Monday, October 21, 2013


Lighthouse Trails Research reviews Rick Warren's New Age plan:

Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan Accelerates – Tells Followers to Practice 
4-7-8 Hinduistic Meditation
“Many people have unwittingly become New Agers by simply seeking to improve their
 physical and mental health through meditation.” -  Ray Yungen
Two and a half years ago, Lighthouse Trails first reported on Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan
health program. That initial article titled “Rick Warren’s New Health and Wellness Initiative 
Could Have Profound Repercussions on Many,”  said that Rick Warren was launching a
“Decade of Destiny,” that would include focusing on health issues. Our article pointed out
that the three doctors, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Daniel Amen, and Dr. Mark Hyman, whom Rick
Warren had partnered with to help develop the Daniel Plan, were all strong advocates of
eastern meditation and the philosophies that go with that. Consider the following three
statements, one for each of the Daniel Plan doctors:
1. Dr. Amen is a proponent of tantric sex (the combining of sexual activity with
 mystical practices), which is probably the most extreme form of meditation.
2. In Dr. Hymen’s book, The Ultramind Solution, Hyman emphasizes meditation,
 saying that it doesn’t matter what religion one has to benefit from it (p. 322). Dr. Hyman
suggests that “Mindful meditation is a powerful well-researched tool, developed by
Buddhists” (p. 384).
3.  In January 2010, Dr. Oz brought a Reiki master onto his show to demonstrate
 Reiki and then ended the show saying,  “try Reiki” as the #1 “Oz’s Order.”

It would make sense that Dr. Oz would tell his viewers to try Reiki – his wife is a Reiki
practitioner. If one needs more evidence to understand what these three doctors believe
in and teach, see the article links below under Related Material. After seeing the evidence,
there can really be no doubt that Dr. Hymen, Dr. Amen, and Dr. Oz each have a strongly
devoted affinity to the practice of entering altered states of consciousness through
meditation in order to attain to what is known as the “higher self” (i.e., the divinity within
every person). So a fair question to ask is just how much of this New Age spirituality has
rubbed off onto Rick Warren and the Daniel Plan? Well, we think quite a bit has. We would
like to offer a convincing example. On September 26th, on the Daniel Plan website (owned 
and operated by Saddleback Church), an article titled “How to Manage Your Stress in 76 
Seconds”was posted. The information below should be read and watched with discernment
and in no wise is an endorsement from Lighthouse Trails. On the contrary, the practice we
refer to below, if practiced, could potentially lead to dangerous Kundalini experiences. But
we find it necessary to post this information because this is the direction that much of the
church is heading right now. Our urgency to warn outweighs our hesitation to post this.
People’s lives and souls are at stake.
The Saddleback article on September 26th is written by Dr. Joel Kahn, who tells readers to
practice a technique called the 4-7-8 relaxation breathing sequence. First giving the usual
instruction for meditation to sit up straight, Kahn then proceeds to give the steps for this
breathing exercise with a sequence of breath in for 4 seconds, hold the breath for 7 seconds,
and exhale for 8 seconds. The rest of Kahn’s article tells readers of the benefits of doing this
relaxation exercise. But let’s take a look at a video by another advocate of the exact same
method – the 4-7-8 sequence –  that gives more detail and explanation. As we stated a
minute ago, because this is the direction the church at large is heading through the
contemplative prayer (i.e., spiritual formation) movement (and the Daniel Plan movement),
we are compelled to show this with the hope it will unveil the true nature of this and other
forms of meditation.
Daniel Plan

A photo from Dr. Joel Kahn’s website
The video below is by a man named Dr. Andrew Weil, a highly respected meditation
proponent. He received his medical degree from Harvard University and is the Director of
the Center for Integrative Medicine of the College of Medicine, University of Arizona. Dr.
Weil is not a fringe personality. (If you cannot see this video below, click here. Our report
continues below this video with some vital information.
 How interesting that Dr. Weil, clearly an “expert” in the field of meditation, admits that all
breathing techniques (including those used in Yoga) come from India (i.e., Hinduism).
Lighthouse Trails has been trying to tell Christian leaders that for 11 years now! And
contemplative prayer is in the same category as “breath” prayers, and both are spiritually
dangerous. Ray Yungen elaborates:
When we compare meditation techniques used in stress reduction with the type of
 meditation used in New Age spirituality, it is easy to see these practices as basically the
same. Both methods use either the breathing technique or mantra exercises to still the mind.
Unknown to most people, a blank mind in a meditative state is all that is necessary for
contact with a spirit guide.
An example of this is found in John Randolph Price, founder of the Quartus
 Foundation and initiate of the December 31 World Healing Day Meditation. Price became
involved in New Age metaphysics through just such a meditative encounter. He reveals:
“Back when I was in the business world, the American Management Association put
 out a little book on meditation, which indicated that meditation was a way to attain peace
of mind and reduce stress in a corporate environment. So I decided I’d try it . . . I
discovered how to come into a new sphere of consciousness. Consciousness actually shifts,
and you move into a realm you may not have even known existed.”1
As one meditation teacher explains:
“It is more than a stress reducer. It is the vehicle all religions use to impart the
 esoteric knowledge of their own mystical tradition.”2
Thus, many people have unwittingly become New Agers by simply seeking to
 improve their physical and mental health through meditation. Two examples on this issue
are comments made by two authors who honor the higher self view of man, Joan
Borysenko and Ann Wise. Borysenko, a medical doctor, revealed:
“I originally took up secular meditation for its medical benefits and in time discovered
 its deeper psychological and spiritual benefits.”3 
Ann Wise, who works in the corporate field to improve decision-making abilities for
 business people, makes an identical observation:
“Those who initially participate in this work purely for enhancements to their
 productivity in the corporate world are often startled and pleased by what one VP called
“the value and inevitable focus on spirituality that evolved from the work.” . . . I often find
that individuals who began brainwave training [meditation] for a specific, objective purpose
also become quickly interested and involved in seeking higher levels of spiritual
consciousness.”4 (from A Time of Departing, pp. 98-100) 
What this means is that the people at Saddleback and the people who are participating in
the Daniel Plan have been introduced to a meditation practice that can potentially turn them
into New Agers! And remember, in the New Age, there is no room for the Cross at Calvary
because the higher self takes the place of a need for a Savior.
Incidentally, some people may think that the term “spirituality” means Christianity, but that
is not it. When the term spirituality is used, it is referring to the idea that God is in everyone
(ie., the higher self).
Dr. Amen, Dr. Hymen, Rick Warren, and Dr. Oz
September 26 2013 isn’t the first time the Daniel Plan website brought in the 4-7-8
meditation technique. It was introduced to the Daniel Plan onOctober 14th 2012,
One more thing you should know – on December 3rd, Rick Warren’s new book, The Daniel 
Plan, will be released. The co-authors of this book are Dr. Hymen and Dr. Amen. As we
stated earlier, Dr. Amen is an advocate of tantric sex; and Dr. Hymen is connected to a
shamanic organization called Four Winds (“where modern science meets ancient wisdom“).
By all appearances and logic, it looks like Rick Warren is going full speed toward the New
Age/New Spirituality with the throttle fully engaged.
Related Material and Documentation:
Emanuel Swedenborg’s Occultic Beliefs Influence Rick Warren’s Health Advisor and Now 
the Christian Church

A Visit to Rick Warren’s Health Seminar – The Unfolding of a Global New Age Plan

Rick Warren Speaks Out Against Those Warning the Church of Meditation

Saddleback’s Response to Criticism Over Daniel Plan – An Unscriptural Paradox!

Changing Science, Changing Mind – Healthcare More Than You Bargained For

NEW PRINT BOOKLET TRACT: Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan – The New Age/Eastern 
Meditation Doctors Behind the Saddleback Health


From Lighthouse Trails Research:

Biola Conference Welcomes Ruth Haley Barton as it Continues Heartily
Down Contemplative Path

On October 16th, Biola University hosted its Torrey Conference 2013, and contemplative
teacher Ruth Haley Barton was scheduled to be a featured speaker at the event. This does
not come as a great surprise to the editors at Lighthouse Trails because Biola has been
going down the contemplative path for quite sometime. But because there are still so many
who do not know there is a crisis happening at Christian colleges and seminaries,
Lighthouse Trails continues issuing the warnings. And there are Christian parents who are
paying large amounts of money to send their children to these schools, thinking their
children are going to be drawn closer to the Lord and the truth of His Word. But for most
kids going to Christian colleges today, they are going to be handed a college diploma that
has been obtained through the filter of contemplative spirituality. Such is definitely the case
with Biola University.
It was just earlier this year that we brought to our readers attention the Assemblies of God
invitation of Ruth Haley Barton to the AG General Council conference. We wrote articles
explaining the spirituality that Barton embraces and passes on to thousands of Christian
pastors and church leaders. Sadly, our warnings fell on the deaf ears of AG leaders, and
Barton’s invitation remained intact. In fact, AG General Superintendent Dr. George Wood
defended the invitation publically and expressed his relaxed views about contemplative
spirituality. You can read the coverage we did on that situation by clicking here.
One of the main points we want to get across - something we have worked very hard at
explaining clearly over the years - is that contemplative prayer is essentially the same
mystical practice that takes place in occultism, the New Age, and eastern meditation. While
intent may be different (contemplatives say they want to reach God), the methods are
virtually the same, and the results are identical. In this particular article, “Lighthouse Trails 
Statement to Assemblies of God Response Regarding Invitation of Ruth Haley Barton,” we
answer these important questions: 1. WHAT IS THE CONNECTION BETWEEN
As for Ruth Haley Barton, we have given ample evidence to prove that she is a bi-product,
if you will, of the spirituality of contemplative panentheistic mystics Thomas Keating, Richard
Rohr, and Tilden Edwards. And the fact that she is now being welcomed so readily by
evangelical denominations (Southern Baptist, Assemblies of God, Wesleyan, etc.) shows just
how integrated contemplative spirituality has become in the evangelical and Protestant
As we stated earlier in this article, we are not surprised that Biola has invited Ruth Haley
Barton to the Torrey Conference. We first wrote about Biola University’s contemplative
leanings in 2006 in an article titled “The Shape of Things to Come: Biola University 
Embraces Contemplative Spirituality.” And in that article, we pointed out that Biola had
invited Barton to speak at an event. In that 2006 article, we stated “Biola University, the
traditional virtual bedrock of conservative Christian higher education, has opened itself to
influences that would have its founders turning over in their graves.”
Incidentally, Biola is also engaging with contemplative author Adele Ahlberg Calhoun as you
can see from this Biola page that has two videos of  talks at Biola by Calhoun.  Calhoun’s
book, Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, shows her strong propensities toward a number of
eastern style mysticism advocates such as David Steindl-Rast, Thomas Keating, Basil
Pennington, and Tilden Edwards (Shalem Institute). You can read our review of Calhoun’s
book here.
Biola has also welcomed the teachings of the recently late contemplative pioneer Dallas
Willard (see Biola video here) and has resonated with and encouraged the teachings of Peter
Drucker (see video here).  Others who have spoken at Biola are meditation proponent Ken
Blanchard (here), emerging church teacher Shane Claiborne (here), and lectio divina
instructor, Joanne Jung (here) to name just a few.
If you know someone who is attending Biola University, please deliver to them a sober
warning about what he or she could encounter while attending Biola. To see the Lighthouse
Trails list of contemplative colleges, click here.
Related Articles:
Biola’s New Gay and Lesbian Student Group – A “Fruit” of Their Contemplative Propensities?
Book Warning: Kingdom Triangle by Biola Professor J.P. Moreland
Biola Magazine Managing Editor Admits Biola Promotes Contemplative Spirituality


The Culture News Blog has reported that the NJ Supreme Court has bypassed the people of the state and decided to permit gay marriages:

Same Sex Marriage Now Legal in New Jersey:

"Garden State Equality" Plans To Override Governor Christie's Veto:

Same-Sex Couples Prepare to Marry in New Jersey:


Contemplative Spirituality Concerns


Published on Oct 16, 2013
Chris Lawson, Spiritual Research Network.

PART ONE (Minute 00:01) Introduction: A biblical warning and brief statement about various genres of mystical and occult oriented Contemplative Spirituality "centering-prayer" literature that are infiltrating churches and Christian communities.

PART TWO (Minute 09:35)Considering biblical "separation" from false teachers and false teachings (Romans 16, v.17-19), as opposed to gleaning from "Christian mystics" and experiential practices that are virtually identical to the occult training of the Hindus.

PART 3 (Minute 30:33)Fr Thomas Keating is the Modern Day Pioneer of the international Contemplative Outreach Ltd. "centering-prayer" movement. As such, he seeks to "integrate" Christian spirituality with the occult "Serpent Power" of Hinduism, otherwise known as Kundalini energy. According to Hindu and Buddhist occultists, "Kundalini-shakti" lies coiled at the base of the spine, awaiting arousal via centering prayer/occult meditation.

PART 4 (Minute 48:46)Contemplative Spirituality's dangerous Christian Mysticism/occult hybrid form of "Centering Prayer" is inextricably tied to Interfaith (Interreligious) Dialogue, Ecumenism, and the ever-increasing "Global Oneness" New Spirituality/New Gospel of the New Age movement.

Full Length "Video 3": Part 1-4 (1hr.18min.)



Shocking! Navy SEAL states, "We are now pawns" 

of Muslims and Socialists:

Former US Navy SEAL Ben Smith addresses the crowd 

about the threats we face: "THE COLD CIVIL WAR":

Save The 2nd (Amendment of the Constitution)

Benjamin Smith in Philadelphia May 25, 2013:

Former Navy Seal Ben Smith Government Is Trying To 

Provoke Veterans To Do Something:

Ex Navy SEAL says Government is creating conditions to 

impose Martial Law: