Thursday, January 2, 2014


Police & Child Protective Services 

Illegally Enter Private Home 

Threaten to Take Child

Life in the Corporate Police State:

Uploaded on Nov 3, 2011 on YouTube above:
Time will tell whether the Occupy protests amount to anything more than an expression of discontent on the part of the 99%. However, as John W. Whitehead points out in this week's vodcast, what has been made clear, is that the 1% is protected by its own security force—the police—funded ironically enough by the very 99% against whom they are waging war with pepper spray, rubber bullets, tear gas and other instruments of compliance.

Has the First Amendment Become an Exercise in Futility?

Uploaded on Jan 27, 2012 on YouTube above:
Has the First Amendment become an exercise in futility? In this week's vodcast, John Whitehead examines the case of Harold Hodge—a 45-year-old African-American male arrested for violating a federal law that prohibits protest activities outside of the Supreme Court—and its impact on free speech.

Strip-Searching America:

Published on Apr 12, 2012 on YouTube above:
In a recent 5-4 ruling, the United States Supreme Court ruled that any person who is arrested and processed at a jail house, regardless of the severity of his or her offense, can be subjected to a strip search without reasonable suspicion. In this week's vodcast, John Whitehead cites this egregious ruling as just one more example of the steady erosion of our freedoms since 9/11.

The New American Order: 

Police Using Military Weapons 

Given To Them By The Department of Defense

Using Weapons of Compliance to Stamp Out Protest:


Minority Report: Fiction Has Become Reality:

The Politics of Fear in America: 

A Nation at War with Itself:


The Loss of Bodily Integrity in an Emerging Police State;

Strip and Body Cavity Searches in Public:

Published on Jan 24, 2013 on YouTube above:
The Fourth Amendment was intended to protect the citizenry—both our property and our bodies—from "unreasonable searches and seizures" by government agents. Unfortunately, as John Whitehead reveals in this week's vodcast, the rights supposedly guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution have been steadily eroded over the past few decades, leaving Americans literally stranded on the side of the road, grasping for dignity.

On Target Pressure Points: 

Militarized Police Performing 

80,000 SWAT RAIDS on Homes Every Year:

Published on May 7, 2013 on YouTube above:
In conjunction with the upcoming release of his new book, A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, John W. Whitehead sits down to discuss several "pressure points" that are threatening the Bill of Rights and undermining our essential freedoms. In part one of this special series, Whitehead examines the increased presence of militarized police.

On Target Pressure Points: Overcriminalization of America:

Corporations & Government Behind the Growth of Laws, Prisons, & Prisoners:

The End of Childhood 

in the Era of the Emerging 

American Police State


What is RFID & How RFID works:

"Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Systems"

"RFID: The Big Brother Bar Code"
By Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre 
CASPIAN Consumer Privacy
"A Brief Introduction to RFID 

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification, a tracking technology that uses tiny computer chips to identify items from a distance. We've nicknamed them “spychips"because of their stealthy potential. These chips are connected to miniature antennas so they can beam back information about items to which they are attached, invisibly and silently by radio waves. 

These waves are similar to the ones used to broadcast FM radio programs. Like FM radio waves, RFID radio waves can travel through solid objects such as walls, briefcases, purses, and wallets -- the things we normally rely on to protect our privacy.

RFID chip and antenna combinations, called "tags," typically range from the size of postage stamps to the size of pagers. Some can be as small as the period at the end of this sentence. RFID tags without an independent power source, called "passive"tags, can transmit information from a couple of inches away to up to 20 or 30 feet. Tags with attached batteries can transmit information up to a mile or more. 

RFID tags can be embedded into or affixed to virtually any physical item, from car tires and aircraft parts to underwear and eyeglasses. They can be undetectable when sandwiched between layers of cardboard, incorporated into product labels, encapsulated in plastic, or sewn into the seams of clothing.

RFID first hit the business headlines in 2003 when Wal-Mart and the Department of Defense issued requirements that companies supplying their inventory must invest in the technology. Both have mandated that their top suppliers affix an RFID tag to every crate and pallet slated for delivery to them. Other retailers, such as Albertsons and Target, have followed suit with RFID mandates of their own. These "supply chain" retailer mandates have fueled investment in RFID technology and the infrastructure required to implement it."

Everybody's a Target in the American Surveillance State:

Published on Apr 3, 2012 on YouTube above:
Privacy as we've known it is dead. Rising up out of the desert landscape, the Utah Data Center (UDC)—a $2 billion behemoth designed to house a network of computers, satellites, and phone lines that stretches across the world—is intended to serve as the central hub of the National Security Agency's vast spying infrastructure. Yet, as John Whitehead argues in this week's vodcast, freedom cannot flourish and grow in an age when the physical movements, individual purchases, conversations, and meetings of every citizen are constantly under surveillance.

IBM InterConnect 2013:

IBM: Mining the Next Natural Resource: Big Data:

IBM: "SmarterCities Project" in Rio DeJaneiro, Brazil;

 Ginni Rometty (CEO) Discusses How to Build a Smarter City:


SEE:, AND, or,
I. Introduction
II. RFID Tracking Technology
III. Threats to Privacy and Civil Liberties
IV. Framework of RFID Rights and Responsibilities in Schools
V. Conclusions
VI. Bibliography
VII. Signatories

Puyallup, Washington Schools 

Implementing Right Hand Scanners of Veins in Hands 

The scanners use infrared technology to map the veins in student’s palms.

Mapping Hand Veins of Schoolchildren:

For Informational, Educational & Research Purposes we are attempting to give a comprehensive summary of a very large subject that needs to be broadcast over the internet because of the very real potential for abuse, the disregard for constitutional rights, and the chance for cancer when implanted.


To start, here is a very recent article published by the RFID Journal at: and, showing the growth and implementation of RFID devices for tracking humans, in this case in schools. It is reprinted below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes.


The Belleville School District is deploying active tags and readers to track the locations of all personnel and students within its schools and on its buses, as well as at "blue light" telephones on the campuses.
By Claire Swedberg
Sep 06, 2013
New Jersey's Belleville Public School District is implementing an active radio frequency identification solution to locate students and faculty members within its schools, as well as students on its 21 buses. The technology is being implemented as part of an extensive security system that the district believes will make its students and staff some of the best-protected in the United States. The use of RFID, cameras with built-in analytic software, and a new phone system—as well as the posting of armed officers and a new director of security—is intended to prevent tragedies like the December 2012 shooting in Newtown, Ct., and to provide location data for use in generating attendance reports, or during a problem such as a medical emergency or fight.

The solution, which is being installed by Clarity Systems Consulting Group a computer services company located in Mine Hill, N.J., consists of 433 MHz active RFID hardware and software supplied by Wade Garcia and Associates, (,

an RFID systems provider based in San Antonio, Texas. Wade Garcia develops active 433 MHz tags and corresponding readers that operate via the company's own proprietary air-interface protocol.

Mike Wade
Initially, to address security problems following the Newtown shooting, the district hired armed safety officers and a security director, and then employed Clarity to conduct an audit to identify any security weaknesses that might exist within its facilities. As a result of that audit, says Joe Longo, a member of Belleville's school board, the district opted to install a single solution consisting of cameras, telephones within each room, access control for employees and middle- and high-school students, and active RFID tags, all of which will be managed by software integrated and installed by Clarity.

Bruce Kreeger, Clarity's CTO and president, says the need for RFID became apparent once it was determined that the use of cameras and phones still allowed some vulnerability. For one thing, he explains, cameras cannot always make it possible to identify who is in a particular image. For another, personnel lack the time to scrutinize every photo to determine who is where. In addition, he says, if a shooter were to enter a classroom, the teacher would not have time to pick up a phone. RFIDwould, however, enable the district to locate any individual in real time, while a "panic button" on a teacher's RFID badge would ensure that a distress signal could be sent quickly.

Therefore, the district is installing 190 readers throughout its schools, and plans to provide RFID tags to its 600 staff members and 4,800 students. RFID readers are also being installed on its 21 buses, each with GPS units to identify the location of each tag read, and to forward that data to the software residing on the district's database via a cellular connection.

Staff members' tags come with two buttons. Pressing one of the buttons, Kreeger explains, indicates that help is required (the software can forward an alert to employees onsite), while the other signals a 911-level event (such as a shooter being in a room), and can also trigger a call to police and other emergency services. Staff members' tags, as well as those of middle- and high-school students, will also come with passive low-frequency (LF) RFID inlays to enable access control. Teachers, for example, could use the LF inlays to enter restricted areas, while older students would utilize the proximity function to access bathrooms. If an excessive number of students attempted to enter the bathrooms, they could be denied entrance. Moreover, the software could identify if the same individuals were repeatedly visiting the bathrooms simultaneously, possibly suggesting a drug-use or fighting issue.

Each active-tag reader captures the ID number of every badge within range, and transmits that information to the Wade Garcia software. The badge's active tag is typically set to beacon its ID number every 28 seconds. In the system's software, a tag's ID is linked to the name of the individual assigned to that badge, as well as to some details, such as whether he or she is a student or staff member—and, if that person is a student, his or her grade level. The district can then log into the software at any time and view the locations of specific individuals on the premises. For example, if a parent arrives to pick up a child for a doctor's appointment, staff members can sign into the software and determine in which room that student is located. Employees can also use the software to ascertain where an individual has been throughout the day, or at any given time within the past 30 days, says Mike Wade, the owner of Wade Garcia and Associates' owner.
Each bus will be equipped with two cameras, along with an RFID reader with a GPS unit and wireless modem, that will send read data back to the system's software. In that way, the district knows who is on that bus, as well as at what location each child entered and exited the vehicle. The driver will also wear the RFID badge on a lanyard equipped with panic buttons.

Finally, the school is installing emergency "blue light" telephones (a blue light is installed above a phone, indicating that emergency calls can be placed at the location) around its campus, so that students could instantly contact 911 in the event of an emergency. An RFID reader will be installed on each phone, in order to identify the active tag IDs of all students and personnel in the immediate area, thereby allowing the software to determine who is in the vicinity of the emergency, or is placing the call.

What's more, Wade adds, if a fight or injury has occurred, or if a parent is concerned that a child might not be in class, for example, the software can be used to indicate where that individual was and when. To ensure that every student and staff member brings the tag to school on a daily basis, an employee will check the tags as each person enters. Any students who forgot their tags could then be sent to the office to acquire a temporary replacement.

According to Longo, the technology may also eliminate the need for teachers to take attendance at the beginning of each class. That, he estimates, could save six or seven minutes of teaching time per class. The district's priority, however, is to provide a safe school setting. "My message is simple," Longo states. "As a board member, I never want to have to explain to a parent [after an emergency event] that we could have done more." The technology will be fully installed in about one month, he notes, adding, "By the time we're done, I believe we will be able to claim we are the most secure school district in the country."

The Spring Independent School District installed Wade Garcia's RFID technology at its schools in 2006, beginning with Wunsche High School. This replaced an existing passive RFID solution that failed to provide the location granularity the school district required. The district now knows when every student and staff member arrives at one of the campuses, where each individual moves throughout the day and when he or she exits the building, explains Ringo Tseng, Wade Garcia's VP. The cards also come with a bar-coded ID number printed on the front that can be scanned at the library and cafeteria. When that occurs, the scanned ID is again sent to the system's software, where the bar-coded ID is linked to that particular student. The system then forwards that data to the school's existing management software for library checkout information, or for school lunch payments.

The Spring Independent School District is currently in the process of installing the technology on buses, as well to capture a record of which students are on which of its 200 buses at all times. The Texas district is tracking approximately 30,000 students using 602 readers; its staff declined to comment for this story. A private school in New York is also installing the technology for the current school year, Wade says, though that school has asked to remain unnamed.


"America’s Schools: 

Breeding Grounds for 

Compliant Citizens":

Reprinted in full below unedited for informational, educational & research purposes from: 
By John W. Whitehead 
October 15, 2012
"“[P]ublic school reform is now justified in the dehumanizing language of national security, which increasingly legitimates the transformation of schools into adjuncts of the surveillance and police state… students are increasingly subjected to disciplinary apparatuses which limit their capacity for critical thinking, mold them into consumers, test them into submission, strip them of any sense of social responsibility and convince large numbers of poor minority students that they are better off under the jurisdiction of the criminal justice system than by being valued members of the public schools.”—Professor Henry Giroux
For those hoping to better understand how and why we arrived at this dismal point in our nation’s history, where individual freedoms, privacy and human dignity have been sacrificed to the gods of security, expediency and corpocracy, look no farther than America’s public schools.
Once looked to as the starting place for imparting principles of freedom and democracy to future generations, America’s classrooms are becoming little more than breeding grounds for compliant citizens. The moment young people walk into school, they increasingly find themselves under constant surveillance: they are photographed, fingerprinted, scanned, x-rayed, sniffed and snooped on. Between metal detectors at the entrances, drug-sniffing dogs in the hallways and surveillance cameras in the classrooms and elsewhere, many of America’s schools look more like prisons than learning facilities.
Add to this the epidemic of arresting schoolchildren and treating them as if they are dangerous criminals, and you have the makings of a perfect citizenry for our emerging police state—one that can be easily cowed, controlled, and directed. Now comes the latest development in the sad deconstruction of our schools: “smart” identification cards containing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags that allow school officials to track every step students take. So small that they are barely detectable to the human eye, RFID tags produce a radio signal by which the wearer’s precise movements can be constantly monitored.
A pilot program using these RFID cards is being deployed at two schools in San Antonio, Texas’ Northside School District. In the so-called name of school safety, some 4,200 students at Jay High School and Jones Middle School are being required to carry these “smart” ID cards embedded with an RFID tracking chip which will actively broadcast a signal at all times.  Although the schools already boast 290 surveillance cameras, the cards will make it possible for school officials to track students’ whereabouts at all times.
School officials hope to expand the program to the district’s 112 schools, with a student population of 100,000. As always, there’s a money incentive hidden within these programs, in this case, it’s increased state funding for the school system. Although implementation of the system will cost $500,000, school administrators are hoping that if the school district is able to increase attendance by tracking the students’ whereabouts, they will be rewarded with up to $1.7 million from the state government.
High school sophomore Andrea Hernandez, who is actively boycotting the RFID cards, was told that “there will be consequences for refusal to wear an ID card.” Students who refuse to take part in the ID program won’t be able to access essential services like the cafeteria and library, nor will they be able to purchase tickets to extracurricular activities. Hernandez was prevented from voting for Homecoming King and Queen after school officials refused to verify her identity using her old ID card. According to Hernandez, teachers are even requiring students to wear the IDs when they want to use the bathroom.  School officials reportedly offered to quietly remove the tracking chip from Andrea’s card if the sophomore would agree to wear the new ID, stop criticizing the program and publicly support the initiative. Hernandez refused the offer.
This is not the first time that schools have sprung RFID chips on unsuspecting students and their parents. Schools in California and Connecticut have tried similar systems, and Houston, Texas began using RFID chips to track students as early as 2004. With the RFID business booming, a variety of companies, including AIM Truancy Solutions, ID Card Group and DataCard, market and sell RFID trackers to school districts throughout the country, claiming they can increase security and attendance. For example, AIM Truancy Solutions, a Dallas-based company, claims that its tracking system boosts attendance by twelve percent.
RFID tags are not the only surveillance tools being used on America’s young people. Chronically absent middle schoolers in Anaheim, Calif., have been enrolled in a GPS tracking program. As journalist David Rosen explains:
Each school day, the delinquent students get an automated ‘wake-up’ phone call reminding them that they need to get to school on time. In addition, five times a day they are required to enter a code that tracks their locations: as they leave for school, when they arrive at school, at lunchtime, when they leave school and at 8pm. These students are also assigned an adult ‘coach’ who calls them at least three times a week to see how they are doing and help them find effective ways to make sure they get to school.
Some schools in New York, New Jersey, and Missouri are tracking obese and overweight students with wristwatches that record their heart rate, movement and sleeping habits. Schools in San Antonio have chips in their lunch food trays, which allow administrators to track the eating habits of students. Schools in Michigan’s second largest school district broadcast student activity caught by CCTV cameras on the walls of the hallways in real time to let students know they’re being watched.
Some school districts have even gone so far as to electronically track students without notifying their parents. In 2010, it was revealed that a Pennsylvania school district had given students laptops installed with software that allowed school administrators to track their behavior at home. This revelation led to the threat of a class-action lawsuit, which resulted in the school district settling with irate students and parents for $600,000. Similarly, in 2003, a Tennessee middle school placed cameras in the school’s locker rooms, capturing images of children changing before basketball practice. Thankfully, the US Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the practice in 2008, ruling that students have an expectation of privacy in locker rooms.
Clearly, there’s something more sinister afoot than merely tracking which students are using the bathroom and which are on lunch break. Concerned parent Judy Messer understands what’s at stake. “We do not want our children to be conditioned that tracking is normal or even acceptable or mandatory,” she shared.
“Conditioned” is the key word, of course. As Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham recognized in their book, Work Redesign, laboratory animals, children, and institutionalized adults “are necessarily dependent on powerful others for many of the things they most want and need, and their behavior usually can be shaped with relative ease.” Taking those ideas one step further, psychologist Bruce Levine noted, “Behaviorism and consumerism, two ideologies which achieved tremendous power in the twentieth century, are cut from the same cloth. The shopper, the student, the worker, and the voter are all seen by consumerism and behaviorism the same way: passive, conditionable objects.”
To return to what I was saying about schools being breeding grounds for compliant citizens, if Americans have come to view freedom as expedient and expendable, it is only because that’s what they’ve been taught in the schools, by government leaders and by the corporations who run the show.
More and more Americans are finding themselves institutionalized from cradle to grave, from government-run daycares and public schools to nursing homes. In between, they are fed a constant, mind-numbing diet of pablum consisting of entertainment news, mediocre leadership, and technological gadgetry, which keeps them sated and distracted and unwilling to challenge the status quo. All the while, in the name of the greater good and in exchange for the phantom promise of security, the government strips away our rights one by one—monitoring our conversations, chilling our expression, searching our bodies and our possessions, doing away with our due process rights, reversing the burden of proof and rendering us suspects in a surveillance state.
Whether or not the powers-that-be, by their actions, are consciously attempting to create a compliant citizenry, the result is the same nevertheless for young and old alike."
WC: 1376

On Target Pressure Points: 

Educational Compliance 

in the Police State of America:

Published on Aug 14, 2013 on YouTube above:

As John W. Whitehead explains in his new book, A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, our nation's children are not being spared from the police state mentality which is slowly gripping all aspects of American society. While parents get ready to send their children back to school, Whitehead provides a chilling reminder that the police state mindset is pervasive in our public schools, with students becoming the victims of inflexible zero tolerance policies, mass surveillance, and arrest for childish, noncriminal behavior.

On Target Pressure Points: The Electronic Concentration Camp;

The Tracking of "Problematic Phrases" on the Internet:

Published on May 31, 2013 on YouTube above:

In conjunction with the upcoming release of his new book, A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, John W. Whitehead sits down to discuss several "pressure points" that are threatening the Bill of Rights and undermining our essential freedoms. In part four of this special series, Whitehead examines the collusion between corporations and government officials in erecting a system of mass surveillance aimed at all Americans. 

The Fight Against the Total Surveillance State in Our Schools:

Published on Dec 12, 2012 on YouTube:

Students in San Antonio are now being required to carry identification cards containing an RFID chip which allows school administrators to track their movements throughout the school day. While some are passively accepting the program, one brave student, Andrea Hernandez, is asserting her right to privacy. As John Whitehead explains in this week's vodcast, the battle playing out in San Antonio could be the turning point in the resistance to the total surveillance state.

Read the commentary:
"The Fight Against the Total Surveillance State in Our Schools"
Reprinted in full below unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

"The Fight Against 

The Total Surveillance State 

In Our Schools":


“I would say there is a school-to-prison pipeline, but there is also a prison-to-school pipeline. [The use of security hardware (cameras, metal detectors and retina detectors) and the practice of treating students as suspects are strategies of the criminal justice system, and they have been flowing into the schools.] It’s like a two-way street, a two-way system that mixes the educational and criminal justice systems. The end result is that we have schools in which the learning environment has been degraded and undermined because we are teaching kids to fear and feel that they are suspects at any particular time. Educators talk about the teachable moments. Unfortunately, public fear of kids, public hysteria around another Columbine, has prevented people from remembering that the mission of public schools is to educate.”—Annette Fuentes, author of Lockdown High: When the Schoolhouse Becomes a Jail House
The battle playing out in San Antonio, Texas, over one student’s refusal to comply with a public school campaign to microchip students has nothing to do with security concerns and even less to do with academic priorities. What is driving this particular program, which requires students to carry “smart” identification cards embedded with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tracking devices, is money, pure and simple—or to put it more bluntly, this program is yet another example of the nefarious collusion between government bureaucracy and corporate America, a way for government officials to dance to the tune of the corporate state, while unhesitatingly selling students to the highest bidder.
Oblivious to the impact on students’ fundamental rights, school officials with the Northside Independent School District (NISD) in San Antonio, Texas, have embarked upon a crusade to foist ID badges embedded with RFID tags on about 4,200 students at Jay High School and Jones Middle School. These tags produce a radio signal that is tied to the students’ Social Security numbers, allowing the wearer’s precise movements to be constantly monitored. Although the school district already boasts 290 surveillance cameras, the cards which the students are required to wear will make it possible for school officials to track students’ whereabouts at all times. Teachers are even requiring students to wear the IDs when they want to use the bathroom. NISD officials plan to eventually expand the $500,000 program to the district’s 112 schools, with a student population of 100,000.
Hoping to achieve full student compliance with the profit-driven Student Locator Project, school officials have actually gone so far as to offer gift cards, pizza parties and raffle prizes to classes with the highest ID badge participation rates. By any other name, you would call this bribery. No such rewards, however, await the students like 15-year-old Andrea Hernandez who resist the program on principle. Since voicing her objection to the program on religious grounds, Andrea has been stigmatized, penalized and discriminated against. Those who, like Andrea Hernandez, refuse to wear the SmartID badge will also be forced to stand in separate lunch lines, denied participation in student government and activities, and prohibited from making certain commercial exchanges at school.
School officials at Jay High School reportedly offered to quietly remove the tracking chip from Andrea Hernandez’s card if the sophomore would agree to wear the new ID, stop criticizing the program and publicly support the initiative. Andrea refused on principle, because she believes wearing the chipless Student Locator ID badge would signal that she endorses a program that not only violates her conscience but also runs afoul of her constitutional rights. As a result, Andrea now faces expulsion for refusing to participate in the school’s money-making scheme. (The parallels to another so-called “necessary” taxpayer-funded program, full-body x-ray scanners in airports, are evident. Of course, those scanners, which are now being relegated to a moldering Texas warehouse, turned out to be little more than a pointless yet costly means of enriching the security industrial complex.)
Just to be clear, these tracking devices are not being employed to prevent students from cutting classes or foster better academics. It’s a money game. Using the devices to account for the students’ whereabouts on campus, whether in class or not, school administrators can “count” students as being “in school” and thereby qualify for up to $1.7 million in funding from the state government. As Pascual Gonzalez, Northside’s communications director, explains, “The revenues that are generated by locating kids who are not in their chairs to answer ‘present,’ but are in the building—in the counselor’s office, in the cafeteria, in the hallway, in the gym—if we can show they were, in fact, in school, then we can count them present.”
While this Student Locator program is not yet widespread, it’s only a matter of time before we see more students facing the same struggle. Other student tracking programs are currently being tested in Baltimore, Anaheim, Houston, and the Palos Heights School District near Chicago. Some cities already have fully implemented programs, including Houston, Texas, which began using RFID chips to track students as early as 2004. Preschoolers in Richmond, Calif., have been tagged with RFID chips since 2010.
Attempts to impose these tracking chips on unsuspecting young people have not gone wholly unchallenged. For example, in 2005 a school district in Sutter, California was forced to abandon their RFID project after a backlash from the community. In 2008, an RFID proposal concerning school buses in Rhode Island was abandoned after parent objections.
Unfortunately, while parents and students have fought back in some instances, they have yet to discourage the financial interest of the security industrial complex, which has set its sights on the schools as “a vast, rich market”—a $20 billion market, no less—just waiting to be conquered. Indeed, corporations stand to make a great deal of money if RFID tracking becomes the norm across the country. A variety of companies, including AIM Truancy Solutions, ID Card Group and DataCard, already market and sell RFID trackers to school districts throughout the country, and with big names such as AT&T and IBM entering the market, the pressure on school districts to adopt these systems and ensure compliance will only increase.
In fact, corporations are going to great lengths to secure their profits by discouraging government officials from allowing students to opt out of RFID programs. In 2011, the Texas legislature considered a bill that would have prohibited “certain mandatory student identification methods,” limiting schools to only an opt-in method of student identification, qualified with the permission of a student’s parent or guardian. Michael Wade, representing Wade Garcia & Associates, a consulting firm responsible for installing the technology in Northside school district, testified against the bill, protesting specifically against the opt-out policy. The bill died in committee.
RFID is only one aspect of what is an emerging industry in tracking, spying, and identification devices. For example, schools in Pinellas County, Fla., now use palm reading devices to allow children to purchase lunch. The reader takes an infrared picture of the palm’s vein structure, and then matches that information with the child’s identity. 50,000 students in the county are using the readers, and another 60,000 are expected to soon join the program. Palm scanning identification devices are spreading to hospitals and schools across the country, and can be found in over 50 school systems and 160 hospital systems, spanning 15 states and Washington, DC.
Due in large part to the technological and profit-driven collusion between government and big business, every aspect of our society, from schooling, to banking, to shopping, to healthcare is becoming increasingly automated and surveillance oriented. RFID tags, for example, are expected to replace bar code scanning in retail goods, and they are already found in American passports. Palm scanning is likely to enter other industries that rely on identification, including retail, banking, and cloud computing. There are already palm-reading ATMs in Japan.
Without strong safeguards for privacy now, it will not be long before these technologies—sold to us as being for our good and aimed at making our lives safer, easier and more efficient—will come to dominate every aspect of our lives. And those who resist, like young Andrea Hernandez, will be cut off from basic goods and services and treated like second-class citizens.
We are generally taught to fear the stock images of tyranny: the jackboots in marching formation, the jail cell door, the batons cracking down on innocent skulls. Yet while we should be vigilant against these injustices, most are wholly unaware of the invasive technologies which are slowly spreading across America: the tyranny of radio waves and Wi-Fi signals, infrared cameras, biometric scanners and GPS tracking devices, among many others.
These tendrils of the corporate surveillance-state are slowly coming to control all our daily interactions, and our nation’s public schools are merely the forefront of a movement to completely automate all human interaction and ensure that no one is able to escape the prying eyes of government officials and their corporate partners.
WC: 1484

Arrested Development: The Criminalization of America's Schoolchildren:

Published on May 14, 2012 on YouTube above:
Once looked to as the starting place for imparting principles of freedom and democracy to future generations, America's classrooms are becoming little more than breeding grounds for compliant citizens of the police state. In this week's vodcast, John Whitehead takes a hard look at zero tolerance policies and the criminalization of schoolchildren.

Hitachi Releases 2.5mm C1G2 Durable RFID Tag:

Published on Jul 31, 2012 on YouTube above:

It may look like an RFID chip, but the new Ultra Small Package UHF RFID tag from Hitachi Chemical is one of the most revolutionary RFID products our team has seen in years. It is the smallest UHF RFID Tag our team has ever seen: 2.5 by 2.5 by .3 millimeters and that includes a tiny built-in antenna. What’s even more surprising is that these package tags can be used to make numerous other kinds of RFID tags, and because they are so small, it opens up the possibilities for form factors that were not possible before now. 

TAGSYS Introducing FITS 

(Fashion Items Tracking System):

Enso Detego GmbH - a leading provider of 

AutoID and RFID products and solutions:

Published on Nov 26, 2013 on YouTube above:

produziert von
Enso Detego GmbH is a leading provider of AutoID and RFID products and solutions to the Fashion and Food & Beverage Industry. The company offers solutions which enable customers to improve their efficiency and security in their supply chain, logistics and asset tracking operations. Enso Detego's market proven software modules support standardized business processes in production, distribution, transportation and retail. Flexible, hardware independent and scalable modules allow a rapid and effective implementation of RFID projects. We offer RFID solutions that address operational efficiency and incremental business opportunities. Our RFID specialists offer customers a complete range of professional services which are customized technology consulting, project implementation, sourcing of customer specific RFID tags and infrastructure hardware, personnel training and after-sale support. More Information:



"Wireless tracking and the surrender of privacy"

"The objection to RFID and RTLS in healthcare is that, whatever efficiencies the technology introduces, the patient and caregivers surrender privacy.
It does require a bit of buy-in from hospital staff. VP Laskowski-Jones of Christiana Hospital advised involving frontline staff in the planning for “internal marketing” – ensuring that the staff understood the practical applications and the WIFM “what’s in it for them”. Patients sometimes prove even more reticent, some refusing to return their badges, believing that “protected health information is somehow embedded there,” wrote Ms. Leskowski-Jones. “Despite thorough explanations to the contrary, we have found that a small subset of patients will still refuse to give up the badge at the end of the visit.”
The badges contain only non patient-specific unique location identifiers; the software and systems contain the patient-specific information. And that information is subject to all the rules that govern patient privacy. This includes the traditional privacy of doctor/patient relationships. It also includes the mandates of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. HIPAA has stiffened considerably since 1996, to deal specifically with Electronic Protected Health Information (EPHI). HIPAA requires three types of security stopgaps, being administrative; physical (including control of access to networks); and technical (including documented risk analysis and risk management programs)."

Covert Tracking & Surveillance Using Wireless RFID:


BAP (Battery Assisted Passive) RFID Makes 

People Tracking Possible:




"RFID: Applications, Security, and Privacy"


Microchip Implants: 

Answers to 

Frequently Asked Questions

by Katherine Albrecht, Ed.D. 

Report issued by CASPIAN Consumer Privacy, June 3, 2008 

PDF version (single sided)   PDF Version (Double Sided):


Mark of the Beast : RFID Chip to help you lose weight by scanning your body (Dec 02, 2013):






RFID Chip Community Forum-Dr.Katherine Albrecht-Part 1

Published on Apr 29, 2013 on YouTube:

Heather Fazio and TAG Texans for Accountable Government set up a community forum in Leon Vally / San Antonio Texas .Joseph Fenity hosting Dr.Katherine Albrecht ,Dr Laura Pressley,Matt Simpson,Andrea Hernandez & Heather Fazio public outreach event to underscore the serious privacy, safety, and civil liberties dangers associated with RFID tracking technology.

Say "NO" to Chipping Students!

Over 4.000 students targeted as guinea pigs for a RFID tracking system

In San Antonio, Texas, they are tracking and monitoring over 4,000 students using RFID microchipped identification cards. Unless we convince Jay High School and Jones Middle School to rethink their plans, students will be required to participate in the technology trial beginning August 27.

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a controversial technology that uses tiny microchips to track items from a distance. These RFID microchips have earned the nickname "spychips" because each contains a unique identification number, like a Social Security number for things, that can be read silently and invisibly by radio waves. Over 40 of the world's leading privacy and civil liberties organizations have called for a moratorium on chipping items like ID cards because the technology can be used to track people without their knowledge or consent.

Join us in spreading the word that RFID tracking violates expectations of reasonable privacy and threatens civil liberties in our schools. Read our new Position Paper on the Use of RFID in Schools.

You can learn more about the planned event by going to or emailing us at

We also have set up a Facebook page at

We appreciate your prayers and support!
Please share this email with others, especially friends and fellow
freedom lovers in Texas.

RFID Chip Community Forum-

Dr.Laura Pressley-Part 2 on "Smart Meter" Pulses:

RFID Chip Community Forum-Heather Fazio-Part 3: