Tuesday, June 23, 2015



Billy Graham’s grandson admits affair, quits as pastor of Coral Ridge church after bringing in “contemporary” music and decrying “legalism”

SEE: http://the-trumpet-online.com/billy-grahams-grandson-admits-affair-quits-pastor-coral-ridge-church-bringing-contemporary-music-decrying-legalism/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Another prominent minister toppled in Fort Lauderdale this weekend, as the senior pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church agreed to resign following revelations of an extramarital affair.
Tullian Tchividjian, grandson of Billy Graham, said he was “heartbroken and devastated” to learn that his wife Kim had been having an affair and said he “sought comfort in a friend and developed an inappropriate relationship myself,” according to a statement he gave to the Washington Post.

Billy Graham’s grandson Tullian Tchividjian has resigned from his pulpit at Coral Ridge Presbyterian, a high-profile church in Fort Lauderdale, after admitting he had an affair, The Washington Post reported Sunday night.

His resignation comes a year after the departure of Pastor Bob Coy, founder of Calvary Chapel, one of the largest megachurches in the United States. In an address to the congregation in 2014, another pastor explained that Coy had “committed adultery” and “committed sexual immorality, habitually, through pornography.”
Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, whose dramatic 300-foot steeple towers over North Federal Highway, is one of the best-known churches in South Florida, largely because of the prominence of its late senior pastor, D. James Kennedy as an opponent of gay rights, the teaching of evolution and other issues of concern to religious conservatives. The church released this statement:
“Several days ago, Pastor Tullian admitted to moral failure, acknowledging his actions disqualify him from continuing to serve as senior pastor or preach from the pulpit, and resigned — effective immediately.
“We are saddened by this news, but are working with and assisting Pastor Tullian and his family to help them through this difficult time, and asking people to join us in praying that God will bring restoration through this process and healing to all involved.”
The couple’s house, which they share with their three children, stands on a quiet street in Pompano Beach between the Intracoastal Waterway and the Atlantic Ocean, with a basketball hoop and a silver Toyota sedan in the driveway.
Kim Tchividjian answered the door, holding a long-haired Dachshund.
“I’m here with my kids,” she said. “We won’t be doing any interviews.”
In a message she sent to the Washington Post, she said, “The statement reflected my husband’s opinions but not my own. Please respect the privacy of my family at this time, thank you. I do thank everyone for the outpouring of love for my family as well during this difficult time and we appreciate all the prayers and support we are receiving.”
Tchividjian had been a controversial choice to head the church after Kennedy’s death in 2007. Growing up in Coral Springs, he dropped out of high school and became caught in a life of drinking and hard drugs, according to a 2004 interview in the Sun Sentinel.
“I was a hedonist to the nth-degree,” he said in the interview. “I pursued pleasure harder than any individual. I thought the answer was the more fun I could have, the better life would be.”
Later he graduated from Columbia International University, an evangelical Christian school in South Carolina, and from the Reformed Theological Seminary of Orlando.
As pastor at Coral Ridge, he displeased many longtime members by tossing aside traditional services with the church’s huge pipe organ in favor of less formal preaching and contemporary music. Dissident members quit to form their own church. In 2009, with complaints growing, the church held a vote on whether to fire him, in which he prevailed with two-thirds of the balloting.
In his statement to the Washington Post, Tchividjian said, “Last week I was approached by our church leaders and they asked me about my own affair. I admitted to it and it was decided that the best course of action would be for me to resign.
“Both my wife and I are heartbroken over our actions and we ask you to pray for us and our family that God would give us the grace we need to weather this heart wrenching storm. We are amazingly grateful for the team of men and women who are committed to walking this difficult path with us. Please pray for the healing of deep wounds and we kindly ask that you respect our privacy.”
At Coral Ridge, Executive Pastor Rob Pacienza referred inquiries to statements the church has posted on its website.
He briefly met a reporter and photographer in a room with a framed jersey for former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Troy Aikman.
“Tullian likes them,” Pacienza said of the Cowboys.
Pacienza declined to answer questions about the former pastor. He said guest preachers will lead services until the church finds a replacement.

Billy Graham's Grandson Resigns After Sex Scandal
Published on Jun 22, 2015
– The grandson of famed evangelist Rev. Billy Graham stepped down from his Fort Lauderdale megachurch pastorship yesterday after admitting to an extramarital affair. In a statement provided to the Washington Post, Tullian Tchividjian writes, "Last week I was approached by [Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church] leaders and they asked me about my own affair." He says he admitted to cheating on his wife of 21 years, and "it was decided that the best course of action would be for me to resign." Tchividjian’s statement seems to place the impetus for his action at his wife's feet, however. "As many of you know, I returned from a trip a few months back and discovered that my wife was having an affair," the 43-year-old wrote. "As her affair continued, we separated. Sadly and embarrassingly, I subsequently sought comfort in a friend and developed an inappropriate relationship myself." He yesterday tweeted, "Welcome to the valley of the shadow of death...thank God grace reigns here." Kim’s statement to the paper was more reserved, noting that her husband's statement shared his side of the story only and asking for privacy "during this difficult time." Tchividjian is the son of Graham's daughter Virginia and the founder of Liberate—a ministry that focuses on grace and forgiveness. Coral Ridge is a "cornerstone of the Religious Right evangelical movement in the US," according to NBC News, and the Post framed Tchividjian as "a rising star in evangelicalism." No word on who will replace the se...
Source: http://www.newser.com/story/208678/bi...


"The Prodigal Grandson of Billy Graham

Romans 5:20-21-"The Law came in so that the transgression would increase; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, so that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 6:1-"What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase?"

Definitions of Antinomianism

  • n. Theology The doctrine or belief that the Gospel frees Christians from required obedience to any law, whether scriptural, civil, or moral, and that salvation is attained solely through faith and the gift of divine grace.
  • n. The belief that moral laws are relative in meaning and application as opposed to fixed or universal.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

  • n. a religious movement which believes that only the spiritual 'law of Faith' (Romans 3:27) is essential for salvation; and which is 'against' all other practical 'laws' being taught as being essential for salvation; and refering to them as legalism.
  • n. opposition to the Torah.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • n. The tenets or practice of Antinomians.

from The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia

  • n. The tenets of the antinomians.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • n. the theological doctrine that by faith and God's grace a Christian is freed from all laws (including the moral standards of the culture)


From antinomian +‎ -ism, coined by Martin Luther, notably used in his Against the Antinomians (1539). (Wiktionary)
SEE ALSO: http://christiannews.net/2015/06/22/billy-grahams-grandson-resigns-from-florida-megachurch-after-admitting-to-affair/;
As an author, Tchividjian wrote against what he saw as “spiritual performancism” and legalism in the Church, outlining his beliefs in the hyper-grace book “One Way Love: Inexhaustible Grace for an Exhausted World.”
“The Gospel of Jesus Christ announces that because Jesus won for you, you’re free to lose; because Jesus was strong for you, you’re free to be weak; because Jesus was extraordinary, you’re free to be ordinary; because Jesus succeeded for you, you’re free to fail,” he wrote.
“[I]t seems that the good news of God’s grace has been tragically hijacked by an oppressive religious moralism that is all about rules, rules, and more rules; doing more, trying harder, self-help, getting better, and fixing, fixing, fixing—ourselves, our kids, our spouse, our friends, our enemies, our culture, our world,” Tchividjian further explained the Religion News Service in 2013.
He also spoke negatively of the “religious right,” stating that its “close association between the church and politics has done big-time damage to the brand of Christianity in the public sphere.”






Let's not forget the Marxist pope has plenty of armed guards
SEE: http://www.infowars.com/newsletter-content/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Pope Francis spoke with a group of young people at a rally of thousands at the end of the first day of his trip to the Italian city of Turin.
Francis started by attacking the Right to Keep and Bear Arms as well as accusing the allies during World War Two of being complicit in the killing of Jews, Christians and homosexuals.
Francis issued his toughest condemnation to date of the weapons industry, saying.
“If you trust only men you have lost,” he told the young people in a long, rambling talk about war, trust and politics after putting aside his prepared address.
“It makes me think of … people, managers, businessmen who call themselves Christian and they manufacture weapons. That leads to a bit a distrust, doesn’t it?” he said to applause.
He also criticized those who invest in weapons industries (gun owners), saying “duplicity is the currency of today … they say one thing and do another.”
Francis also built on comments he has made in the past about events during the first and second world wars.
He spoke of the “tragedy of the Shoah,” using the Hebrew term for the Holocaust.
“The great powers had the pictures of the railway lines that brought the trains to the concentration camps like Auschwitz to kill Jews, Christians, homosexuals, everybody. Why didn’t they bomb (the railway lines)?”
It is surely an upside down world when the representative of G* on earth disparages the right to self defense and accuses the Greatest Generation of being complicit in Hitler’s genocide and the destruction of Europe and Russia.


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White Privilege Hypocrite Liberals Call For Gun Ban
Published on Jun 21, 2015
In an emotional speech that heaped scorn and blame on America for failing to pass gun control measures while it supposedly perpetuates racism, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said white Americans need to “question our own assumptions and privilege.” http://www.infowars.com/hillary-clint...

Hillary Clinton Exploits Church Shooting To Push New Gun Control Measures

Published on Jun 22, 2015
In an emotional speech that heaped scorn and blame on America for failing to pass gun control measures while it supposedly perpetuates racism, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said white Americans need to “question our own assumptions and privilege.” http://www.infowars.com/hillary-clint...

Hillary Clinton Denounces White Privilege, Calls for Taking Guns From 'Those Whose Hearts Are Filled With Hate'

                      Hillary Rodham Clinton, Kevin Johnson
Published on Jun 22, 2015
At the 2015 U.S. Conference of Mayors in San Francisco on June 20th, Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton has strong words about the need for the United States to deal urgently with the issues of gun violence and race. This is an excerpt from that speech, which followed the murder of nine African-American worshippers in a Charleston, South Carolina, church on June 17, 2015.

HITLERRY CLINTON Launches Gun Grab Campaign


Clinton said white Americans need to 
“question our own assumptions and privilege.”
SEE: http://www.infowars.com/hillary-clinton-denounces-white-privilege-calls-for-taking-guns-from-those-whose-hearts-are-filled-with-hate/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

In an emotional speech that heaped scorn and blame on America for failing to pass gun control measures while it supposedly perpetuates racism, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said white Americans need to “question our own assumptions and privilege.”
“We still allow guns to fall into the hands of people whose hearts are filled with hate. You can’t watch massacre after massacre and not come to the conclusion that President Obama has said, ‘We must tackle this challenge with urgency and conviction,’” she said to applause at the 83rd annual U.S. Conference of Mayors in San Francisco.
Clinton then outlined the steps she’d want to see.
It makes no sense that bipartisan legislation to require universal background checks fail in Congress despite overwhelming public support. It makes no sense that we couldn’t come together to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, or people suffering from mental illnesses. Even people on the terrorist watch list. That doesn’t make sense, and it is a rebuke to this nation we love and care about.
Questions of how, exactly, the U.S. government might go about restricting gun ownership from people who “hate” aside, as Breitbart News has repeatedly pointed out, background checks are ignored by the same criminals who don’t pack up their weapons and go home when they see a “gun-free zone” sign:
Elliot Rodger (Santa Barbara gunman), Ivan Lopez (2014 Fort Hood gunman), Darion Marcus Aquilar (Maryland mall gunman), Karl Halverson Pierson (Araphahoe High School gunman), Paul Ciancia (LAX gunman), Aaron Alexis (DC Navy Yard gunman), James Holmes (Aurora theater gunman), and Jared Loughner (Tucson gunman), among many others, all went through background checks to acquire their firearms.
 Clinton wasn’t finished. “I know and you know there is a deeper challenge we face,” she said, praising diversity as America’s highest virtue, rather than liberty. “And yet, bodies are once again being carried out of a black church. Once again, racist rhetoric has metastasized into racist violence.” 
Clinton is clearly referring to Dylann Storm Roof, the drug-addled killer who massacrednine blacks who invited him into their Bible study out of Christian charity. But Roof’s motives are far from certain.
The accused shooter “never said anything racist,” according to his black friend, Christon Scriven.
Roof did “what he said he was going to do,” said Scriven, adding strangely, “I don’t feel no different today about him today than I feel before he did this, though. Like I said, who’s to say Dylann was in his right mind?
“Everyone is making him out to be racist, but here I am in front of you today as a black man, and telling you, I don’t feel no different today than when I looked at him last week, because he never said anything racist to me, never treated me any different than he treated Justin [a white friend],” Scriven continued.
With an almost clinical detachment, Scriven told the BBC that “That church wasn’t his primary target at all. That’s why my heart goes out to those nine families, because you guys weren’t the targets! He wanted to shoot that school up, the UCA. University of Charleston. It’s three miles up the street from that church… He had no intentions on harming those people in that church.”
Strom told Scriven a week before the attack he planned to carry out a mass shooting. “He was like, he’s ‘gonna shoot the school up,’ and I was like, ‘What?’ And he just stopped talking about it. He never said anything else about it. He was just like, ‘They all got seven days to live.'”
Roof is, by all accounts, a mentally-unbalanced man taking psychotropic drugs, who wrote a neo-Nazi, anti-American screed. He clearly surrounded himself with horrifically irresponsible friends who didn’t bat an eye when he told them he planned to shoot up a school. There are many problems here, but “assumptions and privilege” aren’t among them.
Clinton soldiered on. “Now it’s tempting — it is tempting to dismiss a tragedy like this as an isolated incident,” she said. She’ll resist any such temptation:
To believe that in today’s America bigotry is largely behind us. That institutionalized racism no longer exists. But despite our best efforts, and our highest hopes, America’s long struggle with race is far from finished. I know that this is a difficult topic to talk about. I know that so many of us hoped that by electing our first black president, we thought that we had turned the page on this chapter in history. I know there are truths we don’t like to say out loud, or discuss with our children.
It’s odd that as Clinton lectures about the enduring threat of racism, she has to pat herself on the back is if she’s bravely treading new ground. Meanwhile, “racism” is blamed for almost everything in the U.S. today. Consider the warnings against “white privilege” being burned into elementary school children’s brains.
“More than half a century after Dr. King marched, after Rosa Parks sat, after 
Rep. John Lewis (D-GA)
“More than half a century after Dr. King marched, after Rosa Parks sat, after 
Rep. John Lewis (D-GA)

 bled, after the Civil Rights Act, and the Voting Rights Act, and so much else, how can any of these things be true? But they are,” Clinton went on. “And our problem is not all kooks and Klansman.”
bled, after the Civil Rights Act, and the Voting Rights Act, and so much else, how can any of these things be true? But they are,” Clinton went on. “And our problem is not all kooks and Klansman.”
Voters who disagree with the Democratic party’s platform are only a few Confederate flag sightings away from donning a hood and burning some crosses, apparently. Is this why the U.S. is “essentially a nation of cowards” when it comes to discussing race, as former Attorney General Eric Holder famously said?
Clinton then moves from the evils of racism to the threat of micro-aggressions.
It’s also the cruel joke that goes unchallenged. It’s the offhand comment about not wanting ‘those people’ in the neighborhood. But let’s be honest. For a lot of well-meaning, open-minded white people, the sight of a young black man in a hoodie still evokes a twinge of fear. And news reports about poverty and crime and discrimination evoke sympathy, even empathy, but too rarely do they spur us to action or prompt us to question our own assumptions and privilege. We can’t hide from any of these hard truths about race and justice in America. We have to name them, and own them, and then change them.
Here, Clinton sounds like a social justice warrior, telling America that one micro-aggression can undo all of the effort and trillions of dollars America has spent to bridge racial gaps and heal old wounds. She seems to think she could save the country by reminding us to check our privilege. And our Second Amendment rights.
SEE: http://hdfirearms.com/blogs/130/3/press-release-response-to-pope-francisrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

"Co-Founder and CEO David Hunsucker was appalled to hear the recent statements made by Pope Francis regarding gun manufacturers being hypocrites. “Head Down is a Christian company.” David Hunsucker remarked in response to Pope Francis. “Our company was started on faith in Jesus Christ and we strive as an organization to live up to those beliefs. We are not afraid to say that Head Down Products is a Christian company.”

Pope Francis is quoted as saying "It makes me think of ... people, managers, businessmen who call themselves Christian and they manufacture weapons. That leads to a bit of distrust, doesn't it?", essentially stating that one cannot both be a Christian and in the firearms industry.

“This is yet another attempt to demonize not only me, but my company and our beliefs.” Hunsucker stated.

Head Down founder David Hunsucker stated that he was naïve early in his walk with the Lord. “It took losing everything I own to realize that He has a plan for my life. He has known what I was destined to do in life before I was born and His plan for me is perfect.”

Head Down Products feels that Pope Francis and the news media reporting this story are failing to report that firearms for many people are a way of life. They provide food for a family that cannot afford to buy meat from a store or provide income to a family that serves in the security industry, as well as provide for an age old tradition of sport shooting.
”It is saddening to see firearms demonized in the press in the manner that they are. We have a heart problem, not a gun problem. If we can focus on fixing the hearts and minds of people, we can change the world.” Hunsucker stated, referencing an array of recent media which has painted the industry in a bad light.

When asked why he felt it necessary to respond to such criticism, Hunsucker replied “I feel the firearms industry has stayed idle under scrutiny for too long. Guns built America under the grace of God. Yes, you can be a Christian and make guns too. I am a living testament to that.”

Hunsucker remarked in closing “What makes his [Pope Francis] message hard to digest is the fact that he hides behind a wall of security with armed guards.”"