Friday, December 4, 2015



Kansas City Convention Center


The conference is held in the Kansas City Convention Center in 
downtown Kansas City, Missouri, which is about twenty minutes south 
of Kansas City Airport (KCI) and twenty-five minutes north of the 
International House of Prayer Missions Base.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

(Friday Church News Notes, December 4, 2015,, 866-295-4143) - 
I want to revisit the upcoming event discussed in last week’s Friday Church News Notes, which is SBC President Ronnie Floyd’s scheduled ministry at IHOP’s OneThing conference December 28-31. For those who have eyes to see, this is an irrefutable witness to the spiritual deception that has permeated the Southern Baptist Convention. At the International House of Prayer, Floyd will join hands with one of the world’s most radical 
Onething 2015
groups of charismatic mystics, as well as with Roman Catholic praise musician Matt Maher. The International House of Prayer is most assuredly one in the spirit with Matt and his love for the mass and prayers to Mary. IHOP is passionate about “Jesus,” but it is a false christ and a deceiving spirit masquerading as the Spirit of God. And this frightful reality is created by the soul-blinding power of contemporary worship. Even the most conservative elements of the Southern Baptist Convention have long been drunk on this music, unwittingly drinking of a deceiving spirit, an ecumenical spirit, a non-judgmental spirit, unwittingly building a bridge to the one-world church, so that today there is no ability to resist it. Even the most conservative Southern Baptist leaders, from Al Mohler to Charles Stanley, by their silence, support the bridge building done through contemporary music. Matt Maher, who will join the SBC president at the IHOP conference, leads the “Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament” at Catholic Churches, such as Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Tempe which is devoted to Mary, “the Mother of Life.” The “Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament” refers to the worship of the consecrated host of the mass. Because of the supposed power of the Catholic mass to transform bread into the very body and blood of Jesus, the host is “adored” as Christ Himself. This is the type of apostasy with which every lover of contemporary worship music joins hands. Stuart Townend and the Gettys, whose music is promoted now by Bob Jones University, Frank Garlock, and the Hamiltons, are friends with Matt Maher and have joined him in ecumenical ventures. “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them” (Romans 16:17).
EXCERPTS: PC14 featuring the trio of a sinful ecumenicist like Rick Warren, Francis Chan, who’s declared his love for NAR heretic Mike Bickle, and James MacDonald, a leading figure in a self-appointed Evangelical Ecumenical Magisterium of multisite megachurch pastors, gives us plenty of cause for concern in regard to the SBC.
Among the other speakers at PC14 we find Dr. Ronnie Floyd. His PC14 bio informs us he’s:
served as Senior Pastor of Cross Church in Northwest Arkansas for 26+ years. Cross Church is a four-campus, multi-site fellowship of believers and was just recognized by Outreach Magazine for being the 57th Largest Church in America in Weekly Attendance…
He currently serves as the General Editor of Lifeway’s Bible Studies for Life curriculum series,…[and Dr. Ronnie Floyd] is the Lead Pastor and Strategist of SEND North America, and most recently served as the Chairman of the Great Commission Resurgence of the Southern Baptist Convention. (source, click Speakers and then click his picture)
 First, when we consider the September 9, 2013 post Tuning in Regularly by Ronnie Floyd at his personal blog. I think we should be a bit alarmed at the number of EEM megachurch pastors Floyd is being influenced by. He tells us that:
Each week I do all that I can to grow personally… I listen to a long list of Christian leaders… Here is a list of various people I listen to along the way,,,,
James MacDonaldHarvest Bible Chapel, ChicagoBill HybelsWillow Creek Community, Chicago, Robert MorrisGateway Church, Dallas, Jack GrahamPrestonwood Baptist, Dallas
Mark BattersonNational Community, Washington D.C.Andy StanleyNorth Point Church, AtlantaCraig Groeshel, Life Church, Oklahoma City,,, Rick WarrenSaddleback Church, Southern California,
Ed YoungFellowship Church, Dallas…  Jim CymbalaBrooklyn Tabernacle, New York City… Mark DriscollMars Hill Church, Seattle… Perry Noble Leadership Podcast (source);
EXCERPTS: Ronnie Floyd, as president of the Southern Baptist Convention, is one such man who has chosen to respond to the praises of man while shunning the truth and righteousness of the Holy Spirit & God’s Word. He can hold claim to all his accomplishment but one thing remains, his inability to discern the obvious shows that his faith is both juvenile and irresponsible.
Mike Bickle is one of the head movers and shakers in the New Apostolic Reformation cult and is elevated as one of its governing Apostle and Prophet. He was head of the Kansas City Prophet (KCP) movement with Bob Jones and still remains largely unaccountable to the damage he caused. Now Bickle is head of the popular iHOP cult, preaching the damnable NAR “Gospel of the Kingdom” and peddling his own bizarre fanatical doctrines such as “Harp & Bowl,” “Bridal Paradigm,” “Manchild/New Breed” doctrines and many others. [SOURCE]
For Ronnie Floyd to endorse this speaking engagement is to endorse the extreme fanatical and highly dangerous cult teachers of the New Apostolic Reformation. While we hope Floyd reconsiders the consequences of this speaking engagement, the fact remains it appears that Floyd has used his position to  compromise the name of Christ and His Church.
Southern Baptist Convention President Ronnie Floyd will be speaking in December at Onething, the International House of Prayer’s annual celebration/convention. So will Francis Chan–for the second time. Onething takes place December 28-31, 2015.Catholic Matt Maher will be one of the worship leaders. The IHOP Onething Worship and Leaders page notes that Maher played at the World Meeting of Families, which marked “Pope Francis’ first visit to the U.S. this year.”Ronnie Floyd’s appearance at Onething potentially opens some Southern Baptist members to IHOP-KC influence . How many SBC members will be watching Onething online because Floyd will be speaking there? As noted in Francis Chan as IHOP-KC’s public relations agent?, Chan’s 2013 participation in Onething was a public relations bonanza for IHOP-KC.It should be stated that there are people in IHOP-KC who are saved. Those who have broad-brushed everyone in IHOP-KC as being heretics or apostates are in in error. Many of the young people who come to IHOP-KC are already Christians, and they want the hands-on experience that IHOP-KC seemingly offers.
Should we be concerned with IHOP-KC’s teachings? Yes. Should Christians accept or participate in IHOP-KC? We should not.
IHOP-KC is built on a contemplative foundation. Because of this, much deception has occurred. It is part of the New Apostolic Reformation (more on this in Part Two), and leader Mike Bickle, like many other contemplatives, is seemingly unconcerned about the profound differences between Catholic theology and that of the Bible.
This spiritual blindness makes sense, given Bickle’s enchantment with the long-dead Catholic contemplatives who helped spread this unholy meditative practice. Two of the most influential Catholic contemplatives were (are) Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross. Incredibly, Bickle states that he wants Father Thomas Dubay’s Fire Within, a book about these two mystics, to “be the manual for IHOP-KC.” (Read)

Ronnie Floyd and IHOP Now Bringing Catholic Track

SEE: below 
in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Last week I reported on Southern Baptist president, Ronnie Floyd, participating in the Onething Conference put on by the apostate IHOP (International House Of Prayer) Church, founded by New Apostolic Reformation “prophet” Mike Bickle. I even went out on a limb and speculated that he may be attempting to unite the Southern Baptist Convention with the organization, since he has a similar religious worldview with them. Just when I thought this rabbit hole couldn’t go any deeper, it has been brought to my attention that this event will be strongly pro-Roman Catholic.
It’s as though we Southern Baptists are in a twilight zone of sorts. Martin Luther, John Calvin–all the men who put their lives on the line, or martyred themselves to separate from Rome–these great Protestant men would be turning over in their graves. It’s bad enough that prominent SBC pastor Rick Warren, and ERLC leader Russell Moore took to the Vatican last year to participate in a largely political event backed by co-belligerence. I, along with most Protestants, strongly opposed that too, but that is small potatoes compared to this.
This large ecumenical conference taking place at the end of December, 2015, is largely geared toward young adults, and is touted as a gathering of worship and prayer–a “revival” of sorts to “encounter” Jesus. According to their website, this is their primary agenda:
Our primary aim is to encounter Jesus, so that we might go forth to do His works and change the world, until the fame of Jesus fills the earth.
Now, we already knew that Roman Catholic worship leader, Matt Maher, was going to be leading the music at the event. But what I didn’t know, until recently, is that the event will be holding a Catholic Track every afternoon at the event. According to their website, here’s what will happen during this time:
The Catholic Track will take place during the afternoon sessions for four days (Dec. 28-31) and it will include praise and worship, teaching and sharing plus ministry time, chanting Vespers and other forms of prayer. Daily Mass is available at 12:15pm across the street (one-minute walk) at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Mornings and evenings will be spent together with the other 20,000 young adults attending the conference through extended times of worship, teaching, and ministry.
Further, they say this about the Catholic Track, and it’s purpose:
We are excited to bring the teaching and experience of the Charismatic and Mystical aspects of Catholic spirituality so profoundly carried throughout centuries, as well as broad infusion of creative aspect of Holy Spirit’s inspiration in various free expressions of His charisms.
In this video ( put on by Major Change, the same group sponsoring the Catholic Track at the Onething Conference, they say “it’s not just in hearing the Gospel–that’s important–but it’s in the sacraments that we encounter Jesus.” Now notice in the tag-line of the Onething Conference that Ronnie Floyd is participating in, the primary aim is to “encounter Jesus.”
Now, I’m not exactly sure what is meant by “encountering” Jesus, and they never really say exactly what that means. However, we can infer based on the nature of both Roman Catholicism, as well as the apostate IHOP organization (as reported before) that this is purported to be some mystical, emotional high you get from motivational speaking, light shows and hyper-sensory worship music.
So what exactly is it going to take to wake up Southern Baptists and put a stop to this? There is something very odd about Reformed Christians supporting this guy, yet both Al Mohler and JD Greear have nominated him, and many others stand by him. Are Protestants still protesting or what? What fellowship has light with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14). The Scriptures exhorts us to take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, rather expose them (Eph 5:11), and for those who are, the Lord admonishes his people to come out, lest you be partakers in the sins of that harlot church (Revelation 18:4). The end draweth nigh (Luke 21:28), and the gate is wide that leads to destruction folks (Matthew 7:13). Which gate do you want to enter by?








Pentagon Urging Marines 

To Join ‘Lean In’ Circles

To ‘create a safe and confidential place to discuss gender issues’
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
U.S. Marines and members of all branches of the military are being encouraged to join monthly “Lean In” support groups, where they can visit a “safe place” to talk about gender issues.
The Pentagon is partnering with Sheryl Sandberg, the chief operating officer of Facebook, who began the “Lean In” gender equality movement.
The Marines posted a memorandum on “Lean In Circles” last week, which are intended to make women and men feel more “comfortable” talking about gender in the military.
Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced Thursday that all combat jobs in the military must be open to women, going against the wishes of the Marine Corps. The Marines had asked for its ground combat jobs to remain closed to women after a yearlong study of its integrated units found that women had higher injury rates than men, were less accurate with weapons, and slower than men when completing tactical movements.
Carter’s decision coincides with the Pentagon’s Lean In partnership, which puts an emphasis on gender issues in military life.
“Lean In Circles are small peer groups who meet regularly to learn and grow together,” according to the memo. “Lean In Circles will enable both female and male Marines and civilian Marines to come together to share experiences and advice on overcoming challenges in the military and create a safe and confidential place to discuss gender issues.”
“Female service members who participate in Lean In Circles report they feel more connected to the women and men in their units and are more comfortable talking openly about gender issues in the military,” the memo continued.
Lean In now has a website where service members can sign up for a support group, or start their own.
“[The Department of Defense] DOD believes that participation in such peer mentoring relationships may improve the retention of women and support their career development and professional growth,” the memo said.
The Pentagon hopes the Lean In Circles will meet monthly for a “reasonable duration before, during, or after work hours.”
“Service members and civilian employees are encouraged to participate in these peer mentoring relationships,” the memo said.
Sandberg started Lean In after she gave a TED talk on “the ways women are held back” in 2010, which was the inspiration for her 2013 book Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead.
The movement eventually led to the creation of Lean In Circles.
“Circles are as unique as the individuals who start them, but they all share a common bond: the power of peer support,” according to Sandberg’s website. “Women are asking for more and stepping outside their comfort zones, and women and men are talking openly about gender issues for the first time.”
Since the Pentagon’s partnership began this fall, 72 military Lean In Circles have been created.
Combat Boots and High Heels” is an online group with 20 members that is “designed to support women in the military catering to women of all ranks that are attempting to advance themselves professionally and personally.”
An Eleanor Roosevelt group has seven members, and the Air Force Reserve Command headquarters online group has one member.
Lean In Pentagon” has 106 members. None are male.
Sandberg’s movement has started female support groups around the world.
The “Rational Group” in Onchan on the Isle of Man located just outside the United Kingdom, has 10 members from a company that “operates in a very male dominated industry.”
“We want to ensure that our women are supported and motivated to be the best they can be and to be confident in their ability whatever the situation or the audience,” the circle said.
Government Gals” in Washington, D.C., provides its 18 members with a “support network” for female federal workers to “discuss their career challenges and opportunities.”
There is also “Leaning In Without Falling Over” in Dubai, and “Women Empowering One Another” in Paris, whose mantra is, “Behind every successful woman is herself.”
Lean In also has a hash tag, which it uses to promote getting men to clean the dishes and read bedtime stories.
“A man up to his elbows in a sink full of suds. A dad reading to his son at bedtime. A colleague who chimes in when a woman is interrupted,” the #LeanInTogether page states. “See the men leaning in for equality and the people celebrating their efforts!”

Sheryl Sandberg pushes to end military bias
Published on Nov 12, 2015
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg spoke to the U.S. Air Force as the Department of Defense works to recruit more women.

Men Are Losers, Says New Feminist Campaign
Published on Mar 6, 2015
Men are lazy losers who don't do enough housework, according to a new feminist campaign being backed by the NBA and other corporate giants.
Sandberg Wants Men to Do 50% of the Housework, etc.


U.S. Granted 680,000 Green Cards 

to Immigrants From Muslim-Majority Nations 

in Past Five Years

Another 660,000 likely to be granted in next five years
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The United States has granted 680,000 green cards to immigrants from Muslim-majority countries over the past five years and is expected to grant another 660,000 over the next half-decade, according to Department of Homeland Security statistics.
Between 2009 and 2013, DHS issued some 680,000 green cards to migrants, including refugees, from Iraq, Pakistan, Egypt, and Bangladesh, among other countries. Another 660,000 green cards are likely to be granted over the next five years though this number could much be higher.
The increase in immigration from Muslim-majority countries has been in the spotlight since the Obama administration announced its intent to admit 10,000 new refugees from Syria, despite admitted gaps in the ability to vet these individuals for ties to terrorist groups.
The mass shooting in California also has stoked concerns, with new information indicating that the wife of the alleged San Bernardino shooter, Tashfeen Malik, was born in Pakistan and had been living with family in Saudi Arabia before coming to the United States.
Malik and her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, are alleged to have killed at least 14 people. Farook was reportedly a devout Muslim, though the motivation for the attack still remains unclear.
While President Obama has expressed his commitment to admitting refugees from countries in which terrorist groups are active, he is able under law to unilaterally suspend this immigration, though it is unlikely he will use this authority.
The Immigration and Nationality Act already provides the president the unilateral ability to suspend the “entry of imposition” of immigrants.
“Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate,” the law states.
Also under the law, the U.S. Attorney General may “suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States” by any airline if it is detected that the individual did not provide proper documentation upon boarding.
Refugees who are granted green cards “have instant access to federal welfare and entitlements, along with local benefits and education services,” according to a release from Sen. Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.). “These costs are not offset.”
The federal benefits system could find itself burdened as 660,000 migrants from Muslim-majority nations are expected to be granted green cards.
Between 2009 and 2013, the U.S. granted green cards to 83,000 individuals from Pakistan and another 83,000 from Iraq, making them the two leading nations for immigration to the U.S., according to the release from Sessions.
Another 73,000 emigrated from Iran while another 45,000 came from Egypt. Somalia, Uzbekistan, Turkey, and Morocco also top the list.
Data from the U.S. Census Bureau indicate that the foreign-born population in the United States stand at a record 41.3 million.
“One-quarter of the U.S. population is now either foreign-born or has foreign-born parents,” according to the release. “The Census Bureau projects the percentage of the population born outside the country will soon pass the highest percentage ever recorded and continue rising to new all-time records never before witnessed—unless Congress passes a law to reduce green card allotments.”
Barring such changes, the number of immigrants to the U.S. will increase, as well as the annual rate of immigrant admissions and the number of foreign-born in the country.





San Bernardino Victims Defenseless 

in “Gun-free Zone"

below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

The Inland Regional Center (shown) in San Bernardino, California, the site of the massacre of innocents by a husband and wife on Wednesday, is a gun-free zone. This guaranteed that Syed Farook and his new wife, Tashfeen Malik, would face no resistance when they shot up the holiday luncheon celebration sponsored by the San Bernardino County Health Department.
According to observers, this was a carefully planned attack. Farook attended the celebration with people he had known for five years as a health technician responsible for inspecting restaurants and pools. During the celebration there apparently erupted a disagreement sufficient to cause Farook to leave in such a rush that he left his coat behind, returning 30 minutes later with his wife, dressed in tactical clothing and carrying semi-automatic rifles, handguns, and a quantity of magazines.
Over the next ten minutes, 31 people were shot and 14 of them were killed. By the time police arrived (in an estimated four minutes after they received the first terrified 911 call), Farook and his wife had left the building. It took police another three hours to hunt them down and kill them in a firefight involving more than 20 officers.
Police said it would take a “long time” to complete their investigation into the matter: Farook’s background, recent activities, his flight to Saudi Arabia earlier this year to retrieve his wife whom he met on the Internet, his religious affiliations, and, finally, his motive.
Some of those questions already have answers as this is being written: Farook was a devout Muslim, according to his father, leaving work several times a day to attend prayers at a local mosque. He and his wife had a six-month old child whom they dropped at relatives for the morning, claiming that one of them had a doctor’s appointment.
President Obama was uncertain whether the shooting was a terrorist attack, but he apparently knew the cause: the easy availability of firearms. And his solution: tighter background checks along with closing another “loophole,” i.e., the one that allows “suspects” on the CIA’s “no-fly” list to buy firearms. The fact that background checks would be an infringement of rights guaranteed under the Second Amendment and would have failed to pick up Farook as he maintained a low profile, or that restricting “suspects” on the “no-fly” list would be illegal without proper Constitutional authority, never entered the president’s conversation. It wouldn’t have impacted Farook as he wasn’t even on the no-fly list when he flew to Saudi Arabia to pick up his new wife.
Farook flew under the radar for the five years while working for the health department, leaving no clues of his murderous intentions. Said Griselda Reisinger, who worked with Farook, “He never struck me as a fanatic. He never struck me as suspicious.”
Only after the fact did those intentions become obvious, concluded a former CIA operative, Robert Baer. The attack on Wednesday “has the hallmarks of what we’ve seen in the Middle East” and was conducted with “a skill you don’t see unless people have had preparation and training.” This was confirmed by San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan: “They came prepared to do what they did, as if they were on a mission.”
Nowhere was the question asked, How could the victims have defended themselves? The couple was able to pass background checks when purchasing their weapons, so those checks were worthless.
And the rules for law-abiding citizens to obtain a concealed carry permit in San Bernardino are so onerous as to essentially make obtaining one impossible. The city has instituted a “may issue” rule for the county sheriff, rather than “shall issue,” giving him the freedom to decline issue without comment. An applicant must subject himself to a personal interview, and he or she is only allowed to list three firearms on a permit that must be renewed every two years.
The fees are stout: $254 for fingerprinting, administrative work, and a background check, plus another $100 for the mandatory firearms training course before the permit can be issued. The fees are more than the cost of an inexpensive handgun.
So, thanks to local politicians, innocents who otherwise might have been able to defend themselves died needlessly in the attack.
In an astonishing admission that the “gun-free” mindset that so enamors liberal politicians might be wrong after all,USAToday allowed a most reasonable letter from the publisher of The Truth About Guns blog to be printed. Wrote Robert Farago:
What would [more gun control laws] have done to prevent the slaughter? What would any gun control law do to prevent people from enacting their homicidal plans?... As the French terrorist attacks proved, gun control doesn’t work. Worse, civilian disarmament leaves innocent people defenseless against killers. Gun control enables — rather than prevents — homicide.
Politicians who have decreed that the couple’s victims would be defenseless are at least partly responsible for Wednesday’s grisly results. 


San Bernardino was Muslim terror attack 

(in a gun-free zone)

SEE: below 
in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Terrorists, criminal and nut jobs love those “Gun-Free Zones”.  Those dangerous signs are like a dinner bell to bad guys, making them salivate like Pavlov’s dogs.
Syed Farook, his wonderful bride Tashfeen Malik, and probably a third suspect used GoPro cameras to record their jihad attack against Americans yesterday in San Bernardino, California, no doubt hoping to send the video to their friends for recruiting and terror promotion purposes.
At least one person saw suspicious activity at the scumbag terrorist’s house, but decided not to notify authorities because he didn’t want to “racially profile” the multiple Arabic men coming and going.  Ah, political correctness costs lives.  A small price to pay for being politically correct, right?  (That’s sarcasm.)
We adore the Detroit police chief’s thoughts on why terrorists have (thus far) passed over his city:
DETROIT (CBS Detroit – caution video autoplays) More guns, fewer problems. That, at least, is Detroit Police Chief’s James Craig’s view of Detroit and fears about a possible terrorist attack.
While cities around the world are on heightened alert following a devastating ISIS attack in Paris, Detroit’s police chief says he believes the fear that armed citizens would return fire serves as a deterrent for a potential terrorist attack in the rust belt city.
Of course, B. Hussein Obama prefers to attribute the attack to “workplace violence”.   That way he and Hillary can call for more gun control to stop “workplace violence”.
Remember, Obama said the Fort Hood attack by a “vetted” Muslim Major was “workplace violence” as well.  Obama paid the jihadist major over $300,000 after the major committed his attack.  Only in Obama’s America, folks.
Don’t be afraid of goat-humping Muslim terrorists.  Be prepared and be ready.  Make sure your loved ones are prepared and ready as well.

Live video inside San Bernardino shooting
Published on Dec 2, 2015
28-year-old Syed Rizwan Farook and 27-year-old Tashfeen Malik, a married couple, were the assailants who killed 14 people and wounded 17 more at a San Bernardino, Calif. county office building. Investigators add they are "pretty comfortable" Farook and Malik were the only two involved in the attack, and say that they have not ruled out terrorism as a possible motive.
San Bernardino shooting suspect traveled to Saudi Arabia, was married, appeared to be living 'American Dream,' co-workers say.
the holiday gathering got underway Wednesday morning, Syed Farook joined dozens of his colleagues from San Bernardino County’s Public Health Department. Farook seemed quiet during the early hours of the event, then vanished just as a group photo was about to be taken.

Shorty afterward, gunfire erupted at the Inland Regional Center where the employees filled a conference room. Within hours, law enforcement sources identified a man named Syed Farook as a suspect in the massacre and said he was shot to death in a gun battle with officers.

Police officials released little information about the suspects, including where they worked. And the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the case was ongoing, did not provide any details about the suspect other than his name.

Co-workers told The Times that they were shocked to hear Farook’s name linked to the shooting. Two health department employees who were in the bathroom when the bullets began to fly said Farook was quiet and polite, with no obvious grudges.

They said Farook had traveled to Saudi Arabia and returned with a new wife he met online. The couple had a baby and appeared to be “living the American dream,” said Patrick Baccari, a food inspector who shared a cubicle with Farook.

Records show Sayed Raheel Farook bought a two bedroom Corona home in
March 2014. Farook’s social media profile shows he is married and has at
least one young child. His wife did not return messages left on
The Daily Beast knocked on the Corona, CA home's door and was met by a
man who said, “My name is Farook.” When asked if he knew Sayed, the man
said, “Of course I know him but I have nothing to say.” When asked
about Syed being named as a suspect, he said, “I have nothing to say.”
Behind Farook, was a brightly lit home with low-slung sectional
couches and boxes for appliances. The smell of basmati rice cooking came
wafting through the door. A set of womens sandals sat outside of the
security door.
Five minutes after he answered the door, Farook got into a white car
and drove away, answering questions again with, “I have nothing to
The Daily Beast contacted Syed Raheel Farook's sister, Saira Khan, by
phone on Wednesday shortly after the shooting. She said the media was
jumping to conclusions on identifying the suspect and said that her
brother was at work. Khan said she would try to get in touch with her
brother and pass along his contact information.
In the neighborhood in Redlands neighborhood where the Farook family
kept its home—and where police executed their search—it’s trash day.
Typically that’s not a big deal, but on this day all of those green,
black, and blue barrels look suspicious—the perfect place to hide an
explosive device.Thank You!

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There’s good reason to be on edge. In front of the condo complex
where the Farook family lived is a SWAT vehicle and though it’s hard to
see anything in the darkness, apparently a bomb-diffusing robot has been
going between the vehicle and the condo unit.
At almost exactly 6:30 pm, there was what distinctly sounded like a
shotgun blast that came from the condo complex. It shook up the gaggle
of local news people who were setting up their stand-ups. At that point,
a huge contingent of press and neighborhood looky-loos were gathered
behind a police cordon a little less than a football field away from the
About 20 minutes after the blast, police pushed the press line back
two blocks to the north so we were about a half a mile away and unable
to see anything. The officer said that there was a threat and needed to
move us back for safety reasons.
A Daily Beast reporter slipped through the cordon and down a side
street and was able to get a direct view of the condo where there were
orange flashing lights that looked like they were on top of a pole that
was coming out of a truck. The homes, some of which have been decorated
in Christmas lights, seems largely abandoned besides the SWAT officers
and press, the neighborhood was entirely silent.


The facts shoot holes in Obama’s claim that US is only host to mass killings

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

By John R. Lott
On Tuesday, President Obama stunned Americans and French alike with his false claims about gun violence in America. “I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings. This just doesn’t happen in other countries,” claimed Obama. It is a claim that he has continually repeated over the years.
Talk about being self-absorbed.
The French have witnessed three mass public shootings this year. January saw two attacks, one on the Charlie Hebdo magazine and another on a Paris supermarket.
In the November attacks, 129 people were killed and 352 were injured. In just 2015, France suffered more casualties – killings and injuries – from mass public shootings than the U.S. has suffered during Obama’s entire presidency (508 to 424). This number includes the San Bernandino massacre on Wednesday.
Obama also overlooks Norway, where Anders Behring Breivik used a gun to kill 67 people and wound 110 others. Still others were killed by bombs that Breivik detonated.  Of the four worst K-12 school shootings, three have occurred in Europe. Germany had two of these — one in 2002 at Erfut and another in 2009 at Winnenden, with a total death toll of 34.
Obama isn’t correct even if he meant the frequency of fatalities or attacks. Many European countries actually have higher rates of death from public shootings that resulted in four or more murders. It’s simply a matter of adjusting for America’s much larger population.
Let’s look at mass public shootings from 2009 to the middle of June this year. To compare fairly with American shootings, I excluded attacks that might be better classified as struggles over sovereignty. For instance, I did not count the 22 people killed in the Macedonian town of Kumanovo last month.
Norway had the highest annual death rate, with 2 mass public shooting fatalities per million people. Macedonia had a rate of 0.38, Serbia 0.28, Slovakia 0.20, Finland 0.14, Belgium 0.14, and the Czech Republic 0.13.  The US comes in No. 8 with 0.095 mass public shooting fatalities per million people. Austria and Switzerland are close behind.
In terms of the frequency of attacks, the United States ranks ninth, with 0.09 attacks per million people.  Macedonia, Serbia, Switzerland, Norway, Slovakia, Finland, Belgium, and the Czech Republic all had higher rates.
There are two other studies on these questions that have gotten a fair amount of attention.
One, by State University of New York-Oswego public justice professor Jaclyn Schildkraut and Texas State University researcher H. Jaymi Elsass, who look at shootings across countries, has left out a large number of shootings in other countries.
Yet, despite the extensive news coverage their study has received, they miss a lot of cases.  For example, in France, they miss three mass public shootings:
— Tours, France, October 29, 2001: four people were killed and 10 wounded when a French railway worker started killing people at a busy intersection in the city.
— Nanterre, France, March 27, 2002: a man kills eight city councilors after a city council meeting.
— Toulouse, France, March 19, 2012, Mohammed Merah killed four people (the killer also killed people in Montauban, France).
Other cases are missed in such countries as Austria, Belgium, Finland, Netherlands, Italy, Macedonia, Spain, Switzerland and Slovakia.
It takes a lot of time and effort to find all the cases, but if you get all the attacks in the U.S. and miss those in other countries, it makes the U.S. look a lot worse.
Another by Lankford reportedly goes back to 1966, but while he shares his study with reporters, he requires that they don’t share it with researchers in the area and, despite the wide publicity given his findings, he has repeatedly turned down requests by myself to see his research.
The president’s statement was also limited in another sense.  He was referring only to shootings in his statement, but bombs are frequently used elsewhere in the world.
The Boston Marathon bombing was a rare exception these days in the United States. But countries such as Russia have frequently suffered bombings. Indeed, since 2009, the nation has seen 1.31 deaths per million from bombings that caused four or more fatalities.
Between 2007 and 2011, there was an average of 6,282 terrorist attacks per year outside of Iraq, Afghanistan and the U.S. On average, more than 27,000 people were killed, injured or kidnapped each year.
Obama keeps using these attacks to advocate requiring background checks on private transfers of guns. Such a requirement, however, already exists in France and almost all of Europe.
The background checks failed. So, too, did France and Belgium’s complete bans on the weapons used in those attacks. The terrorists who attacked those countries still got the weapons that they wanted.
Of the people stopped by background checks, nearly all are people who should have been allowed to buy guns. These delays may be mere inconveniences for most people, but they can endanger the lives of people who are being stalked and need immediate protection.
There is another common factor between mass public shootings.  Virtually all of the attacks in America and Europe are taking place where general citizens can’t carry guns for protection. At some point, it has to become apparent to gun control advocates that gun-free zones only protect the killers.
Can Obama actually believe his claim that these attacks “just doesn’t happen in other countries”?  More likely, Obama is willing to go to any extreme as he pushes for European-type gun control.  The last thing he wants to admit is that countries with such strict gun-control laws can have so many deadly attacks.


Syed Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 28, were killed during a shootout with police mid-afternoon local time. The two had been dressed in body armor and tactical gear, and donned GoPro cameras to record the bloodbath that they unleashed on the Inland Regional Center, a facility for developmental disabled persons.
Farook and Malik led police on a chase, which concluded four hours later as Malik drove the vehicle while Farook fired at the 21 officers that has surrounded the couple. The two died after being gunned down by police.
Officials searched the couple’s vehicle after the shooting and found a remote control toy car, which had reportedly been rigged to set off three explosives at Farook and Malik’s residence. Police sent a robot to the couple’s home in Redlands, California, where they detonated the explosives inside. The apartment has been described as an “IED facility.”