Saturday, July 9, 2016


Facebook Headquarters Puts Up Massive 'Black Lives Matter' Sign Following Dallas Shooting



Social media company seemingly declines to make sign for slain Dallas officers

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Facebook placed a massive “Black Lives Matter” sign on its Menlo Park headquarters Friday just hours after five Dallas officers were gunned down by a member of a Black Power Political Organization.
The sign’s letters were made up of the names of different highly publicized and deceased black individuals including Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner and Michael Brown.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has long expressed support for Black Lives Matter, even going as far as reprimanding employees for saying “all lives matter.”
The social media site, which has been repeatedly accused – even by former employees – of suppressing conservative content, seemingly had no issue this week with Black Lives Matter supporters celebrating the death of the Dallas officers.
This is not the first time Black Lives Matter supporters have called for and carried out violence against law enforcement officers.
Whether it be chanting for “dead cops,” attempting to bomb police stations or actually executing officers, Black Lives Matter has continually been given credibility by the media despite its dangerous actions and rhetoric.

Facebook Celebrates Slaughter Of Dallas Police



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

By Karen Schoen and Neil Rice July 9, 2016
What do Orlando, San Bernardino, Charlotte, Sandy Hook, Ft Hood - all have in common? If you said, “ The cry for gun control.” You would be correct. If you said, “They are all in Gun-Free Zones.” You would be correct. Will any of the gun control measures in Congress stop future terrorist attacks? Hell NO!!! But the measures WILL increase the danger for average Americans. Why are legislators doing this? In order for the victors to steal the spoils (your stuff) - you must be disarmed. In order for the government to control YOU, you must be disarmed. In order for YOU and your family to be forced into slavery, YOU must be disarmed!
The History Channel did a great series on Barbarians and Ancient Rome. What is the first thing a victor does?
They disarm the losers, plunder their stuff and make them slaves.Could this be why history is no longer taught in school? Could it be we would discover their strategy as they continue the same procedure over an over: Just as in Ancient times FEAR is used to create the crisis so people will scream for controls, The government then can use massive regulations to suppress opposition and control the people. Patriot Act anyone?
This is the playbook followed by all gun control advocates. You must learn history. If we allow gun control, WE ALL LOSE. Remember, gun control advocates like Hillary are willing to have Americans killed...if it means you will lose your gun rights! Life has little or no meaning to them. Just listen to them scream for gun control, then ask, “would this Bill have made a difference in the Attack?” The answer is always the same, “NO”. Gun control advocates want our silence and will go after Free Speech. They want our stuff and will go after our guns. They are already doing it. We need Amendment 2 to protect Amendment 1.
On September 25, 2013, John Kerry signed the UN Small Arms Treaty, which was NOT RATIFIED by the SENATE as per the Constitution. This administration follows its own laws, POTUS has his PEN and PHONE while political correctness silences dissent. America has a Congress that takes aim at Americans, not terrorists. Make no mistake, Ryan and Congress can stop any unconstitutional Executive Order, but they will not. Instead, they take aim at Trump and Americans. Time to vote ALL of the traitors in congress aka legislators - OUT.
The UN Treaty and the media propaganda always claim, “In the interest of national security…, In the interest of public safety…, For the common good.” BS, it is for their OWN good. They cannot control America unless we SURRENDER our guns and SUBMIT. According to this UN Treaty, only the government can have guns.
In Executive Order 13603, by declaring an emergency, Obama’s “civilian army as strong as the US Military” can come on your property and take whatever he wants: YOUR food, YOUR guns, YOUR property. FEMA is being used and trained to become Obama’s civilian military. Where is Congress? Bohener, Ryan and Congress think: this is great! WE will keep our jobs. No wonder they hate Trump. They are fearful of their jobs. Will you be a boss and say, “You’re Fired?” Or do you think when all you have left for protection are pots and pans, (read about the Warsaw Ghetto in WWII) – the government will save you? Will your sheriff or police protect you? How does that work when law enforcement shows up AFTER the crime was committed? or perhaps in the future will they say, “just following orders m'am,” as UN troops plunder your stuff and terrorize your family?
This is an election year, ask the right questions and remember every elected official IS SILENT against this administration, as our rights and freedom quickly erode. Time to say YOU’RE FIRED!
Remember this Congress insinuated to Obama: “You’re Black so we will not impeach you because we will be called Racists.” “You can use your Pen and Phone and go out on a spending spree. We will fund all of your social programs otherwise we will be called out for shutting down the government.” Where are the leaders? Oh I see them now, they are running to those pesty Town Halls. Must be an election year, I guess they need votes.
“Not to worry folks”, FEMA will say, “We just want to flag the people on the No-fly list.” Really, who decides whom is on that list? How many of us are on the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) terror list? I am proudly #1 on the Florida list but now will FEMA determine that I can not protect myself? How many were targeted by the IRS? Are we to give up our guns, “For the PUBLIC Good.” while waiting to be shot by a terrorist? What comes after guns?”
We are seeing the Federal nationalization of our National Guard, municipal, local and state police, and the distribution of military equipment throughout America by FEMA and DHS. All the while distribution of firearms and assault weapons flow freely to terrorists in Libya, Mexico, Syria, etc. Compliments of the Iran Deal, many countries like Cuba are getting arms from Iran.
As America's kindergartners are suspended for toy guns, poptart guns, or mentioning guns, ISIS kindergartners are being trained how to use AK's and assault weapons. Who wins that war?
As the world arms-up or is armed by American tax dollars and our borders are open, Americans are supposed to lie down and give up their guns? I DON’T THINK SO. Why am I to give up my gun when this administration lets criminals out of jail, releases terrorists from Gitmo and allows cartels to take root in America. Someone please ask Hillary. All you Trump haters, are you giving up your guns to Hillary? She can't wait.
Just months after Department of Homeland Security advisers claimed “the threat from right-wing extremists domestically is just as real as the threat from Islamic extremism,” DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson is now suggesting his department should be in charge of implementing gun control. What is wrong with that picture? Will Loretta Lynch now suggest everyone "LOVE right-wing extremists?" Will my name be removed from SPLC terror watch list?
Remember the UN Globalist Goal: Money, Power, Control
Gun Control Advocates NEED a CRISIS to create a problem only they can solve. Then they get to restrict your rights. The border is open. They don’t care. Squashing another attack will enable more restrictions. No security system will work if the doors and windows are left open.
It is CRITICAL for terrorists to be on American Soil to fit the Agenda. It is important for terrorism to thrive on American soil - to implement the Agenda, which is full gun elimination. We all know Hillary is a liar. Can’t you see her congress. They will say, “sure Hillary whatever you want after all we can’t impeach you or we will be accused of being chauvinists. We can’t have a war with women. What will the media say?” As a result:
1. POTUS can write gun restricting EO's, Hear Democrats scream - so their constituents think they are working. Dems had the full House and Senate from 2008-2010 and did nothing about guns. Now they “sit in.” for window dressing. 2. Americans must be divided and marginalized so they are easier to control. 3. Bad America is the dialogue while propaganda and political correctness are used to suppress the truth. Instead we hear that the shooter is a crazy, a mental case with a host of syndromes to follow, a lone wolf (no such thing and they should be call lone cowards. Wolf gives them honor a coward does not.) We must feel sympathy for the poor confused shooter. All terrorists need is love!!!! Using that theory Loretta, you must LOVE the right wingers.  4. Creation of more gun- free zones giving terrorists better targets. 5. Promoting victimhood, hatred, Evil America and Islam (as the one true religion) are taught in American Schools resulting in citizens becoming victims hating America. 6. "Legitimize SPLC" by this rogue administration and a Department of (In) Justice. who cites terror is, "organization via the internet," one can bet this new "alliance" will have tremendous influence over the FCC to "curb" and "control" more internet content by censorship and infringing on freedom of speech. This "collusion" against conservative America, Christians, patriots, veterans and other groups is blatant, unapologetic, intentional, and set to "force" subjugation.
 The Obama administration clearly brushes off Islam and Muslims as terror threats instead they designate 72 groups of individuals as potential "domestic terrorists" while scrubbing all mention of Islam and Muslims.
In fact, Obama and his stooge administration are so confident in their designation of these groups as terrorists, they are joining hands with the United Nations to "allow international police agencies to help program how American cities respond to terrorism." Despite its unconstitutional nature, Obama and Attorney General Loretta Lynch are all but cheering to enforce tyranny, despotism and eradication of individual God-given constitutionally guaranteed rights of groups and individuals designated as "domestic terrorists." They will use any means necessary to justify the end -- the destruction of America. All the while, Congress continues in its complicity of these travesties sucking on their thumb as they wait for their "bottle" from Obama.
Will you go to town and county meeting to demand your rights be protected by the people you elect? Will you help educate your legislators? Do you recognize that love him or hate him Donald Trump is the only one who will protect American’s rights? Hillary is part of the administration that create ISIS. Do you think she will change anything? Today there is more of us than them. But that is only today.
If not you, WHO? If not now, WHEN? We will not comply, will you?

Gun Control in the House - Fight Back NOW!


Federalizing Police: The Future Police State

Stop the Dictator in Chief!




Comey’s History of Clinton Cover-Ups
Published on Jul 9, 2016
Hillary finally speaks on her national security violations as the world is watching Dallas. Would Hillary have been fired if she were a State Department employee? Will some scapegoats at State be fired? Will Congress take away Hillary’s security clearance? Will she be prosecuted for committing perjury when she testified to Congress? When it comes to covering for the Clinton crime family, this isn’t the first rodeo for FBI Director Comey.

Drug Money Laundering FBI Director Grilled Over Hillary's Emails
Published on Jul 8, 2016
The fireworks kept popping all week long when it came to the FBI Clinton email pardoning debacle. FBI Director James Comey testified before a heavily divided House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. The Democrats pointlessly cried out that the Republicans were yet again pulling political stunts. While the Republicans, to their credit, dug in on the lunacy that is the separate standard Hillary Clinton is being held to. Among other revelations, Comey readily admitted there was no transcript of the Interview with Hillary and that she wasn’t even under oath for the questioning.

Well who is James Comey anyway? A career FBI agent that rose to the top?Think again. writes "Not only is the Attorney General of the United States, Lorretta Lynch, the US Attorney who gave drug money laundering bank, HSBC, a free pass with a Deferred Prosecution Agreement, but the head of the FBI, James Comey, was plucked by Obama from a plum job at HSBC, which Comey took in January, 2013, just after HSBC got the deferred prosecution deal. Comey's job for HSBC was as a leading member of the bank's “Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee,” formed immediately after HSBC settled with the federal government for laundering hundreds of millions of dollars for the deadly Mexican drug cartels.

Get it? The Attorney General of the US and the head of the US FBI are both part of the deal that let HSBC off the hook."

Is there any justice in Washington D.C.? Or will the Clinton Foundation mafia maintain its network as the corruption floats to the top unchecked?

Jason Chaffetz Digs in on Comey at Start of Capitol Hearing: ‘We Are Mystified and Confused’:
Published on Jul 8, 2016
Jason Chaffetz opened up Thursday morning’s hearing with a scathing takedown of FBI Director James Comey‘s recent announcement that he would not be recommending charges to the Justice Department in the probe into Hillary Clinton‘s private server. “I’m here because we are mystified and confused,” opened Chaffetz, who is serving as the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, “by the fact pattern that you laid out and the conclusions that you reached.” “It seems there are two standards,” he said, repeating the often-spoken line that the same charges against Clinton would result in punishment for other people. “This classified information is entrusted to a very few. But there is such a duty and an obligation to protect that — to fall on your sword to protect that.”
Comey said this week that while the former Secretary of State and her staff were “extremely careless” the the handling of sensitive materials, it did not fit the bill for “gross negligence,” the legal standard meaning a person consciously and voluntarily disregarded the need to use reasonable care
Watch the above opening address from Jason Chaffetz via MSNBC.Jason Chaffetz GRILLS James Comey On Why No Charges For Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton Email Investigation FBI Director James Comey testified at a hearing on the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private email servers while serving as secretary of state, as well as the decision to not recommend criminal charges against her. When quizzed by Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz during his Congressional testimony Thursday, FBI Director James Comey declined to answer whether or not he would grant Hillary Clinton a security clearance given what he now knows about how she handled classified information. “The FBI does background checks. If Hillary Clinton applied for the job at the FBI, would the FBI give Hillary Clinton a security clearance?” asked the Utah Republican.
“I don’t want to answer a hypothetical,” Comey responded, “The FBI has a robust process in which we adjudicate the suitability of people for employment in the bureau.” Chaffetz tried rewording his question, asking instead about a generic person who did what Clinton did. “It would be a very important consideration in a suitability determination,” Comey admitted. “You’re kind of making my point, Director,” Chaffetz said to intermittent laughter in the gallery. “The point being, because I injected the word ‘Hillary Clinton,’ you gave me a different answer.” He then proceeded to list off Clinton’s security failings: “If I came up to you and said this person was extremely careless with classified information, the exposure to hostile actors, had used, despite warnings, created unnecessary burdens and exposure, if they said they had one device and you found out they had multiple devices, if there had been e-mail chains with somebody like Jake Sullivan asking for classification changes, you’re telling me the FBI would grant a security clearance to that person?” “I’m not answering — I hope I’m giving a consistent answer,” Comey responded. “I’m not saying what the answer would be, I’m saying that would be a important consideration in a suitability determination for anybody.”
“Personally I just think that sounds a bit like a political answer because I can’t imagine that the FBI would grant security clearance to somebody with that fact pattern,” Chaffetz said to Comey. I say what I said before, it’s very hard to answer a hypothetical,” he replied.