Wednesday, June 15, 2016



Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga Infiltration of Major School Systems: A Look Into 'Mindful Kids Miami' and 'Breathe for Change' Madison

Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga Infiltration of Major School Systems:  A Look Into 'Mindful Kids Miami' and 'Breathe for Change' Madison

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Miami-Dade County Schools Partner with Mindful Kids Miami

Miami-Dade County Schools (Fourth Largest School District in the U.S.A.) is being transformed into a mindfulness-yoga school system through its partnership with Mindful Kids Miami, and its mindfulness lady leader--Valerie York-Zimmerman.

Yes, grades Pre-K through 12, students as well as teachers and administrators will be instructed in mindfulness meditation. Training centers have been set up all over Miami even in the sanctuary of the "most progressive church in the city"--Riviera Presbyterian Church (USA).  Recently Riviera adherents proudly held up a banner reading, "We All Are God's Beloved Children: No Exceptions!"

Now, Valerie York-Zimmerman, devotee of famed mindfulness zealot Jon Kabat-Zinn, passionately shares mindfulness practices everywhere she goes.  And just what does this partnership between MKM and M-DCPS involve?  And what will the children/teachers of Dade County be subjected to?  To begin read about its "Inner-Journey Poster" below.

Ponder This MKM Poster: MBSR Teachers/Administrator Course for 2015-21016

A colorful printable poster designed to hang in faculty rooms touting the Mindful Kids Miami's pilot program for professional development for its classroom educators and administrators shows the MKM and M-DCPS logos side by side at the top of the poster.  Just below the logos is a serene beach scene complete with a sacred stone stack.

Stating the official agenda of MKM, the poster declares, "Mounting scientific evidence supports mindfulness-based programs help teachers reduce stress and burnout, anxiety disorders and depression, and improve immune function, attention, memory, executive function, compassion,
resilience, among other benefits."

To find more information about this fully funded program one is encouraged to visit Participants also were told to go to M-DCPS Employee Portal to register so they might receive their "26 Master Plan Points."

In small print at the bottom the poster says MKM is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit dedicated to bringing benefits of mindfulness to all children, grades Pre-K through 12, in Miami-Dade County.  The intention of MKM is to teach "mindfulness skills" to children and adults in schools, hospitals, and institutional settings.

Valerie York-Zimmerman: Founder of "Mindful Kids Miami"

Exactly who is York-Zimmerman?  And what is her agenda?  "The One Quality You Must Instill in Your Child" by Amanda McCorquodale fills us in when it says that secret something for York-Zimmerman "is mindfulness, a daily meditative practice that brings one's complete attention to the present moment."

And the article informs us that York-Zimmerman has studied with Buddhist monk and author Thich Nhat Hanh as well as mindfulness guru Jon Kabat-Zinn.  In addition, Valerie's extensive bio "About the Teacher" on her web site points out that she's studied with many other "auspicious" masters from both the East and the West.  Besides, she and her husband Dr. Zimmerman have even built "The Sanctuary" which is a meditation hall "nestled in the tranquility of a Zen garden."

When one reads where she's studied, and with whom she's trained it's impossible not to wonder how such an organization, that's so blatantly based on Buddhism, can penetrate into a public school system such as Miami, and seemingly no one even challenges these obvious religious ties.

Prayer Stone Stacks: Their Association with Mindfulness

As noted the MKM's Poster had a prayer stone stack pictured on its M-DCPS' faculty poster.  So too, it can be noted, that both Thich Nhat Hanh's book The Mindful Survival Kit, and Jon Kabat-Zinn's book Mindfulness for Beginners had similar prayer stacks on their front covers.  So what is the significance of this?

The Daily OM's article "Prayer Stone Stacks: Intention Set in Stone" gives us one answer when it says, "Out in nature, mindfully placing a stone on a stone pile leaves a prayer in its wake for those that follow after you."  An article form The PranaShanti Yoga Centre of Ottawa, Canada "What Do Stacked Stones Mean for Mindfulness?" notes that building such stacks requires full attention to the present moment thus making the process "meditative."  After, one can infuse each stone with a prayer or intention and when something disrupts that pile those prayers have done their work, and are released.

Thus, MKM's sacred stone stack on its poster brings up the question is mindfulness secular, as MKM suggests, or is there a religious component as even their poster would seem to signal?  And one might also ask how did all this mindfulness infiltration get started any way?  For the answers one must turn to Jon Kabat-Zinn and his karmic saga.

Jon Kabat-Zinn's Karmic Saga: The Mainstreaming of Mindfulness

Mary S. Wylie, in "How the Mindfulness Movement Went Mainstream--And the Backlash That Came With It," tells the story of how Buddhist student, and MIT molecular biologist Jon Kabat-Zinn received "his karmic assignment" vision during a meditation retreat. What was this assignment?
Why it was to bring his Eastern disciplines of yoga and mindfulness to people of the Massachusetts hospital in which he was then working.

How did he then achieve this mainstreaming of Buddhist mindfulness?  Wylie writes it this way, "... he approached the challenge by adopting a mainstream and commonsensical American vocabulary that described meditation as a way or paying attention and cultivating awareness in everyday life, and by practices that were easily accessible and straightforward."  In other words, he removed every shred of Buddhist terminology that he could!

This "little pilot project" begun by Kabat-Zinn flourished as his patients took responsibility to practice watching their breath, utilizing body scans, doing home yoga, and learning to meditate.  Over and over Kabat-Zinn emphasized this mindfulness meditation meant: "To pay attention on purpose in the present moment nonjudgmentally."

Fast forward thirty-seven years later, and today you'll find his mindfulness in hospitals, schools, colleges, prisons, military training, sports, corporations, and more.  As Wylie wrote, "mindfulness is a "boffo bestseller" both as a product, and its endless spinoffs.

Now, notes Wylie, numerous studies were made but almost all of them, but for forty-three, were deemed unusable as found by John Hopkins Asst. Professor of Medicine Madhav Goyal.  Wilie also described how such famous personalities as the Dalai Lama, Oprah Winfrey, and Bill Moyers helped push mindfulness to the forefront.

Wylie, however not only described the successes of mindfulness, but its downfalls.  One of these downfalls, seldom told to the public, is the fact that, according to Willoughby Britton of Brown University, mindfulness has a shadow side or a dark side.  Britton found that those who deeply meditated often experienced disturbing results such as hallucinating, reliving old wounds and traumas, feelings of intense fear, and having psychotic outbreaks.  Britton called this her "Dark Night Project."  Britton noted, "If we think anything is going to fix everything, we should probably take a moment and meditate on that."  Click here for the Wylie's entire article:

Major Spokesman for Mindfulness Congressman Tim Ryan: Part of Honorary Board of Mindful Kids Miami

One doesn't have to do much research to discover MKM has its roots in the University of Miami's mindfulness program.  In fact in April of 2015 there was presentation sponsored by MKM and the university featuring Tim Ryan, Amishi Jha, Scott Rogers, and Valerie York-Zimmerman herself.

It's interesting to note that Congressman Ryan, speaking at a 2013 Wisdom 2 Conference, along with Jon Kabat-Zinn and Marianne Williamson, testified how Kabat-Zinn had won him over to mindfulness meditation during Tim's first silent retreat.  Ryan then went on to write A Mindful Nation which has a foreword by Kabat-Zinn.

Amishi Jha, an ardent Buddhist, is also a contemplative neuroscientist researcher with the U. of Miami.  Now, her research has been to show how mindfulness impacts the brain.  However, if you examine Jha's speaking engagements it will immediately show her strong ties to Buddhism, and the New Age with her presentations at Naropa University, Upaya Zen Center, Omega, and Windmill Meditation.  Once again, mindfulness aficionados who declare mindfulness secular, and not religious should note who is championing this approach, and their associations with Buddhist organizations.

University of Wisconsin/Madison's Public Schools Partner with Breathe for Change

Much like Mindful Kids Miami the University of Wisconsin and Madison Public Schools are partnering with Breathe for Change.  Again like Miami, Breathe for Change is run by an ambitious lady leader- Dr. Ilana Nankin.

This youthful "change agent" Nankin, who worked for the Biden-Obama campaign, is out of Berkeley with a triple agenda for America's kids: social justice, yoga, and mindfulness all rolled into one.  Nankin, in a few months, has put together an organization that has, according to its web site, already "reached remarkable milestones" since its startup in 2015 at U. of Wisconsin.

Under its banner of "change and transformation" B4C boasts that it offers "the world's only 200-hour wellness and yoga teacher training designated specifically for educators."  This sixteen day training, associated with the  Cloud Nine Yoga Schools headed by Erika Faith Calig, promises to take educators through a "transformational progression" that includes yogic principles and postures, mindfulness and breathing, and powerful group exercises.  Grads of this training earn a "Yoga Alliance 200-hour Certification" (From Cloud Nine) and become Breathe for Change champions.

A closer look at the Madison Yoga Certification Schedule from last year should make the discerning reader cringe at what public school youth are about to be taught through this coming army of mindfulness and yoga educators.  It's day by day, and even hour by hour schedule is laid out for all to see--things such as eight limb yoga, yamas and niyamasas, asana intensive, breath and sun salutations, yin/yang yoga, pranayama and bandhas, meditation, kids' yoga, kids' moving meditations, blissful breakfasts, love lunches, divine dinners, chakras east and west, chakra affirmations, ayurveda, intro to mudras, mantras, kriyas, kundalini, the Bhagavad Gita, Hinduism, deities, avatars, partner yoga, Thai massage, and the list goes on and on!

Concerned reader:  This list is "religious" through and through for these topics are straight out of Hinduism and Buddhism.  Remember, this is all going into public schools.  And this summer B4C is moving on to NYC, and on to the "Sesame Street Program."  Be watching!

The May 20, 2016 Yoga Journal features B4C asking:  "Can Yoga Save Our Schools, One Teacher at a Time?"  The answer is, says the YJ Editor, is Breathe for Change "thinks it can."  However, no program or person will save our schools for we've swept God out, and brought other gods in.  Isaiah 45:22 says, "Look unto me, and be ye saved all the ends of the earth, for I am God and there is none else."  Just one person can make all things new, transform us, and calm us and that person is Jesus Christ!

Mindfulness and Yoga Are In Our Schools: What's Your Response?

Not only is mindfulness and yoga in Miami and Madison but in many other places as well; in fact it could be going on right in your own school via the Smart Board, the school TV system, the PE program, or elsewhere.  And very soon mindfulness and yoga programs are going to require true Christian teachers (parents too) to take a stand against participating in training classes, or having such practices in the classroom as those taught by MKM, or B4C.  And jobs may be lost.  Some of these may be pilot projects for now, but total control is right around the corner in the name of science, health, and wellness.  The handwriting is on the wall!

With school systems all over the country ready to embark on a mission to incorporate mindfulness meditation, and yoga into their curriculums what will your response be?  Will you keep silent, or will you speak up?  For this is the time now to take a stand for truth.  Inform your pastors, youth leaders, administrators, teachers, parents, grandparents, and others of what is happening.  Wake up for the time is late!

Should such a time come when teachers and parents are forced to take a stand on these issues I hope with the songwriter of  "The Solid Rock" you can respond, "My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name.  On Christ the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand."

Learn to Discern Granny Verses:  Psalm 1:1-2

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.  But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night."

Note: Mindful meditation asks you to close your eyes, clear your mind, and focus on your breath; while Biblical meditation asks you to fill your mind with the Word of God, and think of it over and over.

For More Information:

"Coming to a School Near You?  Mindfulness Meditation for Public School Children
in Wisconsin"  Lighthouse Trails Blog

Meditation!  Pathway to Wellness or Doorway to the Occult? by Ray Yungen
Lighthouse Trails Tract Booklet

D Is for Deception by Kevin Reeves and the Editors at Lighthouse Trails
Lighthouse Trails Tract Booklet


Omar Mateen's Wife Knew About Attack Ahead Of Time; Assisted Omar With Weapons, Ammo Purchases;
Scouted Disney as Alternate Shooting Venue

Wife of Orlando jihad mass murderer 

knew of his jihad plans

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

noor-salman omar mateen
But she didn’t go to the police. Why not? This is an inculcated attitude. Hamas-linked CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper recently claimed that “law enforcement authorities have repeatedly stated that they have tremendous cooperation from the Muslim community.” But Hamas-linked CAIR’s hypocrisy is astounding, as it has more than once advised Muslims not to cooperate with law enforcement. In January 2011, its San Francisco chapter featured on its website a poster that read, “Build A Wall of Resistance / Don’t Talk to the FBI.” In November 2014, CAIR-Florida’s “14th Annual Banquet Rooted in Faith” in Tampa distributed pamphlets entitled “What to do if the FBI comes for you” and featuring a graphic of a person holding a finger to his lips in the “shhh” signal.
Another CAIR pamphlet, entitled “Know Your Rights: Defending Rights, Defeating Intolerance”featured a graphic of the Statue of Liberty likewise making the “shhh” symbol. Cyrus McGoldrick, a former official of Hamas-linked CAIR’s New York chapter, even threatened informants, tweeting with brutal succinctness: “Snitches get stitches.” Zahra Billoo of CAIR-San Francisco regularly tweets that Muslims have no obligation to talk to the FBI, and should contact Hamas-linked CAIR if the FBI asks to talk to them.
Noor Salman’s failure to tip off authorities is of a piece with all that.
“Wife of nightclub shooter knew of deadly plans, source says,” Fox News, June 14, 2016:
The wife of the Orlando nightclub shooter knew of her husband’s deadly plans and did nothing to stop him, a federal law enforcement source confirmed to Fox News.
FBI agents have interviewed Omar Mateen’s wife, Noor Salman, in the days since Sunday’s massacre that killed 49 and wounded 53 more. Mateen died in a shootout with police early Sunday morning. While Salman has been widely referred to as Mateen’s wife, the only proof of their marriage is her listing as his wife on a 2013 mortgage document and family members who said the two were married and had a 3-year-old son.
Salman told investigators that Mateen shared his plans with her to carry out an attack and Mateen may have even called her from the gay club Pulse during the slaughter, a source told Fox News. Salman also confirmed details of Mateen’s gun purchases prior to the assault.
A separate source told Fox News that Salman was cooperating with investigators and had shared information about her husband’s violent aspirations. She had taken a polygraph, CBS reported.
Salman is likely to be arrested, a source told Fox News.
Mateen allegedly scouted an alternate location for the shooting — Downtown Disney — in April and again in early June, CBS reported….

Orlando Terrorist Worked for DHS Security Firm Exposed in Illegal Alien Catch & Release Scandal

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Omar Mateen, the reported ISIS terrorist who committed the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, worked for the past nine years for G4S, which boasts of being “the leading global integrated security company.” The 29-year-old Mateen (shown), who was investigated by the FBI on at least two occasions due to suspected ties to the al-Qaeda and Al Nusra Front terrorist groups, killed 49 and wounded dozens more in an attack on a homosexual night club in Orlando, Florida, in the early hours of Sunday morning.
Mateen’s employment with G4S is especially troubling, particularly in light of the recent exposure of the company’s involvement in the Department of Homeland Security’s catch-and-release program for third-country “OTM” (Other Than Mexican) illegal aliens captured crossing our southern border. As Raven Clabough reported  for The New American on June 6, an investigation by Judicial Watch exposed the Obama administration and DHS violating our immigration laws by transporting illegal aliens from the Mexican border and releasing them in Phoenix without even processing their paperwork, keeping track of their locations, or requiring them to make a court appearance. G4S, the London-based global conglomerate, was hired by DHS to transport these OTMs — some of whom may be terrorists — from the border to their designated release points.
According to the Judicial Watch report, “A security company contracted by the U.S. government is driving the OTMs from the Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector where they were in custody to Phoenix.” Judicial Watch continued: “The firm is called G4S and claims to be the world’s leading security solutions group with operations in more than 100 countries and 610,000 employees.”
According to a G4S corporate news release, Omar Mateen “was subject to detailed company screening when he was recruited in 2007,” and again in 2013. The company released a statement  to the media on Sunday, which reads: 
G4S is deeply shocked by the tragic events in Orlando this weekend and the thoughts of everyone at G4S are with the victims and their families.
Omar Mateen was employed by G4S at a residential community in South Florida and was off-duty at the time of the incident. Mateen was subject to detailed company screening when he was recruited in 2007 and re-screened in 2013 with no adverse findings. He was also subject to checks by a U.S. law enforcement agency with no findings reported to G4S.
G4S is providing its full support to all law enforcement authorities in the USA as they conduct their investigations. 
Who is G4S?
According to the G4S corporate “Who We Are” Web page, “G4S is the leading global integrated security company specialising in the provision of security products, services and solutions.”
The company’s profile continues: 
The group is active in more than 110 countries, and is the largest employer quoted on the London Stock Exchange with over 623,000 employees and has a secondary stock exchange listing in Copenhagen.
We specialise in outsourced business processes and facilities in sectors where security and safety risks are considered a strategic threat. 
“From risk assessment to delivery, we work in partnership with governments, businesses and other organisations to provide integrated solutions to security challenges,” G4S claims, noting that it provides protection to rock stars, sports stars, stadiums, arenas, banks, ATMs, retailers, as well as prison and parole management — and much more.
In light of the recent Judicial Watch exposure of the G4S role in Obama’s catch-and-release policy, the following claim on the company’s website is particularly noteworthy: “From ensuring travellers have a safe and pleasant experience in ports and airports around the world to secure detention and escorting of people who are not lawfully entitled to remain in a country; In more ways than you might realise, G4S is securing your world.”
"Securing your world"? Even before the Orlando terror attack and the DHS catch-and-release scandal, G4S was having serious credibility problems. The company’s epic mishandling of the 2012 Summer Olympics in England (G4S was the official "security services provider") became a staggering fiasco, causing CEO Nick Buckles to resign. Then, there were many other corruption and brutality charges. Nevertheless, the mega-corporate private police force has developed tentacle-like oligarchic relationships with governments and global companies that reach around the world, and has boasted such gold-plated institutional investors as Blackrock, Invesco, Mondrian Investment, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (However, the Gates Foundation sold its shares in the company in 2014, in response to a campaign alleging human rights abuses by G4S prison guards.)
Where Was the FBI in All of This?
In a press statement released Monday, FBI Director James B. Comey said that “the FBI is working non-stop to understand what led a man to commit a mass shooting in Orlando, Florida that left 49 people dead and dozens more injured.”
According to the FBI media release: 
Director Comey also described the FBI’s prior contacts with the killer, beginning in May 2013. The FBI opened an investigation when the shooter, then working as a contract security guard, made some inflammatory comments to co-workers and claimed a family connection to Al Qaeda. The shooter was interviewed twice during the preliminary investigation, where he admitted making the statements but said he had done so in anger at his co-workers, who he believed were discriminating against him. The case was closed after 10 months.
Two months later, the shooter’s name surfaced as a casual acquaintance of the Florida man who blew himself up in Syria for the terrorist group al Nusra Front. “Our investigation turned up no ties of any consequence between the two of them,” Comey said. “We will continue to look forward in this investigation, and backward. We will leave no stone unturned.”
Comey said the Bureau is reviewing those cases to see if anything was missed. “We’re also going to look hard at our own work to see whether there is something we should have done differently. So far, the honest answer is: I don’t think so. I don’t see anything in reviewing our own work that our agents should have done differently. 
Related articles:

G4S -- The Leading Security Company in the United States

G4S Employees Who Worked With Orlando Shooter
Claim They Warned Employers
Published on Jun 14, 2016
G4S is a mammoth among security agencies. With more than 600,000 workers, it’s one of the world’s largest private employers. By the company’s own estimate, it runs security for 90 percent of the United States’ nuclear power plants. According to Fusion, it also employed Omar Mateen, the Orlando mass-killer who professed allegiance to ISIS, and cleared him for duty in two background checks — including one in 2013, after a messy breakup with an ex-wife who now says he assaulted her, and around when the FBI grew concerned about his connections to a suicide bomber. The private security and prison company that employed Mateen has a history of controversy surrounding their hiring and business practices in Florida and elsewhere. After former coworkers have come forward to say they warned the company of Mateen’s instability, many observers are left wondering how much the company knew and if it ignored red flags. Michael Laycock is a former G4S guard who worked with Mateen at the courthouse. He told Fusion that the Orlando shooter was “definitely a very aggressive person” whose anger would escalate quickly. Laycock said when he met Mateen, the latter wasn’t a devout Muslim, but became increasingly religious over the time they worked together.

G4S slammed for human rights abuses in Palestine
Published on Jun 4, 2015
War on Want campaigners protest outside the G4S Annual General Meeting in London on 4 June 2015. It’s a scandal that G4S has a contract with the Israeli Prison Service to help run prisons at which Palestinian political prisoners, including children as young as 14, are often held without trial and subjected to torture.

“Has ISIS Infiltrated Homeland Security?” - Orlando Shooter Was a DHS Security Contractor

There are clearly larger questions about the stunning mass shooting that took place at an Orlando nightclub, now considered the largest of its kind in U.S. history.

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Has Homeland Security been infiltrated?  There are clearly larger questions about the stunning mass shooting that took place at an Orlando nightclub, now considered the largest of its kind in U.S. history.
The accused assassin was a long-term government security contractor who had access to numerous compromising positions in the national security infrastructure.
Here are some of the stunning details that have already come out via Counter Jihad:
The Orlando nightclub terrorist who pledged allegiance to ISIS worked almost a decade for a major Department of Homeland Security contractor, raising alarms that ISIS sympathizers and agents have infiltrated the federal agency set up after 9/11 to combat terrorists.
 Officials say Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, an Afghan-American who held two firearms licenses and a security officer license, was employed by the security firm G4S Secure Solutions USA Inc. since Sept. 10, 2007. The Jupiter, Fla.-based company merged with the Wackenhut Corp. after 9/11 and assumed federal contracts.
“G4S supports the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection (CPB), with its operations at the U.S. ­ Mexico border and with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to transport illegal immigrants in selected urban areas,” the company says in a brochure.
The DHS contract with G4S is worth more than $234 million. The contract states that one of the “performance requirements” is helping identify “suspected terrorists” trying to enter the U.S. The security contractor also provides security guards and other security services for “90 percent of U.S. nuclear facilities.”
Do the acts of Afghan-American Omar Mir Seddique Mateen represent a breach of Homeland Security – set up with so much power in the first place to counter terrorists who had carried out 9/11 and planned to strike again.
Was Mateen connected to anyone else within G4S who is involved in a potential attack or working intelligence ostensibly to thwart such activities?
Is Omar Mir Seddique Mateen part of a larger connected plot that has yet to materialize?
Critics have frequently pointed to the flaws in the immigration system and the possibility of a dangerous jihadists infiltrating at the border.
Now, it is one degree of separation away from what is happening with respect to terrorist acts and infiltration.
Here is a case of a security contractor working in areas of G4S that had contracts with Homeland Security and Customs and Border to bus “non-Mexican” illegal immigrants apprehended at the border to sanctuary cities such as Phoenix in Arizona, Houston/Austin/Dallas in Texas or Miami in Florida (not far from where Mateen worked in Jupiter, Florida):
G4S uses fortified buses to transport “hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants” from city to city and from cities to the U.S.-Mexican border. But earlier this month, Judicial Watch revealed G4S has been quietly moving and releasing van loads of illegal aliens away from the border to interior American cities.
The immigrants were classified as OTMs — Other Than Mexican — andincluded mostly Central American illegals but possibly also foreign border-crossers from the Middle East and Pakistan.
Driving illegal aliens to sanctuary cities on federal government contracts? That’s pretty shady business already.
But what if this guy, or someone else like him with radical views, had bused a load of ISIS members to sanctuary cities, and given them organized entry into the country for positioning?
For now, it is only a scenario, but Mateen’s position in government security, juxtaposed next to his apparent radical Islam-inspired mass shooting, raises some eerie questions about how vulnerable that system is:
It’s not clear if the 29-year-old Mateen worked on any federal contracts or dealt with federal inmates. One of his jobs was to help transport and guard state and local prisoner youths in Florida. The subsidiary he worked for — G4S Secure Solutions USA Inc. — is based in Jupiter, Fla., which is located just south of Mateen’s home in Fort Pierce, Fla.
It’s also not immediately known if he had federal security clearances, or what kind of security background check G4S administered before hiring Mateen.
But he continued to guard prisoners despite reports he openly praised ISIS in conversations with co-workers, and even though he had been under federal investigation for terrorism ties since at least 2013.
G4s services cover jobs in every conceivable area of security… and penetrate nearly every level of the national security and defense structure:
G4S supplies guards, “detention officers, court security officers, baggage handlers, security clerks, and prisoner bus and van drivers.”
Employing more than 50,000 Americans, G4S provides security support for several other federal agencies, as well, including the departments of State, Interior, Labor, Justice and Energy, and the IRS and Drug Enforcement Administration. The security firm also partners with the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force and NASA.
Like Fight Club, their agents and sleepers are everywhere. They are America’s security… and that means America’s security don’t mean much.
Arguably, G4S is everywhere that security is in jeopardy.
Could a mole, infiltrator, terrorist, lone wolf, mercenary or covert agent deliberately find employment at G4S and use it for access and as cover for their criminal activities? Obviously, the answer is clear.
There is a fundamental flaw that allows hiring to be easily controlled or steered by any prevailing agenda, and the mandate of Customers & Border (or any other agency) to be altered for politically expedient or covert reasons – as noted above by government contracts to bus illegal aliens to sanctuary cities.
So is there a connection between this episode of terror, and the terrorism agenda of Homeland Security?
Who is really sponsoring this terrorist activity, who is exploiting it in the media, and who stands to gain from the reaction to fear playing out in the population?
These questions are not impossible riddles… but they go unanswered because of the institutional attachments to these major events.
The solutions provided to answer the threat of terrorism (military-style local police forces, Homeland Security’s mismanaged and undue dominance over nation’s security system, weapons and equipment sales, high tech surveillance gear, watchlists) have encroached upon the rights of Americans on all footings.
Meanwhile, there is motive for someone to create the pretext, to create the problems that the officials will address.
If it happens, no one knows exactly who it is. But basically, specialized contractors of some kind trained in black ops is a good opening premise for covert action.
With all the details that have and will come out about this event – now the largest mass shooting in U.S. history – there are will remain questions surrounding the ties between Mateen, the apparent suicide-mass murderer and G4S, perhaps the largest government-tied security contractor.
Equally important are the ties between G4S and between the FBI and the accused jihadist, who they interviewed multiple times over a ten month period. As Tony Cartalucci reports:
Mateen first appeared on authorities’ radar in 2013 after the security guard’s colleagues alerted the FBI to inflammatory statements he made to colleagues claiming “family connections to Al Qaeda,” according to Comey.
Nevertheless, FBI investigators investigated Mateen, who was born in New York, for 10 months. They introduced him to confidential informants, spied on his communications and followed him. They also interviewed him twice.
Was there much more to their involvement? There is clear reason to consider that there was continued involvement.
The “War on Terror” has been largely a pageant of sensational threats, when you take into account the documented history of the FBI and its admitted pattern of setting up jihadists and terrorists in “sting operations” where individuals are often set-up and burned in the media with failed ‘terror plots’:
THE United States has been narrowly saved from lethal terrorist plots in recent years — or so it has seemed. A would-be suicide bomber was intercepted on his way to the Capitol; a scheme to bomb synagogues and shoot Stinger missiles at military aircraft was developed by men in Newburgh, N.Y.; and a fanciful idea to fly explosive-laden model planes into the Pentagon and the Capitol was hatched in Massachusetts.
But all these dramas were facilitated by the F.B.I., whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training. Suspects naïvely played their parts until they were arrested.
While most of these people never killed anyone – let alone scores of people – they typically are recorded while confessing intended acts of violence on unlikely scales of mass destruction – all while being set up with money, weapons, inspiration and the all-important gentle-nudging from a beloved “uncle figure” like an FBI under-cover agent provocateur.
By providing weaponry, funds and a plan, FBI-directed agents will encourage otherwise-unwilling participants to plot out terrorist attacks, only to bust them before any events fully materialize.
The report reveals that the FBI regularly infiltrates communities where they suspect terrorist-minded individuals to be engaging with others…agents are sent in to converse within the community, find suspects that could potentially carry out “lone wolf” attacks and then, more or less,encourage them to do so.
The report also reveals that, of the 500-plus prosecutions of terrorism-related cases they analyzed, nearly half of them involved the use of informants, many of whom worked for the FBI in exchange for money or to work off criminal charges. Of the 158 prosecutions carried out, 49 defendants participated in plots that agent provocateurs arranged on behalf of the FBI.
With homegrown terrorism, there is much more than meets the eye going on.
As the nation’s media focus on the scale of the tragedy and the human impact, they would do well to also draw attention to the ‘public relations elements’ going on in the terror narrative and the version of the accused attacker that is  painted publicly, while so many important details and inconsistencies fall off into obscurity.
Article posted with permission from SHTFPlan.


Parents, teachers, and citizens concerned about the Common Core Initiative

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

State officials in Louisiana tried to deceive citizens last week by approving what amounts to, essentially, a glorified name change for the deeply unpopular Common Core education standards pushed by the Obama administration. Basically, policymakers re-branded the scheme as “Louisiana Standards,” while pretending that there had been some “revisions” to the widely loathed education-nationalization effort. However, according to experts and activists involved in the process, the politically toxic national education standards imposed on state governments with federal funding and pressure remain almost entirely intact in Louisiana, despite the new name. Similar scams by government officials have taken place in states across the country.    
The re-branded Common Core standards were approved by lawmakers last week, following years of raging controversy across the state. Despite a handful of dissenters, both the state house and state senate education committees approved the “new” standards, with some analysts saying the lawmakers were misled to believe that a vote against the fraudulent "re-branding" was a vote in favor of what critics call "Obama Core." The state's education board also approved the re-branding. “There was a lot of time and a lot of hard work that was put into adjusting these standards, perfecting these standards and truly making them Louisiana standards,” claimed Jim Garvey, chief of the federally funded Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) that helped impose Common Core on the state in the first place. Some 9,000 hours were allegedly put into the re-branding effort.
The governor, whose approval was also required to keep the re-branded Common Core in Louisiana government and charter schools, approved the scheme as well. “We can now all pull together and focus our energy and resources exclusively on increasing student achievement,” said Democrat Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards in a statement, perhaps hoping that the statewide outcry over Common Core would suddenly disappear now that the scheme had a new name. Edwards took over from former Governor Bobby Jindal, a Republican who had sought to quash Common Core with an executive order and lawsuits, and promptly began his work to cement the controversial scheme in place.
Among other components of the saga, Edwards quickly dropped a lawsuit by the state of Louisiana against the Obama administration's Department of Education. The suit accused the education bureaucracy of violating the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution by trying to compel states to adopt Common Core and surrender control over education to Big Brother in Washington. “Common Core is the latest effort by big government disciples to strip away state rights and put Washington, D.C. in control of everything,” Jindal said at the time, saying the scheme had become a federal plot to “nationalize curriculum.” “These are big government elitists that believe they know better than parents and local school boards.”
Amid the uprising among parents, teachers, taxpayers, and others, Louisiana officials created a “review committee” dominated by Common Core apparatchiks to supposedly “review” the standards and revise them. Officially, the panel changed some 20 percent of the Common Core standards in English and Math as part of its revisions. However, according to experts, activists, and an analysis of the changes, less than three percent was actually changed, said educator Ganey Arceneaux, an education activist from Lake Charles who runs the Educate Louisiana service and testified against the re-branded Common Core standards.
“The rewrite is not a rewrite. It is a rename,” he told The New American in response to questions. “What really happened was the department of education anticipated that they would be forced to enter a compromise, so they initiated the review in advance and selected the committee which was filled with pro-Common Core supporters. They have asserted that 20 percent of the standards have been revised, but an analysis shows that less than 3 percent were changed.” And even those changes were largely meaningless, critics said.  
As a solution, Arceneaux suggested getting rid of Common Core and the re-branded version of the scheme, and getting the establishment out of education policy. “The chamber of commerce and its corporate members, along with billionaire philanthropists, need to butt out of education, and we need to scrap the standards in their entirety in favor developing appropriate standards that are created and vetted by qualified people in Louisiana,” Arceneaux continued. Among other financiers, population control zealot and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who signed a global education deal with UNESCO, dumped billions of dollars into creating and pushing Common Core.
The veteran Louisiana educator also noted that each and every person who spoke in favor of the standards has at one point been compensated to support, promote, or implement Common Core. “They support the 'New Louisiana Standards' for the same reason that we oppose them,” he said on Educate Louisiana. “They are one and the same.” Similar dynamics have occurred in state legislatures across the country.
And indeed, other analysts have come to similar conclusions. At EdWeek, for example, which has served as a reliable apologist for Common Core and Fed Ed generally, Liana Heitin highlighted some of the alleged “revisions” to the allegedly “new” Louisiana standards. “In many cases, the alterations really aren't more than slight tweaks — for example, a new 5th grade reading standard says students will 'utilize information from multiple print or digital sources' instead of 'draw on information from multiple print or digital sources,' as it's worded in the common core,” Heitin explained. She found just four new standards, including asking students to recognize the value of pennies, nickles, and dimes.     
Angela Alef, with the education-focused Louisiana group The People, LLC, slammed the fraud, too, and highlighted its broader implications in the ongoing education debate raging across the state. “The rewriting of the standards has taken away one of the main arguments against the Common Core,” she told The New American, adding that the standards were really “workforce training” rather than what is traditionally thought of as education. “In Louisiana, a main complaint has been that the standards are not 'Louisiana Standards.' This process has changed little except for the name: literally from 'Common Core' to 'Louisiana Standards.' So, no one can ever again complain that we have Common Core or that Louisiana doesn't have its own set of standards.”
In fact, Alef and others had warned of precisely such an outcome years ago, and the implications are troubling. “Since the 'new standards' have now gone through the APA [Administrative Procedures Act] process, our state education board and legislature can say that the public had their say and both bodies agreed to 'change' the standards by dropping Common Core,” Alef added in her statement. “Of course, all that is being dropped is the name. This is the definition of 'rebrand' that we have seen happen in every other state that has 'changed' their standards.” In reality, little to nothing has actually changed.
But the problem is deeper. Even before Common Core was imposed, Louisiana had another troubling set of “standards” similarly aligned with national and global objectives such as “workforce training,” Alef explained. “So, what these three sets of standards represent are actually common workforce standards,” she said. “A set of common workforce standards is what is needed in order to guarantee a workforce for the global elite's economy. This is how those who are 'investing in our children' are guaranteed that their future workers will have the same minimal academic education; life skills; and attitudes, values, and beliefs. This, by the way, is the conceptual basis for tax-funded school choice and it is also communism.”  
In Louisiana, amid the debate on the new name for Common Core, teachers were sharply divided on the alleged revisions. Louisiana Association of Educators chief Debbie Meaux, for example, testified that she could not take an official position because members were divided on the issue. Meaux did recommend a yearly review process to uncover and resolve problems. However, for now, analysts say Louisiana appears to be stuck with Common Core.
Of course, Louisiana is only the latest state among many in which policymakers tried to dupe citizens into believing Common Core was gone. IndianaSouth CarolinaMissouriArizonaOklahoma, Florida, and numerous other states have suffered from similar fraud. However, parents and teachers have shown no signs of giving up or buying into the deception. Instead, as the horrifying effects of Common Core continue to expand, so does the opposition to the standards. No doubt the same will hold true for Louisiana.
But even though it is true that Common Core is what its critics say — dumbed down, inappropriate, nationalized and globalized pseudo-education — it is only the latest step in a long-term process that has been going on for generations. The root of the problem is much deeper than Common Core or Obama. And America's liberty and future literally depend on the danger being identified and dealt with.
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