Friday, March 31, 2017


 Muslim Rape Culture Demands England Submit
 British Man Fears For His Childrens' Lives / 
There Are Two Kinds Of People
 Muslim MP Celebrates Islamic Takeover Of England
 Without Parents' Consent, Young Children Taken To Mosques / Police Defend Mass Rapes
 Video: Muslims Herd Women With Sticks 
As Europe Collapses
 Video Shows Saudi Man Literally Herding Veiled Muslim Women With a Stick 
Is this the brand of Islam feminists want to import to the west?
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
A disturbing video out of Saudi Arabia shows a man with a stick literally herding veiled young Muslim women with a stick as they wait for their male guardians before being allowed to leave.
The clip shows a man allowing some students to leave before he orders the others to return indoors by banging a stick against a metal hand rail. At the end of the clip he appears to strike one of the women on the head with the stick.
According to a Saudi feminist who posted the video on Twitter, it shows a high school guard fulfilling his duties, which include making sure the students are always fully covered and ensuring “women are caged until their guardians or drivers come”.

“Every girl in high school and college has a man outside ‘protecting’ them. Preventing them from leaving with unrelated men,” she added. “When I was a rebellious teenager, I use to take off my veil when I reached my car. This usually pissed off the guard and he use to report me.”
Meanwhile, another shocking video out of Algeria shows Muslims – both men and women – arguing that a man who doesn’t beat his wife isn’t a real man.
“A real Algerian woman, if her husband doesn’t beat her sometimes, she’ll feel…it’s not manly, it makes me happy,” says one woman.
“When she angers me a lot, I beat her,” says another man, while another says it is acceptable to beat women when they cause annoyance.
60% of Algerian women think a husband has the right to beat his wife, according to a UNICEF study cited in the video.
As we have repeatedly highlighted, despite Islam representing the complete opposite of liberalism in that it is a viciously intolerant belief system that treats women little better than farmyard animals, leftists are trying to embrace Islamism.
This has manifested itself in the promotion of the face veil or the hijab as a symbol of female empowerment, when in reality it is a symbol of female oppression in Islamic countries all over the world. Three feminist moms in Pittsburgh have even produced ‘hijab barbies’ to normalize the head covering.
writes, the hijab is a “symbol of a dangerous purity culture, obsessed with honor and virginity, that has divided Muslim communities in our own civil war, or fitna, since the Saudi and Iranian regimes promulgated puritanical interpretations of Sunni and Shia Islam, after the 1970s Saudi oil boom and the 1979 Iranian Revolution.”
Nomani lists numerous recent examples of how the hijab purity culture “covers, segregates, subordinates, silences, jails and kills women and girls around the world.”
Recently, in Bareilly, India, a father killed his daughter, 4, smashing her head against the floor when her scarf slipped from her head during dinner. In Ontario, a few years ago, a man strangled his 16-year-old sister when she defied their father, including by refusing to cover her hair. In November, a former University of Missouri instructor dragged a female relative, 14, out of school “by the hair” when he discovered she hadn’t covered her hair. Today, in Iran, friends of the journalist Masih Alinejad dodge batons as they shoot photos of themselves, hair bare, in a campaign Alinejad started, #MyStealthyFreedom, to protest Iran’s mandatory headscarf law.”
Throughout modern history, actual Muslim feminists have tried to dispense with the hijab as part of their desperate struggle for liberation, notably Huda Shaarawi, who founded the Egyptian Feminist Union in 1922, which encouraged Muslim women to discard their veils.
All this again underscores the blatant fact that leftists would rather pander to the sacred cows of identity politics by embracing and merging with the most misogynistic belief system on the planet than actually maintain and defend classically liberal principles.
 America Flat-Out Being Invaded
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Each year, according to Dr. Steven Camarata, researcher at the Center for Immigration Studies, 500,000 foreigners from all over the world jump America’s southern border with Mexico. The Mexican government aids and abets them. (Source:
Annually, estimates range from 30 to 40 percent of foreign visitors overstay their visas and burrow into America’s cities, towns and countryside—already burdened with 20,000,000 illegal alien enclaves.
Each year, America accepts 1,000,000 legal refugee immigrants from 190 countries who cannot or will not provide for their own citizens.  That’s been going on since 1965 when US Senator Teddy Kennedy’s Immigration Reform Act opened the flood gates to from the third world into America. That single act, never discussed with the American people, flooded this country with 100,000,000 more people within 40 years.  That same act, if not rescinded, will flood America with another 100,000,000 people by 2050—a scant 33 years from now.  (Source: US Census Bureau; US Population Projections by Fogel/Martin; PEW Research Center)
Annually, 350,000 pregnant women from all over the world including Mexico, China, India, South America, Africa and dozens more—visit America to birth their babies. Known as “anchor babies”, each mother enjoys pre-natal care, birthing and postnatal care paid for by US taxpayers.  Additionally, once born in the USA, that mother and child enjoy 18 years of housing, food, medical care and education K-12.  All of it paid for by your tax dollars.

In 2016, Barack Obama injected over 15,000 Syrian refugees on top of the normal legal and illegal immigration flow.  He gave illegal alien children their DACA permits to remain in America in violation of Federal Laws.  A federal court stopped his mass amnesty attempts.
In the meantime, the third world, where all these people originate, continues adding 80,000,000 (million) new babies, net gain, annually to guarantee the immigrant line grows instead of diminishes.
At the same time, Mexico sells Americans endless drugs consisting of heroin, meth-amphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana laced with chemicals and other drugs. Cost:  $100,000,000,000.00 and as high as $120,000,000,000.00. (billion) (Source: The Office of National Drug Control Policy estimates that $100 billion worth of illegal drugs were sold in the U.S. in 2016.  It estimates 200 U.S. cities in which Mexican drug cartels maintain drug distribution networks or supply drugs.)

CDC: “About 570,000 people die annually in the U.S. due to drug use.”
Because of that drug invasion, 13 teen-agers die every hour, 24/7 across America from drug-alcohol overdoses.
Additionally, the State Department estimates that legal and illegal immigrants send cash transfers back to their countries in the amount of $120,000,000,000.00 annually.  Thus, bleeding America financially to death.  Note: we face a $19.5 trillion national debt that could collapse our society at any time.

Not only that, Congress imports moderate and radical Muslims bent on destroying and/or displacing the U.S. Constitution with Sharia Law and their Quran. Their top Muslim-American leaders state that fact daily.
“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.
Does anyone understand that this country faces an invasion like no other in the history of the world?  Worse, the average American sits back watching it happen across all 50 states. Canada, too.  In fact, both countries invite their own suicide. Along with Europe!
As President Trump promised to build the Wall between Mexico and the USA to stop the invasion and the drugs, California Governor Jerry Brown said he would fight that Wall because it reminded him of the Berlin Wall.  His sanctuary state houses up to 4,000,000 illegal aliens.  Southern California no longer speaks very much English, but Spanish. San Francisco looks like a foreign city filled with everyone but Americans.  California runs broke and overpopulated.  Its freeways resemble a cement-thick parking lot for 18 hours a day.  Crime, welfare, crippled schools filled with kids from around the world overwhelm California.  Americans get run out of their communities—and prisons burst with illegal aliens—but Jerry Brown invites more illegals into his state. Illegals enjoy sanctuary cities such as San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Bakersfield and dozens more. His state features more births from non-Americans than Americans.
This figure will shock you: “California grows by 1,654 people daily, net gain, 24/7.  And, 98 percent of that growth stems from legal and illegal immigrants.”  (Source:

Nationwide, over 340 “sanctuary cities” house up to 20,000,000 (million) and as high as 31,000,000 illegal aliens.  Those border jumpers enjoy protection from Immigration, Customs Enforcement, (ICE) and prosecution by outright defiance of the rule of law by our elected officials such as mayors and governors.  No matter how many rapes, burglaries, killings, robberies, anchor babies, shoplifting, drunk drivers and fraudulent IDs—illegal aliens enjoy more protection and services than our military veterans.  How much?  You pay out $113,000,000,000.00 (billion) in services for immigrants across 15 federal agencies. (Source: US Government Finances)
This goes on year after year after year, decade after decade after decade.   It’s an invasion by any definition of the word.  And, Congress and every governor of every state facilitate it—because they refuse to enforce the rule of law.
It’s exasperating to watch this country being invaded while its own elected officials aid and abet all of it.  And, yet, Americans continue voting back into office the exact same representatives that keep the invasion going strong.   At some point, it’s all going to break down into a national disaster on multiple levels, guaranteed.
Call your senators and House rep:  1 202 224 3121 or 1 888 995 2086. Demand a stop to all immigration and stop to any Syrian immigration.
Definition of slogan:  “Immigration Shutdown Now means the American people want a total shutdown on all legal and illegal immigration. That means we want all illegal immigration stopped by arresting, prosecuting and jailing employers of illegal aliens. We deport all illegal aliens by taking their jobs away and as we catch them.  We want English mandated as our national language. We demand a cessation of Muslim immigration in order to protect our culture, language and way of life. We can’t save the world but we can save or destroy our civilization.  We demand a stable population that allows everyone to live, work and thrive into the 21st century. Especially our children.” FHW
(Permission to republish this population graph by Roy Beck, )
Muslims cannot in any way become Americans. The Koran forbids it.  Their entire context of religious-political Sharia Law demands subjugation to their religion with no allegiance to the U.S. Constitution. The Koran forbids women’s rights, marital choice, free speech, gay rights and religious rights.  Our way of life remains completely out of bounds to Islam. This 4-minute video explains our plight:
That’s why you need to take action. Send this series to everyone in your network. Educate them.  Urge them to take action by joining these websites to become faxers of prewritten letters and phone callers.  We must force Congress into an “Immigration Shutdown Now!”
Share these videos all over America:
In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:
“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck
This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”
Take action by joining for free:
America: ; ; ;
 United Kingdom: 
  Australia: Sustainable Population Australia
Dr. Phil Interview Exposes Global Elite Pedophiles 
(But Ignores the Muslim Ones)
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
In what may be the most explosive episode of his high-profile television career, psychologist and TV show host Dr. Phil exposed the little-known phenomenon of human trafficking of sex slaves among the elite echelons of society. According to Dr. Phil, the victim, and reliable sources who corroborated her story, the girl — now a young woman, perhaps in her mid-20s — was flown around the world on private jets and forced to have sexual relations and engage in unspeakable acts with wealthy businessmen, political leaders, and other establishment figures. Much of what was described on the the Dr. Phil Show sounded satanic, analysts said.
Experts who have studied the phenomenon, though, say this story is just the tip of a gigantic iceberg that stretches across the globe and is especially concentrated in power centers such as Washington, D.C., New York City, and London. With President Donald Trump vowing to crack down hard on human trafficking and sex slavery, victims and their advocates hope the scourge can be brought into the open — and that the perpetrators can be brought to justice, regardless of their position in society. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is reportedly committed to doing everything within his power to bring down high-level pedophiles and human-traffickers.
 The victim who appeared on Dr. Phil's enormously popular show, identified only as “Kendall,” said on the program that she was sold to her “owner” by her parents at birth. “I was born into the world of sex trafficking,” she said on the program, which aired nationwide on March 21 and was reportedly seen by millions of Americans. “I was forced to have sex with clients. One of my first memories was to think it was normal for men to be fondling babies.” In one case, she was even forced by her “owner” to kill a baby, she said. In other instances, she was forced to rape children as young as five-years old. 
Her entire existence revolved around the demands of her “owner” and the clients this criminal would pimp her out to. “My whole life I would travel all over the world, and would go to some of the biggest events to meet clients and have sex with them,” the victim explained. “They were all extremely rich and prominent members of society. Sometimes they would just want to have sex with me, and sometimes they would make me have sex with different people.” When her “owner” was not around, she was supervised by “watchers.”
Among those who raped her, she said, were high-ranking law-enforcement officials, major sports figures, and even top U.S. politicians. Oftentimes, she was taken to extravagant mansions where the “clients” would rape, torture, and abuse her and other captive children. Many of the “clients” were “pillars of the community,” Kendall continued, adding that some even owned private islands or large properties where they could rape and “hunt” their victims with impunity.
Indeed, one well-known pedophile with a private island, Bill Clinton's friend and registered sex offender Jeffery Epstein, had a private plane known as the “Lolita Express” that would fly high-level politicians and businessmen to his so-called “Orgy Island” or “Sex Slave Island” in the U.S. Virgin Islands. There, according to reports and alleged victims, trafficked girls as young as 12 would be forced to have sexual relations with Epstein and his friends — billionaires, politicians, royalty, and others. Bill Clinton rode on the Lolita Express at least 26 times, according to flight logs cited by Fox News, and often ditched his Secret Service protection before hopping onboard.  
Lest Ms. Kendall's claims be dismissed, Dr. Phil emphasized that her story had been corroborated prior to putting her on the show. “I can tell you that a very reliable source has confirmed to us that Kendall has in fact been trafficked, raped, molested, and severely abused by a very large, very dangerous organization,” Dr. Phil said. Indeed, as The New American and numerous other media sources have documented, her story is hardly unique, and there does appear to be a pattern linking many “elites” to unspeakable crimes perpetrated in the shadows.
Those wealthy and powerful “clients” were responsible for ghastly crimes against Kendall, stretching back to her early childhood and her earliest memories. “The clients were often physically abusive,” she explained, adding that she was often drugged by her captors as well. “Clients were even allowed to smother me with a pillow or plastic bag while having sex with me. But they were never allowed to leave marks or bruises on my face, because I always had to look pretty.”
Kendall's “owner” told her she was “made for” the abuse, and that her birth parents had created her for that purpose. “It's the only life I've ever known,” she says in the interview, adding that she believed her own three children were also trafficked into slavery and that children would be raped by adults beginning when they were just infants. “All of this was completely normal to me, and I never thought seriously about leaving.... Since I left, it's been so hard.” Her “owner” had rich and powerful friends all over the world, she added.

Asked how old she was when she was first raped, Kendall said “it was before I could talk.” “I was used to it by the time I was 2,” she added, noting that she does not even know her actual age today because she was a sex slave from the time of her earliest memories. In the interview, she explains that she could even tell the difference between children who were born into the slavery and those who were kidnapped. “The girls who weren't born into it, they had a harder time,” Kendall said. “They were always kept tied up or in cages, and they cried a lot.”    
“The man who owns me constantly manipulated me and did horrible things to me,” she said. “He would make me be a dog, he made me eat feces, I was kept in a cage — sometimes he would electrocute me as punishment.” In fact, the monstrous “owner” would give her commands like a dog, “like come, or sit, or stay — I would have to obey them or I'd get in trouble.” Sometimes she would have to “be a dog for days,” she added.  Her punishment for not “behaving” was that her owner would “have really rough sex with me, or take a knife and cut me.” He would also wet her and force her to be in the cold, or pretend to drown her in the bath tub. 
In perhaps one of the most grotesque elements of the story, Kendall's “owner” even brainwashed her into believing her torture and misery were divinely ordained — suggesting that the false “god” of her abusers may be what Christians, Jews, and others recognize as demonic. “He said that all of this was happening because it was god's will, because god made me for this,” Kendall recounted. Her abusers and rapists also told her “this was the best thing for me,” she said, adding that she had believed them and felt guilty for not appreciating the horrors inflicted on her.
The “owner,” whom Kendall said she witnessed murdering some 20 to 25 people, also threatened her to keep silent, telling her, “if I told anybody about what was going on, that nobody would believe me,” she explained. “I 100 percent believed him. I still believe him.” At one point, the “owner” offered her one chance to leave him in the only way he said was possible: shooting herself in the head. She tried, but the gun did not go off, and then she was punished severely, she told Dr. Phil.     
Of course, the networks of establishment pedophiles and perverts alluded to throughout Dr. Phil's explosive program last week has become increasingly well known in the age of the Internet. A 1990s documentary called Conspiracy of Silence, available for free online today, also suggests the problem in the United States has existed for generations and reaches into the highest levels of government and power. And more than a few members of the political, business, and media elite have already been exposed.
Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, for example, was busted last year for attempting to cover up his sexual molestation of underage boys. Unfortunately for the cause of justice, the statute of limitations had already expired on his sexual crimes. But he did plead guilty to charges relating to the cover-up. Illustrating his complete lack of morals or compassion, though, Hastert was recently in the news again for trying to recover the “hush” money he paid to one of his victims because the victim had come forward. The judge in the case called him a “serial child molester.” As The New American reported last year, though, Hastert is just the tip of the iceberg.  
Before Hastert, late BBC celebrity Jimmy Savile was exposed as a pedophile monster who sexually abused hundreds of children over a period of decades — sometimes as part of a satanic ring, according to victims cited in news reports. In 2013, after that scandal exploded, British police announced that their investigation into child sex abuse was widening to include members of the British Parliament as well. However, even the police themselves came under fire for declining on multiple occasions to file charges against Savile.
More than a few advocates suggested corrupt forces within the police department were helping to protect the pedophile ring and its high-ranking, influential members. British Parliamentarian Tom Watson with the Labor Party also spoke of the evidence file used in the 1990s to convict pedophile Peter Righton — a former consultant at the National Children’s Bureau and lecturer for the National Institute for Social Work in London — and said it should be re-examined. The MP said it contained “clear intelligence of a widespread pedophile ring” in the U.K. operating at the highest levels of power.
“One of its members boasts of his links to a senior aide of a former prime minister,” Watson explained on the floor of Parliament. “The leads were not followed up, but if the file still exists I want to ensure that the Metropolitan Police secure the evidence, re-examine it and investigate clear intelligence suggesting a powerful pedophile network linked to Parliament and [government headquarters at Downing Street] Number 10.”
In America, more than a few Clinton associates have also been ensnared in pedophilia-related scandals. As described above, Clinton buddy and known pedophile Epstein is infamous for his proclivities. “Bill Clinton … associated with a man like Jeffrey Epstein, who everyone in New York, certainly within his inner circles, knew was a pedophile,” explained Conchita Sarnoff with the non-profit Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking and the author of a book on Epstein's case called TrafficKing. “Why would a former president associate with a man like that?”
The Obama administration was so unfazed by the horrors of pedophilia and child rape that it named a U.S. Navy ship after known pedarastic rapist and homosexual activist Harvey Milk. And as The New American has been documenting for years, the Obama administration continued to boost support to United Nations “peacekeeping” schemes even as UN “peace” troops were exposed all over the world raping and trafficking children.
Meanwhile, e-mails between failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her top aide at the time, Cheryl Mills, deal with Laura Silsby, who was arrested and charged with child abduction and child trafficking in Haiti after the 2010 hurricane there. Silsby and nine others posing as “missionaries” for a phony orphanage were busted by authorities trying to smuggle a busload of 33 Haitian children off the island. And far from being orphans, once Silsby was caught, the parents of the children accused her of lying. Thanks to intervention by Bill and Hillary Clinton, though, Silsby was allowed to leave Haiti with “time served.” 
As The New American's senior editor William F. Jasper reported in a November article about the scandals and horrors revealed in Clinton's e-mails, including tales of bizarre occult rituals, multiple analysts have concluded that Silsby was kidnapping the Haitian children to be sold to child sex rings. “The evidence we have seen thus far does not prove that claim, but neither is it a far-fetched supposition, considering the sordid sexual swamp that many of the high and mighty are mired in, and considering the Epstein-Clinton-Podesta revelations that are pouring out,” Jasper reported. “At the very least, it must be seriously investigated, in light of the evidence available and the global crisis in child sex trafficking.”
A recent “Reality Check” news segment by journalist Ben Swann on the so-called “Pizzagate” scandal, which establishment media outlets have scrambled to declare “fake news,” also links a number of high-profile Clinton associates to pedophilia and human trafficking. After a month-long investigation, Swann — one of the most reputable journalists with a platform on an establishment media outlet — suggests that there is extremely troubling evidence that should be properly investigated. The video report was perhaps the best summary so far of the “Pizzagate” theories. 
In addition to the millions of viewers who watched his show, Dr. Phil's program highlighting the horrifying crimes of human trafficking and sexual slavery made headlines across America in the alternative media around the world. In the United Kingdom, some of that nation's leading newspapers have covered the story. And after the story broke, the word spread across the Internet like wildfire, with countless blogs, forums, and alternative media outlets celebrating the breakthrough.
Trump has also taken a hard line. “I want to make clear that my administration will focus on ending the absolutely horrific practice of human trafficking,” he said after a recent listening session on domestic and international human trafficking at the White House. “I am prepared to bring the full weight our government at the federal level and the highest levels in order to solve this horrific problem. It's getting worse, and it's happening in the United States, in addition to the rest of the world.... Solving the human-trafficking epidemic is a priority for my administration.”
Trump's hard line has been cited by more than a few commentators as one of the reasons why the establishment is freaking out so hysterically over Trump and his administration. Whether more members of the establishment will be ensnared in the horrifying scandals in the months and years to come, though, remains to be seen.

Related articles:
Dennis Hastert, Who Abused Teenage Boys, Is Just Tip of Iceberg
Clinton Scandal Avalanche: Bombshells Too Numerous to Cover, Too Unspeakable to Mention
After Exposure of Pedophile BBC Star, Probe Widens to U.K. Parliament
Time for #NeverClinton? Trump Raises Issue of Accused Rapist Bill
EU Funding of Homosexual Lobby with Pedophile Links Questioned
Famed Leftist Gore Vidal Likely a Pedophile, Say Relatives
Is Facebook Permitting Pedophilia and Child Porn on its Platform?
Navy Ship to be Named After Pederastic Rapist Harvey Milk
NYPD Source: Weiner Laptop Has Enough Evidence “to Put Hillary ... Away for Life”
UNESCO Report: Sex Guidelines for Kids From Birth

 Heir To Nazi Fortune Declares War On America
 EU President Calls For Austin TX To Secede 

Published on Mar 30, 2017
Jean Claude Juncker, the Luxembourgian President of the European Commission with a heritage literally making him the son of a Nazi is taking a stand against all things Brexit and President Donald Trump.

Juncker named Ohio. Ohio? Ohio had a very small secession movement in 2012. But that was a reaction to Barack Obama’s reelection. Totally off the mark. California sure. But Ohio, I don’t think so. And then he names Texas….but not just Texas...Austin, Texas as the other place he would support to secede.

Unfortunately as an Austin, Texas resident a few things come to mind as to why he feels Austin would become like his dear little country Luxembourg. Austin is a model UN Agenda 21 city. The politically correct Austin City Council is packed full of left leaning Antifa supporting miscreants that love spending our tax dollars on white elephant projects just like Juncker. And a battle is brewing in Austin between the City Council members, The Austin Mayor, The Texas Governor, and the Department of Justice over the controversial status of Austin as a leading Sanctuary City.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 They’re talking about a bill here, they’re talking about Section 3024 of
 this bill and they’re talking about informed consent, and I will play 
for you what they had to say having to do with vaccines and the 21st 
Century Cures Act. This speaks to informed consent waiver or 
alteration for clinical investigations. There, I have to say, are still a
 lot of discussions going on whether this really will apply to two 
vaccines for the following reason, this the 21st Century Cures would 
amend the Food and Drug Act to add an exception from informed consent 
requirements for those clinical trials that pose no more than minimal 
risk and there are appropriate safeguards protecting the rights, safety,
 and welfare of the exam place. Now, for vaccine trials we always have 
taken the position that these trials do involve more than minimal risks,
 so this may not be applicable but, again, we have our lawyers, 
everybody, engaged to really help guide this along.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 LOS ANGELES — Newly-released undercover 
footage from the Center for Medical Progress captures a Planned 
Parenthood abortionist laughing about how much force is required to 
dismember babies when chemical agents aren’t used, and joking that she 
first thought she needed to go to the gym just to get in shape to 
perform a dilation and evacuation procedure.
“Research shows that Dig (short for Digoxin) doesn’t make the procedure easier in someone who is well trained, but I have to tell you anecdotally my biceps appreciate when the Dig works [to kill the baby],” DeShawn Taylor of Planned Parenthood Los Angeles stated, flexing her arm and giggling.
“It does not take me any longer to complete the procedure, but it takes more force,” she explained. “I remember when I was a fellow and I was training, I was like, ‘Oh, I have to hit the gym for this. I need to hit the gym.'”
When asked at what gestation dismemberment abortions become especially difficult, she replied 20 weeks (five months).

The Center for Medical Progress had posed as a fetal organ procurement company at an abortion services networking event, and had been introduced to Taylor by Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s senior director of medical services.
“[I]n order to get you an intact calvarium, the patient is going to have to go into labor,” Taylor advised. “Because generally, especially in a breech presentation, everything’s going to come out and the head is going to get trapped.”
During the conversation, Taylor also stated that she has to be careful for her staff’s sake that the baby is crushed enough that he or she doesn’t look like a person when removed from the womb.

“It’s not a matter of how I feel about it coming out intact, but I gotta worry about my staff and people’s feelings about it coming out looking like a baby,” she outlined.
But Taylor also noted that she herself doesn’t like when the aborted infants are referred to as babies.
“We have the people who do our paperwork for the fetal death certificates, [and] they email us calling them ‘babies.’ Baby this, baby that, baby so-and-so, and I’m like, that’s creepy!” she exclaimed.
The abortionist likewise outlined during the discussion that if the baby comes out with any signs of life, they are required by law to be transported to the hospital. When asked if she has a protocol for identifying those signs, she replied, “Well, the thing is, I mean the key is, you need to pay attention to who’s in the room, right?”
The full, unedited footage is posted below.
The video was released just one day after David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress was charged with 15 felonies by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who alleges that Daleiden broke the law in recording the undercover conversations without consent.
“This footage is just a preview of the damning and incriminating admissions of Planned Parenthood leaders on our further unreleased tapes, being censored by an unconstitutional gag order from a federal judge in San Francisco,” Daleiden said in a statement on Wednesday.
“The only difference between Planned Parenthood’s barbaric abortion business, and that of the notorious Dr. Kermit Gosnell, is that Gosnell was not so careful as to ‘pay attention to who’s in the room,’” he remarked. “Elected officials must stop forcing taxpayers to subsidize Planned Parenthood’s criminal abortion business, and the Department of Justice must immediately open a full investigation and prosecute Planned Parenthood to the fullest extent of the law.”


Thursday, March 30, 2017



Indiana: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” says “I’m going to kill everyone in here,” tries to strangle clerk, breaks cop’s hand



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“It is believed that Bilal had beaten a female worker at the store and grabbed her by the throat prior to officers’ arrival. Bilal reportedly had become upset while attempting to convert the employee to Islam.”
Well, if she didn’t immediately see the light of Islam, you can see why he was upset.
“According to reports, Bilal then went on to break an officer’s hand after an attempt to place Bilal into custody….He faces preliminary charges of battery on police, resisting law enforcement, disorderly conduct, battery with injury, intimidation and strangulation.”
Quite an eventful dawah session! And much, much more of this sort of thing is coming, in Muncie and elsewhere in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

“Police: Man tased after striking officer, yelling ‘Allah Akbar’ in Goodwill scuffle,” WISH, March 28, 2017 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
MUNCIE, Ind. (WISH) — One man is facing charges after he struck an officer for attempting to restrain him following a commotion in Muncie.
It happened just before 2 p.m. Saturday inside a Goodwill store when officers were responding to a call for a fight.
Upon arrival, officials found 24-year-old Khalid Bilal confronting store employees.
According to reports, Bilal then went on to break an officer’s hand after an attempt to place Bilal into custody.
Bilal was later tased after charging another officer that arrived on scene. After the tasing, the officer was eventually able to corral Bilal into handcuffs. The suspect then began to kick the officer repeatedly with both legs, causing authorities to shackle his legs.
Reports stated that Bilal was yelling “Allah Akbar” throughout the ordeal.
One customer told 24-Hour News 8 she was scared for her life. She was inside the store shopping with her three children when she heard a man screaming at the front.
“A guy had become very irate and was screaming at one of the employees and then grabbed him by the collar and start pushing him and screaming are you scared,” said Chasity Fraley, customer.
“He was just so full of rage and violence I never seen anything like that before,” Fraley added.
Not sure what was going on, Fraley said she began moving her kids.
“We moved to a different aisle… so I could take my kids away from the situation because they got very scared at that point and then I heard him say ‘I’m going to kill everyone in here,”’ she said.
That’s when Fraley says a female employee stepped in trying to calm the man down.
“With her, she kinda used a softer tone with him at first, ‘let’s talk about this, what’s the matter can we take it outside,’” Fraley recalled.
But out of nowhere, she said the man attacked that employee.
“He violently grabbed her around the neck and just was punching and whatever he could to her,” she said. “A bunch of employees came out to keep him away from customers.”
It is believed that Bilal had beaten a female worker at the store and grabbed her by the throat prior to officers’ arrival. Bilal reportedly had become upset while attempting to convert the employee to Islam.
Fraley believes employees handled the situation very well.
“They were protecting one another and protecting us they (did) an excellent job at keeping him in a somewhat secured area,” she said. “They were telling people to get back trying to protect people in the store and one another.”
Police said the man was taken to the hospital and continued to attack officers when they tried to restrain him.
Once at the hospital for treatment, Bilal went on to strike an officer three times when the officer attempted to secure a restraint that held Bilal to a hospital bed.
He faces preliminary charges of battery on police, resisting law enforcement, disorderly conduct, battery with injury, intimidation and strangulation….

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR officials have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements about how Islamic law should be imposed in the U.S. (Ahmad denies this, but the original reporter stands by her story.) A California chapter distributed a poster telling Muslims not to talk to the FBI, and a Florida chapter distributed pamphlets with the same message. CAIR has opposed virtually every anti-terror measure that has been proposed or implemented and has been declared a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates. A CAIR operative recently called for the overthrow of the U.S. government.
But all that is fine with the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Would they, on the other hand, give a penny to foes of jihad terror? Not on your life! That would be “Islamophobic”!

“Silicon Valley fund gives $330 thousand to CAIR, Islamic Relief,” by Hillel Fendel, Arutz Sheva, March 28, 2017:
The Middle East Forum research center has revealed that the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF) has donated a total of over $330,000 to two extremist organizations: the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Islamic Relief.
The Philadelphia-based Forum contacted SVCF with evidence of the extremist links of CAIR and Islamic Relief, but received no response. The Middle East Forum is now publicly calling for an immediate and permanent termination of SCVF’s funding of these organizations, and has started a nationwide campaign to this end.
The SVCF is the country’s wealthiest community foundation, with more than $8 billion in assets. It has enjoyed positive press coverage during its 10-year history, but has also come under some criticism. Worst of all, the MEF states, is its flowing generosity to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Islamic Relief.
MEF says it privately contacted SVCF last month with evidence of the extremism of CAIR and Islamic Relief, including the bigotries and prejudices of its officials and speakers. SVCF officials essentially “refused to discuss the matter,” MEF reports, but rather “engaged in a flurry of ad hominem attacks on the Forum.”
It is “unconscionable that such a leading institution as SVCF, which claims to support ‘understanding and tolerance,'” should help organizations that rely on ignorance and hatred,” the Forum declares. “To be precise, CAIR and Islamic Relief have a long history of providing platforms to speakers who denigrate and threaten women, Jews, Christians, the LGBTQ community, and Muslims belonging to minority sects.”
As examples, the Forum cites regular speakers at the two organizations’ events who have rationalized honor killings or said that men may beat or rape their wives. “It should not be politically divisive,” the Forum states, “to state that these ideas are incompatible with SVCF’s self-proclaimed commitment to diversity and tolerance.”
SVCF did say that CAIR is in “good standing with [U.S.] federal agencies,” but the MEF counters that the FBI and the Justice Department have blacklisted CAIR since it was named an unindicted co-conspirator during a terrorism financing case in 2008. Both CAIR and Islamic Relief are designated as terrorist groups in the United Arab Emirates, while the Anti-Defamation League has said that CAIR promotes anti-Jewish sentiment….


Charlotte City Forum About No-Parking Outside Of Abortion Clinic

Published on Mar 29, 2017

On Monday, March 27th, activists from both pro-life and pro-choice groups showed up to the Charlotte city council to speak their mind about the new no-parking signs the city wants to install outside of the Latrobe Abortion Clinic.

More info here -

 Christians Flood Govt. Meeting in Support of Pregnancy Center’s Life-Saving Work Outside Abortion Facility 



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

 CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Hundreds of Christians flooded the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center on Monday night to stand against a request from abortion advocacy groups that would ban a mobile pro-life pregnancy center from parking outside of an abortion facility.

For more than a decade, both pro-life and pro-abortion residents have gathered outside of A Preferred Women’s Health Center, with numbers fluctuating from dozens to thousands. On a regular basis, pro-lifers offer literature and free assistance, as well as gift bags to mothers who decide not to go through with their appointment with death.
Because of the volume of traffic at the location, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department has now requested that the Charlotte Department of Transportation study potential changes. The abortion facility and its advocates have also requested that “no parking” signs be placed in the immediate area.
They claim that the mobile pregnancy center and the signs displayed by pro-lifers cause traffic visibility hazards.

“This is about patient safety and safety of staff and traffic and even neighboring businesses that are having issues delivering services to people as needed due to the influx of people on Latrobe,” facility administrator Calla Hales told TWC News Charlotte.
But members of the group Cities4Life note that the work of the Monroe HELP Center, which offers free help to mothers, would be hindered if the “no parking” signs are installed. They believe that abortion advocacy groups and the city are just trying to get rid of them.
“We’re there … where and when they most need it,” center volunteer Vicki Kaseorg testified on Monday. “[It] would not be possible if all these regulations to limit our ability to do so were enacted.”

Lakilra Flowe, a mother who chose life because of the mobile HELP Center, stood by Kaseorg’s side, holding her infant child and nodding in agreement. Flowe now volunteers herself to help save lives outside of the abortion facility.
As previously reported, Courtney Parks, a nurse with the ministry, told Christian News Network in 2015 that the RV parks along the street four times a week, and has been a blessing in the lives of many women.
Flowe holds her baby—saved from abortion—as Kaseorg speaks.
“We’ve had many instances where these ladies think that there is nothing in their womb but what the liberal media tells them—it’s just a clump of cells, just a blob of tissue, nothing there—and when I’m able to show them their eight-week little baby in their womb with a heartbeat, arms and legs moving around, …. it kind of turns a light bulb on in their head,” she explained, noting that some mothers have even seen their babies sucking their thumb.
“I’ve had so many women say, ‘That’s my baby!”” Parks continued. “People are just so grateful for us standing for the truth and standing for the babies. … They see you care, they see you want to help them and it makes them want to choose life for their baby.”
She said that hundreds have been saved from abortion each year because of those who have been ministering outside of abortion facilities in the city. A number of the women are gifted with baby showers and provided with presents to help them in welcoming their bundle of joy.
On Monday, so many Christians—all donning teal “love life Charlotte” t-shirts—packed the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center that there were not enough seats in the chambers or the overflow room to hold them all. The rest gathered in the lobby exhorting one another, praying for the unborn and singing songs of praise.
“[Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police] notified CDOT of recent pedestrian and traffic changes along Latrobe Dr.,” CDOT Director Danny Pleasant told the Charlotte Observer. “CDOT is in the process of evaluating operations along the street to check for adequate sight distances at driveways. So far, CDOT has made no decision to change parking regulations in the vicinity.”





republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California state prosecutors 
have charged the pro-life investigator behind the 2014-2015 undercover 
Planned Parenthood videos with 15 felonies less than a year after Texas 
officials dropped all charges.
State Attorney General Xavier Becerra alleges that David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress, along with his co-worker Sandra Merritt, wrongfully recorded Planned Parenthood employees and others without their consent in capturing the undercover footage.
Daleiden is therefore charged with 14 counts of covertly recording confidential conversations—one for each person—and one count of conspiracy to invade privacy.
“The right to privacy is a cornerstone of California’s Constitution, and a right that is foundational in a free democratic society,” Becerra said, according to the LA Times. “[We] will not tolerate the criminal recording of confidential conversations.”

Daleiden said in a statement that he believes prosecutors are going after the wrong party.
“The public knows the real criminals are Planned Parenthood and their business partners like StemExpress and DV Biologics—currently being prosecuted in California—who have harvested and sold aborted baby body parts for profit for years in direct violation of state and federal law,” he remarked.
Daleiden advised that additional videos are forthcoming, which he plans on “showing the entire world … in vindication of the First Amendment rights of all.”
 As previously reported, Daleiden, 28, had posed as a representative of a fetal tissue procurement company in order to engage in discussions with Planned Parenthood officials as a potential buyer of bodily organs. He recorded the interactions, conducted at various locations across the country, as part of his “human capital” investigative series that was released beginning in July 2015.
The first of nearly a dozen videos released by CMP featured Planned Parenthood Medical Director Deborah Nucatola, who nonchalantly munched on salad and sipped wine as she talked about adjusting the child so as not to crush certain organs due to the demand for the body part.
“I’d say a lot of people want liver. And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps,” she explained.
“[Y]ou’re just kind of cognizant where you put your graspers,” Nucatola outlined. “You try to intentionally go above and below the thorax, so that—-you know. We’ve been very good at getting the heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so ‘I’m not gonna crush that part. I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.’”
The second video showed Mary Gatter, the president of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Directors Council, haggling with the undercover investigators about the compensation for the fetal organs, laughing, “I want a Lamborghini.” Other footage showed an actual aborted baby being dissected in a dish, with an assistant declaring, “Another boy!” and another video showed an abortionist laughing about how harvesting an intact baby head would be “something to strive for.”
Planned Parenthood apologized for the insensitive “tone” of the first video, but denied that it profits from its agreements with scientific organizations. It soon announced that it would stop receiving reimbursement for “expenses” surrounding the provision of body parts of aborted babies. The abortion giant argued that the dead babies were beneficial in research to find cures for diseases.
The organization also contended that the videos were misleading because they had been edited, but the Center for Medical Progress also publicly posted the hours-long unedited footage for viewing as well.
In January of last year, the Harris County district attorney’s office in Texas charged Daleiden with a felony count of “tampering with a governmental record” for creating a fake driver’s license in conducting his undercover investigation, as well as a misdemeanor count related to the purchasing of aborted babies. All charges, which centered on Daleiden’s undercover investigations in Texas, were dismissed by the end of July.
However, in the meantime, representatives for Kamala Harris, the attorney general of California at the time, searched Daleiden’s apartment and seized all of his videos from the undercover investigation. Daleiden posted a statement afterward, remarking that the investigation was lopsided as Harris’ office ignored information surrounding the working relationship between former buyer StemExpress and Planned Parenthood.
StemExpress discontinued its work with the abortion giant after CMP released videos revealing its involvement with the organization.
Planned Parenthood partner DaVinci Biosciences and its sister company DV Biologics were then sued last October by Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckus after he found evidence that the company had profited from the bodily organs of aborted babies.
“From 2009 to 2015, the defendants obtained aborted fetus donations from Planned Parenthood and turned those donations into a profit-driven business,” he declared. “They did so by selling tissues and cells from the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, intestines, skeletal muscle and bones of the aborted fetus donations.”
Rackauckus outlined that the companies hired a marketing consultant to create promotional materials, including a catalog, to boost sales. His office found that profits included up to $674 in profit for each fetal heart, up to $233 in profit for each liver, up to $221 in in profit for each stomach, and up to $664 in profit for each small intestine.
The companies are accused of generating $1.5 million in sales, while also marking up shipping and processing costs.
The Congressional Select Panel on Infant Lives also issued numerous criminal referrals last year while investigating Planned Parenthood and its partners, including an allegation that Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast unlawfully sold baby body parts to the University of Texas.
It likewise came to believe from evidence that the University of New Mexico violated of the state’s Anatomical Gift Act, that Stem Express violated HIPPA to increase the harvesting of body parts for profit, and that DV Biologics received revenue for the body parts of aborted babies.
Sen. Chuck Grassley of the Senate Judiciary Committee separately issued his own letter and report calling for the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice to conduct a federal investigation.
Specifically, the Committee noted in its report that StemExpress, Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) and Novogenics Laboratories purchased the bodily organs of aborted babies from several California Planned Parenthood locations, and then resold them at substantially higher prices. The organizations are also accused of hiking the prices above costs for “transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control or storage of” the body parts.
“[I]n June of 2014, an ABR technician obtained a 20-week-old fetus at a Planned Parenthood clinic, for which it paid $60,” the report outlines. “From that one fetus, ABR sold its brain to one customer for $325, both of its eyes for $325 each ($650 total) to a second customer, a portion of its liver for $325 to a third customer, its thymus for $325 and another portion of its liver for $325 to a fourth customer, and its lung for $325 to a fifth customer.”
StemExpress is accused of similar actions, paying Planned Parenthood $55 for a baby and then selling his or her body parts for $250 each, making $1000 from just one child.
The Committee also noted that despite Planned Parenthood’s “constant statements to the media that [its] affiliates had merely been recovering their costs” in receiving payment from ABR, StemExpress and other companies, its attorneys told the investigative Congressional panel that the Planned Parenthood offices only sought to determine their costs after-the-fact in light of national scrutiny.
“Around that time, Planned Parenthood announced it would no longer accept any payments in connection with its fetal tissue transfer programs,” Grassley explained.

Appointment Of A New President at ENC: 
Symptom of A Major Problem In The Nazarene Church
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Dan Boone, president of Trevecca Nazarene University, was recently selected as the new president of Eastern Nazarene College, which is also being discussed as a possible merger with Trevecca. He will step in sometime after Dr. Corlis McGee leaves her current position later in the summer. The “leaders” of the denomination are cheering, no doubt. They have always been complicit, or at the very least willfully ignorant, with everything that has been destroying the Nazarene denomination spiritually.
I am not surprised at this choice. Dr. Boone and Dr. McGee share some views that make this selection understandable. To many of us who have voiced our concerns about the denomination for years, it further indicates full steam ahead towards a practical marriage between Nazarenes and Roman Catholics. The only major item that will be missing soon is to have pope Francis as the keynote speaker at a future General Assembly. And why not? The prayer stations are already in place, the Roman Catholic practice of Lent and ashes to the forehead is everywhere, and the Roman Catholic retreat is scheduled for a pre-Assembly event this summer.
If you believe in the Bible- truly believe in it, not just parts of it as Dan Boone does- then I could not warn you any more than I do now. You are placing your child in danger by sending them to Eastern Nazarene College, and frankly, there is hardly a Nazarene college now that has a strong biblical foundation anymore.
So here is why Dr. Boone’s appointment bodes very badly, especially for those who have children of college age.
Ecumenicists Promoting Roman Catholicism

Dr. Boone and Dr. McGee are both ecumenicists. Dr. McGee has expressed to me in a past meeting with her and the ENC provost that Roman Catholics are our brothers and sisters in Christ. On the ENC website, you will find Roman Catholic churches on the list of available churches to attend in the community. In the ENC bookstore (last time I visited), you would also find Roman Catholic related books, including a Roman Catholic bible, along with many books by authors that promote an ecumenical belief system.
Dr. Boone, as Trevecca president, has long promoted yearly trips for students to the Gethsemani Monastery in Kentucky, a site that was the spiritual home of the Roman Catholic mystic, Thomas Merton. Here at this retreat, students from ENC have the opportunity to “practice the silence”, which is nothing more than Catholic mysticism that has no roots in biblical teaching. The “spiritual discipline” of silence is a doctrine of demons. This retreat is scheduled for this year again:
Dr. Boone also has promoted the use of prayer labyrinths, and has had one there for years at Trevecca. After I exposed this more fully, he made excuses about it, and later re-named the labyrinth and called it something else. It is not just Trevecca doing this:
An Uneasy Accommodation To The LGBT Community
At Eastern Nazarene College, an LGBT support group was allowed to be established at Munro Hall. I sent a letter to Dr. McGee wondering how Bertha Munro would have felt, knowing an LGBT group was meeting in a building named in her honor. I received a reply their from former chaplain, with an excuse that the school does not necessarily sponsor the group, which was a lame excuse because all they had to do was say no to a group whose basic premise goes against Biblical values. And this same chaplain spoke in a chapel service several years ago, all but promoting a relaxation of biblical standards regarding homosexuality.
For Dr. Boone, all those things at ENC fit right in with his track record. He is known for accommodating the LGBT agenda at Trevecca, having allowed an extreme LGBT group to come on campus to have “a dialog.”
And lest we forget, at the last General Assembly, Dr. Boone was one of those most instrumental in arguing for postponing an attempt to strengthen the Church statement on homosexuality. It will be interesting to see what the arguments for this will be this year. I working on evidence that indicates that the denomination is in for a very difficult time regarding the homosexuality issue, which will lead to further division in the Church.
Hostility Towards Bible Believers
Dr. Boone has an utter disdain for Bible believing Christians, as shown in this article I wrote a few years ago. He has compared Bible Believing Christians to Islamic fundamentalists. He says that our appetites have been whetted “by religious blood in the water.” (
Promoting False Teachers
Dr. Boone is certainly no Bible traditionalist. He has very bad theology, he promotes false teachers, and he does not believe in the creation as told in Genesis. He was a prominent member of the group, Nazarenes Exploring Evolution, before it’s website suddenly closed down for no apparent reason. Until it closed down, folks like Dr. Boone were heartily endorsing the idea that God used evolution to create us. He was not alone in that group, and was joined by many well-respected pastors, professors and national leaders. Very frightening indeed.
In an older profile at Nazarene Theological Seminary, which is no longer posted, he said the following:
“…I am deepening in the mystical forms of prayer.”
Dr. Boone promotes one of the leading teachers of contemplative mysticism, false teacher Richard Foster. As an example, Foster makes the amazing claim that non-believers can also practice the Christian spiritual disciplines: “We need not be well advanced in matters of theology to practice the Disciplines. Recent converts–for that matter people who have yet to turn their lives over to Jesus Christ–can and should practice them” (Celebration of Discipline, 1978, p. 2).
Dr. Boone has called Thomas Merton and Ignatius of Loyola spiritual giants.
Merton was not a spiritual giant- he was a monk who said that he was “deeply impregnated with Sufism” because he believed that Eastern mysticism was compatible with and could be incorporated into Christianity.  He placed Mary high on a level equal to Jesus, he prayed to many catholic saints.  He was influenced by Aldous Huxley, who found enlightenment through hallucinogenic drugs.
Ignatius of Loyola was no wiser, and as the founder of the Jesuits he brutally persecuted Christians and swore complete submission to the pope.  As most Roman Catholics do, he venerated Mary.  He practiced extreme asceticism, living in a cave for a year and never bathing.  He also promoted and taught visualization prayers, breath prayers, and other unbiblical practices (Source: Way of Life).  Yet, Dan Boone calls him a spiritual giant.
In a Letter to Pastors he wrote in 2009, Dr. Boone not only erroneously claimed that the Roman Catholic church was the only church for 1500 years after Christ, but he also exposed more error along with his ecumenical get along with everyone philosophy.  How is it that we can “be one” with the Roman Catholic Church?
“While Nazarenes are different from Catholics in very significant ways, we believe that we will share eternity with them in the presence of the Christ who prayed that we might be one.”

His philosophy seems to be, anyone who claims the name of Jesus, no matter their belief otherwise, will spend eternity with Christ. This is contrary to Jesus’s teaching, and indicates Dr. Boone’s dangerous and ignorant thinking as he misleads others.
A Symptom Of A Bigger Problem
I am sure Dan Boone is a nice guy. But how long will the denomination continue to tolerate nice guys who teach bad theology, who do not believe in the creation account in Scripture, and who promote Roman Catholic mysticism? Sadly, the appointment of Dan Boone is merely a symptom of a much bigger problem in the Church of the Nazarene. Dan Boone is not going anywhere else because I wrote this article. I have no illusions of that.
It is going to take a huge cataclysmic event of spiritually challenging proportions to generate any kind of major opposition to the apostasy in the church. By then it might be too late. Will people only wake up at the next General Assembly if some earth shattering amendment is made regarding homosexuality, the next frontier in the Church? Will same sex relations be blessed in the church? Is it happening already, and you just don’t know it? Will homosexual “Christians” be a part of the accepted conversation?
Or perhaps, most of the sheep in the pews will they continue on pretending that all is well in a holiness denomination that only mouths the words, but does not live them anymore.
Holiness is becoming heresy right before our eyes.
Additional Documentation:
Dan Boone’s Involvement with Promoting Evolution
Dan Boone’s Dislike of Bible Believers
Dan Boone’s Involvement with SoulForce (LGBT advocates)
My Conversation with Dan Boone:
A Charitable Discourse?
Labyrinths and Prayer Stations