Saturday, October 12, 2013


Schools Collecting Data On Students 

Employing "inBloom"

Student Data Stored In Cloud 

Who Has Access to This Data?

American Thinker article titled 
"Common Core: What's in It for Bill Gates?"
"Data mining is another component of Common Core that will reap huge profits for Gates. In a public-private collaborative, the foundation and others gave $100 million to inBloom for a public school database. The purpose is to collect and analyze data which will be shared with private companies that sell educational products and services. These lucky insiders get to mine the information and create new tailored products to sell."
At Susan Ohanian's blog, see:, titled:
"inBloom Developer Documentation"
"inBloom statement: . . . While in this day and age no security protections can be 100% guaranteed, inBloom has greatly improved student data protection beyond the measures currently used by most school systems. We are meeting the highest industry standards and are exceeding federal requirements. You can learn more by visiting our privacy commitment pageDistricts who use inBloom in conjunction with commercial applications and services may choose to disclose certain student information to those third-party providers to power the learning applications they implement in their classrooms. Those disclosures are controlled by the school district, and third party providers are only allowed to use the selected data for the purposes for which they were contracted by the district."

 "Recent changes in the regulation of a federal education privacy law have also helped the industry. That law, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, required schools to obtain parental permission before sharing information in their children's educational records. The updated rules permit schools to share student data, without notifying parents, with companies to which they have outsourced core functions like scheduling or data management." 
See also: 

Amplify Insight Wins Contract from Common-Core Testing Consortium