Sunday, June 8, 2014


Quebec's Landmark Right-To-Die Bill 

Has Been Adopted 

Following a Free Vote at the National Assembly;

Federal Canadian Government 
Could Challenge Its Legality

Air thick with self-congratulation 

as Quebec votes to legalize euthanasia

Véronique Hivon, the PQ MNA who had pushed for the legislation as junior health minister 
and co-sponsored its re-introduction after the PQ was defeated in April, 
was applauded like a superstar by her colleagues

Published on Jun 6, 2014
Quebec politics
June 5, 2014 4:41 pm

QUEBEC -- Quebec's landmark right-to-die bill has been adopted following a free vote at the national assembly.
Bill 52 passed on Thursday afternoon by a 94-22 margin, with no abstentions.
The legislation is officially dubbed "an act respecting end-of-life care."
Bill 52 stipulates that patients themselves would have to repeatedly ask a doctor to end their lives on the basis of unbearable physical or psychological suffering. They would have to be deemed mentally sound at the time of the requests.
The federal government has said it could challenge the legality of the legislation.
Assisted suicide and euthanasia are illegal under Canada's Criminal Code and Ottawa has insisted it has no intention of changing that.
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• Group threatens to challenge Quebec's Dying with Dignity law
• Quebec's Liberal caucus torn over 'dying with dignity'
• Controversial dying with dignity legislation tabled in Quebec
© The Canadian Press, 2014

Quebec legislature votes 94-22 to enshrine euthanasia as ‘medical aid in dying’
SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
QUEBEC, June 5, 2014 ( – Quebec became the first Canadian province to legalize euthanasia today as the National Assembly voted 94 to 22 to allow doctors to kill their patients as “medical aid in dying.”
“This is a dark day in the history of this country,” said Jim Hughes, national president of Campaign Life Coalition to LifeSiteNews. The phrase ‘medical aid in dying,' he said, is a “fancy way of dressing up someone killing another person.”
Bill 52 was tabled one year ago by Pauline Marois’ former Parti Québecois government. Titled An Act Respecting End-of-Life Care, the bill allows those with “an incurable serious illness,” among other criteria, to request death by the hand of a doctor. The bill died on the order paper when Marois called an election in March, only to be reintroduced late last month — at the stage it had died — by the province’s new Liberal Premier Philippe Couillard. The bill was supported by all parties.
“What kind of society have we become when we think that killing someone is a 'mercy' or a way of solving a problem like pain that can be managed by other means?” asked Hughes. “It’s sad to see what is becoming of our great Canadian Nation.”
Georges Buscemi, president of Campagne Quebec-Vie, called the bill’s passage a “disaster that's been a long time in coming, like a tsunami on the horizon that has finally crashed on shore.”
“It seems to me more and more of these destructive waves have been crashing down upon us lately. ... It really does feel like the end of an era --the end of a civilization,” he said.
Buscemi said there is a way to “get out of this mess.”
“Again, the Benedictine way: ora et labora (prayer and work), in our small way, through concrete measures such as families, parishes, schools, homeschooling, vigilance, prayer, fasting. The Way of Mary, Mother of God. A return to silence, to proper liturgy, a return to sound and traditional doctrine. All this will come to pass ineluctably by God's providence, because the waves will wash away those in the Church who are dead in spirit.”
Hughes put it this way: "What this legislation shows more than anything is that human life has been downgraded from 'sacred' and 'inalienable' to 'utilitarian' and 'dispensable.'"
"This is not a step forward towards culture and civilization, but a giant leap backwards towards barbarity with all its cruelty and brutality."
Alex Schadenberg, executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, called the bill’s passage “dangerous.”
"Let's be clear, Bill 52 gives Québec physicians the right to intentionally and directly cause the death of persons by lethal injection. This represents an act of homicide and not an act of ‘end of life care,’" he told
Schadenberg criticized the bill for not defining “end of life.”
“Québeckers should not trust their life to the provisions in Bill 52, which are imprecise, open to abuse and based on the Belgian euthanasia law," he said.
The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition is calling on the federal government to bring an injunction against the euthanasia bill and to ask the court to strike down the bill as unconstitutional. It has created a petition urging the government to act. 
Canada’s Criminal Code currently prohibits euthanasia and assisted suicide. Human life advocates have accused the Quebec government of attempting to circumvent the Code by defining euthanasia in Bill 52 as “medical treatment.”
The federal government stated last June that it is aware of the conflict between the bill and federal law, indicating that it may take action if the bill passes.
“The laws that prohibit euthanasia and assisted suicide exist to protect all Canadians, including those who are potentially the most vulnerable, such as people who are sick or elderly, and people with disabilities,” then-Justice Minister Rob Nicholson said. “The Government of Canada will review the implications of Quebec’s proposed legislation on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia.”
Critics say that unless the federal government acts, the bill will set a precedent for euthanasia to become a normal part of the health care system across Canada.
The legislation has been vigorously opposed by an alliance of Quebec physicians who say they will have no part in administering death to patients, calling euthanasia through lethal injection “not a form of care, but rather the definitive end of all care." Canadian physicians in general are opposed to legalized euthanasia, with only 16 percent saying they would euthanize a patient if legal.
The bishops of Quebec, especially Montreal Archbishop Christian Lépine and Quebec Cardinal Gérald Lacroix, have strongly opposed the bill from the beginning.
Lépine did not mince words earlier this year about what Bill 52 would condone. “In hastening a person's death, … we are not helping them in dying, we are directly ending their life. It is to give our doctors the authority to kill patients who are vulnerable in certain circumstances,” he said.
The legislation has received mixed reviews from Quebec residents. An Abingdon Research poll last October found that support for the euthanasia bill dropped from 72 percent to 35 percent when respondents were informed of abuses perpetrated by euthanasia laws in other countries such as Belgium.
Alex Schadenberg, executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, expects Quebec’s euthanasia bill to open the door to the same abuses currently happening in Belgium, where studies have shown people are being euthanized without requesting it and where the categories of those eligible for death continues to expand.
Belgium recently became the first country in the world to approve euthanasia for children who request it with parental consent.
Quebec doctors are already calling for a more extensive list of those who qualify for a lethal injection, including children.
“As Quebecers become accustomed to doctors administering lethal injections to dying patients, the questions will not be about who is receiving euthanasia but who is being denied it,” said Yves Robert, secretary of Quebec’s College of Physicians, to the National Post in February.
Hughes said that the “safeguards” built into the legislation will end up protecting no one.
"We're kidding ourselves if we think ‘safeguards’ will protect anyone. Just look at how well that's worked in Belgium. Euthanasia has become a nightmare there and now they've passed a law to allow euthanasia for children. The categories of the killable will just keep on expanding. Safeguards will do nothing to prevent this."


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Janet Mefferd interviewed Susan Burke on her show today.  Ms. Burke is the lead attorney for the Victims-Plaintiffs in the civil lawsuit against C.J. Mahaney, Covenant Life Church, Sovereign Grace Ministries, and others. 
Anyone interested in the truth will take this interview to heart. There is no question of a conspiracy to cover up sexual abuse.
Please pray for the Maryland Court of Special Appeals who hears the appeal on Monday. Let's hope they overturn the decision of the lower court that dismissed the case in May 2013 based upon the statute of limitations.
Regardless of their decision, however, Mahaney, CLC and SGM are guilty of an evil conspiracy per the evidence. They did not report Nathaniel Morales (and others) who was a known serial predator. He went on to abuse for 20 years.  
Two weeks ago in his first trial, Morales was found guilty on all five counts with a maximum sentence of 85 years. The follwoing week in his second trial, Morales was found guilty on two counts for another 25 years. 
The evangelical and Reformed Church must act. This is no time for silence. Leaders everywhere should speak out and demand an accounting of Mahaney, et al. regardless of the criminal or civil proceedings.  
The same is true for the SGM Leadership Team which is led by Executive Director, Mark Prater.  These men have covered up for Mahaney.  They must finally come clean and call him to account for past actions and his role in the conspiracy. 
The Church does not have the power to incarcerate but it does have the authority to discipline. Will the pastors of Sovereign Grace Ministries exercise church discipline or refuse to follow their own polity? Will Mickey Connolly, the Regional Leader over Mahaney's church in Louisville and close friend, continue to shield Mahaney?    
The same is true for the pastoral staff at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville.  Will Bob Kauflin, Jeff Purswell, Brian Chesemore (son-in-law) and Gary Ricucci (alleged co-conspirator) continue to enable Mahaney and refuse to discipline him?
Or will noted evangelical leaders in The Gospel Coalition and Together for the Gospel continue to defend Mahaney?  
God forbid all these things!
This is a very serious matter.  We must work together to make sure pastors throughout America report the suspicion of sexual abuse.
This did not happen as a rule in Sovereign Grace Ministries for 30 years.  As a result, there are scores of victims and there has been an extensive attempt to cover this up.  Those are the facts.
Please listen to this 13 minute interview during minutes 7:08-19:42 on audio recording.

Janet Mefferd Interviews Tullian Tchividjian:

Published on May 21, 2014
Tullian Tchividjian talks with Janet Mefferd about his departure from The Gospel Coalition and his thoughts on the Sovereign Grace Ministries child sex-abuse scandal.

Janet Mefferd Discusses Joshua Harris’ Response 

to Nathaniel Morales Verdict:

On Sunday, May 18, Covenant Life Church Pastor Joshua Harris spoke to his congregation about the recent criminal conviction of Nathaniel Morales, a former CLC youth leader found guilty of sexually abusing three boys. Harris also spoke about offering to take an administrative leave and even said he was willing to resign entirely so the church could deal with the fallout from the scandal amid the looming Sovereign Grace Ministries sexual-abuse class-action lawsuit, set for an appeals hearing on June 9, 2014. Janet offers her thoughts on Harris’ remarks and the latest developments in what she calls American Evangelicalism’s biggest sex scandal to date.


From Brian Camenker of Mass Resistance
The consequences of homosexual marriage: Most people have no idea what REALLY happens when “gay marriage” is imposed. This information-packed video from MassResistance gives you the extremely disturbing truth about what happened in Massachusetts.