a week in advance, so I’m not really impressed with this so-called prophetic vision. Further, in Scripture, floods are actually a sign of God’s wrath against an evil society. However, she goes on to make a number of prophecies concerning the state of California based off this vision. But the next thing she says is what is really interesting. “I’ve seen blueprints from heaven slowly descending upon the state. They are blueprints to change this blue state to red,” she writes.
There is a challenge to corruption coming to California. There is a scrutiny and a shaking coming our way. I’ve watched these blueprints come down and then float back up, and then sometimes they hover over the land right in mid-air. These blueprints are in the balance as of now, but I heard it was a new breed of “red.”
The says that because the will of the people of California has been overruled by the “powers of darkness” in California twice regarding “traditional marriage,” that the people of California have planted a “double seed” of righteousness and will “reap double for their trouble.” How ridiculous! The people of California got exactly what they ask for. The people of California have continued to vote in godless legislators who pass unrighteous laws. The people of California have not willed righteousness for their state and the people of California, as with the rest of the nation, are under the judgment of God for their wicked deeds.
But I digress. “I’m hearing the distinct sound of Jehu throughout the state. It’s coming from the men! There is a new man uprising,” she writes.
Concerning this new-age entity she refers to as “Angel 209,” she says the following:
In the recent past, there had even been a powerful revival known as the “209 awakening.” This angel had come to wake up and stir up the 209 area once again. Those in the 209 will continue to grow in their core strengths of intercession, deliverance, worship, and holiness. There will be more signs and wonders! Even more miracles and salvations! To the 209, “You are powerful discerners and hate compromise. You remain a challenger and contender to the occult powers. You must now press in for business development like never before and take your seats of authority in the state. You must firmly challenge and overcome forces of poverty and get a stronger, more governmental mindset.”
It’s rather peculiar that she would say “you remain a challenger and contender to the occult powers.” Considering that the occult is exactly what she is defiling herself with familiar spirits (Leviticus 19:31). What Jennifer Eivaz is practicing epitomizes the occult. She seeks to contact the spirit realm for knowledge not revealed to us in the Word of God. The Scriptures say to pay no attention to these people, for doing so will turn God’s wrath against you (Leviticus 20:6). She is no different than the fortune teller in the shack down the street, except that she blasphemes the Holy Spirit with her spurious claims.
Of course, no false prophecy is complete without a prophetic vision of superficial “unity.” She goes on to write,
You will experience a new round of unity. There are new sounds, new breeds, and different revival voices emerging from each of these areas. Competition and striving is being set aside, while unity is being made alive. One new man, one new church, and a beautiful harmony up and down the state. There is a new sword coming to the word being preached. There is a shout down of compromise. There is a violent prayer rumble for holiness and revival.
This, however, is diametrically opposed to the Scriptures. There is no such promise of a “new church,” or a “new man” anywhere in the Word of God. The Church was founded on the Apostles and Prophets with Jesus Christ himself as the chief cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20). “For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ,” says 1 Corinthians 3:11. Christ founded His Church and that Church is not “new.” For in order to build a new Church, a new foundation would have to be laid.
Jeff MaplesFolks, this woman is dangerous and needs to be exposed for the worker of iniquity that she is. If you know anyone who follows this woman, or any other false apostle or false prophet, please warn them to flee from them. These people bring death and destruction. They appear to be godly, desiring good, moral, and godly things, but they are wicked and seek to destroy the true Church.
And what I am doing I will continue to do, in order to undermine the claim of those who would like to claim that in their boasted mission they work on the same terms as we do.  For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. — 2 Corinthians 11:12-15
 Help! I Am A Prophet Who Has Failed
 Are there SEER PROPHETS and then Non-Seer PROPHETS?!?!?!

The Child-Friendly Voo-Doo “Christianity” 
of Bethel Church
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“Nothing short of the total destruction of a believer will ever satisfy our adversary. Satan would rend the believer in pieces, break his bones, and utterly destroy him if he could. Do not, therefore, indulge the thought that the main purpose of Satan is to make you miserable. Satan is pleased with that, but that is not his ultimate end. Sometimes he may even make you happy, for he has dainty poisons sweet to the taste that he administers to God’s people. If he feels that our destruction can be more readily achieved by sweets than by bitters, he certainly would prefer that which would best effect his end.”  C.H. Spurgeon

Most believers who “abide in my word” (John 8:31) know that Bethel Church is a hotbed of charlatanry.  It hurls a false gospel with a false messiah through its multitude of on-staff false teachers and those charlatans invited to the Bethel stage to ever keep its undiscerning members swimming with hyped-up, ecstatic misdirection. (When a “church” hosts perhaps the grand poobah of false teaching infamy, the grand huckster of healing Benny Hinn, their claim to being a legitimate church is as equally invalid as their claim to be “Christian.”) So busy are they reveling in the supposed supernatural that legitimate study of Scripture, in order to come to ‘knowledge and all discernment” and be “able to approve what is excellent,” (Philippians 1:9-10) is intentionally precluded by staged theatrics.
Obviously, it’s an easy enough chore to build a “church” when emotions management and manipulation are the underlying impetus, rather than Gospel understanding and “rightly handling the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15) It’s easy to whip up a crowd into an ecstatic frenzy, but much harder to do the diligent work of teaching the Word.  What’s temporally sexy and easy to sell is manifestly more valuable than what is edifying and eternally significant.
“Your boasting is not good.  Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?”  1 Corinthians 5:6
While the church in Corinth had numerous issues that required at least three letters of stern rebuke, explanatory guidance, and apostolic encouragement from Paul (two of these three epistles are in the N.T.), one could only guess at the gallons of ink the apostle would consume in addressing the Scripturally-offensive teachings and practices of Bethel.  But perhaps Paul might’ve penned a much pithier epistle were he writing to Bethel.  Though it’s a different “Bethel,” one could imagine a Pauline missive today that would not be unlike the “Thus saith the Lord” warning of Amos.
“For thus says the LORD to the house of Israel:
“Seek me and live;
but do not seek Bethel”  Amos 5:4-5
A Bible-imbibing believer must always be Berean – in all things.  Though unfortunate for those Gospel-void souls trapped in the voo-doo “Christianity” of Bethel, authentic believers can look at it as a source of what not to do, what not to believe, and what to avoid in the Christian life and in a legitimate Christian “church.”  Bethel is what you do not want to emulate.  Bethel is not what you want to seek.
One of the most saddening things hurled out of Bethel is a vigorous “ministry” geared towards children.  The effort is couched sufficiently in Christianese and slathered with enough of a “Jesus loves the little children” veneer that makes the endeavors seem noble, authentic, and upright.  But the depth of false teaching behind the shiny, welcoming veneer is toxic to the true Christian faith and reveals an effort to indoctrinate children into the bootleg Bethel brand of unbiblical supernatural religion.  As the apostle said, in a non-plussed sort of remark about the false teachers of Corinth, “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.”   (2 Corinthians 11:14)  Paul would not be surprised to find the enemy at work in the church today, and perhaps no place more than Bethel.
One of the mechanisms of Bethel’s “ministry” to children is in the K-8 private school it operates.   Bethel Christian School publishes its monthly “Bethel Buzz” newsletter. An excerpt from February 2017’s issue reflects something of the intentionally supernatural flavor of the school:
“Ms. Brown had Eden open her arms in a wide circle, prophetically declaring that she was ready to receive the abundance of heaven. Meanwhile classmates held their hands in front of them, palms together, their top hand flicking their bottom to symbolize all the resources coming her way. During this brief time of prophetic prayer, one student felt led to take some coins from his backpack and to drop them through Eden’s circled arms.” (Source)
From Bethel’s online bookstore, under the “Children/Youth” category, you’ll find a wide array of false charismaniacal teaching targeting children.  Of the over 150 children’s titles for sale, you’ll find the book by “Mama G.” entitled God’s Li’l People and Miracles.  There’s “prophet” Shawn Bolz’ book, Growing Up With God: Everyday Adventures Of Hearing God’s Voice,  in which kids are introduced to “automatic writing” by listening to the presumed voice of God in their heads and then writing down the words.  (Go HERE for more on this atrocity.)  And then there are the My Super Powers book series by Dan McCollam.
McCollam is, according to the author bio from Amazon, a “prophetic speaker and trainer” and “serves on the the teaching faculty of Bethel School of the Prophets.”  (This, of course, begs the question – why does one need to be “trained” to use a spiritual “gift” given by the Holy Spirit?  The apostles didn’t establish a training school for spiritual gifts.  Paul didn’t graduate from one, teach at one, or mention one.  Have the Holy Spirit’s imbuing powers waned since the first century such that now we need Bethel to teach what the Holy Spirit no longer can? Absurd.  It is charlatanry for profit. See 2 Peter 2:1-3)
But McCollam has, in the My Super Powers children books, answered an obvious question that parents who expose their children to the doctrinal toxins and illicit spiritual behaviors of Bethel must face: How do we explain this to the kids?
What do you tell your child about your ecstatic, abnormal, and irreverent behavior during “worship?”  How do you answer your child who asks about your drunken-like unintelligible speech?  How do you respond to a youngster who has perhaps seen their older teenage sibling writhing on the floor in a mosh pit of presumed mindless worship?  What explanation is there if you have your child wait outside a Bethel “healing room” while you go in to get a cavity filled by a healer?  (There have, btw, been claims of people receiving gold fillings as a result of Bethel’s supernatural dental work.)

The answer McCollam’s series reveals is that you simply teach your children to mimic the same illicit, irreverent behavior that you’re exhibiting.  His My Super Powers series does just that.  The books include the following “Dear Parent” introduction:
“My Super Powers is a series of children’s books based on the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in First Corinthians 12:8-9.  I believe that children can and should be activated in the gifts of the Spirit at an early age.”
Of course McCollam and Bethel believe in “early age activation.”  It’s necessary for the continued growth of the “church” by continuing the deception to the next generation. But “activation” is not a Biblical endeavor for a believer of any age.
Given Spurgeon’s assessment, Satan’s nefarious ambition is not always to make you miserable, but to sometimes make you happy.  Thus, Bethel’s comic book appeal to children serves as a formidable tool of deception. The child reared on My Super Powers fodder will likely have no capacity for discernment when, as a teen, the opportunity to roll around “drunk in the Spirit” at a Bethel “worship” service comes around.  They’ll likely find “Bethel fire tunnels” a legitimate extension of super powers they’ve been taught since they were a toddler.  From that, it’s just a leap and a jump to “grave sucking” with the grown-ups.
The My Super Powers series includes the following nine, comic-book style volumes:
Book One  My Super Powers: Words of Wisdom
Book Two  My Super Powers: Word of Knowledge
Book Three  My Super Powers: Gift of Faith
Book Four  My Super Powers: Gifts of Healing
Book Five  My Super Powers: Working of Miracles
Book Six  My Super Powers: Gift of Prophecy
Book Seven  My Super Powers: Discerning of Spirits
Book Eight  My Super Powers: Gift of Tongues
Book Nine  My Super Powers: Interpretation of Tongues

The series has apparently been so domestically popular that it has been released in a three-volume set called the “Global Edition,” with each book containing three of the nine “super powers.”  They sell for about $16 on Amazon.
The description from one of the books gives a flavor of how the volume is written to appeal to children.  For volume 8, the gift of tongues, the summary says:
“Marco and Mia think their television is broken until Mom explains that it’s just on a foreign language channel.  Hearing unknown languages makes the children wish they could speak in another language.  That’s when Mom uses stories from her special Book to help them discover God’s amazing gift of speaking in unknown tongues.”
The problem is here is obvious.  While little Marco and Mia may be told that Scripture – denoted as “Mom’s special Book”-(implying, it seems, that children might not possess, need, or should be able to read their own copy)  describes “tongues” as actual foreign languages, the evidence they might see in Mom’s behavior at Bethel is decidedly different.  What’s likely “all Greek to me” for the kids is equally “all Greek” to the rest of us because ecstatic gibberish is not a language, and it is ecstatic gibberish that is predominately profiled throughout charismania.
Before I knew it, tongues was rolling out of my mouth like water. It was such a beautiful experience, and it elevated my connection to God. I could easily pray for others by speaking in tongues, and even though I didn’t know what I was saying, I could see with my spirit that it was affecting great change on their behalf in the spirit realm! I also have the gift of discerning spirits, so I can sense demons and angels. Even the demons respond to speaking in tongues! I most often pray for others in tongues, but it is so nice to have a special language to speak to God with, when I just don’t know what words to use.  (Source)
Disregarding the staggering heterodoxic problems within this quote, it makes clear that the “experience” of tongues in the modern church is explicitly not the tongues of Scripture. Yet, as is evidenced by this randomly googled citation, it is the emotional benefit that fuzzy-wuzzy linguistics offer that is the implicit appeal of the practice. Actual understanding of God’s Word and rational comprehension of authentic, Biblically-informed spiritual behavior are, if even present, distant concerns.
“I would not put a thief in my mouth to steal my brains.”  William Shakespeare
Shakespeare’s line from Othello has been lost at Bethel and by most participants in charismania.   By putting the false doctrines “in their mouths” and the mouths of their children, rational apprehension of God’s Truth, and obedient behavior in response to that Truth, has been abandoned.  A thief has been introduced.  Their brains have been stolen.  And their behavior is the evidence.
Bethel is comfortable indoctrinating their children in their toxic teaching of supernatural “super powers,” but doing so is not Christian and not Biblical. From way, way back in the Pentateuch, the Lord made clear to His people that knowing and understanding His Word was paramount for an obedient life of faithfulness, and that it was His Word that was to be taught – diligently taught – to the children.
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.  Deuteronomy 6:4-7
The Word of the Lord heard by Israel from its inception, and the Word we hear today from His Scripture, are not ecstatic, unintelligible, feel-good, fuzzy-wuzzies.   It is antithetical that God would “reveal” Himself by unintelligible utterances.  Why then should our apprehension of Him be reflected in behavior marked by mindless gibberish?  He spoke so that we might understand, and understanding so that we might obey, and in obeying we might know Him.
For the Lord gives wisdom;
    from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.  Proverbs 2:6
Presumed spiritual super powers are illicit but deceptively attractive. And by teaching children to pursue and revel in unbiblical “Super Powers” maneuvers, it’s clear Bethel cares little about doing as the apostle proclaimed:
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.  Galatians 6:14
Indeed, for those trapped in the beguilement of Bethel – and their children – they could easily be hearkening to the words of Amos, “Come to Bethel, and transgress.”  (Amos 4:4).  As Matthew Henry commented about the idolatrous Israelites of Amos’ day, so too does his commentary apply when considering the modern Bethel Church:
“What is got by extortion is commonly used to provide for the flesh, and to fulfill the lusts thereof. What is got by oppression cannot be enjoyed with satisfaction. How miserable are those whose confidence in unscriptural observances only prove that they believe a lie! Let us see to it that our faith, hope, and worship, are warranted by the Divine word.”  Matthew Henry

My Super Powers books are copyrighted by Dan McCollam and published by Sounds of the Nations of Vacaville, CA.

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
With Russell Moore’s ecumenism in full view (the former Democratic staffer has led interfaith prayers with Sikhs and Muslims at the Becket Fund’s Interfaith gathering), it was no surprise when the social progressive leader of the Southern Baptist’s ERLC supported an amicus brief (put together by the Becket Fund) asking the federal government to force a New Jersey township to ignore their zoning laws and allow a Mosque to be built. What surprised people is that David Platt, who has a reputation for his robust biblicity, also signed the brief on behalf of the SBC’s International Mission Board, for which he serves as president. Platt’s move left Baptists scratching their head, wondering what on Earth local zoning regulations and Mosque-building had to do with the purpose of Baptist foreign missions.
We wrote about the SBC’s ambition to see the New Jersey mosque built in Worshipping Religious Liberty: SBC Joins Mosque Building Effort. While joining in the amicus brief gave the two Southern Baptist entities reason to sing kumbayah around the syncretistic campfire and be praised by the growing evangelical left (which is showing more and more strength thanks to The Gospel Coalition’s burgeoning fixation with social justice), the reality is that the New Jersey township rejected the mosque’s building proposal due to very standard zoning law and not Islamophobia. That didn’t stop America’s largest and supposed most conservative denomination from jumping on to the ACLU-bought bandwagon and the SBC’s elitist class from pinning roses on their chests for their politically correct open-mindedness.
But then, something interesting happened. The SBC lost funding – and potentially significant funding – over their dalliance with the religious left. Not only did Robert Jeffress and other prominent SBC pastors threaten to withhold funds, one IMB trustee actually acted on it. The unlikely hero of prevailing common sense is Dean Haun, one of many Southern Baptist pastors to get his church to put a moratorium on Cooperative Program offerings. The only difference with Haun is that he was an IMB trustee and happened to pastor a megachurch with what is no doubt a sizable annual contribution to the Cooperative Program. Not only was Haun – as a trustee of the entity, no less – not informed about the IMB joining the Mosque-building effort, he was incensed that the entity he was supposed to be helping to govern was trying to get a house of false worship built. We wrote about that, by the way, in SBC Loses Funding Over Mosque-Building Effort.
The IMB defended their decision to interject themselves into New Jersey zoning law on their website. They wrote…
A public record by IMB of supporting freedom of religion for all people in the United States—regardless of their beliefs—gives IMB workers overseas a credible foundation from which to advocate for freedom of religious exercise in countries that are hostile to Christianity, penalize those who convert, or make it difficult for a new church to own or rent property for worship. … IMB’s call on the government of these other countries to support the religious freedom of their citizens will ring hollow if, in the USA, we only support freedom of religion for Christians.
Within weeks of Haun withholding funds and speaking out, the IMB had begun to walk back their decision to side with Muslims and Russell Moore. David Platt has now told the press
“As a result of discussions among IMB trustees and staff over recent months, we have revised our processes for our legal department filing any future amicus briefs. IMB leaders are committed in the days ahead to speak only into situations that are directly tied to our mission.”
You don’t say. Why the change of heart, when previously the IMB asserted that the amicus brief was directly tied to their mission? The answer? It starts with an “m” and rhymes with “honey.” The fact is, for the massive and staggeringly expensive Southern Baptist denominational bureaucracy, money talks louder than common sense.
Russell Moore, on the other hand, remains defiant. He told the Southern Baptist Convention messengers, “Sometimes we have really hard decisions to make. This isn’t one of those things. What it means to be a Baptist is to support soul freedom for everybody.” 
And yet, while Baptists believe that religious freedom applies to all, the ERLC says that it exists to “assist churches,” and not mosques (link).


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
There are two primary engines driving the popularity of Social Justice into the heart of quasi-conservative evangelicalism. Once bulwarks for a solid Biblical worldview and stalwart defenders of the Gospel, both organizations have experienced serious mission drift in recent years. Both organizations have developed a penchant for terminology from the social progressive lexicon, like “racial justice.” Both use the term social justice in a positive, rather than negative, way. The two organizations share board members. The two organizations share regular contributors to their websites. While the ERLC’s president, Russell Moore, was daily attacking Donald Trump, The Gospel Coalition’s Thabiti Anyabwile was endorsing Hillary Clinton in a brilliant and cooperative one-two punch. And now, they will share a conference. It’s becoming increasingly apparent that the Southern Baptist’s ERLC and the cool kids at The Gospel Coalition are becoming nearly indistinguishable.
The ERLC is now hosting The Gospel Coalition’s Pre-Conference on April 3. The theme of the pre-conference is,”Relentless: Gospel Courage in a Complex Culture,” and is right up the alley of trajectory for both organizations, which have shirked their prospective missions (ethics and religious liberty for the ERLC, promotion of the Gospel for TGC) to become cultural commentators. Their theme is typical and predictable, because it’s the mantra they’ve been repeating for years; courage (or boldness or a “prophetic voice,” you get the point) in culture, which typically means having the courage to repeatedly side with social progressives, race-baiters and Marxists and to treat conservative evangelicals like the enemy of all that is good and pure.
Russell Moore is the president of the ERLC, and serves on the board of directors for The Gospel Coalition.
Joe Carter, who is the editor for The Gospel Coalition, is the “Communications Specialist” for the ERLC.
Karen Swallow Prior, the gay-friendly animal rights activist, and feminist is a research fellow for the ERLC and a contributor The Gospel Coalition.
Samuel James, a nepotistic, sycophantic hire at the ERLC, is now a contributor at The Gospel Coalition.
Daniel Patterson, the “chief of staff” at the ERLC is a contributor for The Gospel Coalition.
There are many more examples…Are you seeing a theme, here? While The Gospel Coalition is a parachurch ministry that’s not really accountable to any local churches, the ERLC is accountable to local churches (in theory, not in reality) because it is a Southern Baptist entity. Do Southern Baptists care if their entity is quickly merging with an organization that allowed an explicit endorsement for Hillary Clinton on their website? Should Southern Baptists be concerned that a parachurch ministry seemingly has so much influence and control over their entity?
One wonders if Southern Baptists are giving 4 million dollars to the ERLC annually so they can help a non-denominational parachurch ministry throw a party.

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
This is nothing new. In 2012, Hamas released a music video declaring: “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah.”
Maybe the Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregory III Laham, who has said that “No one defends Islam like Arab Christians” and “Christ was born in Palestine,” and who has claimed that jihad massacres of Christians in the Middle East were a Zionist plot, will want to sign up this band for his next church festival. Maybe he could hold it in the Melkite church in Raqqa — oh, wait…

“Hamas Releases Music Video Threatening to Destroy Israel,”, February 9, 2017:
Hamas released a Hebrew-language animated music video on Tuesday night titled “Zionists, You Will Perish in Gaza,” which threatens to destroy Israel.
The video features a barrage of rockets raining down on the Jewish state, Hamas militants blowing themselves up near Israeli soldiers, and Jews being shot in the head. The Jewish characters resemble crude stereotypes common in anti-Semitic media.
The lyrics include threats such as “we will eat you, Zionists, without salt” and “ooooh…Zionist, a rocket will get you where you live.”
This is far from the first time Palestinian groups have released videos intended to threaten or scare Israelis.
In the summer of 2014, during its war with Israel, Hamas released a Hebrew-language music video claiming, “We prepare a generation of warriors who cling to death like the enemy clings to life.” The Times of Israel described the video as part of Hamas’ propaganda campaign to damage Israeli morale and rally Palestinian support behind Hamas….
 "Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah" - Hamas music video 

Published on Nov 25, 2012

Music video by Hamas' Al-Qassam Brigades:
"Bless [Hamas'] Al-Qassam men, guardians of Palestine
Oh pride of Salah Shahada, oh wisdom of Immad [Aqel] (Hamas leaders killed by Israel)
[Oh] the explosives of [Yahya] Ayyash, (Hamas bomb maker killed by Israel), Martyrdom,
[oh] lovers of the trigger:
Killing the occupiers is worship that Allah made into law.
(Arabic text: "Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah")
Arise, oh determined men.
The color of [the Martyr's] blood protects the land.
Oh masked one wearing a keffiyeh (Arab head scarf), terrifying the Jews...
call out in Zionism's face: 'Muhammad's army has begun to return.'"
[Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Nov. 18, 2012]

Note: In response to Hamas' ongoing rocket fire against Israel, Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense on Nov. 14, 2012, aimed at crippling the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza. On Nov. 21, Israel and Hamas agreed to a ceasefire. This video was one of many broadcast by Hamas during the conflict, as part of their campaign to scare Israeli soldiers and civilians.
Hamas to kids: Shoot all the Jews


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 What could possibly go wrong? This.
“77% of refugees allowed into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries,” by Stephen Dinan, Washington Times, February 9, 2017:
The State Department has more than doubled the rate of refugees from Iraq, Syria and other suspect countries in the week since a federal judge’s reprieve, in what analysts said appears to be a push to admit as many people as possible before another court puts the program back on ice.
A staggering 77 percent of the 1,100 refugees let in since Judge James L. Robart’s Feb. 3 order have been from the seven suspect countries. Nearly a third are from Syria alone — a country that President Trump has ordered be banned altogether from the refugee program. Another 21 percent are from Iraq. By contrast, in the two weeks before Judge Robart’s order, just 9 percent of refugees were from Syria and 6 percent were from Iraq.
“There’s no doubt in my mind they would be doing whatever they could to get people in before something changes because, from their perspective, their motivation is to resettle these folks. It would not be the first time that State Department officials have prioritized facilitating someone’s entry to the United States over security concerns,” said Jessica Vaughan, policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies.
Mr. Trump issued an executive order Jan. 27 putting in place the early stages of his extreme vetting policy, including an immediate 90-day pause on admitting visitors from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen — all countries where the government says it can’t be sure of its vetting procedures.
The executive order also called for an immediate 120-day halt to admitting refugees from anywhere around the globe. Mr. Trump singled out Syria in particular, saying refugees from there are halted indefinitely.
Late last week Judge Robart ruled Mr. Trump had likely overstepped legal boundaries and issued a temporary restraining order for most of the policy. An appeals court ruled Thursday to uphold the “TRO,” as it’s known in lawyer-speak.
Immediately after Judge Robart’s decision, the State Department and Homeland Security agencies kicked back into gear, beginning to accept both refugees and visitors from the suspect countries.
Numbers weren’t available on the effects of the broader travel ban, but 1,110 refugees were admitted in the days since the program was restarted — and of those, 849 were from the seven danger countries the president singled out. A whopping 346 were from Syria alone, and another 232 were from Iraq.
The surge has also meant a major jump in the number of self-identified Muslims admitted: 64 percent of the new batch of refugees are from some sect of Islam, compared to just 31 percent in the first weeks of the Trump administration.
“It would appear, based on the numbers, that there is an effort within the refugee resettlement program to rush in as many of the nationals of these seven countries as possible before a ruling is made on the TRO,” said Rosemary Jenks, government relations manager at NumbersUSA.
Mr. Trump himself seemed to be aware of the changes, posting an oblique Twitter message on Wednesday asking the courts to issue a new decision overturning Judge Robart and reinstating his extreme vetting policy.
“Big increase in traffic into our country from certain areas, while our people are far more vulnerable, as we wait for what should be EASY D!” the president tweeted….

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“We’ve seen a huge spike in anti-Muslim attacks in the last year,” claims Khaula Hadeed.
In reality, FBI hate crimes statistics show that anti-Semitic hate crimes are two times more common than anti-Muslim hate crimes. And then there all the anti-Muslim hate crimes that turn out to have been faked by Muslims themselves.
Hadeed works for the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR officials have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements about how Islamic law should be imposed in the U.S. (Ahmad denies this, but the original reporter stands by her story.) A California chapter distributed a poster telling Muslims not to talk to the FBI, and a Florida chapter distributed pamphlets with the same message. CAIR has opposed virtually every anti-terror measure that has been proposed or implemented and has been declared a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates. A CAIR operative recently called for the overthrow of the U.S. government.
“It’s just hard being a Muslim right now,” Hadeed laments. Is that so? In reality, it’s hard being an Infidel in Fort Hood, and Boston, and Chattanooga, and Garland, and San Bernardino, and Orlando, and Paris, and Brussels, and Nice, and Berlin, and Jerusalem. Muslims are killing non-Muslims in jihad attacks around the world, not the other way around. Yet the wily Hadeed plays Greg Garrison of like a fiddle, in claiming for herself coveted victim status. It’s a cynical, deceptive enterprise.

“Auburn, Samford grad runs Alabama Islamic group: ‘It’s just hard being a Muslim right now,'” by Greg Garrison,, February 10, 2017:
Khaula Hadeed came to the United States from Pakistan in 2002 to join her husband, who was training in internal medicine in New York.
They moved to the South in 2004 so he could serve the indigent population in rural Alabama.
Dr. Talha Malik and another Muslim doctor were among three physicians working in the emergency room at Bullock County Hospital. Malik worked in Union Springs for four years before becoming a researcher at UAB, where he is now a gastroenterologist.
While her husband treated needy patients, Hadeed graduated from Auburn University with a bachelor’s degree in political science in 2008 and a master’s degree in international relations in 2009. She graduated from Cumberland Law School at Samford University in Birmingham in 2014 and had the couple’s first child, a daughter, in 2015.
Hadeed, 32, now serves as executive director of the Alabama chapter of CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which incorporated in 2015. She has been helping Alabama Muslims straighten out problems with travel and visas. And there are a lot of problems these days.
“It’s just hard being a Muslim right now,” Hadeed said.
The CAIR group was formed as a response to anti-Sharia laws proposed in the Alabama Legislature. Amendment One, an amendment to the state constitution that prohibits foreign law being used to decide cases in Alabama courts, passed easily in 2014 and was added to the Alabama Constitution. “That’s the climate, a climate of fear,” Hadeed said. “People are giving away their own rights out of fear.”
Her legal training has now been put to use in trying to help Muslims and their families who are having problems traveling to the United States.
In December, that happened to her mother-in-law, a Pakistani who lives in Bahrain and had been to visit the Maliks in Alabama several times. This time, her travel visa was denied. “They felt the attitude change at the U.S. Embassy (in Bahrain, after the Nov. 8 election of President Donald Trump). After pleas to government officials and a reapplication, she was allowed to visit again.
Now Hadeed worries that her own mother, who has visited three times in two years to see her grandchild, could have trouble visiting the next time she tries to travel to America from Pakistan.
“In the name of national security we think there needs to be more checks,” Hadeed said. “There are already extreme checks.”
Hadeed and her husband applied for citizenship in 2015. She was granted citizenship last year. Her daughter was born as a citizen. Her husband is still waiting to hear back on his application. She’s not sure why. “We’re here because of him,” Hadeed said.
“It was a grueling process to become a citizen,” she said.
Hadeed is assisting a UAB doctoral student from Syria who recently brought his wife and daughter to the United States. He’s afraid to leave the country because he might not be allowed back in. “This is the one secure place he found himself,” she said.
The situation is bleak for other Syrians escaping civil war who want to move to the United States. Birmingham has significant communities of Syrians, Yemenis and Iranians who are all from countries included on a seven-nation travel ban issued by Trump in an executive order that has now been delayed by court challenges. Even with implementation of the order delayed, citizens from those countries fear traveling to visit sick or dying relatives, worried they may not be allowed to return.
“I am the reluctant activist,” Hadeed said. “We’re talking about things that affect people every day.”
The election of Trump and his efforts to curb the number of Muslims traveling to the United States has thrown the Muslim community into turmoil and uncertainty.
She has seen it before. She and Dr. Malik were married in December 2001, three months after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., that left the nation in a panic. The backlash against Muslims was harsh then, and it’s harsh now. “We’ve seen a huge spike in anti-Muslim attacks in the last year,” she said….