Tuesday, December 6, 2016



The left-wing elites and their running dogs in the enemedia are in one of their fictional publicity campaigns that they masquerade as urgent news. Their latest terror is “fake news sites.”

The New York Times reported shortly after the election that Google and Facebook “have faced mounting criticism over how fake news on their sites may have influenced the presidential election’s outcome.”
That was fake news in itself: “fake news” didn’t influence the presidential election’s outcome, all too real news about the wrong direction in which our nation was headed under Barack Obama did. Nevertheless, the Times said that “those companies responded by making it clear that they would not tolerate such misinformation by taking pointed aim at fake news sites’ revenue sources.”
How would they do that? “Google kicked off the action on Monday afternoon when the Silicon Valley search giant said it would ban websites that peddle fake news from using its online advertising service. Hours later, Facebook, the social network, updated the language in its Facebook Audience Network policy, which already says it will not display ads in sites that show misleading or illegal content, to include fake news sites.”
A Facebook spokesman explained: “We have updated the policy to explicitly clarify that this applies to fake news. Our team will continue to closely vet all prospective publishers and monitor existing ones to ensure compliance.”
The “fake news” controversy has become a huge international story, with the Los Angeles Times among those leading the charge with headlines such as “Want to keep fake news out of your news feed? College professor creates list of sites to avoid”; “Fake news writers: ‘Hillary Clinton, here are your deplorables’”; and “Fake news writers abuse the 1st Amendment and endanger democracy for personal profit.
There is conspiracy theory and there is conspiracy fact, and what we have on our hands is one mother of a left-wing conspiracy parading as a right wing conspiracy. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s diabolical. In the run-up to the election, I reported on a number of fake conservative new sites created by left-wing operatives in order to discredit the conservatives’ news sites. If you have a bogus conservative site, it makes a conservative site look questionable. “News sites” like the Baltimore Gazette and the National Report were dropping hoaxes for months to discredit conservatives who might pick up the story.
I always understood that the objective was to taint the conservative news sphere. Sites were created to spread disinformation and shame the right-wingers who jumped on it. This is classic disinformation. It’s always games, games, games… from the people who brought you Soros’ rent-a-mob — rioting, looting and destruction in cities, etc. even going so far as to risk a few deaths all for the cause. But what I didn’t see coming is their ultimate goal: the shut-down of free speech. The left wants to crush free speech, which has been in their cross-hairs for some time now.
The left is always preaching about true democracy, but they seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as they can. And they’re always harping about “controversial” matters that either don’t exist or are fabricated, or are of little import.
If a blogger or news writer gets a story wrong, does that designate him or her, or his or her site, as “fake news”? If that’s the case, they’ll have to shut down the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, CNN, etc. They get things wrong all the time. Every article written about my colleagues, my work, or myself is fake. Most of what they wrote and didn’t write about the Orlando mass slaughter at the gay nightclub was disinformation and deception.

If you issue a correction, does that somehow remove the fake news scarlet letter? This is all a big fat lie — it is an end-run around the First Amendment, and it’s disastrous. It is indeed true that Facebook has too much power, but banning “fake news” sites is hardly the solution. That’s Zuckerberg’s fix-it? It would be funny if it weren’t so Hitlerian. Facebook has too much power. Its news curators, mini-Goebbelians — are more frightening than Kafka’s antagonists. Facebook should be broken up like Ma Bell was. Facebook doesn’t decide what’s good and what’s forbidden. Left-wing fascists do not and must not decide what news people can and cannot see. But that’s exactly what we are seeing on Facebook.
Google Black Lists InfoWars as Fake News


Infowars Reporters Destroy "Fake Media" Lies


SEE: http://pamelageller.com/2016/12/rouhani-demands-obama-block-iran-sanctions-law-extension.html/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

The Senate voted 99-0 to extend sanctions. Now Rouhani is demanding that his servant Obama jump to do his bidding and block the new sanctions. But Rouhani’s time as master of the U.S. administration is running out: Trump is coming.
“Rouhani Urges Obama to Block Iran Sanctions Law Extension,” by Ladane Nasseri and Golnar Motevalli, Bloomberg, December 4, 2016 (thanks to Van):
Iran urged Barack Obama to block a law that would extend the U.S. president’s authority to impose sanctions on the Islamic Republic, calling it a violation of the Iranian nuclear deal.
On Thursday, the Senate voted 99-0 to extend the Iran Sanctions Act, which authorizes a president to prevent investment in Iran’s energy sector and other sensitive industries. While Obama has waived most sanctions under the nuclear accord, congressional leaders said keeping them in reserve provides valuable leverage against Iran. White House spokesman Eric Schultz said the bill won’t interfere with the U.S.-led nuclear agreement and he expected the president to sign it.
“If this law is implemented it will be a blatant violation of the Iran deal and it will lead to our resolute answer,” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told parliament on Sunday.
In response to the Senate vote, more than 260 members of Iran’s 290-seat parliament have called on Rouhani’s government to take unspecified reciprocal action against the U.S., Ahmad Amir-Abadi Farahani, a member of parliament’s presiding board, said in a statement cited by the official Islamic Republic News Agency.
Lawmakers interrupted Rouhani’s appearance in parliament, which was broadcast live on state television. Some briefly chanted “Death to America” when the president spoke about the Iran Sanctions Act and mentioned Obama, defying calls for calm from parliament speaker Ali Larijani….


SEE: http://pamelageller.com/2016/12/end-dark-age-trump-restart-space-exploration-rather-fund-climate-hoax.html/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

What wonderful news — investing in actual science and divesting from left wing lunacy. Some of man’s greatest achievements and scientific discoveries came from space exploration.
Obama changed NASA’s mission from space exploration to Muslim outreach. NASA’s Administrator explained that Obama had asked him to “find ways to reach out to dominantly Muslim countries.” (More here: Obama ‘s stone age)


The president elect could put men on the moon once again – and use money from the climate change budget to do it
By Jeff Parsons, The Mirror, November 23, 2016 (thanks to Van):
Sending Americans back to the moon could also hinge on the appointment of Newt Gingrich, a high-profile Republican, to a top job at NASA.
Gingrich has been a vocal supporter of returning to the moon and has even spoken in the past about creating a permanent base there. He says that such a settlement could sustain around 13,000 people and possibly even become a new American state .
However, investing in a moon mission is likely to divert funds from NASA’s Earth Sciences division which researches climate change.
Moon Base
Moon Base (Photo: European Space Agency)
The division has received a 50% funding increase since president Obama took over. This year it received $1.92 billion at the same time as Obama proposed cutting funding for deep space exploration.
The Donald’s views on climate change are no secret. He has referred to it in the past as a Chinese hoax and claimed it was invented to limit American manufacturing and growth.
Therefore, it’s not much of a stretch to see NASA’s budgets and priorities overhauled during the Trump administration with a focus to putting astronauts back on the moon.
Donald Trump (Photo: Getty)
Speaking to The Telegraph , a former congressman who has advised Trump on space policy called NASA a “logistics agency concentrating on space station resupply and politically correct environmental monitoring.”
Bob Walker said that the incoming administration would “start by having a stretch goal of exploring the entire solar system by the end of the century.”
“You stretch your technology experts and create technologies that wouldn’t otherwise be needed. I think aspirational goals are a good thing. Fifty years ago it was the ability to go to the moon.”




SEE: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/item/24768-illinois-governor-vetoes-chicago-bailout-billrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner (shown) vetoed a bill on December 1 that would have provided a $215 million bailout of the Chicago public schools. So certain were school officials that he would sign it — allowing them to make a past-due payment to the Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund — that they made it a part of their budget for next year.
The original bill passed by Democrat super majorities in both houses was for $700 million, but during negotiations Rauner, a Republican, agreed to $215 million instead, in exchange for a promise that the Democrats would institute real pension reform. Once the bill hit Rauner’s desk, however, all deals were off: Give us the money, said the Democrats, and forget pension reform.
Rauner’s veto message is instructive in several regards. It shows how difficult it is for recalcitrant Illinois Democrats to grasp hard reality, and how willing they are to make agreements in order to get what they want — agreements they had no intention of keeping. The governor stated:
Today I return Senate Bill 2822, which would give $215,000,000 to Chicago Public Schools [CPS] without having reached an agreement on comprehensive pension reforms for the State and local governments. In June we agreed on a six-month funding bridge [conditioned upon] an agreement to end the budget impasse. As a pre-condition to funding schools statewide … we … agreed to provide CPS with $215,000,000 … but only if we came together to pass comprehensive reform. Without [those reforms] taxpayer money would continue to be wasted on bailout after bailout…. Today [Senate leaders] denied … that this bill would depend upon first enacting comprehensive pension reform.
Chicago Public Schools CEO Forest Claypool scoffed at the idea that there was any agreement, insisting that Rauner had an agenda that involved hurting the innocent school children in order to get his way. Involving hints of racism, Claypool’s rant is textbook blame-shifting:
Governor Rauner has today acted impulsively and recklessly, reneging on his promise to our school children, their teachers and their parents…. By going back on his word, Governor Rauner is treating Chicago children like they deserve less than every other child in our state. With a stroke of a pen, the governor has relegated poor, minority children to second-class status….
Within hours of the veto, the Democrat super majority in the Illinois State Senate overrode it and passed it on to the House. The House decided to wait until after the first of the year and adjourned for the year without an override vote.
This is how the game of “kick the can” is played in Illinois. Huffington Post explained the rules of the game candidly in October:
Funding pensions in Illinois has been anathema for decades to the operating theory of most politicians, who greatly prefer to spend money today on things voters can see and love immediately [rather] than to sock it away in pension systems. Elected officials get a lot more bang from state budget bucks that lead to ribbon cuttings than from those that bring only nods of approval from pension actuaries.
Perhaps the greatest denial of reality was expressed by Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who declared:
Make no mistake: it’s our children who will pay the price. The governor is lashing out … and proving just the latest example of his willingness to put the burden of his failures on the backs of the state’s most vulnerable citizens, whether it’s schoolchildren, college students, seniors, or those living with disabilities.
Estimates vary, but experts say that Chicago has unfunded pension liabilities approaching a hundred billion dollars. The $215 million would have enabled the city to make an overdue pension payment to the teachers’ union of $730 million.
The real issue isn’t funding Chicago’s shortfall, making good on teachers’ pensions, exercising some type of race- or class-based punishment on schoolchildren, or instituting a vendetta on one’s political enemies. It’s much deeper than that.
Chicago is bankrupt. It has been bankrupt for at least the last 10 years. It has been losing jobs, and tax revenues, for years, in an “unstoppable downward economic spiral,” said Michael Bargo at American Thinker. Chicago’s population has fallen below where it was in 1920, while the number of white people living in the city has declined to below where it was in 1890. In 2015, the Chicago area lost more than 6,200 residents, the “greatest population loss of any metropolitan area in the U.S.," according to Bargo. And half of them are millionaires who got tired of bearing the increasing burden imposed by Democrats.
Since Mayor Harold Washington issued his Executive Sanctuary City Order in 1985, illegal immigration has put increasing burdens on those still working. Refusing to face reality, Democrats have continued raising property taxes, increasing the city’s bonded indebtedness and taxes on everything a resident buys: gasoline, cable TV, phone service, alcohol, and parking stickers, among other things.
The state lost 105,000 residents last year and now sports the lowest credit rating of all 50 states along with the highest unemployment rate in the lower 48.
And so far nothing has been said here about Chicago’s provable position as the murder capital of the country.
Why Governor Bruce Rauner, himself a millionaire, not only remains a resident but also the only apparent voice of reason as the state’s governor, is unknown. He sees the problem: pension promises that cannot be kept that were made by politicians who don’t care. To them it’s a hot potato to be passed on to the next legislature to solve.
But it isn’t solvable. Teachers who were planning to retire and move to Arizona or Florida (each retiree is actuarially expected to receive $2 million from Illinois taxpayers over their retirement lifetimes) will be forced to make other plans. The students will see facilities continue to close. Taxpayers, most of whom are already on some form of federal welfare assistance, will continue to be crushed.
The only ones likely to escape Chicago’s descent into another Detroit are the politicians who voted promises that they knew couldn’t be kept. They’ll be long gone, leaving the mess they have created behind.


SEE: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/constitution/item/24767-congress-gives-fbi-power-to-hack-computers-of-millions-of-americansrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Congress just failed to block a change to a federal rule of criminal procedure granting the FBI power to hack into the personal computers of millions of Americans without obtaining a constitutionally sound warrant as required by the Fourth Amendment.
On November 30, a last-ditch effort by a bipartisan quartet of senators to stall the rule change that cleared the FBI’s access to personal computers failed in committee, thus the new language is in effect as of December 1.
Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Christopher Coons (D-Del.), and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) co-sponsored S. 3485, the Stalling Damaging Hacking Act of 2016 in a now abortive attempt to prevent the federal law enforcement agency from gaining immense and intrusive access to the personal computers of citizens of the United States.
“This rule change would give the government unprecedented authority to hack into Americans’ personal devices. This was an alarming proposition before the election,” Wyden said in a statement e-mailed to BuzzFeed News. “Today, Congress needs to think long and hard about whether to hand this power to [FBI Director] James Comey and the administration of someone who openly said he wants the power to hack his political opponents the same way Russia does.”
The outcome was predictable, sadly, but here are the details of the procedural death of the bill as reported byThe Hill:
“Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and Chris Coons (D-Del.) took to the floor and unsuccessfully asked for unanimous consent to either pass or formally vote on three bills to delay or prevent updates to the process used by law enforcement to get a warrant to hack suspects’ computers,” the report continued.
“'We simply can’t give unlimited power for unlimited hacking,’ Daines argued.”
Apparently we can, seeing as how a similar gambit undertaken a few days earlier by Wyden and Paul was equally futile.
As of December 1, then, the Obama administration took a tyrannical step forward in its quest toward the de facto repeal of the Fourth Amendment.
Here’s how the latest legislative failure to block the betrayal began.
In November of 2104, the Obama Justice Department asked that a committee be empaneled to amend Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (FRCP).
Section (b) of that provision begins:
Authority to Issue a Warrant. At the request of a federal law enforcement officer or an attorney for the government:
a magistrate judge with authority in the district — or if none is reasonably available, a judge of a state court of record in the district — has authority to issue a warrant to search for and seize a person or property located within the district;
a magistrate judge with authority in the district has authority to issue a warrant for a person or property outside the district if the person or property is located within the district when the warrant is issued but might move or be moved outside the district before the warrant is executed….
In plain terms, judges may issue search warrants only within the districts where they have jurisdiction. The FBI wants this restriction removed.
Specifically, with the congressional failure to protect the Fourth Amendment, the FBI can now require a judge to issue an electronic surveillance warrant authorizing the feds to search the contents of a computer, regardless of where that computer is physically located.
The National Journal sees it another way, however.
In an article praising the rule change, the author of the National Journal piece insists that the updated Rule 41 will allow FBI and law enforcement “to better track and investigate criminals who use technology to conceal their identity and location, a practice that has become more common and sophisticated in recent years.”
Something interesting about the National Journal’s summary of the FBI’s request is its use of the word “criminal” to describe the owner of the computer that the government wants to track and tap.
Until recently in the United States, a person was not a “criminal” until he had been subject to the due process of law, specifically: a charge of committing a crime, a hearing by an impartial tribunal on the merit of those charges, an opportunity for the accused to answer those charges, and finally, conviction of having the committing the crime.
Due process is a check on monarchical power that goes back 800 years to the enactment of the Magna Carta in 1215!
Over the years, the Magna Carta was occasionally revised and amended. In 1354, the phrase “due process of law” appeared for the first time. The Magna Carta as amended in 1354 says: “No man of what state or condition he be, shall be put out of his lands or tenements nor taken, nor disinherited, nor put to death, without he be brought to answer by due process of law.”
This fundamental restraint on the royal presumption of the power to lop off heads on command was incorporated by our Founders in the Bill of Rights, where they declared that “No person shall ... be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”
On November 30, Rare published an analysis by Bonnie Kristian, and her take on the damage done to fundamental liberty by this rule change is spot on. Kristian writes:
The DOJ insists this change is totally no big deal, but nothing could be further from the truth. On the contrary, the revised Rule 41 lets the feds do two new things:
1. if the government wants to hack a computer using this software, federal agents can shop around for judges until they find one who will rubber stamp their requests. (Previously, they were limited to judges with direct geographic jurisdiction.)
2. The second part of the rule change is arguably even worse. It’s about investigating botnets, which are virtual networks created when a hacker infects thousands or even millions of computers with malware, allowing him to remotely control them. Compromised computers in botnets can be used for illegal activities without their owners’ knowledge. With the new Rule 41, if the FBI is investigating a botnet, it can get a judge (again, this could be just about any federal magistrate judge) to issue a single warrant letting the agency hack any computer they suspect might be infected. For a really big botnet, that means the feds would be allowed to secretly poke around literally millions of Americans’ computers under just one warrant.
It is likely that the impetus for this increased pressure to pry into the electronic “papers and effects” of suspected criminals was the move by tech giants — particularly Google and Apple — to protect the data stored on customers’ devices from the prying eyes of the agents of the federal surveillance state.
"In one way or another, our entire lives — our social lives, our work lives — reside online and on these devices," FBI director Comey said during a White House conference a year ago when the rules were announced. 
"And that's a great thing. But that's also where the bad guys are,” he added.
Again, what the federal government fails to understand is that their word is not the law. 
The Constitution is the law, and the Fourth Amendment to that document requires that a warrant be issued, and that such a warrant be “supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
Furthermore, “bad guys” are not “bad guys” until the due process of law has determined them to be such. Until that time, they are just citizens whose rights must be protected if we are to remain a free Republic ruled by law rather than the edicts of would-be despots.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Aliens Crossing
 There was bad news today from the border. Various media outlets reported that in the 2016 fiscal year, more than 408,000 illegal aliens crossed the southern border–that we know of! Only God and maybe George Soros know how many slipped in undetected. And many of the illegal aliens were from Cuba, Haiti and the Muslim nations in the Middle East.
President-elect Trump is on the spot by promising to handle the immigration problem. We will see if he has the character and determination to lead the Congress to keep his promise. He sure has a mandate to get the job done.
As the population expands, the cost of services must expand. More police, firefighters, health inspectors, schools, and teachers. If immigrants don’t pay their share, then legitimate taxpayers must pay the bill. Of course, adding new non-producing families does not always add cost to all government programs such as national defense, scientific research, spending on veterans, etc. Such costs are not impacted by any number of illegal immigrants; however, that would not be the case for fire and police protection and school teachers, and road repair.
If a citizen receives a benefit which he or she has not financed through taxes then someone else has had to pay that share. I caused a stir on national television when I stated, “If I get money I did not earn then someone earned money they did not receive. That’s thievery.” I added fuel to the fire by adding, “This nation of producers has become a nation of parasites.” Amazingly, the whole crowd stood to their feet and cheered! (And it wasn’t a Christian or conservative or political crowd.) Most people expect to pay their own way and consider it poor character if they don’t.
A few years ago, I was told by a post office official in San Luis, Arizona that their office has 11,200 post office boxes in a town of about 3,000 people because people living across the border in Mexico use them as a permanent American address to collect public benefits. Courtesy of YOU. Don’t you feel warm and fuzzy knowing that you go to work each day to support parasites across the border? …But what if we actually followed this impractical, difficult, life-changing teaching of Jesus? What if we showed love and forgiveness for those who tried to hurt us? What if we served those who slander our names? What if we gave selflessly to refugees instead of debating their worthiness? What if we urged our governors to open their doors in the face of fear? What if we offered compassion in the face of cruelty? What if we took the time to recognize that a hate group does not represent the entire Muslim population? What if we prayed for ISIS?”
Since people migrating from Middle East nations, Mexico, and South America often have lower skills, they are more likely to request public assistance, gorge the public school system, overwhelm the health care industry, and spike the crime reports. Bigotry? Not at all. Just the facts. Did you know that 15% of California students are illegal aliens and they cost California citizens over 11 billion dollars per year for health, education, and incarceration!
Moreover, 25% of inmates in federal prisons are criminal aliens and are not in prison for being gatecrashers but for committing crimes in the U.S.! Furthermore, about 300,000 of all state and local prisoners are illegal aliens! You are funding them! Additionally, 75% of those on the most wanted list in L.A. are illegals. The following stats from  the Foreign National Crime Information Center should sober any pro-immigration zealot:
  • 83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.
  • 75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles , Phoenix, and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.
  • 24.9% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals.
  • 40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals.
  • 48.2% of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals.
  • According to the Government Accountability Office, 25% of prisoners in Federal prisons are illegal aliens who have been arrested an average of seven times!
  • 53% plus of all investigated burglaries reported in California , New Mexico , Nevada , Arizona and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.
  • 50% plus of all gang members in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
  • 71% plus of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by Illegal aliens or ”transport coyotes .”
  • 47% of cited/stopped drivers in California have no license, no insurance, and no registration for the vehicle and 92% of that 47% are illegal aliens.
  • 63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance, and no registration for the vehicle and 97% of that 63% are illegal aliens.
  • 66% of cited/stopped drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance, and no registration for the vehicle and   98% of that 66% are illegal aliens.
Furthermore, information in the FBI’s 79-page National Gang Report published in 2013, proves to any reasonable person that illegal immigrants are a major threat to all Americans especially, but not exclusively, along the southern border.
FoxNews.com reported that federal statistics reveal, “The estimated 11.7 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. account for 13.6 percent of all offenders sentenced for crimes committed in the U.S. Twelve percent of murder sentences, 20 percent of kidnapping sentences and 16 percent of drug trafficking sentences are meted out to illegal immigrants.” Those numbers even shock me!
But it gets worse! Foxnews.com continued to report that there are about 2.1 million “legal or illegal immigrants with criminal convictions living free or behind bars in the U.S., according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Secure Communities office! Each year, about 900,000 legal and illegal immigrants are arrested, and 700,000 are released from jail, prison, or probation. ICE estimates that there are more than 1.2 million criminal aliens at large in the U.S.” Sleep well tonight, friends.
According to the FBI, criminal gangs are wreaking havoc in the U.S., with 65 jurisdictions nationwide reporting gang-related offenses committed with firearms account for at least 95 percent of crime in those areas. Gangs are responsible for an average of 48 percent of violent crime in most jurisdictions and up to 90 percent in several others, according to National Gang Intelligence Center analysis.
The report further documented gangs in Southwestern border regions consisting of up to 80 percent illegal aliens were committing a multitude of crimes in America, “including drug-related crimes, weapons trafficking, alien smuggling, human trafficking, prostitution, extortion, robbery, auto theft, assault, homicide, racketeering, and money laundering.”
  1. S. gangs consist of several types of groups, including street gangs ,prison gangs , motorcycle gangs , and ethnic and organized crime gangs. Approximately 1.4 million people were part of gangs as of 2011, and more than 33,000 gangs were active in the United States.
Furthermore, criminal street gangs—mostly comprised of illegal immigrants—are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the United States and are the primary distributors of most illicit drugs.
Now, build your case for immigration!
Boys’ new book  Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; t o get your copy, click here . An eBook edition is also available.
(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives; ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis, wrote columns for USA Today for eight years; authored 15 books and hundreds of columns and articles for Internet and print media publications; defended his beliefs on hundreds of talk shows. These columns go to newspapers, magazines, television, and radio stations and may be used without change from title through the end tag. His web sites are www.cstnews.com and www.Muslimfact.com and www.thegodhaters.com . Contact Don for an interview or talk show.)
Follow Dr. Boys on Facebook at CSTNews and TheGodHaters , Twitter , and visit his blog .
Obama administration 
against FBI databases, approves citizenship
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

President Obama’s days in the White House are short now, but that hasn’t slowed his traitorous acts of sabotage. He means for us to suffer his presidency long after he’s gone.
The Obama administration announced that 175 immigrants were approved for citizenship even though their names were not being run through a basic FBI name-check database.


Homeland Security officials blamed “computer code” for the problem, which affected about 15,000 applications. These left-wing clowns are responsible for our safety?


By Stephen Dinan – The Washington Times – Sunday, December 4, 2016 (thanks to Todd):
 WASHINGTON – MARCH 09: The seal of the F.B.I. hangs in the Flag Room at the bureau’s headquarters March 9, 2007 in Washington, DC. F.B.I. Director Robert Mueller was responding to a report by the Justice Department inspector general that concluded the FBI had committed 22 violations in its collection of information through the use of national security letters. The letters, which the audit numbered at 47,000 in 2005, allow the agency to collect information like telephone, banking and e-mail records without a judicially approved subpoena. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
Some 175 immigrants were approved for citizenship even though their names weren’t properly run through the FBI’s name-check databases, potentially missing red flags that may have disqualified them from naturalization, the Obama administration admitted this weekend.
Homeland Security officials blamed computer code for the problem, which affected about 15,000 applications in total.
The problem was significant enough that the government halted all naturalization ceremonies already in the pipeline and banned U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services officers from approving new citizenship applications beginning on Nov. 29, when officials acknowledged the problem in an internal email that was later obtained by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte.
In the internal email, Daniel M. Renaud, associate director at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, ordered all officers “not to approve or oath any naturalization cases in ELIS,” referring to the Electronic Immigration System that serves as the case management system for processing applications.
“At this point we are not confident that proper FBI Name Checks have been run on certain ELIS cases. At this point we are uncertain of the scope of the problem,” he wrote.
It was another embarrassing black eye for USCIS, which earlier this year admitted it had granted citizenship to hundreds of criminals who should have been barred but who escaped notice because the agency wasn’t properly checking their fingerprints. Tens of thousands of fingerprints remain in paper files, and the agency was only checking electronic records, an internal audit said.
Mr. Goodlatte said he was stunned that USCIS didn’t notify him, as the chairman of the committee that oversees the agency, of the new problem. He only learned about it after a source provided him with Mr. Renaud’s internal email.
Homeland Security said the problem arose as part of the ongoing push to digital processing of citizenship applications.
Some 15,000 applications were affected, including about 175 people who had their applications approved despite not having an accurate name check, the department said. Those persons have all had their names resubmitted to the FBI for an update.
FBI name checks are a critical part of the application process, giving immigration officers a look at potential criminal histories or other national security red flags that would make someone ineligible for citizenship.
Mr. Goodlatte demanded USCIS detail when it discovered the problem and how many cases were affected, and said the agency should take steps to strip citizenship from anyone who shouldn’t have been approved.
Homeland Security spokesman Aaron Rodriguez said the department will respond directly to Mr. Goodlatte, but insisted officials take the background process seriously.
The spokesman said FBI name checks are one of a number of steps in the process, each aimed at weeding out bad citizenship applications. But Mr. Rodriguez said the name checks are a critical part of the process, and must be completed before someone is cleared to come in for a naturalization interview.
“Naturalization applications represent a significant portion of USCIS’ caseload, and as with any major system change, some challenges were expected as we moved to electronic processing of the N-400. We will continue to employ multiple quality controls to ensure the integrity of the naturalization process,” the spokesman said.
In his email to employees, Mr. Renaud said officers were allowed to continue conducting citizenship interviews but could not issue a final approval. In emergency cases where the case must be decided or an oath administered, he said, officers needed to get written confirmation from a regional office that the FBI information in the system was correct. In the internal email, Daniel M. Renaud, associate director at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, ordered all officers “not to approve or oath any naturalization cases in ELIS,” referring to the Electronic Immigration System that serves as the case management system for processing applications.
“At this point we are not confident that proper FBI Name Checks have been run on certain ELIS cases. At this point we are uncertain of the scope of the problem,” he wrote.
It was another embarrassing black eye for USCIS, which earlier this year admitted it had granted citizenship to hundreds of criminals who should have been barred but who escaped notice because the agency wasn’t properly checking their fingerprints. Tens of thousands of fingerprints remain in paper files, and the agency was only checking electronic records, an internal audit said.
Mr. Goodlatte said he was stunned that USCIS didn’t notify him, as the chairman of the committee that oversees the agency, of the new problem. He only learned about it after a source provided him with Mr. Renaud’s internal email.
Homeland Security said the problem arose as part of the ongoing push to digital processing of citizenship applications.
Some 15,000 applications were affected, including about 175 people who had their applications approved despite not having an accurate name check, the department said. Those persons have all had their names resubmitted to the FBI for an update.
FBI name checks are a critical part of the application process, giving immigration officers a look at potential criminal histories or other national security red flags that would make someone ineligible for citizenship.
Mr. Goodlatte demanded USCIS detail when it discovered the problem and how many cases were affected, and said the agency should take steps to strip citizenship from anyone who shouldn’t have been approved.
Homeland Security spokesman Aaron Rodriguez said the department will respond directly to Mr. Goodlatte, but insisted officials take the background process seriously.
The spokesman said FBI name checks are one of a number of steps in the process, each aimed at weeding out bad citizenship applications. But Mr. Rodriguez said the name checks are a critical part of the process, and must be completed before someone is cleared to come in for a naturalization interview.
“Naturalization applications represent a significant portion of USCIS’ caseload, and as with any major system change, some challenges were expected as we moved to electronic processing of the N-400. We will continue to employ multiple quality controls to ensure the integrity of the naturalization process,” the spokesman said.
In his email to employees, Mr. Renaud said officers were allowed to continue conducting citizenship interviews but could not issue a final approval. In emergency cases where the case must be decided or an oath administered, he said, officers needed to get written confirmation from a regional office that the FBI information in the system was correct.