Friday, November 25, 2016




Triumph of God's Kingdom in a Broken World
In this new That The World May Know video Bible study, author and Bible teacher, Ray Vander Laan takes you on a journey in Israel to explore what it means to be a kingdom of priests in a prodigal world by discovering the mission that God gave his people many centuries ago and how that impacts us today.

In each lesson, Vander Laan illuminates the historical, geographical, and cultural context of the sacred Scriptures. Filmed on location in Israel, the That the World May Know DVD series will transform your understanding of God and challenge you to be a true follower of Jesus.
The Mission of Jesus Small Group Bible Study 
by Ray Vander Laan - Trailer

The Mission of Jesus Small Group Bible Study by Ray Vander Laan 



SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

“My people have become lost sheep; Their shepherds have led them astray, They have made them turn aside on the mountains; They have gone along from mountain to hill, And have forgotten their resting place.” (Jeremiah 50:6, NASB)
Heading Into Jewish Kabbalistic Mystic Spiritual Bondage
Many are new to the mystical Messianic musings of Rob Bell, rock star icon within the sinfully ecumenical neo-liberal cult of the Emergent Church aka the Emerging Church with its quasi-universalism in a new version of postmodern Progressive Christian theology under their spiritual circus “big tent” of empty Emergence Christianity.
What they don’t know is how he rose to prominence through his own leaning heavily on the teachings of Ray Vander Laan. Here’s the link to some more research at Relational Concepts, Inc., which is a group of Michigan pastors have done extensive research into Ray Vander Laan and also reviewed Velvet Elvis, which is the first book by Rob Bell.
And then in this letter to Apprising Ministries a reader describes the adverse effects on a Christian school in their community which has also come under Vander Laan’s questionable influence:
I live in a fairly large community and our local Christian school has been taken over by Ray Vander Laan followers. The Bible dept. was handed over to a long time protégé of RVL. The school president and several board members became enamored with Ray Vander Laan after taking a trip with him to Israel.
Being doctrinally conservative and a serious student of the Word for over 20 years, I started seeing red flags all over the place. The children were reciting the Jewish Shema 3 times a day in Hebrew. The high schoolers got a heavy dose of Rob Bell too. Mezusah boxes started showing up on the classroom doorways. The students were introduced to a ritual Mikvah cleansing at retreats and chapels.
A group of parents formed behind the scenes to advise the board and president about our doctrinal concerns. We were placated and ask to trust them. After a long and ugly battle, we gave up our school and left with about 30 other families.
Rob Bell calls Ray Vander Laan his Rabbi. Interesting.
By the way Rob Bell produced RVL’s most recent video “Dust of the Rabbi”.
Would be interested to hear your comments on my research into RVL. Thanks.
Because of Him,
Just Say No To “Rabbi” Ray
 See also:
"This paper is a summary of the dangers of using extra-biblical ancient Jewish culture to determine the meaning of the Bible. As in my previous critique, “How Jewish Do You Have to be to Understand the Bible?”, I will specifically focus on the hermeneutics of Ray Vander Laan. As I’ve said before, I have nothing against Mr. Vander Laan personally; I’ve never met the man. But Vander Laan is the teacher in my area (West Michigan) who is the lead proponent of this method of interpretation. Since I am most acquainted with his teachings, they will be the subject of my critique. As a supplement to my earlier critique, I will now summarize and reinforce the point that using culture to determine meaning is a poor method of interpretation which the body of Christ should not espouse. 
Specifically, I will show that culturally based methods of interpretation, such as Vander Laan’s, lead to the following: 1) The explicit denial of the sufficiency of Scripture 2) The implicit denial of the inerrancy of the Bible 3) The potential denial of Christianity’s central doctrines 4) The conclusion that context is irrelevant to determining meaning 5) The Gnostic approach to spiritual understanding and growth 6) The affirmation that biblical texts have many meanings, but the assumption that only the culturally based interpretation is correct 7) The average Christian will not study their Bible.  
Commentary: Notice that Vander Laan states that a Westerner can’t get to the proper meaning of the text unless he understands it through VanderLaan’s extra-biblical/Eastern interpretation. Here again Vander Laan reinforces the fact that the Bible is not sufficient. Also, because the extra knowledge you need to understand is only known by a few, Vander Laan’s methods reduce to Gnosticism, in that, unless you have special/secret knowledge, you will not get the proper meaning, even after a thousand readings of the text.
  In an analysis of a speech given by Vander Laan, Wayne Grudem writes: “Vander Laan’s approach is deeply troubling because he would take away the ability of ordinary readers to read, understand, believe, and hold firm to the words of the Bible for themselves. And he would take away the ability of ordinary believers to quote a verse from the Bible to prove that a particular teaching was right or wrong. His approach takes away the Bible from the people.”


Pardoning The Criminal Turkey: An American Precedent
Published on Nov 24, 2016
As we sit back and enjoy the company of family this 2016 Thanksgiving Day is it too much to ask to remember those that have sacrificed to protect your basic rights? Where would we be after this monstrosity of a Presidential election? And as the spy state grows with the coming implementation of Rule 41, where would we be right now without Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, and Edward Snowden? Its always the heroes that die or are imprisoned fighting for the undeniable truth. While it never fails that it is the turkeys in Washington D.C. that always get pardoned. Jon Bowne reporting.


Obama makes final Thanksgiving turkey pardon


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

By Debra Rae

November 25, 2016
Social Emotional Learning in an Era of Entitlement
The National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health reports that one in five American children experiences social, emotional, and/or behavioral challenges. In the wake of America’s 2016 Presidential election, this statistic presumably spiraled as tearful youth showed themselves unable to cope with the outcome of our democratic process. Widespread meltdown inflicted adult counterparts who fared no better.[1] Defeat simply was not acceptable.[2]
Weak-in-the-knee response stands in stark contrast to the rugged individualism modeled in the Old West. Charles Portis’ novel, True Grit (1968), recounts a perilous wilderness journey undertaken by a tenacious 14-year-old girl. Seeking the murderer of her father, Mattie gains respect of the toughest deputy US Marshal whom, for his true grit, she recruits to help get the job done. In the face of grievous loss and severe hardship, Mattie remains tough as nails.[3] Rather than sulk or wither in defeat, she maintains keen focus and, when thwarted, courageously doubles her efforts.[4]
Not so in post-election America. More akin to Chicken Little, bummed kids have given way to depression, fear, and anxiety as if they’d heard too many scary bedtime tales of some terrifying Orange Monster, who swallowed sixteen lesser monsters in order to grasp rule of the kingdom.[5] No doubt kids’ responses mirror reactions of their parents and teachers.[6] Few among us escape the dogged drama of what Gregory Johnson calls “a myopic, cult-like sectarian, neo-liberal cocoon of copy-and-paste journalism.”[7]
It’s no wonder a Washington, D.C. clinical psychologist told The Atlantic that his clients are showing higher levels of dismay over the election outcome than what he'd previously observed in 25 years of practice. NBC news reported that Democratic staffers were so distraught that “therapy dogs,” including two golden doodles, were brought to Capitol Hill to help the bereaved cope with reality.[8]
The Therapeutic Classroom
To soften knowledge that, indeed, the sky is falling, educators at all levels pull out all stops by extending recess periods, offering yoga, meditation, and mindfulness work (K-8).[9] It is undetermined how many youngsters have even the faintest grasp of issues at stake, but no matter. Teachers dutifully create exercises (brainstorming, role playing, and listening circles) designed to help youngsters work through their presumed grief. Doing so, educators emphasize “soft skills,” such as being introspective and reflective—hardly the stuff of rigorous classical education. But I digress.
In a district-wide letter to teachers and parents, Boston Superintendent Tommy Chang offered students and staff a gaggle of counselors to assuage their seemingly inconsolable heartache. Chang tweeted, “Students, we [heart-emoji] you. You are intelligent and beautiful. We are here for you today and always. Please share your feelings today.”[10]
Coddled Campus Crybabies
Immediately following the election, college campus crybabies were equally coddled. Students at Cornell University staged a “cry-in,” and Yale University officials helped students vent their “internalized stress” by hosting a “group scream.” One Professor at Palo Alto University led post-election “Whine and Wine” group therapy, and free hugs accompanied community speak-outs. Troubled Yale students were excused from midterm examinations, and Berkeley students walked out of classes.[11] Lesson learned: Life’s obligations take back seat to one’s feelings.[12]
Other US campuses organized therapeutic poetry readings. Distraught pupils were ushered into binky optional nap- and crying- rooms equipped with adult coloring books, play dough, and healthy snacks. The University of Kansas provided the comfort of therapy dogs; others served cookies, tea and/or hot chocolate.[13]
As a reminder that “people matter,” the Princeton Public Library created a blank wall for Post-it messages, and the William F. Laman Public Library in North Little Rock, Arkansas, created tear-off posters with individual messages of encouragement to reinforce how “awesome” kids are. Students at the University of Iowa were blitzed with handwritten condolence signage.[14]
“Yes!” to Tantrums (Acts of Defiance, Even Civil Disobedience)
Elite New York schools turned a blind eye to violent, anti-Trump protests and walk outs, staged by disgruntled youth and fostered by adult enablers. To spare delicate sensibilities of staff and students, college campuses censored Trump signs and slogans, deemed unnecessarily unsettling to bereaved liberals; and some schools tolerated “F--- Trump” Protests. At the University of Texas, representatives of the local Communist Party were permitted to march openly with khaffia-wearing pro-Palestinian groups; however, in the name of peace and harmony, conservative voices were restricted on the University of Rochester campus.[15] Why? Right-leaning messages might crush an already fragile student body refusing to acknowledge Trump as their President Elect.
Dog-Whistle Politics and Sexism
The Presidential election offers a perfect venue for students to cultivate flexibility and true grit by accepting what they cannot change, sorting fact from fiction, and making the most of disappointment, but: Rather than review and applaud America’s election process, rather than guide students to accept defeat, educators instead resorted to excessive coddling, all the while decrying dog-whistle politics and sexism.[16] Using tweets, a video, and a poster, students examined policy goals of the Black Lives Matter Movement.”[17]Another classroom activity included creating a timeline for protests against racial injustice and police killings, as initiated by NFL quarterback, Colin Kaepernick.[18]
SEL to the Rescue
Most agree that the staggering pace and ever escalating intensity of 21st century life warrants special attention. Healthy coping requires a unique skill set, hopefully nourished and reinforced early on in the home and at school. That said parents are best equipped to discern and capitalize on unique distinctions of their own child’s psyche, temperament, sensibilities, and the like.[19] Accordingly, a perceptive parent intervenes to shape his child’s character, set behavioral standards, affirm good choices and, when necessary, correct poor ones—always in a manner consistent with the child’s age, gender, and emotional constitution. Unfortunately, too many parents have absconded this role in deference to organs of the Nanny State.
Traditionally, competition, honest evaluation and correction, a deserved “atta’ boy,” and encouragement to “buck up” went a long way toward establishing what today is called “emotional intelligence.” It’s thought that grasp of how words, actions, facial expressions, and body language affect relationships measures one’s “emotional intelligence.”[20]
Today’s version of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) claims to teach skills for setting personal goals aimed at working well with others, feeling sympathy/empathy, identifying problems and, while making ethical choices, initiating help-seeking and help-giving behaviors.[21]
This is all well and good, but my questions are these: How are social-emotional benchmark objectives working for kids? Is cooperating with others really accomplished by staging walkouts? Must the focus of sympathy/empathy favor a limited subset of like minded people? Do political pundits and mainstream media anchors reflect, or instead set, universal behavioral standards? How age appropriate are help-seeking and help-giving behaviors that promote university level “cry-ins” and “group screams”? Lastly, what “ethical” choices rightly affirm “F--- Trump” protests and censorship?
Research has shown that learning from failure is a key to success, but it would appear that, unless ascribed to an opponent, failure is no longer an option. Rather than deal with reality, students learn that defeat and disappointment are to be coddled and/or acted out in temper tantrums. In a word, “true grit” is passé. To that, I say, “Come on, America! We can do better than this.”[22]
1. (Accessed 15 November 2016); “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing, 2 Corinthians 4:8 (NAS 1977).
2. “For a just man falls seven times, and rises up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief,” Proverbs 24:16 (AKJV).
3. "Be strong, and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people and for the cities of our God; and may the LORD do what is good in His sight," 2 Samuel 10:12 (NAS).
4. True Grit. (Accessed 15 November 2016)
5. The Tale of Election 2016 w/ Benedict Cumberbatch. (Accessed 15 November 2016)
6. "Then you will prosper, if you are careful to observe the statutes and the ordinances which the LORD commanded Moses concerning Israel. Be strong and courageous, do not fear nor be dismayed,” 1 Chronicles 22:13.
7. Post-Election Fear and Trauma Among College Students and Youth. (Accessed 15 November 2016)
8. Therapy dogs visit capitol hill to relieve post election stress. (Accessed 15 November 2016)
9. In a research article by Meiklejohn, Phillips, Freeman, et al (Integrating Mindfulness Training into K-12 Education, 2012), authors share neurobiology research suggesting sustained mindfulness practice can enhance attention and emotional self-regulation skills.
10. Boston schools offer counseling support for students (Accessed 15 November 2016)
11. Deep radio whine and wine post election group therapy(Accessed 15 November 2016)
12. “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things,” 1 Corinthians 13:11 (KJV).
13. Post election liberal meltdown cry-ins, therapy dogs. (Accessed 15 November 2016)
14. Post election library. (Accessed 15 November 2016)
15. Post election group therapy. (Accessed 15 November 2016)
16. Talking abour race without taking abour race. (Accessed 15 November 2016)
17. Black Lives Matter lesson series. (Accessed 14 November 2016)
18. Kaepernick & Fellow Athletes Take a Stand. (Accessed 14 November 2016)
19. “Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it,” Proverbs 22:5-7 (AMPC).
20. Imotional Intelegence (Accessed 16 November 2016)
21. Social Emotional Learning (Accessed 16 November 2016)
22. “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence,” 1 Timothy 2:1-2 (NKJV).


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

The Oath Keepers have been on their toes since before the election on November 8.  Some spent their time monitoring polling stations to ensure that no fraudulent activity was occurring, while others have continued to prepare for the upcoming battle against the left wing’s attempts to overthrow the government. The Oath Keepers are comprised of current and former military personnel, police officers and first responders. They all have formal training and have pledged to defend the Constitution against all foreign and domestic enemies. The Oath Keepers have unleashed NavyJack – Operation HYPO. They have strategically placed many of their men inside of the paid to protest organizations in efforts to collect information regarding tactics, motivations, schedules and logistics.
Over the past few days, the anti-Trump protests have taken the streets in hundreds of cities and college campuses nationwide. A recent rally in Portland, that was scheduled to be a peaceful protest, quickly turned violent. That protest became a riot and resulted in the vandalization of local business, shattered windows, damaged cars, severed electrical conduits and objects being thrown at police officers. The Oath Keepers fear that what we’ve seen thus far from the protests across the country is only the beginning. Could this all part of a leftist attempt to overthrow the government? Inciting a color revolution would certainly facilitate that.
There are some parallels to what is happening in the US to what has occurred in the Ukraine and Poland. George Soros’s Open Society Foundation used “democracy-building” projects in Eastern Europe, allowing Soros to plunder the wealth of the former communist countries. Soros committed over $25 million to Clinton’s 2016 campaign, however, a 4-year presidential salary fails to cover $2 million. Compile Soros’s involvement in the 2016 election with the discoveries exposed through Wikileaks emails, and it paints a much broader picture. Exchanges between the power wielding Soros and former Secretary of State clearly show that Clinton was just a puppet for Soros. Although his candidate lost the election, Soros has refused to give up on globalization efforts.
The nationwide protests and riots are orchestrated in part by a rogue party of the political elite. They are determined to divide the American people and inspire a revolution. Soros, who has proved successful in the past, is trying to replicate his success in Eastern Europe right here in the United States. The Oath Keepers are currently hard at work infiltrating the protests and warn that globalists are trying to initiate a color revolution in the United States.  We must be prepared .


Muslims celebrate Israel fires: 

“Please Allah, let Israel burn entirely, Amen”

75,000 flee massive fires raging across Haifa; arson in some cases
Published on Nov 25, 2016
75,000 people evacuated from Haifa as the ‘Arson Terror’ rages
8 countries sending planes to combat blazes in Israel, including Russia - Firefighters continued to battle blazes around Israel for the 3rd day, including massive fires in Haifa, in what seems to be deliberate terror campaign of multiple arsons. More than 75,000 people were evacuated from their homes in Haifa, and 136 people were treated for smoke inhalation. More than 300 firefighters were working through the evening to try battle the blazes, supported by IDF soldiers and members of the Home Front Command. Large areas of Haifa were without power. There were many blazes in other parts of the country throughout the day, including in E. Jerusalem and in central Israel (Tel Aviv area).

Published on Nov 24, 2016
ome 60,000 residents have been evacuated from the Haifa area in light of fires in the northern port city, according to police estimates as of Thursday afternoon. According to latest figures, there were 30 reports of light injury due to smoke inhalation.
The University of Haifa was also evacuated on as a precautionary move as fires raged closer.
Police Chief Roni Alsheich said on Thursday that only those in neighborhoods affected should leave their homes, in order to leave important traffic arteries free for those who need to evacuate quickly, as well as for the use of emergency services.

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

“On Thursday morning, Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan told Army Radio that 50% of these fires were caused by repeated arson.”
We have often seen arson as a weapon of jihad.
“Israel in flames: Suspects detained for arson; 60,000 evacuated from Haifa,” Jerusalem Post, November 24, 2016:
The fires that have burned across Israel since Tuesday continue to rage, with new areas threatened by flames as other blazes have come under control.
The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and Israel Police announced Thursday afternoon that they have detained a number of suspects on suspicion of arson.
Channel 2 reported that some 60,000 residents have been evacuated from the Haifa area in light of fires in the northern port city, according to police estimates as of Thursday afternoon. According to latest figures, there were 30 reports of light injury due to smoke inhalation.
The University of Haifa was also evacuated on as a precautionary move as fires raged closer
Police Chief Roni Alsheich said on Thursday that only those in neighborhoods affected should leave their homes, in order to leave important traffic arteries free for those who need to evacuate quickly, as well as for the use of emergency services.
Alsheich said residents in neighborhoods which are in need of evacuation would receive automatic SMS notifications.
He added that not all fires will be connected to arson, and said that these rumors will only strengthen the hand of those who seek to cause more terror.
In addition, trains between the northern towns of Binyamina and Hadera were halted at the request of fire and rescue services as fires neared the railway tracks in the Caesarea region.
Seven firefighting teams were also working to control a fire approaching the Rishonim junction near the central town of Rishon Lezion and prevent it from reaching nearby warehouses and a gas station.
On Thursday morning, Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan told Army Radio that 50% of these fires were caused by repeated arson.
Also on Army Radio, Shimon Ben Ner, a senior Haifa firefighter, said “I know for a fact that they tried to set fire to the department’s station in Haifa deliberately to cause the Haifa fire department to be paralyzed.”…


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Muslim immigration. One of Trump’s campaign promises was to reverse President Obama’s hijrah.


by Guy Millière, Gatestone, November 24, 2016:
  • France did not perceive it at the time, but it placed itself in a trap, and the trap is now closing.
  • In the 1970s, the Palestinians began to use international terrorism, and France chose to accept this terrorism so long as France was not affected. At the same time, France welcomed mass-immigration from the Arab-Muslim world, evidently as part of a Muslim wish to expand Islam. France’s Muslim population has since grown in numbers while failing to assimilate.
  • Polls show that one-third of French Muslims want the full application of Islamic sharia law. They also show that the overwhelming majority of French Muslims support jihad, and especially jihad against Israel, a country they would like to see erased from the face of earth.
  • “It is better to leave than flee.” — Sammy Ghozlan, President of the National Bureau of Vigilance against Anti-Semitism. He was later mugged, and his car was torched. He left.
  • Villiers also mentions the presence in “no-go zones” of thousands of weapons of war. He adds that weapons will probably not even have to be used; the Islamists have already won.
  • Originally, France’s dreams might have been of displacing America as a world power, accessing inexpensive oil, business deals with oil-rich Islamic states, and the prayer of no domestic terrorism.
France is in turmoil. “Migrants” arriving from Africa and the Middle East sow disorder and insecurity in many cities. The huge slum commonly known as the “jungle of Calais” has just been dismantled, but other slums are being created each day. In eastern Paris, streets have been covered with corrugated sheets, oilcloth and disjointed boards. Violence is commonplace. France’s 572 “no-go zones,” officially defined as “sensitive urban areas”, continue to grow, and police officers who approach them often suffer the consequences. Recently, a police car drove into an ambush and was torched while the police were prevented from getting out. If attacked, police officers are told by their superiors to flee rather than retaliate. Many police officers, angry at having to behave like cowards, have organized demonstrations. No terrorist attacks have taken place since the slaughter of a priest in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray on July 26, 2016, but intelligence services see that jihadists have returned from the Middle East and are ready to act, and that riots may break out anywhere, any time, on any pretext.
Although overwhelmed by a domestic situation it barely controls, the French government still intervenes in the world affairs: a “Palestinian state” is still its favorite cause, Israel its favorite scapegoat.
Last Spring, even though both France and the Palestinian territories were in terrible shape, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault anyway declared that it was “urgent” to relaunch the “peace process” and create a Palestinian state. France therefore convened an international conference, held in Paris on June 3. Neither Israel nor the Palestinians were invited to it. The conference was a flop. It concluded with a vapid statement about the “imperative necessity” to go “forward.”
France did not stop there. The government then decided to organize a new conference in December. This time, with Israel and the Palestinians. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, noting that Israel does not need intermediaries, refused the invitation. Palestinian leaders accepted. Saeb Erekat, the Palestinian Authority spokesman congratulated France, adding, not surprisingly, that the Palestinian Authority had “suggested” the idea to the French.
Now Donald Trump is the U.S. president-elect, and Newt Gingrich is likely to play a key role in the Trump Administration. Gingrich said a few years ago that there is no such a thing as a Palestinian people, and added last week that settlements are in no way an obstacle to peace. As such, the December conference looks as if it might be another failure.
French diplomats nevertheless are working with Palestinian officials on a UN resolution to recognize a Palestinian State inside the “1967 borders” (the 1949 armistice lines), but without any peace treaty. They are apparently hoping that outgoing U.S. President Barack Obama will not use the American veto at the Security Council, allowing the passage of the resolution. It is not certain at all that Barack Obama will want to end his presidency on a gesture so openly subversive. It is almost certain that France will fail there too. Again.
For many years, France seems to have built its entire foreign policy on aligning itself with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC): 56 Islamic countries plus the Palestinians. Originally, France’s dreams might have been of displacing America as a world power, accessing inexpensive oil, business deals with oil-rich Islamic states, and the prayer of no domestic terrorism. All four have been washouts. It is also obvious that France has more urgent problems to solve.
France persists because it is desperately trying to limit problems that probably cannot be solved.
In the 1950s, France was different from what it is now. It was a friend of Israel. The “Palestinian cause” did not exist. The war in Algeria was raging, and a large majority of French politicians would not even have shaken hands with unrepentant terrorists.
Everything changed with the end of the Algerian war. Charles de Gaulle handed Algeria over to a terrorist movement called the National Liberation Front. He then proceeded to create a strategic reorientation of the France’s foreign policy, unveiling what he called the “Arab policy of France.”
France signed trade and military agreements with various Arab dictatorships. To seduce its new friends, it eagerly adopted an anti-Israel policy. When, in the 1970s, terrorism in the form of airplane hijackings was invented by the Palestinians, and with the murder of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics, “the Palestinians” all at once became a “sacred cause” and a useful tool for leverage in the Arab world, France, adopting the “cause,” became rigidly pro-Palestinian.
The Palestinians began to use international terrorism, and France chose to accept this terrorism so long as France was not affected. At the same time, France welcomed mass-immigration from the Arab-Muslim world, evidently as part of a Muslim wish to expand Islam. The Muslim population has since grown in numbers, while failing to assimilate.
France did not perceive it at the time, but it placed itself in a trap, and the trap is now closing.
France’s Muslim population seems anti-French in terms of Judeo-Christian, Enlightenment values, and pro-French only to the extent that France submits to the demands of Islam. As France’s Muslims are also pro-Palestinian, theoretically there should have been no problem. But France underestimated the effects of the rise of extremist Islam in the Muslim world and beyond.
More and more, French Muslims consider themselves Muslim first. Many claim that the West is at war with Islam; they see France and Israel as part of the West, so they are at war with them both. They see that France is anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian, but they also see that several French politicians maintain ties with Israel, so they likely think that France is not anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian enough.
They see that France tolerates Palestinian terrorism, and seem not to understand why France would fight Islamic terrorism in other places.
To please its Muslims, the French government may believe it has no choice other than to be as pro-Palestinian and as anti-Israel as possible — even though it looks as if this policy is failing badly in the polls.
The French government undoubtedly sees that it cannot prevent what increasingly looks like a looming disaster. This disaster is already taking place.
Perhaps France’s current government is hoping that it might delay the disaster a bit and avoid a civil war. Perhaps, they might hope, the “no go zones” will not explode — at least on their watch.
France today has six million Muslims, 10% of its population, and the percentage is growing. Polls show that one-third of French Muslims want the full application of Islamic sharia law. They also show that the overwhelming majority of French Muslims support jihad, and especially jihad against Israel, a country they would like to see erased from the face of earth.
The leading French Muslim organization, the Union of Islamic Organizations of France, is the French branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, a movement that should be listed as a terrorist organization for its open wishes to overthrow Western governments.
The Muslim Brotherhood is primarily financed by Qatar, a country that invests heavily in France — and that has the comfort of its very own U.S. airbase.
Jews are leaving France in record numbers, and these departures do not stop. Sammy Ghozlan, President of the National Bureau of Vigilance against Anti-Semitism, repeated for many years that, “It is better to leave than flee.” He was mugged. His car was torched. He left, and now lives in Israel.
The rest of the French population clearly sees the extreme seriousness of what is happening. Some of them are angry and in a state of revolt; others seem resigned to the worst: an Islamist takeover of Europe.
The next French elections will take place in May 2017. French President François Hollande has lost all credibility and has no chance of being reelected. Whoever comes to power will have a difficult task.
The French seem to have lost confidence in Nicolas Sarkozy, so they will probably choose between Marine Le Pen, Alain Juppé or François Fillon.
Marine Le Pen is the candidate of the far-right National Front.
Alain Juppé is the mayor of Bordeaux, and often campaigns in the company of Tareq Oubrou, imam of the city. Until recently, Tareq Oubrou was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Alain Juppé seems to believe that the present disorder will calm down if France fully submits.
François Fillon will probably be the moderate-right candidate. He recently said that “Islamic sectarianism” creates “problems in France.” He also said that if a Palestinian State is not created very soon, Israel will be “the main threat to world peace.”
Three years ago, the French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut published a book, The Unhappy Identity (L’identité malheureuse), describing the dangers inherent in the Islamization of France and the major disorders that stem from it. Juppé chose a campaign slogan intended to contradict Finkielkraut: “The Happy Identity“.
Since the publication of Alain Finkielkraut’s book, other pessimistic books have been published that became best-sellers in France. In October 2014, columnist Eric Zemmour published The French Suicide (Le suicide français). A few weeks ago, he published another book, A Five-Year Term for Nothing (Un quinquennat pour rien). He describes what he sees happening to France: “invasion, colonization, explosion.”
Zemmour defines the arrival of millions of Muslims in France during the last five decades as an invasion, and the recent arrival of hordes of migrants as the continuation of that invasion. He depicts the creation of “no-go zones” as the creation of Islamic territories on French soil and an integral part of a colonization process.
He writes that the eruptions of violence that spread are signs of an imminent explosion; that sooner or later, revolt will gain ground.
Another book, Will the Church Bells Ring Tomorrow? (Les cloches sonneront-elles encore demain?), was recently published by a former member of the French government, Philippe de Villiers.
Villiers notes the disappearance of churches in France, and their replacement by mosques. He also mentions the presence in “no-go zones” of thousands of weapons of war (AK-47 assault rifles, Tokarev pistols, M80 Zolja anti-tank weapons, etc). He adds that weapons will probably not even have to be used — the Islamists have already won.
In his new book, Will the Church Bells Ring Tomorrow?, Philippe de Villiers notes the 
 disappearance of churches in France, and their replacement by mosques. Pictured 
 above: On August 3, French riot police dragged a priest and his congregation 
from the church of St Rita in Paris, prior to its scheduled demolition. Front 
National leader Marine Le Pen said in fury: “And what if they built parking 
lots in the place of Salafist mosques, and not of our churches?” (Image source:
 RT video screenshot)
On November 13, 2016, France marked the first anniversary of the Paris attacks. Plaques were unveiled every place where people were killed. The plaques read: “In memory of the injured and murdered victims of the attacks.” No mention was made of jihadist barbarity. In the evening, the Bataclan Theater reopened with a concert by Sting. The last song of the concert was “Insh’ Allah”: “if Allah wills.” The Bataclan management prevented two members of the US band Eagles of Death Metal — who were on stage when the attack started — from entering the concert. A few weeks after the attack, Jesse Hughes, lead singer of the group, had dared to criticize the Muslims involved. The Bataclan’s director said about Hughes, “There are things you cannot forgive.”
Dr. Guy Millière, a professor at the University of Paris, is the author of 27 books on France and Europe.