Monday, September 21, 2015


Vatican Flag to Fly Over New World Order
The truth about Pope Francis and his communist ties
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Pope Francis departed for Cuba Sept. 19 on the Alitalia Airbus A330-200 christened Raffaello Sanzio at 10:35am from Fiumicino Airport.
The Jesuit legacy is strong in Cuba. Father Antonio Llorente, a friend of the late Pope Bergoglio who died in 2010, was actually Fidel Castro’s teacher and spiritual adviser at the prestigious Jesuit preparatory school Colegio de Belén in Havana, which was also frequented by his brother Raúl Castro, Cuba’s current leader.
A few years back, when Fidel retired because of health problems, Raul gradually took over as President of the Council of Ministers of Cuba, and later Commander and First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC).

Demonic Possession Of The Vatican Exposed: Leo Zagami Interview

Raul was literally brought up by the Jesuits attending the Jesuit School of Collegio Dolores in Santiago, and later the Collegio Belén mentioned above, before becoming a full-time communist engaged in numerous intelligence operations with the Soviet Union.
The role the Jesuits play in the formation of Raul and their ties to the mysterious and powerfulCompany of Jesus which helped craft communism is extremely clear.
Also to consider is the recent role of the Vatican Jesuits in re-establishing Cuba’s relations with the US.
Jim Yardley writes in the New York Times:
The rapprochement between the U.S. and Cuba was facilitated by Argentine-born Pope Francis, who allowed the Vatican to be used for secret negotiations. There were simultaneous public announcements by Castro and Obama about the progress toward normalization.
Who are the Jesuits and who is Pope Francis, really?
The propaganda machine is already in motion and the media announced that Obama and Raul had a phone conversation in the last few hours declaring how essential Pope Francis is in helping these two countries unite in friendship once again.
The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Parolin, stated that “the role of the Pope was determinant because it was he who decided to write to the two presidents to find a way to overcome the present difficulties.”
That is why Cuba and the U.S. decided to re-establish their diplomatic relations to coincide with the birthday of Pope Francis last December.
After meeting Pope Francis in Vatican City on May 10, Raul Castro not only said that he is considering returning to the Roman Catholic Church, but he even stated in a televised news conference, “I read all the speeches of the Pope, his commentaries, and if the Pope continues this way, I will go back to praying and go back to the church. I am not joking.”
Adding that on the occasion that the Pope arrives, “I promise to go to all his Masses and with satisfaction.”
Pope Francis is the third Pope to visit the Caribbean island, before him John Paul II (January 1998) and Benedict XVI (March 2012). The motto chosen for the current visit is “Misionero de la Misericordia,” referring to the Jubilee of Mercy to take place from December, 2015.
This is the time Rome will be invaded by millions of pilgrims and ISIS may attempt to let hell loose with their planned “X Hour” for the attack on Rome.
Barack Obama and Raul Castro’s mondialist leftist agenda is guided and supervised by the first Jesuit Pope in history to help the Cubans embrace the New World Order with enthusiam, in time rejecting the close ties established during the Cold War with the Russian Federation, something they may regret in years to come.
In the meantime the Vatican is facilitating the chaos in Europe, thanks to the constant support for immigration given by Pope Francis and the Vatican.
Just before departing for Cuba, the Vatican pulled another propaganda stunt, airing a Pope Francis meeting in Rome with a Syrian family they are hosting in the Vatican at the Sant’Anna Church.
One of the two privileged families the Vatican recently announced they will host within their small territory to demonstrate to the world how much they “care.”
But do they really care?
In the last few years the Catholic Church has demonstrated that their only interest for immigrants and refugees in difficulty in Italy and other European countries is of an economic nature.
The Vatican and many Catholic organizations simply build and control refugee centers as a way to generate money taken from the European Union and other institutions connected with the immigrant crisis.
The Italian press reported that in some unfortunate cases members of the clergy abused immigrants, treating them as slaves or even worse, as sexual toys for their perversions.
Since Feb. 2014 the Holy See has been put under extreme pressure by the United Nations in regards to the many crimes against minors committed by the clergy worldwide.
The UN report by Kirsten Sandberg, who chairs the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, announced:
“The committee is gravely concerned that the Holy See has not acknowledged the extent of the crimes committed, has not taken the necessary measures to address cases of child sexual abuse to protect children, and has adopted policies and practices which have led to the continuation of the abuse by, and the impunity of, the perpetrators.”
Regardless of the concern aired by the UN Commitee member, on the morning up Sept. 25, 2015, for the first time in history due to a last minute law the UN passed on Sept. 10, the Vatican Flag will be raised on the United Nations building in Pope Francis’ honor.

Why Hasn't Pope Francis Denounced 

Cuban Communism?

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Since arriving in Cuba on Saturday, Pope Francis has impressed mainstream media with benign messages of reconciliation, encouraging his listeners to overcome ideological preconceptions and embrace change. During his first speech after arriving on Saturday evening, he shocked the world by expressing "particular respect and consideration" for former Cuban dictator and avowed communist, Fidel Castro. On Sunday, he met with Castro for what the Vatican Press Office described as a "familiar and informal" conversation in which the two spoke about "protecting the environment and the great problems of the contemporary world."
While some interpret Francis' subtlety as an attempt to convert Castro, to promote the Catholic Church in Cuba, or to accelerate diplomatic appeasement with the United States, his lack of force and clarity leads others to ask, "Is Francis too soft on communism?" As one blogger put it:
In the light of Francis' public words of esteem for Fidel in his first speech in Cuba, the most reasonable understanding that we can have of their meeting is that this was an expression of Francis' deep sympathy for Fidel Castro and much of what he stands for. There is absolutely nothing in Francis' speeches or homilies so far in Cuba to indicate that he wishes for the Church to more vigorously confront the iniquities of the current regime. Generic appeals for service and caring for others, or his declarations about "service that is not self-serving" or "service is never ideological," can and will always be read in different and contradictory ways, not all of which will be uncomfortable to the Castros and their regime.
It's a reasonable critique of the pope's behavior, and certainly reasonable to expect more, considering the Catholic Church's clear historical opposition to communism. In 1949, the Holy See excommunicated all Catholics involved in communist organizations, and though Catholics debate whether John Paul II's 1983 Code of Canon Law revoked the excommunication, that pope judged communism to be a dangerous and "radical solution."
In 1937, Pius XI called it a "satanic scourge" that "subverts the social order" and "denies the rights, dignity and liberty" of mankind. Nineteenth-century popes were just as strident in warning of the dangers of the then-budding movement. In 1878, Pope Leo XIII warned of the "deadly plague" of "poisonous doctrine" that strives for "the overthrow of all civil society whatsoever." And in 1846, Pius IX denounced "the unspeakable doctrine of Communism, as it is called, a doctrine most opposed to the very natural law. For if this doctrine were accepted, the complete destruction of everyone's laws, government, property and even of human society itself would follow."
So what is the key to understanding Pope Francis' current course? The answer may lie in his Argentinian roots. "During my teen years I made an incursion into left-leaning circles," he told Javier Camara and Sebastian Pfaffen, authors of the book Quel Francesco (That Francis). Francis related his involvement with Peronists, though the pope stressed, "I never joined any party." He said that the similarities he detected between "aspects of the Peronist doctrine and the Church's social doctrine" helped lay his spiritual foundations.
"Peronist doctrine" refers to the political movement founded in Argentina by twice former President Juan Perón who first came to power in 1946 when the boy who would become Pope Francis was only 10 years old. Perónism has been described as neo-fascism, right-wing socialismpopulism, and collectivism, while the United States policy of containment in the 1950s wisely regarded Perón as nothing more than a communist in sheep's clothing. But whatever the movement's designation, the size of Argentina's government exploded under Perón's authoritarian demagoguery and has never recovered. He instituted universal social security, free public education and medical care, and vast social welfare programs. He monopolized the newspapers and nationalized the country's corporations and broadcast media sources. He was also not above the use of violence and political intimidation to achieve his goals.
This is the political environment in which Jorge Mario Bergoglio (a.k.a. Pope Francis) grew up, and which "to a certain extent, engendered spiritual solidity," as he told Camara and Pfaffen. So Perónism may explain how Francis can deny accusations of Marxism while maintaining the appearance of it — such as denouncing capitalism, refusing to condemn communism, supporting radical UN so-called "sustainable development" goals, calling for world government, and engendering numerous leftist admirers.
Photo of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, president of Argentina, with Pope Francis:
Why Hasn't Pope Francis Denounced Cuban Communism?