Tuesday, November 19, 2013



Published on Oct 13, 2013
Grace Lewis, founder and organizer of Arkansas Against Common Core, did not know the power she would unleash when she asked a technologically savvy local youth to help her create a website for Arkansas Against Common Core. Patrick Richardson, a then 15 year old youth with high personal standards and a vast interest in technology, answered that request when he presented Mrs. Lewis with an organized, well researched, fact based website. At that time, shocked and elated, Mrs. Lewis asked Richardson if he would also like to speak at the upcoming House and Senate Joint Education Committee Interim Study on Common Core. He was up to the challenge and showed up at the hearing with a presentation that completely amazed everyone including the Joint Education Committee and the State Department of Education. No one was prepared for Patrick's well researched power point presentation on the money trail behind Common Core. He left many with dropped jaws and stunned faces.

Patrick continues to impress all of us at Arkansas Against Common Core by his own investigation and analysis of many large, wordy documents like Race to The Top, The State Fiscal Stabilization Fund, and the PARCC agreement, etc. Because of his ability to expose the facts with a tenacious, no nonsense wit, he is frequently asked to speak on talk radio and take interviews. Having done his own research, he has no fear when it comes to hard-hitting questions or big names like the Dave Elswick Show. As he continues to delve into different areas of the Common Core Standards and its aligned test, curricula and longitudinal data systems, he shares his knowledge and expertise by revealing the core of Common Core through presentations and interviews.

Some may wonder what produces a young man like Patrick Richardson. Patrick is quick to credit his success to the role his family has played, by instilling in him strong religious beliefs and values, and encouraging him to develop his God given talents. Mrs. Lewis believes this is what has enabled him to become the mature, highly motivated, ambitious, well rounded productive young man he is today.

It is amazing how even a 15-year-old (now 16), can connect the dots and see the fallacies of the Common Core Initiative. Thank you Patrick for all that you do in this ever-mounting battle for our liberties, as Thomas Paine stated, "Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."


The New American reports at http://thenewamerican.com/usnews/foreign-policy/item/16976-obama-plotting-to-train-islamic-libyan-forces-as-chaos-mounts.
"After having handed the smoldering ruins of Libya to a gaggle of radical Islamists and al Qaeda-linked fanatics by helping oust and summarily execute despot Moammar Gadhafi, the U.S. government is now working on a scheme to train Libyan “troops” and “security forces.” All of it will help the embattled Muslim Brotherhood-linked Islamic regime cement its loose grip on power as it enforces sharia law."
"According to Adm. William McRaven, commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command, the U.S. government plans to train between 5,000 and 7,000 Libyan “security” personnel. The scheme will include both conventional troops and “counterterrorism forces.”


Federal Prosecutor Andrew McCarthy:

Obama Guilty Of Serial Fraud

Impeachment & Removal

Is The Remedy

Republished in full from Renew America are two very sobering articles why Obama should be impeached. Both are reprinted in full, unedited, for educational purposes:

November 17, 2013 at: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/sthompson/131117

"On the impeachment of Barack Obama"
For a number of reasons, Barack Obama should be impeached from the American presidency, and understandably, there are rumblings from concerned Americans calling for just that. He is certainly doing the "high crimes and misdemeanors" that merit removal of an American President. (Search "The Case to Impeach" at www.grassfire.com, the site of Grassroots Action, Inc.) What is most galling is the indisputable fact that any white man displaying similar behavior would have been impeached by now and probably serving prison time.

Although impeachment is very much in order, the authors of the pamphlet "The Case to Impeach" admit that it is unlikely. The idea of impeachment hearings, an impeachment vote in the House, and an impeachment trial in the Senate is a nonstarter. The current crop of political "leaders" are not of the stuff to follow through on such an arduous task. It would require courage that few of them have.

Besides there being no leaders of the caliber to pull off such an act of justice, I wonder if every-day, patriotic Americans are prepared to see impeachment through. How many are ready for the civil unrest that would surely follow a serious effort to remove Obama?

The barely literate masses of welfare slaves; black gangs; leftist operatives, such as the New Black Panthers and Farrakhan's Black Muslims; and all the forces currently under the spell of Obama will be coerced into the streets. It is very likely that the coercion, wreaking massive havoc and bloodshed, will be directed by Obama and Attorney General, Eric Holder. The desired race war would be underway. And we can be assured that no law enforcement will be turned against the mobs, because Obama and Holder control law enforcement.

If Americans strike back, Obama would probably turn the force of the military against the violence in the streets. That could be tricky, because he does not know how much of the military will follow his orders, given that many of them despise him – as he despises them. Whatever the case, we can see where impeachment could lead.

Recall the utter madness among the Left that accompanied the impeachment of Bill Clinton for lying under oath. The Left fomented lie after lie after lie to present the picture that Clinton was impeached for being a serial adulterer, instead of for lying under oath. And those who knew full well why he was impeached convinced themselves that somehow lying under oath was not much of a crime if Democrat President Bill Clinton did it. I witnessed a beloved high school teacher of mine (Democrat) vehemently lament that her "vote was being taken away from her." She seemed oblivious to Clinton's criminal behavior. Lying under oath was then and still is a criminal offense.

Consider this behavior from the Left regarding Clinton and envision what the possible response will be to impeachment of their "Leftist Mixed-Race Wonder." A full-court press on the part of conservatives and Republicans would be absolutely necessary to counter every lie broadcast about the reasons for Obama's impeachment. Conservative spokespeople would have to be forceful, articulate, and unapologetic (meaning, drop the silly smiling faces) in their confrontations with the Left, regarding the legality of the move. Republican lawmakers would also have to be prepared to counter Eric Holder's selective enforcement of law against the violence sure to ensue. Without a committed push-back, an initiation of impeachment is a waste of time. It cannot be a repeat of President George W. Bush's refusal to counter the savage treatment that he received from the Left during his tenure.

An impeachment would require confrontation at every step of the process and it may well become violent confrontation. I say it is time for that confrontation, to eliminate further destruction of the nation, but that's just me.

"Impeach Obama to save America
think 2014"
Just in time for Halloween, I wrote an edgy column about Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) and his aggressive campaign against our military, how he is stripping it of commanders loyal to the Constitution, jacking it up by forcing the insane, anti-Christian homosexual agenda on it, and more. In the piece, I noted that the military is likely the only earthly power that could stop Obama from his lawless assault on the United States. While I was not calling for a military coup, I was wishing the military would just arrest Obama for his crimes. (Is there a difference between the two? Probably not.) Of course, that's not the way it works, nor would that be a constitutional remedy.

The column was just an expression of my deep frustration, sorrow, and outrage at what this man and his fellow commies in the administration, Congress, the judiciary, and federal bureaucracies are doing to this great nation. However, the only constitutional solution for ridding ourselves of a lawless president is the prosecution of impeachment, and if anyone is worthy of impeachment, it is Barack Obama and those in his administration who are perpetrating a vicious anti-American war on our country. The list of impeachable offenses is extensive, not the least of which are his bold lies andactionable, criminal fraud in cramming the unconstitutional, deceptively-named "Affordable Care Act" down our throats, Chief Justice John "Quisling" Roberts' horrendous, twisted ruling notwithstanding.

No, a U.S. military coup is not the answer. As Ambassador Dr. Alan Keyeswrote in a column published on Veteran's Day:

I've noticed that some people openly wish the U.S. military would move against Obama. Any such action would be, prima facie, a military insurrection, a fatal act of treasonous war in the course of which any involved military personnel would be subject to peremptory execution. No one loyal to the Constitution finds hope for America in the prospect of such an event.

The congressional impeachment/removal process is the only constitutional way to end unconstitutional abuses of the U.S. government's power at the highest levels. It can only occur if the people effectively demand it. The people can effectively demand it only by electing a U.S. Congress controlled by a sufficient majority in both Houses to achieve the desired result. In this respect, liberty is a Do-It-Yourself proposition. Only the people can rescue the constitutional sovereignty of the people from destruction.

Naturally, I will hear comments of "Dream on. There's no way Obama will ever be impeached." So, that means we all just sit down and shut up? I understand that we are not only battling the communist Democrats, but also the "establishment" Republicans, for the constitutional soul and foundational freedoms of our nation, and I also know that none of these people will make such a move against Obama. But, if we can miraculously overcome Democrat election and voter fraud in the 2014 midterm elections, we could re-take the Senate and hold, or even make gains, in the House. Obama cannot veto his own impeachment.

There is another huge aspect to Congress's fear of removing Obama from office that I have long considered and that Sylvia Thompson noted in her latest column. It is the likelihood of violent, feral behavior from Obama's senseless supporters.

Ms. Thompson wrote:

Besides there being no leaders of the caliber to pull off such an act of justice, I wonder if every-day, patriotic Americans are prepared to see impeachment through. How many are ready for the civil unrest that would surely follow a serious effort to remove Obama?

The barely literate masses of welfare slaves; black gangs; leftist operatives, such as the New Black Panthers and Farrakhan's Black Muslims; and all the forces currently under the spell of Obama will be coerced into the streets. It is very likely that the coercion, wreaking massive havoc and bloodshed, will be directed by Obama and Attorney General, Eric Holder. The desired race war would be underway. And we can be assured that no law enforcement will be turned against the mobs, because Obama and Holder control law enforcement.

If Americans strike back, Obama would probably turn the force of the military against the violence in the streets. That could be tricky, because he does not know how much of the military will follow his orders, given that many of them despise him – as he despises them. Whatever the case, we can see where impeachment could lead.

... An impeachment would require confrontation at every step of the process and it may well become violent confrontation. I say it is time for that confrontation, to eliminate further destruction of the nation, but that's just me.

Yes, in Obama, the communist Left has the perfect candidate. Because of his mixed race (although he looks black, he's also half white, but don't tell that to the race-baiters), they have crafted an aura of untouchability around him, stupidly shouting "racism!" for any criticism of his treasonous actions and policies. They also have a standing army of zombies, Obamatons, who would be dispatched to the streets of America in the event that anyone makes a real move to expel the first "black" "president" from office.

So, is impeachment really impossible? No, it's not. Think 2014. That's the key. Stephen Stone, President of RenewAmerica, also makes the clear, compelling case for setting impeachment of Obama as our goal in the 2014 midterms. Declaring that we must elect an IMPEACHMENT CONGRESS in 2014, Mr. Stone states:

For proof of the power of IMPEACHMENT ALONE, we need look no further than two modern examples of presidents who've been subjected to impeachment: Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. Nixon resigned during his impeachment hearings once the facts came out; and Clinton had little popular or political support following his impeachment by the House, even though the Senate failed to follow through and remove him.

Of course, removal by the Senate is the best possible outcome, and should be tenaciously pursued – but it's not essential to stopping a corrupt president, historical precedent clearly shows.

Should the House impeach Obama with sufficient evidence to justify his removal, a powerful groundswell from an irate citizenry can be expected to pressure the Senate to convict – upon threat of retaliation at the polls in 2016 for neglecting their constitutional duty. Removal of Obama in that case would then be more than a remote possibility, if enough vocal citizens across America rose up and pushed for it.

This means IT'S UP TO US – the people – to stop Barack Obama and his minions through the "constitutional remedy" of impeachment and removal, beginning with electing Constitution-minded representatives to the House and Senate in 2014.

That's it, folks, the bottom line. And while it's certainly not an easy proposition, it is one that we must chase with the greatest intensity. I know it's also a scary prospect. Sylvia Thompson is spot-on when she wonders if we are prepared for the violence that would surely follow any serious effort to remove Obama from office. I don't see how we can ever truly be prepared for such a thing, and while it's sometimes quite tough not to do, we should never let fear dictate our action – or inaction, in this case.

In all of this, we must also remember that no matter how wretched things look, the Lord is in charge, and we must continue to earnestly petition Him in prayer for His mercy on this undeserving nation. We are not, and could never be, deserving of anything but death; however, God, in his boundless love for us, has made a way through Jesus, that each of us can gain the grace of salvation through Jesus' willing sacrifice on the cross. While salvation is for individuals, it is our hope that the Lord may yet relent from the seemingly inexorable judgment that is falling on America.

And let's get that Obama impeachment steamroller out for the 2014 midterms. Never give up, and never give in, Friends.


Published on Feb 2, 2013
www.JustinPeters.org - "A Call for Discernment" Seminar Overview - This is an overview of Justin Peters' seminar entitled "A Call for Discernment". "A Call for Discernment" is a comprehensive biblical critique of what is properly known as the Word of Faith movement but is more commonly known as the Health and Wealth, or, Prosperity gospel. Word-Faith theology essentially holds that it is always God's will for a person to be monetarily wealthy and physically healed. If a person needs money or physical healing it is guaranteed provided that that person has enough faith and sows a large enough "seed" (translated money) into a particular prosperity preacher's ministry. Word-Faith theology dominates "Christian" cable and satellite television networks such as TBN, Daystar, the Inspiration Network, the Word Network, Lesea Broadcasting and others. Some of the prominent proponents of this movement include Benny Hinn, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, Andrew Wommack, Joseph Prince and Joel Osteen. Though many Christians know that there is something wrong with the prosperity message, few understand that it actually constitutes one of the most dire threats to historical Christianity. The theology of the Word-Faith movement is rooted in the metaphysical cults and compromises or denies some of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. The Word-Faith movement has a distorted view of the nature of man, God, the Person and work of Jesus Christ, and offers unbiblical reasons to come to Christ. In short, the prosperity gospel is a different gospel indeed, and a different gospel does not save. In this seminar, Justin incorporates dozens of video clips of today's most prominent Word-Faith preachers which allows people to see and hear for themselves what the prosperity preachers are actually teaching. Each point of doctrinal error is, in turn, corrected biblically. Believers are commanded by Scripture to exercise discernment (Acts 17:11, 1 Thess. 5:21) and this seminar is designed to help believers do this, not only as it relates to the Word-Faith movement, but to every aspect of Christian theology and daily life.

Recorded October 14, 2012 at the Biblical Worldview Weekend Conference.