Thursday, November 3, 2016


Published on Nov 2, 2016
Rape victim Kathy Shelton speaks out about how Hillary Clinton ensured her rapist never faced justiced and how it has affected her for the rest of her life.


Published on Nov 2, 2016
After decades of lies and concealment one of Hillary Clinton's victims speaks out. 

Hillary Clinton Child Rape Victim Speaks Out - BOMBSHELL Cathy O'Brien Testimony

Hillary Clinton Child Rape Victim Speaks Out  BOMBSHELL Cathy O'Brien Testimony

Published on Oct 17, 2016
The rabbit hole goes much deeper than most realize! Please spread this video far and wide. Cathy O'Brien's shocking testimony is crucial to exposing the crimes of our corrupt leadership here in the West.

Full testimony: "Cathy O'Brien: Ex-Illuminati Mind Control Victim"


Just Say No (to the Feds): Michigan Town Tells Obama, “No Muslim Migrants for Us”
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Perhaps it’s the stories about rampant Muslim-migrant violence in Germany and Sweden. Maybe it’s that, despite government claims to the contrary, it has been established that there’s no way to vet the Mideast migrants entering our nation. Or it could just be good old-fashioned common sense. Whatever the case, a Michigan town has sent the federal government a clear message: We have no interest in participating in your so-called “Refugee Resettlement Program.” As Breitbart reports:
Waterford Township trustees in Oakland County, Michigan, passed a resolution on Monday telling the federal government not to resettle any refugees, including those from Syria, within the township’s boundaries, until the program “has been significantly reformed.”
The resolution stated: “The Charter Township of Waterford will not actively participate in the Refugee Resettlement Program until the Program has been significantly reformed, and until it has been demonstrated that the Townships of Oakland County have the capacity to absorb refugees without diverting funds from needy residents or exposing their residents to unwarranted security risks.”
Waterford Township isn’t the first entity to cry foul over the feds’ migrant-resettlement social engineering scheme. In late September, Texas formerly withdrew from the government program, although the feds have not given up on trying to flood the state with migrants (informative video on this subject below). And Breitbart tells us of “Oakland County, Michigan, where County Executive L. Brooks Patterson has said he intends to sue the federal government for resettling refugees in the county while failing to comply with the ‘consultation clause’ of the Refugee Act of 1980 that requires the federal government and the director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement to consult with state and local government officials prior to the placement of refugees within their jurisdictions.”
These state and local governments are right to be concerned about the Mideast migrants — especially since the feds have been less than honest. While the latter often claim the newcomers are thoroughly vetted, this is simply an impossibility. First, countries such as Syria don’t have comprehensive Western-style databases containing reliable information on the citizenry. Even more significantly, you can bribe public officials in Syria (and most Third World and Muslim countries) and get official government documents stating you’re whoever you want to be. This is why sources as varied as U.S. intelligence officials, the Greek government, and a NYC Syrian community leader have all warned that the Mideast migrants are unknown quantities.
It is also clear that the current effort to place Muslim migrants in the West is a con. On this point I often quote Dr. Mudar Zahran, a Muslim refugee and Jordanian resistance leader living in Britain. While calling himself a “practicing Muslim,” he also has a warning for the West:
Keep the Muslim migrants out of the West.
His reasoning? As Zahran pointed out in a 2015 interview, “Seventy-five percent of those arriving from Syria come from safe area[s]; actually, the ones in disaster areas cannot ... leave.” He pointed out that most of them arrive from safe places such as Turkey or Jordan and bypass poor European countries, instead settling in nations such as Sweden or Germany, “where there is a rich nation with a generous welfare system.”
Just as significantly, as of the publication date of this Daily Mail report, the five richest Arab nations — Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar — had refused to accept even one single Syrian migrant, despite these countries being far closer to the migrants’ native lands. These nations, despite sharing faith and ethnicity with the migrants, seem to believe they “won’t fit in.” Yet if this is so, why should anyone think they’d fit in (assimilate) in the West?
Zahran spoke of this as well, saying that “in most cases they [Muslims] don’t seem to fully integrate” and, furthermore, warning of “people who want to turn Europe into a Muslim state.” And the writing may already be on the wall, as the makers of the below video on Dearborn, Michigan — called “Dearborn-istan” by many — contend.
Yet Dr. Zahran claims there’s something more insidious at work here than just unwillingness to assimilate and Arab nations’ indifference to coreligionist plight. As he put it, “You read Arab magazines and Arab newspapers; they are talking about, ‘Good job! Now we’re going to conquest [sic] Europe.’ So it’s not even a secret.”
Zahran might be referring to the hijra, which in Arabic means “migration” or “journey”; this is a type of jihad conducted not via a hot war but a cold demographic war whose goal is the subsumption of a target people. This aim is sometimes stated, as by the Muslim migrant here, who said that his goal in going to the West was to “Islamize” Europeans. Zahran calls this “the soft Islamic conquest of the West.” 
Yet even Muslim migrants who don’t arrive as stealth-hijra jihadists (and logic dictates that most don’t), can still pose a problem. Germany is said to be “losing control of the streets” and Sweden is much the same, after absorbing large numbers of Mideast migrants. Migrants in Germany committed 142,500 crimes during the first six months of 2016 — amounting to 780 crimes a day (and note: political correctness prevents many such crimes from being reported; the number is no doubt higher). In Sweden, police are so overwhelmed and demoralized that three officers a day quit their jobs, a significant number in a small nation. Moreover, more than 50 Swedish areas are now considered “no-go zones,” places where authorities fear to tread and civil law has broken down.
This migrant lawlessness isn’t hard to understand. British philosopher Edmund Burke noted, “Society cannot exist, unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere; and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without.” In Muslim lands, a great proportion is “without,” with Draconian punishment being the norm; the chopping off of hands and heads and the blinding of people are not uncommon. Yet a prerequisite for the Western norm of relatively light punishment is that a greater proportion of that controlling power will be within. And when the Mideast migrants enter the West, it’s often a “When the cat’s away, the mice will play” situation. Add to this Koranic verses labeling non-Muslims fair game for plunder, rape, and deceit, and it’s a toxic mix.
Despite this, the Obama administration forges on ahead with so-called “refugee resettlement,” having accepted 13,210 “Syrian” migrants thus far this year, a 675 percent increase over 2015. Note that Hillary Clinton has vowed to continue in this vein. And migrants of all kinds are now flooding into the United States, owing to our porous borders and Obama’s refusal to enforce immigration law. The result? Our immigrant population is now at an all-time high.
And further note: Clinton has been caught admitting that she believes in “open borders.”
The question is, does the West have a collective mind so open that its brain has fallen out? If over time we accept one million Muslim migrants and just one-tenth of one percent are terrorists or become so, that’s 1,000 violent jihadists. Moreover, the current push to accept these migrants has nothing to do with compassion, but with importing socialist-leaning voters who can create an unassailable leftist voting bloc. Know that 85 percent of our new immigrants (and almost all illegal migrants) hail from the Third World and Mideast, and 70 to 90 percent of them vote Democrat upon being naturalized. It’s a left-wing “hijra.”
So, yes, when the Left proclaims “Our strength lies in our diversity,” they literally mean their strength.


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Complaints Of Syringes And Feces 

Rise Dramatically In SF

More and more, it seems, San Franciscans need to watch where they step. And they’re not imagining things: There’s been an explosion in complaints about needles and feces on the streets and sidewalks.
Reports of improperly discarded syringes have jumped 41 percent since last fiscal year, according to a recent city controller’s report. Complaints about feces have increased by 39 percent, with every district seeing a rise in the calls.
And, in a trend that must be disturbing to residents who don’t live near the Tenderloin or SoMa, long perceived as epicenters of filth, there were big increases in complaints about the outlying neighborhoods to the city’s 311 service portal for fiscal year 2015-16.
Complaints about needles have surged 73 percent in supervisorial District Two — the Marina and Cow Hollow. They were up even more — 77 percent — in District 10, the Bayview. District Four — the Sunset — saw a 58 percent increase. District Six — downtown, the Tenderloin and SoMa — had an increase of 49 percent. There was good news in District Seven — Lake Merced and West of Twin Peaks, which saw a decline of 39 percent.
The numbers on feces told a similar story. In District One — the Richmond — complaints increased 72 percent. The Bayview was hit hard again with an increase of 140 percent. Needle-clean District Seven was up 67 percent, and the Sunset jumped 96 percent. District Six had a relatively modest increase of 29 percent.
Streets are actually cleaner now than last year, with less excess litter, grime and illegal dumping along commercial arteries, the report shows. Twice as many roadways were cleaned of excess litter compared with last year, and there was less broken glass, too. Scores for landscaping also improved. But some complaints continue to skyrocket. The percentage uptick in calls about syringes and feces far surpassed the 25 percent growth rate in all calls to 311.
“There’s a lot more people that need services coming to San Francisco,” said Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru, who oversees cleaning of 90 percent of city streets and sidewalks. The department cleans up about 1,000 syringes a month and added two cleaning teams this year to the three it had.
“The city has a huge challenge ahead of us,” Nuru said. “We need to figure out how to deal with these quality-of-life issues. A lot of them are from people who are living on the streets. That’s a fact.”
The increase in complaints about needles was actually less than the increase in fiscal year 2014-15, when calls doubled. And data from individual districts illustrate how the hot spots for discarded needles are within Districts Six and Nine.
They included the intersection of Leavenworth Street and Golden Gate Avenue, Minna Street between Seventh and Ninth streets, the area around 14th and Harrison streets, and west of Van Ness Avenue and Mission Street between Market and Otis streets.
The percentage change in those three districts was greater than the city’s overall 25 percent increase in calls in all categories, said Luke Fuller, a performance analyst in the city Controller’s Office.
“They are unusual in terms of citywide trends,” Fuller said. “Part of it could be because of gentrification, or more people out and about on the streets in those neighborhoods, or simply more homelessness. Problems can migrate in the city from year to year. It could correlate with any of those things.”
District Six continues to top the list with 60,891 of the 413,700 calls the city received, nearly seven fold more calls than any other district. Since last year, complaints about human waste have risen by 29 percent, from 5,811 to 7,509. Syringe reports are up 49 percent, from 1,106 to 1,653, and broken glass has grown by 43 percent, from 246 to 352, likely because of more awareness of car break-ins.
Supervisor Jane Kim, who represents the district, which has seen the bulk of the city’s new developments, said that it has been disproportionately affected by homelessness. She has advocated for increasing the city’s Pit Stop program and opening more Navigation Centers — one-stop shops for getting homeless people off the streets, which could help keep bio-hazardous waste off streets and sidewalks.
“We know that services and shelters for homeless residents have largely been concentrated downtown, and that certainly has had an impact,” she said. “We know the long-term solution: Housing and supportive services will get people off the streets permanently. … Our residents deserve to walk on clean, safe sidewalks throughout our city.”
Right behind Kim’s district was District Nine, with a 37 percent increase in feces complaints from 1,909 to 2,621, 45 percent in syringe calls from 517 to 752 and 32 percent climb in broken glass reports from 190 to 250. Thousands of calls also came from District 10, where complaints about feces jumped 140 percent, and reports of needles grew 77 percent.
“Look, this illustrates that this is a citywide crisis,” said Supervisor David Campos, who represents District Nine, which includes the Mission. “You see complaints growing by 60 to 70 percent in some parts of the city. It’s happening everywhere, and I don’t feel the city has done enough. The report confirms what we have all been saying for a while now.”
Supervisor Malia Cohen, who represents District 10, called the trends unacceptable, calling on the city to devote more resources to addressing homelessness.
In the meantime, Nuru said crews will continue to push for clean streets on every block.
“My goal is to have the city clean in the morning when people are coming to work or visiting and out and about,” he said. “The city gets that we have a huge challenge ahead of us.”


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and 
research purposes, originally from:

Fans of Jen Hatmaker like her because she is, in one word, relatable. The Texas author and speaker writes often about her “messy” family life, confessing in a viral 2013 post to being the “worst end-of-school year mom ever.” Her homespun approach has garnered her spots on the New York Times bestseller list and an HGTV series alongside husband Brandon and five children.
But last week, Hatmaker broke from her evangelical base, telling Religion News Service columnist Jonathan Merritt that she supports same-sex marriage and believes LGBT relationships can be holy. Such statements followed a social media post this April in which Hatmaker called for LGBT inclusion in churches. Her recent comments prompted LifeWay Christian Stores, the large Southern Baptist bookseller that published her 2012 bestseller “7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess,” to discontinue selling her Bible studies and books.
The backlash to both Hatmaker’s comments and to LifeWay’s decision reveals growing rancor in evangelical circles over same-sex relationships. White evangelical Protestants remain the U.S. religious group least likely to support same-sex marriage. Absent a pope or a unifying denomination, evangelicals turn to the Bible as the authority on all matters, and most believe Scripture forbids same-sex relations.
But in recent years, evangelical groups have divided over how to practice that teaching in church ministry and outreach. In 2013, humanitarian group World Vision incited swift backlash and quickly reversed course after announcing it would hire staff in same-sex marriages.
Individual leaders who break from the traditional teaching on same-sex relationships — among them ethicist David Gushee, pastor Tony Campolo and former Christianity Today editor David Neff — raise questions over whether one can affirm LGBT relationships and remain an evangelical.
Today Hatmaker published a follow-up post on her Facebook page, stating that she came to her conclusion “with prayer and careful study and deliberation.” “Our view of the Word is still very high, as is it for the hundreds of thousands of faithful believers who believe likewise,” she wrote, suggesting that one can be an evangelical, holding Scripture as the authority on all matters, and affirm same-sex relationships.
Hatmaker is the most prominent female evangelical leader to date to express support for same-sex relationships. The backlash she faces illuminates how tricky it can be for such leaders to take a stand on thorny cultural and political issues without losing followers.
“Christian female celebrities are usually known for their personal stories, not their theological belief statements,” notes Kate Bowler, a professor of Christian history at Duke Divinity School, who is writing a new book about evangelical women and authority. “It is both unusual and remarkable that Hatmaker … took this stand in a culture that doesn’t typically reward it [taking stands] in women.”
Many evangelicals believe that women are unfit for spiritual leadership, Bowler notes. So many evangelical women today wield influence via storytelling and persona rather than positions of institutional leadership.
Miller notes that Hatmaker has been a “trailblazer” in this regard; she has spoken out on racial reconciliation and the global refugee crisis in recent years. This spring, she published a controversial Facebook post that expressed support and inclusion for LGBT people. Many of her followers applauded her stance, while others expressed concern that she was defying scriptural teaching.
Kate Shellnutt, an editor at Christianity Today magazine, said Hatmaker’s most recent comments on same-sex marriage are consistent with her overall “all are welcome” approach. “Jen is very sensitive to the outsider … she is so passionate about including others: cultural outsiders, the homeless, racial minorities, people who have been hurt by the church,” Shellnutt said. She said Hatmaker’s comments last week serve to “clarify her position, and update what she’s said previously.”
Shellnutt believes Hatmaker’s recent comments might be used to confirm that women can’t be trusted to lead on spiritual matters. “For the haters, it’s an ‘I told you so’ moment, and worse, ammunition to decry women’s events and women teachers more generally,” said Shellnutt.
Two of Hatmaker’s stage mates, writer Shauna Niequist and musician Nichole Nordeman, have since expressed support for Hatmaker after last week’s comments. But many other individual women have taken to social media to say they won’t attend Belong or read Hatmaker’s books.
Jennie Allen, founder of another popular Christian women’s conference, the IF:Gathering, responded to Hatmaker’s comments last week after her “phone and inboxes started to blow up.” She affirmed that IF:Gathering — which has featured Hatmaker as a speaker since it launched in 2014 — holds to the traditional teaching on same-sex relationships. She said that Hatmaker would not be speaking at next year’s IF, as Hatmaker “took herself out of IF many months ago for reasons that are her own.”
But Allen also said that she had trouble issuing a “statement” on Hatmaker, as she didn’t want to “drive a relational wedge between me and someone I love so dearly and hurt members of the LGBTQ community, many who are friends.” She urged readers to practice Christian unity in a divisive moment for many evangelicals. She said the issue of homosexuality is difficult not because the Bible isn’t clear but because “it is not an issue — it is people. And people we love.”
Miller believes this relational approach could bode well for Hatmaker’s stance within evangelicalism, especially among female followers. “Many of the women who disagree with her are still grateful for her teaching and her influence on their lives, and they are able to hold those things together,” Miller said. She believes Hatmaker represents a wave of evangelical women “who are not content to silo their faith,” or to publicly support only the things that every Christian agrees on. “I happen to think that’s a good thing.”
FROM LIGHTHOUSE TRAILS RESEARCH: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
LifeWay Resources (SBC) Stops Selling Same-Sex Marriage Promoter Jen Hatmaker; 
But LifeWay Still Not Seeing the Big Picture
According to a Christianity Today article, LifeWay Resources (the Southern Baptist Convention resource arm) has stopped selling products by Jen Hatmaker because of her promotion of same-sex marriage. The CT article stated:
Jen Hatmaker posted a 650-word response on her Facebook page Monday, saying she “wrestled with and through Scripture, not around it” before coming to a decision to affirm same-sex relationships, which recently led to LifeWay Christian Resources pulling her books from its stores.
Hatmaker has been the topic of Lighthouse Trails articles and Cedric Fisher’s booklet called IF it is of God: Answering the Questions About IF: Gathering as she is part of the group of women who head up the women’s movement called IF: Gathering. You can read that booklet by Fisher by clicking here. In Fisher’s booklet, he says this about Jen Hatmaker:
In Jen Hatmaker’s book, Interrupted: When Jesus Wreck Your Comfortable Christianity, she makes it clear that she is influenced by a number of New Age/New Spirituality individuals. She quotes Catholic priest and contemplative activist Richard Rohr and emergent leader Shane Claiborne. 
On her blog, she promotes the book, The Circle Maker, by Mark Batterson, a book that encourages readers to draw circles around specific things in order to have more answered prayers. Batterson was inspired with this idea by an ancient sage.
In Hatmaker’s book, 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess, she reveals that her family takes part in a Roman Catholic ritual with mystical origins, the “Seven Sacred Pauses.” Hatmaker got her inspiration from Seven Sacred Pauses, a book by Macrina Wiederkehr who is a spiritual director in the contemplative prayer movement. 
In Wiederkehr’s retreats, seekers are guided through experiences of silence, contemplation and lectio divina (a contemplative practice where words and phrases from the Bible are repeated in mantra-like fashion). The “seven sacred pauses” are seven times a day to pause and pray, which Wiederkehr describes as “breathing spells for the soul.”
Consider Hatmaker’s statement concerning the preaching of God’s Word:
“I have spent half my life listening to someone else talk about God. Because of this history, I’ve developed something of an immunity to sermons.”
This is eerily similar to the sentiment of Sue Monk Kidd (author of The Secret Life of Bees), who once, as a conservative Southern Baptist Sunday school teacher, expressed her dissatisfaction (and eventual rejection) of the preaching of God’s Word. That led Monk Kidd down a path away from the Christian faith and straight into the New Age. Today, she worships the goddess Sophia.
This disgruntlement of God’s Word is so prevalent among leaders of the emerging New Spirituality church. If not preaching, then what? Is it emotionally charged conventions and books with flowering, poetic phrases that open up to spit out a toxic drop of heresy? If Hatmaker is immune to preaching, she has rejected God’s method in favor of her own. (source and footnotes)
While LifeWay did the right thing in dropping Hatmaker’s products, they still do not see the big picture as they keep a tight grasp on numerous problematic authors such as Sarah Young (and her cash-cow Jesus Calling books and Bibles), Richard Foster, Dallas Willard, Gary Thomas, Ruth Haley Barton, and many more contemplative, emergent authors.
The fact that LifeWay will remove books by someone promoting same-sex marriage but not remove books by authors who promote a mystical, panentheistic inter-spiritual prayer shows once again that Christian leaders and ministries just don’t get it. How is it that one is OK and the other is not? After all, they are both going in the same direction, and that is away from the Gospel and away from God’s Word. Where are the overseers of LifeWay and the Southern Baptist Convention? Surely, they are learned men who should be able to figure this out.