Friday, September 20, 2013


I certify that I am: (i) the patient and at least 18 years of age; (ii) the parent or legal guardian of the minor patient; or (iii) the legal guardian of the patient. Further, I hereby give my consent to the healthcare provider of Walgreens or Take Care Health ServicesSM,
as applicable, to administer the vaccine(s) I have requested above. I understand that it is not possible to predict all possible side effects or complications associated with receiving vaccine(s). I understand the risks and benefits associated with the above vaccine(s) and have received, read and/or had explained to me the Vaccine Information Statements on
the vaccine(s) I have elected to receive. I also acknowledge that I have had a chance to ask questions and that such questions were answered to my satisfaction. Further, I acknowledge that I have been advised to remain near the vaccination location for approximately 15 minutes after administration for observation by the administering healthcare provider. On behalf of myself, my heirs and personal representatives, I hereby release and hold harmless Walgreens or Take Care Health ServicesSM, as applicable, its staff, agents, successors, divisions, affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, contractors and employees from
any and all liabilities or claims whether known or unknown arising out of, in connection with, or in any way related to the administration of the vaccine(s) listed above.
I acknowledge that: I understand the purposes/benefits of my state’s immunization registry (“State Registry”). I acknowledge that, depending upon my state law, I may prevent, by using a state-approved opt-out form (“Opt-Out Form”): (a) disclosure of my immunization information to the State Registry; or (b) the State Registry from sharing my immunization information with any of my other healthcare providers enrolled in the State Registry. Walgreens or Take Care Health ServicesSM, as applicable, will, if my state permits, provide me with an Opt-Out Form. Unless I provide Walgreens or Take Care Health ServicesSM, as applicable, with a signed Opt-Out Form, I elect to participate fully in, and consent to Walgreens or Take Care Health ServicesSM, as applicable, reporting my immunization information to the State Registry.
I authorize Walgreens or Take Care Health ServicesSM, as applicable, to (1) release my medical or other information, including my communicable disease (including HIV), mental health and drug/alcohol abuse information, to my healthcare professionals, Medicare, Medicaid, or other third-party payer as necessary to effectuate care or payment, (2) submit a claim to my insurer for the above requested items and services, and (3) request payment of authorized benefits be made on my behalf to Walgreens or Take Care Health ServicesSM, as applicable, with respect to the above requested items and services. I further agree to be fully financially responsible for any cosharing amounts, including copays, coinsurance, and deductibles, for the requested items and services as well as for any requested items and services not covered by my insurance benefits. I understand that any payment for which I am financially responsible is due at the time of service or, if Walgreens or Take Care Health
ServicesSM invoices me after the time of service, upon receipt of such invoice.
Patient signature: Date:
(Parent or Guardian, if minor)

Pharmacies Push Untested Flu Shot on Pregnant Women:

Published on Jan 22, 2014
Flu season is underway, and vaccines are being pushed as the only safe choice for avoiding a sometimes deadly bout with the flu, especially for pregnant women. But what you aren't being told may come as a shock. The safety of the flu vaccine has never been tested on pregnant women or their developing fetus. We went undercover to two of the nation's largest walk-in flu shot pharmacies to see if they think these mercury-laden vaccines are "safe and effective".

ObamaCare Requires Doctors to Ask About Patients’ Sex History:

See: The New American article: 
See: New York Post article:


Manny Silva of Stand For Truth Ministries exposes the gross apostasy occurring in some Nazarene churches:
The Sin Of Compromise In the Rock And Roll Church
“And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2 Thes.2:11-12
We have long reported to you that one of the trends in the Church of the Nazarene is the effort to be “relevant.”  Emergent church proponents love the concept that we have to become more relevant to the “unchurched” so that we can get them into church, and then we can preach the gospel to them- somewhere down the road.  The problem is there is nothing scriptural about this idea, and in fact, many pastors today think that the church is really for the unsaved- when clearly according to the Bible the church is for the saved first and foremost!  It is nonsense to think otherwise.
There is no interest in spiritual growth now in many of these churches.  They are only interested in church growth, and they will attract the unbeliever into the church, with any kind of trick they can use.  We hear more sermons than ever avoiding any mention of condemnation of the sinner, and the wrath of God.  It’s all fluff now, “tickle my ears” kind of preaching.  And we have all sort of gimmicks and programs and of course the Roman Catholic stuff that perhaps will draw in the Catholics.  When we read the book of Acts, we see nothing approaching this foolishness that was done by the apostles.  They simply preached the gospel, and many were saved.  Their “gimmick” was to preach the truth- and nothing else.
So here comes a prime example of the selling out of biblical principles, in order to be like the world, in a church in Ohio.  By the way, Ohio is a hotbed of emergent ideology and all sorts of apostate behavior that is destroying the church spiritually.  They may be having a good time, but they are preaching another gospel.  And so we find another example at the Marion First Church of the Nazarene
.  Would you have walked out, based on the witness’s description?  Would you do this in your church?
The following account is from a trusted source who was there and described what was seen and heard:

I went to Ohio this year to visit some family, who attend Marion First Church of the Nazarene,  (where I attended quite a few years ago). I have visited many times since, when I see my family. However, they just completed a building project with a new sanctuary escalator, foyer, etc. This was my first time in the new sanctuary. As I entered, the platform was setup as a rock concert.  There were dark curtains behind, lights; there were the plastic enclosed areas for the drummers, etc.  I saw no pulpit.   There were no hymn books or Bibles on the seats as there used to be.  The praise team was in tee shirts, blue jeans and shorts except one girl in a modest skirt.
Then the service opened with the leader asking all who had iPhones to download an App. Then the lights were turned off and in the middle of the dark, utter silence, the leader yelled "yeah" and the drums crashed and the music began. All those on stage turned their iPhones and tablets around toward the audience. All those in the pews who had IPhones watched as they all blinked to the beat of the drums. The purpose?????
I felt very concerned and became tearful. As the service proceeded, other things concerned me. Then the leader said, “If you are new here, we're glad you are here. When we sing, we raise our hand or some will swing” (I think that was the word he used).  He then said “We want you to act like you’re are at a ball game!!!”
Well, with that statement, I could take no more and quietly walked out. I broke out crying in the vestibule. My heart was so broken ...there is no respect for God or His house. I felt almost like I was in an evil place??? I just kept saying, “this is not my Nazarene Church”. A lady saw me crying and asked if I were alright. I just said "I used to attend here and this is not my Nazarene Church. She said, “I know. I talked to the pastor about some things, but nothing has changed”.
I felt so bad to leave, especially with my son and other family there. I am so concerned my family will be lost due to this socialization/seeker sensitive approach of the church.
FYI....the phone App they used was from Wham City Lights.

So what do we have here?
A worship team that dresses up like the world
A platform and flashy lights fit more for the Rolling Stones than for the Lord
Dark curtains to set a mood for …. what?
No hymn books for singing to the Lord
No Bibles for the people to read the word of God
No pulpit
A pastor exhorting the crowd to “act like they are at a ballgame!”
A light show complete with crowd pleasing sensations.

Remember the Nazarene church that played secular jazz music on Sunday evening services?  
See YouTube video which is one of many from the Newark, Delaware First Church of the Nazarene:

And the Beavercreek Nazarene church that had a sensual performance by a female dancer-on Easter service?  See:
Or how about the Easter play that featured a Harlem Shake dance at the end?  
See YouTube video: 

There is no respect for God anymore in so many churches. 
These are all symptoms of the SIN of COMPROMISE.  This is idolatry.  This is apostasy in the making, a sign of the “great falling away.”.  And yes, this is EVIL.  These people are more concerned with their worldly desires than in worshipping a holy God and living in obedience, separate from the world.  But its bringing in the people, right?  But even if this church doubles or triples in membership, so what?  Tell me, is that a true indicator of spiritual health?  Do you remember that the only two blameless churches that Jesus addressed in Revelation were small and “insignificant” churches that had barely any material comforts?   They would be looked on as a failure today, and the Church of the Nazarene would probably close them up and open up a coffeehouse instead.
So here is what is most likely a true model of the future Church of the Nazarene.  It is a church that compromises in order to get the bodies into it, and then certainly to get the growth in membership and money.  Sadly, the growth that is needed- spiritual growth, along with actual sinners being born again- will be sorely lacking.  And in Revelation, there is a church that aptly describes this and many other Nazarene churches.  Read Revelation 3:1-6.  The church at Sardis had the reputation of being alive, but the Lord told them they were dead. 
These people fooled themselves into thinking they were alive, perhaps because the received praise from many.  But repentance is 
what is 
needed at this church, as well as countless Nazarene churches that are guilty of the sin of compromise. 
And the faithful believers- what are you still doing at that church?
   I wonder if this is what Nina Gunter meant at General Assembly, when she said the "church is not in crisis, the church is in Christ."
 Manny Silva
Stand For Truth Ministries
"The entirety of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever." Psalm 119:160