Friday, February 26, 2016


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

A Romanian attorney in the United States who has access to court documents surrounding five Norwegian children who were seized by the country’s child welfare services last November says that records clearly show the children were taken from their parents because of the family’s Christian faith.
As previously reported, in November, the Barnevernet seized Marius and Ruth Bodnariu’s two daughters, two sons and their baby, Ezekiel. The two eldest children were reportedly removed from school without their parents knowledge, and then Barnevarnet representatives arrived with police at the Bodnariu home, where welfare services seized the remaining children, minus the baby.
The organization returned the following day and removed the infant as well after the family tried to resolve the matter after being arrested.
Marius Bodnariu’s brother, Daniel, who is a pastor, explained in an online statement that the matter began when the children’s principal contacted welfare services after expressing concerns over how they were being raised, including in regard to the family’s Christian beliefs.
“The process of confiscating the Bodnariu children started when the Vevring School principal, the middle school attended by Eliana and Naomi, called the Barnevernet and expressed her concerns regarding the girls’ religious upbringing, her understanding that the girls are being disciplined at home, and that she considers the parents and grandmother to be radical Christians; an overriding concern that the principal’s perception of the parents’ and grandmother’s religious beliefs inhibit and handicap the girls’ development,” he outlined.
Now, the president of the Alliance for Romania’s Families, an attorney who has had access to court records surrounding the case, says that the family’s faith was indeed a factor in the children’s seizure.
“[T]he evidence is plenty,” wrote Peter Costea in an online post on Monday.
“Documents and minutes of meetings have emerged since the abduction showing that as early as … more than a month before the children were taken into custody, the officials at Naustdal municipality disapproved of the parenting style of the Bodnariu parents, believing it, after questioning the children, to be based on the Bible,” he explained. “They plainly state that Barnevernet ‘is worried that this is a way of upbringing which is justified by the Bible.'”
Costea outlined that “[t]he documents also mention that the children were ‘brought up to respect God and their parents’ values.'”
“Barnevernet interpreted this as a possible conflict between the children’s assumed inability to live up to their parents’ value expectations and faith and that the parents’ religion could create an ‘inner conflict’ in the children and a stressful family environment,” he continued. “Religion is bad for children, Barnevernet’s minutes seem to say, and too much religion is lawful justification for snatching children away from their parents.”
During the course of the case, the discussion turned to abuse allegations as Barnevernet expressed concern that the children might have been spanked, which is illegal in Norway. The grandparents of the children, who have lived with the family at times, have rejected the allegations completely.
“We can assure that we have never seen that violence has been used against the children,” the grandfather said in a recent blog post. “Not even that they have raised their voices to them. The children themselves have never told us that the parents have been nasty to them.”

Norwegian Children Seized by Welfare Services See Parents for First Time in Three Months


Global support for Marius and Ruth Bodnariu Family (English subtitles available)


FEBRUARY 8, 2016
Published on Feb 8, 2016
Protest Vancouver 2016
In November 2015, a new case arose to public attention involving children of foreign nationals being removed from custody by Barnevernet. Marius and Ruth Bodnariu, a Romanian-Norwegian couple of Pentecostal faith are accused of violence against their children...

FEBRUARY 7, 2016

Marius si Ruth Bodnariu canta "Mereu ’nainte şi vom învinge" 21.02.2016
Published on Feb 22, 2016
Imagine: Mihai Dragoman
Radio Filadelfia sustine familia Bodnariu!

Marius si Ruth Bodnariu cantand impreuna:
"Mereu ’nainte şi vom învinge,
Mereu ’nainte şi vom afla,
Te-ncurajează, mergi în lumină,
Vom înţelege de ce-i aşa."

Radio Filadelfia denunta abuzurile si practicile institutiei Barnevernet (Protectia Copilului din Norvegia) in cazul lui Marius si Ruth Bodnariu si a celor 5 copii.
Detalii aici:

Interview with Marius and Ruth Bodnariu in Norway (English subtitles available)


Norwegian social workers Barnevernet are doing what they do daily, kidnap children
Published on May 25, 2014
This video shows how a less than a year old girl Anna is being kidnapped. Kidnapping is made by the Norwegian Barnevernet ( social services ) who snatches children on a regular basis from traditional families. As you can see the is no resistance possible against 3 of those bastards, 2 of which pressed the young mother against the floor. Child is being brought to a secret address unknown to the family or relatives.

As the official statistics of Norway point out, that annually over 10.000 children are being kidnapped without any investigation or a hearing before a judge, and without showing any paperwork.
This is 5-6 children every hour. In who's interest those children are being taken know only government officials. Corruption level in the field of child trade / adoption in Norway is the highest in the world. Some actually say that Norwegian mafia is involved in it.

Mothers who give birth are being called in Norway: bags who carry the nation's offspring.
Government actually set a goal to remove 100% of the children from their biological parents.
Platon's plan, that how the plan is called of destroying traditional families in Norway ( and in many other countries across Europe ). You can read about all this on many websites made by Norwegian parents.

Here is a small example of what is happening in Norway:

The same things are happening in The Netherlands, UK, Germany, Sweden, Finland. 

Marius Reikerås - Norwegian lawyer speaks in English about Barnevernet abuses; translated into RomanianBarnevernet Not Independent; Elected Not By the People, But by the State







Obama Weighing Pro-Abortion Republican for Scalia Replacement on U.S. Supreme Court

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes

WASHINGTON — Among the possibilities to replace Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat on the U.S. Supreme Court, Barack Obama is reportedly considering a Republican governor who identifies as “pro-choice.”
According to reports, Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval is among those that Obama is vetting for the nomination.
Sandoval, formerly served as a federal judge after being nominated to the bench by then-President George W. Bush. In 2005, he was confirmed by the Senate unanimously after being praised by both Democrats and Republicans.
Sandoval left his work as a judge to run for governor in 2010, and defeated Rory Reid, the son of U.S. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, in the battle for the job.
While running for governor, while expressing approval for restrictions on abortion, Sandoval identified as “pro-choice.”
“I am pro-choice,” his campaign website read. “I oppose partial-birth abortion, late term abortion and federal funding for abortion. I support parental notification prior to a minor receiving an abortion and am against transporting minors across state lines for abortions.”
Other reports state that Sandoval personally disagrees with abortion but believes mothers should have the “choice” whether to end the life of their child in the womb.
Similarly, while Sandoval personally believes that marriage is between a man and a woman, he abandoned an appeal in defense of his state’s constitutional amendment last February after facing a legal challenge in federal court.
“Based upon the advice of the attorney general’s office and their interpretation of relevant case law, it has become clear that this case is no longer defensible in court,” he said.
Sandoval believes that the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges is the law and must be followed.
In 2013, he signed a type of hate crimes bill that would mandate harsher sentences for those who commit a crime against transgendered individuals.
While those close to Obama’s vetting process have confirmed that Sandoval is under consideration, Sandoval’s staff says that the White House has not yet contacted him about the matter. The selection process is still in its early stages and other possible nominees are also being weighed.
“First and foremost, the person I appoint will be eminently qualified,” Obama wrote for SCOTUS blog on Wednesday. “He or she will have an independent mind, rigorous intellect, impeccable credentials, and a record of excellence and integrity. I’m looking for a mastery of the law, with an ability to hone in on the key issues before the court, and provide clear answers to complex legal questions.”
“I seek judges who approach decisions without any particular ideology or agenda, but rather a commitment to impartial justice, a respect for precedent, and a determination to faithfully apply the law to the facts at hand,” he said.
The Senate Judiciary Committee has vowed to ignore any nominee that Obama nominates as it believes the selection should be made by Obama’s successor.
“I don’t know how many times we need to keep saying this: The Judiciary Committee has unanimously recommended to me that there be no hearing. I’ve said repeatedly and I’m now confident that my conference agrees that this decision ought to be made by the next president, whoever is elected,” Senate Majority Mitch McConnell declared on Tuesday.

The Brian Sandoval Deception - Brian Sandoval Vice President? A "D-" Rating in 2012



"If you scare one more refugee, there will be consequences for you"

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

A militant pro-refugee left-wing mob has threatened violent Mafia-style attacks on residents of a German village in retaliation for them protesting against the arrival of a group of migrants.
Last week, Germans in the village of Clausnitz in Saxony surrounded a bus carrying asylum seekers and tried to prevent the migrants getting off. The residents chanted “go home” and “we are the people” before police arrived and the migrants were allowed to enter a nearby refugee center.
Antifa, a para-military left-wing “anti-fascist” group, responded to the incident by releasing an open letter threatening to leave the village in “ruins” if any more negative sentiment was directed towards the migrants.
Remarking that they had already visited the village in question, the group threatened to launch a number of different reprisal attacks.
“Things can go broken, tractors can spontaneously combust – it would be a shame. Well, some of our other options would unsettle the population.”
“If you scare one more refugee, there will be consequences for you. We’re watching you. Another attack on a refugee, a firecracker outside the property – and your village will be in ruins. We will drive up the price of your inhumanity as high as possible.”
“Your hatred and your agitation will not remain unchallenged. We will not stand by the sidelines as you live out your authoritarian character. You live in a world in which ‘Being German’ is worth more than being human. We will not tolerate that.”
The letter also directly threatens the police, accusing them of protecting a “racist Saxon mob” (despite the fact that it was the police who dispersed the demonstrators in Clausnitz).
“You too will feel the consequences for your inhuman act,” states the letter.
As we highlighted last month, left-wing agitators were present when migrants in Calais violently attacked residents on their own private property.
After the incident, the leftists helped the “refugees” break through police lines and storm the city’s port before around 50 of migrants boarded the UK-bound ferry Spirit of Britain.

1.5.2012 Antifa riots Kreuzberg Die Randale 1st of May; anti-capitalists in Berlin by Tomas Rafa
Published on May 20, 2012
Berlin and Hamburg became once again the scene of bloody May Day riots Tuesday evening in what has turned into a sad tradition over the past years, according to news reports.

More than 10,000 demonstrators, among them mostly black-clad and masked radical leftists and anarchists, led fierce street clashes with baton-wielding riot police in Berlin as protesters attempted - for the first time - to reach the capital's heavily guarded government district.

There were reports of stones and bottles hurled and insults screamed at police,
firecrackers detonated and vandalism against banks and petrol stations.
There had been several arrests and injuries reported, according to police.
Police helicopters hovered over Berlin's government district of Mitte.
Over 7,000 police officers have been deployed throughout Berlin trying to restore order.
May Day protests in Berlin were especially violent in the 1980s and early 1990s, however things had calmed down somewhat for a while after police switched from their crackdown strategy to de-escalation tactics, things had calmed down significantly.
Meanwhile, police in the north German port city of Hamburg clashed also with
militant anti-capitalist demonstrators Tuesday evening, using pepper spray and
There were no immediate reports of any arrests and injuries.
Earlier in the day, hundreds of thousands of people took part in the traditional
May Day marches and rallies in numerous German cities.
Germany's powerful labor unions had called for demonstrations and protest
marches across the country.
May Day demonstrators directed their protests against mounting social inequality, low
wages and further social cuts.
May 1 is a traditional labor day throughout Europe.
text source:

Germany: PEGIDA and AntiFa supporters
clash in Munich
Published on Jan 11, 2016
Several arrests were made after clashes erupted between PEGIDA-supporters and anti-PEGIDA counter-protesters in the Bavarian city of Munich, Monday, on the one-year anniversary rally of the Munich branch of PEGIDA. 

Antifa vs. PEGIDA

Randale bei Neonazi Aufmarsch -
Antifa Angriff auf Rednerpult


Scalia Death Reeks Of Foul Play
Published on Feb 25, 2016
Alex Jones and David Knight talk with former prosecutor and media personality Lionel about the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

Mysterious Black SUV Harassing Clinton Insider
Published on Feb 25, 2016
Larry Nichols reveals to Alex Jones that the mysterious black suv belonged to DHS according to local police. DHS told them they had jurisdiction and to get out of their way.


Justice Scalia Murdered by Secret Society of Elite Hunters-Order of St. Hubertus?
Published on Feb 24, 2016
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was in the company of an elite secret society of hunters called the Order of Saint Hubertus, which had it's American branch founded by the Bohemian Grove. Many people believe that his death was an Illuminati assassination to open up a spot on the Supreme Court for another liberal, to finalize the New World Order. Media analyst Mark Dice has the latest. 

Justice Scalia Spent His Last Hours With Members of Secretive Society of Elite Hunters

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes

Republished from Washington Post: 
When Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died 12 days ago at a West Texas ranch, he was among high-ranking members of an exclusive fraternity for hunters called the International Order of St. Hubertus, an Austrian society that dates back to the 1600s.
After Scalia’s death Feb. 13, the names of the 35 other guests at the remote resort, along with details about Scalia’s connection to the hunters, have remained largely unknown. A review of public records shows that some of the men who were with Scalia at the ranch are connected through the International Order of St. Hubertus, whose members gathered at least once before at the same ranch for a celebratory weekend.
Members of the worldwide, male-only society wear dark-green robes emblazoned with a large cross and the motto “Deum Diligite Animalia Diligentes,” which means “Honoring God by honoring His creatures,” according to the group’s website. Some hold titles, such as Grand Master, Prior and Knight Grand Officer. The Order’s name is in honor of Hubert, the Roman Catholic patron saint of hunters and fishermen.
Cibolo Creek Ranch owner John Poindexter and C. Allen Foster, a prominent Washington lawyer who traveled to the ranch with Scalia by private plane, hold leadership positions within the Order. It is unclear what, if any, official association Scalia had with the group.
“There is nothing I can add to your observation that among my many guests at Cibolo Creek Ranch over the years some members of the International Order of St. Hubertus have been numbered,” Poindexter said in an email. “I am aware of no connection between that organization and Justice Scalia.”
An attorney for the Scalia family did not respond to requests for comment for this article.
Two other private planes that landed at the ranch for the weekend are linked to two men who have held leadership positions with the Texas chapter of the Order, according to a review of state business filings and flight records from the airport.
After Scalia’s death, Poindexter told reporters that he met Scalia at a “sports group” gathering in Washington. The U.S. chapter of the International Order of St. Hubertus lists a suite on M Street NW in the District as its headquarters, although the address is only a mailbox in a United Parcel Service store.
The International Order of St. Hubertus, according to its website, is a “true knightly order in the historical tradition.” In 1695, Count Franz Anton von Sporck founded the society in Bohemia, which is in modern-day Czech Republic.
The group’s Grand Master is “His Imperial Highness Istvan von Habsburg-Lothringen, Archduke of Austria,” according to the Order’s website. The next gathering for “Ordensbrothers” and guests is an “investiture” March 10 in Charleston, S.C.
The society’s U.S. chapter launched in 1966 at the famous Bohemian Club in San Francisco, which is associated with the all-male Bohemian Grove — one of the most well-known secret societies in the country.
In 2010, Poindexter hosted a group of 53 members of the Houston chapter of the International Order of St. Hubertus at the Cibolo Creek Ranch, according to a Houston society publication. A number of members from Mexico were also part of the ranch festivities that included “three days of organized shoots and ‘gala’ lunches and dinners.”
Poindexter told CultureMap Houston that some of the guests dressed in “traditional European shooting attire for the boxed bird shoot competition” and for the shooting of pheasants and chukar, a type of partridge.
For the hunting weekend earlier this month, Poindexter told The Washington Post that Scalia traveled to Houston with his friend and U.S. marshals, who provide security for Supreme Court justices. The Post obtained a Presidio County Sheriff’s Office report that named Foster as Scalia’s close friend on the trip.
Sheriff Danny Dominguez confirmed that a photograph of Washington lawyer C. Allen Foster is the same man he interviewed at the ranch the day of Scalia’s death.
From Houston, Scalia and Foster chartered a plane without the marshals to the Cibolo Creek Ranch airstrip. In a statement after Scalia died, the U.S. Marshals Service said that Scalia had declined a security detail while at the ranch.
The friend, Louisiana-born Foster, is a lawyer with the Washington firm Whiteford, Taylor & Preston. He is also known for his passion for hunting and is a former spokesman for the hunting group Safari Club.
In 2006, Foster was featured in The Post when he celebrated his 65th birthday with a six-day celebration in the Czech Republic. He flew his family and 40 Washington friends there to stay in Moravia’s Zidlochovice, a baroque castle and hunting park. The birthday bash included “tours of the Czech countryside, wine tasting, wild boar and mouflon (wild sheep) hunts, classic dance instruction and a masked costume ball.”
A secretary at Foster’s law firm said he is traveling in Argentina. The firm’s director of marketing, Mindee L. Mosher, said Foster was traveling and she would try to contact him. A woman answering a phone associated with Foster hung up when asked for comment.
Planes owned by Wallace “Happy” Rogers III and the company of A.J. Lewis III left from San Antonio and arrived at the ranch just after noon Feb. 12. The planes departed the ranch about 30 minutes apart Feb. 14, according to flight records provided to The Post by FlightAware.
Rogers owns the Buckhorn Saloon and Museum in San Antonio. He has donated $65,000 to Republican candidates since 2008. Lewis is the owner of a restaurant supplier company, also based in San Antonio. He has given $3,500 to GOP candidates since 2007.
Rogers and Lewis have both served as prior officers in the Texas chapter of the International Order of St. Hubertus, according to Texas business records. Rogers spoke to a Post reporter briefly on the phone and confirmed that he was at the ranch the weekend of Scalia’s death. He declined to comment further.
Lewis did not respond to several attempts for comment.
The Presidio County Sheriff’s Office released an incident report to The Post on Tuesday that revealed Foster’s name as Scalia’s traveling companion and provided details about the discovery of his body.
Poindexter and Foster told the sheriff that Scalia had traveled to Texas the day before to go hunting. Poindexter told the sheriff that they “had supper and talked for a while” that evening.
Scalia “said that he was tired and was going to his room for the night,” the sheriff wrote in his report.
When Scalia didn’t show up for breakfast that morning, Poindexter knocked on his door and eventually went in and found the Justice dead in his bed, Poindexter said.
Law enforcement officials told The Post that they had no knowledge of the International Order of St. Hubertus or its connection to Poindexter and ranch guests. The officials said the FBI had declined to investigate Scalia’s death when they were told by the marshals that he died from natural causes.