Tuesday, July 29, 2014




During a segment on her Saturday show, the host likened Texas Governor Rick Perry’s decision to send National Guard troops to the border to Arkansas Governor Orval Faubas’ move to use Guard troops to prevent black children from attending Little Rock Central High School, which was racially segregated, in 1957.
QUOTE:“Rick Perry was preceded in his call to send armed troops to confront children by Arkansas Gov. Orval Faubus, and he, of course, called the National Guard to stop the Little Rock Nine from their first day of school at Central High,” said Perry.
“The presence of children on buses integrating Boston schools in 1974 didn’t stop white crowds from confronting them with slurs and threats of violence. Nor did it give pause to the adults who hurled objects and insults at 6-year-old Ruby Bridges on the day she became the first African-Americans child to desegregate an elementary school. And so when we look to children seeking safety at our borders and see instead an invasion to be defended against, a contagion to be contained or a drain on resources that we just don’t want to share – that is a side of history on which we are choosing to stand.”



Preparing for Persecution
On a cold drizzly day in early 1998 [long before the NSA raised fear of a rising Police State], I took a sobering tour through the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC. A picture of a Gestapo officer brought back memories of the Nazi soldiers that guarded our neighborhood in Norway during World War II. Young as I was (I was born in Oslo shortly before Hitler's invasion of Norway), I will never forget the piercing air raids, the thundering war planes, our hiding place in the basement, and the sounds of exploding bombs and fires around us.
My young father was a leader in "Hjemme Fronten" (the Home Front) -- an underground army of loyal Norwegians who would risk death than submit to Nazi tyranny. Caught helping other brave soldiers escape into neutral Sweden, he endured hunger, torment, and the threat of death in Oslo's main Nazi concentration camp before his release at the end of the war.
The Norwegian people didn't known such tyranny until the Nazi warships sailed up the Oslofjord on April 9, 1940. Overnight, Hitler's fascism replaced liberty and trusted friends became foes. Resistance to the new ideology would be costly. But for most Norwegians, the choice was clear. Unlike Hitler's masses, we hadn't been weakened by years of ceaseless propaganda, slogans, service, and celebrations dedicated to the triumph of National Socialism.
Decades later, Andy and I visited the Holocaust museum in Auschwitz, Poland. Our journey through dark memories of WW2 began in the section dedicated to Nazi propaganda. Pausing by each display, I was startled by words that could so easily describe America today. The quotes brought stark reminders that, apart from God, human nature doesn't change with time. Nor do the aims of the spiritual mastermind behind the scenes who has always sought ways to stir hatred toward God's people. One tactic was simply to provide nice-sounding alternatives to biblical faith and service.
"Individuals were urged to sacrifice themselves for a greater 'People's Community,'" announced one of the displays. Such slogans must have sounded good to the masses, for few saw the cruel manipulation behind the noble words.
I thought of President Clinton's calls for "sacrifice", "service, "unity", "common values", "civil society," and "safe" communities. How many people today see the ominous meanings behind such noble words?
Another display stated that:
"elementary schools became forums of public indoctrination.
"The Gestapo gathered much of its information from private citizens. Even children were taught to report on their parents. The Gestapo's main sources, however, were Nazi party officials. who constantly monitored the activities of all citizens [and] used such information to track political opponents."
If you have read our articles on Education and Mind Control you know that America's leaders are using intrusive surveys, assessments, and classroom encounter groups to persuade children to divulge private information about their family's faith, values, disciplines, and church attendance. As in Nazi Germany, socialization, not academic learning, has become the primary goal of education. Children are learning the group thinking and socialist values needed for the envisioned 21st century communities and global workforce.
Do you find this hard to believe? Many do. That's why we urge you to read some of our articles that document the "paradigm shift" from American individualism and freedom to collectivism and control. The following reports should will help you and your loved ones understand and prepare for the growing hostility toward biblical Christianity:
The new set of global values are based on a blend of earth-centered beliefs, socialist ideology, and globalist goals. They rule out biblical boundaries and absolutes. Genuine Christianity simply won't fit.
Our political, legal and education systems have been infiltrated by leaders who have betrayed America for a hollow vision of a global village. Hollywood has taught our children to laugh at evil, while schools immerse them in "fun" pagan rituals to other gods. Meanwhile, many church leaders are ashamed to even mention sin and the cross, and casual "Christians" are drifting with the trends -- too distracted to know or care.
We shouldn't be surprised. Again and again, the Old Testament shows our natural inclination to drift toward apathy, compromise, rebellion, and paganism -- anything but God Himself. It's happening in America, and 1 Corinthians 10:1-11 tells us that we are not immune to consequences like those that destroyed ancient Israel. Did we forget?
God told us repeatedly what would happen to a nation that that refuses to follow its Shepherd. Listen to this warning and see how it fits our times:
"When thou hast eaten and art full, then thou shalt bless the LORD thy God for the good land which he hath given thee. Beware that thou forget not the LORD thy God, in not keeping his commandments....  Lest when thou hast eaten and art full... then thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget the LORD thy God....  And thou say in thine heart, my power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth. ...  And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the LORD thy God, and walk after other gods... ye shall surely perish." (Deuteronomy 8:10-19)
Having left their Father's protection, God's beloved Israel faced famine, war, slavery, and oppression. When they cried out to God, He restored them, but their peace and prosperity didn't last long. Soon the cycle of apathy, compromise, rebellion and oppression began once again.
God may withdraw His protection from a nation that turns to other gods, but He never fails to guard and guide those who remain faithful to Him. He doesn't promise to save us from pain and persecution, but in the midst of suffering we can count on His strength and loving presence.
Remember, "the whole world lieth in wickedness." (1 John 5:19). Satan's subjects will always despise our King, twist His truth, and hate His people. Why should we not expect opposition?
Jesus described the normal Christian life: "If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you...He told His disciples, "because they know not Him that sent me." John 15:20-21
We need to take His warning to heart, count the cost of discipleship, and pray that our Shepherd prepare us for inevitable battles ahead. Prayerfully consider these steps -- as a family or as an individual believer:
  1. Pray for His guidance.
  2. Learn from those who suffered persecution because of their faith. (See "victory") 
  3. Memorize His Word, the victorious "Sword of the Spirit" in every battle we face. (See Clothed with Truth)
  4. Memorize hymns and songs that enable you to keep praising Him and affirming His victory.
  5. Silently practice singing to Him in the midst of all kinds of distractions.
  6. Practice giving thanks in all circumstances.
  7. By His wonderful grace, "love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you." Matthew 5:44-45
"...let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith,  who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross.... For consider Him who endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be weary and faint in your minds." Hebrew 12:1-3
Those who choose uncompromising discipleship will find an unspeakable joy in the nearness of our Lord. Stephen did. (Read Acts 6:8-7:60) Remember how his face shone as his persecutors hurled the stones that crushed his body. Like him, we called to demonstrate to a needy world the overcoming power of our majestic, heavenly King who reaches down to this darkening world to guide us along His way.
When I was little, I loved our Norwegian king. Like him, I wanted to be brave enough to die rather than surrender. Years later I learned that this beloved human leader was nothing compared to my heavenly King. Yet my earthly king and the years of war, danger, and deprivation gave me a vision of genuine Christianity that I continue to treasure. I saw that we, His bride and Church, are like a nation of loyal subjects -
  • who love and obey their King
  • who discover in their common devotion and warfare a fellowship that can rarely be found apart from persecution
  • who refuse to compromise, and
  • who persevere until death -- or until the war is won.
To sustain us through the battles ahead, our King has given us many precious promises. Few bring more delight than the following words from our Master. May they fill you with joy at the unspeakable privilege of serving our sovereign King, following in His footsteps, and sharing His resurrection life for all eternity.
"Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you and cast out your name as evil  for the Son of Man's sake. Rejoice ye in that day and leap for joy; for, behold, your reward is great in heaven..." Luke 6:22-23




Bishop Tony Palmer: Unity In Christ (James Robison / LIFE Today):

Bishop Tony Palmer: The End of the Protest 

(Randy Robison / LIFE Today)

Published on May 7, 2014
An Anglican bishop explains why he believes that Martin Luther's protest is over now that agreements on fundamental issues of Christianity have been made.


Published on Jul 21, 2014
Bishop Tony Palmer the link between the Vatican and apostate Christians has been killed in a motor cycle accident near Bath UK. Following 10 hours of surgery he passed away. Will this tragic event make Palmer a martyr for the cause of false unity? visit us at

By Sarah Pulliam Bailey
Religious News Service
(RNS) Bishop Tony Palmer, a charismatic preacher who used a cellphone camera to record Pope Francis issuing an appeal for Christian unity between Catholics and evangelicals, died Sunday (July 20) after a motorcycle crash in the United Kingdom.Bishop Tony Palmer died on July 20, 2014, after a motorcycle accident.
In January, Palmer held the smartphone that recorded Pope Francis calling on all Christians to set aside their differences. Palmer, a bishop and international ecumenical officer with the independent Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches, also helped coordinate the pope’smeeting with televangelists in June.
In the video, Pope Francis referred to Palmer as “my brother, a bishop-brother,” saying they had been friends for years. “Let us allow our longing to increase so that it propels us to find each other, embrace each other and to praise Jesus Christ as the only Lord of history,” Francis said.
Born in the U.K. and raised partly in South Africa, Palmer had served as the director of the South Africa office of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. On Copeland’s website, Palmer said he had met Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis) in 2008 when Palmer sought permission to work with charismatic Catholics in the city.
In a February blog post for Patheos, Anglican-turned-Catholic priest the Rev. Dwight Longenecker focused on Palmer as representing something new in Anglicanism, especially for Palmer’s involvement in the Convergent Movement, a charismatic Anglican group that ordains women as deacons and priests. Click here to continue reading.
Related Articles:

Biblical Unity Vs Rome's Unity: Tony Palmer Debunked:


It was that spirit of revolution which caused our forefathers to speak up when silence could not be tolerated, and risk everything—their lives, fortunes and sacred honor—so that you and I could live freely in a nation where we have the right to stand up and speak out against tyrannical government.
John Whitehead, Rutherford Institute https://www.rutherford.org
IRS Agrees to Atheist Group's Demands 

to Monitor Sermons

The Internal Revenue Service continues to extend its already vast overreach, this time by agreeing to monitor church sermons as part of an agreement the government made on July 17 with the aggressively atheistic Freedom From Religion Foundation.
FFRF asserted, "Pulpit Freedom Sunday ... has become an annual occasion for churches to violate the law with impunity. The IRS, meanwhile, admittedly was not enforcing the restrictions against churches."
FFRF claims that the churches are acting in violation of the 1954 Johnson Amendment, which states that non-profits cannot endorse candidates.
In celebration of its victory with the IRS, the Freedom From Religion Foundation issued a press release wherein it outlined its win:
The IRS has now resolved the signature authority issue necessary to initiate church examinations. The IRS also has adopted procedures for reviewing, evaluating and determining whether to initiate church investigations. While the IRS retains "prosecutorial" discretion with regard to any individual case, the IRS no longer has a blanket policy or practice of non-enforcement of political activity restrictions as to churches.

America : Christian Conservative Pastors now being 

Targeted by the IRS (Jul 31, 2014):

IRS & Atheist team up to Bully Churches, 
Pastors & Their Sermons:

VIDEO: The Pulpit Initiative 2014:
Published on Mar 7, 2014
Learn more about Pulpit Freedom Sunday at www.pulpitfreedom.org

The History of the Johnson Amendment:

Why is Pulpit Freedom Sunday the Right Strategy?:

Published on Jul 16, 2012

Pastors are being silenced in the pulpit. Learn why Pulpit Freedom Sunday is the right strategy to restore their freedom to speak the Truth.

What is Pulpit Freedom Sunday?:


Pastor Ron Johnson: Human Law or Divine Law:

I Have Had Enough! Pastor Chris Clark Speaks Up!:

Published on Apr 16, 2012

The Bible teaches that government gets its authority directly from God. Yet, it often seems like government wants to replace God and expand to fill a role that only the church should fill. Government can't be its own conscience. Government can't minister to people. And government shouldn't force people of faith to violate their sincerely held beliefs. Watch Pastor Chris Clark as he stands up for religious liberty at a recent rally in San Diego.

David Fleming, Senior Pastor, Champion Forest Baptist Church:

Dr. Jody Hice, Senior Pastor, Bethlehem First Baptist Church:

Dr. Voddie Baucham and the Separation of Church and State:

Tony Perkins on the importance of Pulpit Freedom Sunday: