Wednesday, August 14, 2013


What is Common Core? 
"The answer to this question has been a carefully guarded secret by those who created the Common Core Standards. The Common Core Standards came about when Bill and Melinda Gates first began funding their vision for national educational standards with a grant to the James B. Hunt Institute. To date, the contribution of the Gates’ to this project is estimated at 27 million dollars and counting. This seed money led to the development of the Common Core Standards State Initiative by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (NCSSO), two Washington, D.C. based trade organizations, working in conjunction with Achieve, Incorporated, a D.C. based contractor, and the James B. Hunt Institute, a private lobbying group. Despite the participation of the NGA and NCSSO, the Common Core standards are NOT state-led initiatives, as proponents of Common Core would have you believe."
Why should Americans be concerned about these standards?
"It would take many pages to lay out all of the dangers to our liberty and educational freedoms contained in the Common Core State Standards Initiative. In brief, each of the fifty states has been bribed by the Federal Government to accept the copyrighted and thus unalterable Common Core standards—even though most Americans have no idea what they entail—by offering those states millions in so-called “Race to the Top” money or exemptions from the failed No Child Left Behind program. To date, forty-six states have accepted Common Core money, ceding curricular control to the Federal government and taking it away from parents, teachers, and local school boards. Beyond the educational mediocrity that Common Core standards will further enshrine in public schools, there are elaborate plans to use the required national assessments within the Common Core Standards as a tool to institute massive data collection about American school children that has nothing to do with education, and everything to do about Government intrusion and control.
We urge you to read FPE’s policy about Common Core, watch our Webcasts on the subject, and commit to joining our efforts to defeat Common Core."

Common Core: 

Dangers And Threats To American Liberty And Education:

Stop Common Core has produced five videos to explain Common Core. 

Part 1 of 5:

Part 2 of 5:
(Won't upload, but here's the link):
Part 3 of 5:
(Won't upload, but here's the link):
Part 4 of 5:
(Won't upload, but here's the link):

Part 5 of 5:
"Bill Gates the driving force behind Common Core
Globalist and Eugenics proponent, Bill Gates, is one of the Founding Fathers of the Common Core movement and its copyright holders, NGA/CCSSO. Gates donated about $25 million dollars to promote his version of global education.  Gates has made several donations to CCSSO to promote Common Core. In2009Gates made two separate donations of $9,961,842 and $3,185,750. In 2010, Gates donated $743,331 and in 2011, he contributed $9,388,911. In 2008, Gates donated $2,259,780 to the National Governor’s Association (NGA) to develop and implement Common Core. The NGA is the conduit into America from the United Nations UNESCO, Education for All Agenda 21 version of globalist education being forced down the throats of our young people.
Gates is listed as partner with UNESCO/UN to fund ”Education For All,” which in turn was transferred to the National Governors Association which changed the name to Common Core. In a key document, The Dakar Framework for Action: Education For All: Meeting Our Collective Commitments’ which identifies the goals for what became Common Core. The document speaks directly to the Agenda 21 educational ideals of collectivism, social justice, environmental justice and the espousing of the beliefs of the pseudoscience known as sustainable development."

Glenn Beck on Bill Gates and Common Core:

Common Core Standards Threaten Our Children's Schools 

by the Heritage Foundation: