Saturday, February 16, 2013


    It is certainly proper for Christians to support Israel and the Jewish people, to identify with them, and to be actively against the "New Semitism", as has been historically the norm in America for the most part, where the proof of such is borne out by survivors of the Holocaust who settled here for the freedoms they lost in Europe and the Middle East. Granted, there may now be liberal elements in the Christian world in America who side with Palestinians and the creation of a Palestinian state inside Israel as their own view on what might be called "justice", despite the Palestinians' history of terrorism.
    However, it is not true among most conservative Christians that they subscribe to a type of anti-Semitic and racist "replacement theology", whereby the Church is seen as totally replacing Israel's inheritance and promises. Rather, among most conservative Christians, the Church and Israel are seen as two distinct, co-existing entities, with their own unique heritage and understanding of the Scriptures, but not as adversaries. Most conservative Christians nevertheless, understandably and correctly view Israel as for the most part still rejecting Jesus Christ as Savior and as one of the three persons of the Trinity, with Israel and most Jews still hostile to Christians. That is, except for the Messianics who are still in the early stages of a kind of "ecumenical" fusion of Christianity and Judaism, which is offensive to both conservative Christians and conservative Jews, who see elements of heresy, mysticism, legalism, and universalism not as positive progress.
    The "New Semitism" should not in any way place an urgent mandate or requirement on Christians to renounce Christian beliefs, and/or adopt Judaism or Messianic/Hebraic Judaism, just because Jesus was a Jew, or that the apostles were Jews, or that our Christian faith appears to be based on Judaism in whole or in part. So, there should be some caution when considering the following ministry which purports to support Israel on the face of it, but which is actively seeking the religious, political, and spiritual involvement of Christians and Christian churches. Discernment should be exercised with this and any other ministry which has ecumenical endeavors, associations with dominionist, New Apostolic Reformation individuals and ministries, and Kingdom Now adherents of the Word of Faith movement, which would by nature of their philosophies and theologies, diminish and suppress the true gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of God in the Bible for the sake of their self-described urgent and righteous causes.
    It is also disappointing that a ministry like this makes no mention of Christian persecution around the world, killing of Christians in Arab/Muslim countries, confiscation and destruction of Christian owned property in these same countries, the fining and jailing of Christian homeschooling parents in Europe, and their children being turned over to the German Jugendamt for brainwashing.
    It is our opinion that notwithstanding the plight of Jews and Israel, the plight of persecuted Christians should also be "proclaimed to the nations".

UPDATE: Independently of PJTN, Ms. Moore has been appointed to the United Nations as special envoy to Middle Eastern affairs, as reported in the Nashville Scene, In this article from October 27, 2011, it describes that at the UN, she serves in her capacity as the "World Council of Independent Christian Churches (WCICC) Special Non-Governmental Representative to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations". In her words: 
    "With so many organizations dedicated to humanitarian issues and human rights, it is imperative for all Bible believing Christians to help ensure that the UN respects the Judeo/Christian values as much as those of all of its 194 members. We live at a time when a 'new' anti-Semitism is on the rise around the world and Christians are being massacred by radical Islamic extremists. Unfortunately, world organizations have forgotten that the UN was created in response to Hitler and Europe's genocide against the Jewish people with the Holocaust. When my presence is seen in the UN, I hope it is immediately understood that I represent over 55 million Christians and Jews who believe in the promises God made."
    What is the WCICC? It is identified on its website as "a fellowship of churches, pastors, ministries, Christian schools and individual members in seventy-nine nations around the world. We provide a platform to independent churches that are deprived of the collective support and the privileges of mainline denominations. We encourage member churches to preserve our Christian heritage, and separation from doctrinal impurity. The WCICC provides direction to churches and members for faithful adherence to the Word of God".
WCICC's Doctrinal Statement is very conservatively Christian:  
    But, in addition, "As a member of the World Council of Independent Christian churches you have direct access to the ministries listed below. This group of annex ministries and related ministries of the World Council of Independent Christian Churches are here to assist you in your ministry". Listed among these "annex ministries" is the:

International Alliance of Independent Messianic Congregations and Synagogues Ministry of the World Council of Independent Christian Churches, which clearly states its:

The mission of the International Alliance of Independent Messianic Congregations and Synagogues is to renew the World Council of Independent Christian Churches commitment to the Jewish people and the Nation Israel. The World Council of Independent Christian Churches is committed to covenant partnership with Messianic Congregations internationally. Our mission is accomplished as we foster covenant membership with Messianic Congregations internationally whom share a Biblical understanding and belief in Yeshua the Mashiach/Jesus Christ. 
The vision of the International Alliance of Independent Messianic Congregations and Synagogues is to restore Jewish Origins of Christianity to the Protestant Evangelical Church. The World Council of Independent Christian Churches is committed to a Biblical understanding of orthodoxy and orthopraxy within the doctrinal framework of Jewish Origins. The International Alliance of Independent Messianic Congregations and Synagogues seeks to restore orthodoxy and orthopraxy within the doctrinal framework of Jewish Origins of the Christian Faith to both Messianic Congregations and Gentile Churches".
    Why should it be necessary to "restore Jewish origins" to Protestant churches? For what purpose? 
    If Ms. Cardoza-Moore and Dr. Lupoli of WCICC are so actively pushing for the cause of truth and the exposure of this new anti-semitism coming from Muslims and allegedly from the Christian community at large, is part of the cure to transform evangelical Protestant churches into Messianic/Hebraic congregations as the key to fighting Muslim/Palestinian extremism and terrorism? If most Christians already believe in the rights of Jews and Israel to exist, why should our churches have to be Judaized if they already identify with Israel's and the Jewish peoples' rights to exist?

 Laurie Cardoza-Moore is the founder of PJTN and works with rabbis, Christian leaders, and Joseph Farah of World Net Daily. This is her profile as seen on the website for PJTN,


"With over twenty years experience in media, Laurie has been part of over 500 film and video productions as spokeswoman, on-screen talent and producer.  At PJTN, Laurie shares her expertise through radio & television interviews and in briefings with media and Church leaders. Her primary engagement tool is film production and interviews. Laurie is an accomplished advocate who has represented issues related to families, women, children, faith and country.
Based in Nashville, Tennessee, Laurie’s career faced a turning point on 9/11 when she decided to focus her media and lobbying expertise on American security and Israel.
Laurie has active ties to leaders and activists alike throughout the media, governmental and faith communities in the US and Israel.
After founding PJTN in 2005, Laurie co-produced ‘Lest We Forget’, a documentary short that was a featured selection at the Liberty Film Festival. The film focuses on the history of Islamofacism and the war that the US and Israel wage against it today.
In 2007, Laurie co-produced the music video, ‘The Forgotten People’, which screened at the 11th Annual Hollywood Film Festival. It is a cry from the grave as six million Jews remind us to never forget the horrors of the holocaust and warn of the new one on the horizon.
Based on the success of the music video, she also PJTN’s first feature-length documentary that traces the roots of anti-Semitism and rise of a “new” anti-Semitism — a coalition of the far right, the left, and radical Islam.
As host of PJTN’s Evening of Prayer & Action at the NRB (National Religious Broadcasters Convention), Laurie stewards the donations at PJTN to impact the over 6,000 Christian global media participants in attendance. Because of PJTN, more Christians know how to recognize and act against the ‘new’ anti-Semitism."
Ms. Moore at the National Religious Broadcasters:

and also:
The Moores have produced a film "The Forgotten People" documentary, and this is the trailer:


    Here is the story and testimony of Lisa Buldo, health coach,, who unfortunately has apparently not yet found the real Jesus Christ of the Bible and who is yet deceived by heretical and occultic Word of Faith and Messianic/Hebraic influences, which is a clear indication she is still under the influence of Satanic mystical "signs and wonders", coupled with "personal extra-biblical revelations" not originating from God but instead Satan. This is not much different from the addiction she once had to New Age mediums and psychics, which her Catholicism failed to help her out of.
    Let's pray that she comes to a realization that the Bible contains all there is to know about God, and that the Holy Spirit works through the revealed Word of God in the Bible, not through charismatic/pentecostal "signs and wonders" or the likes of those affiliated with TBN, who are in fact "Christianized" soothsayers, mediums and psychics deceiving millions. Let's also pray that she eventually becomes as outspoken about the truth of the Bible and is willing to expose everything she is currently involved in as being false and misleading. As for now, she is so deceived that she is unknowingly doing Satan's work herself and deceiving many with her teachings which have been distorted and twisted by her associations.
    Here is her testimony on YouTube, presented by Torahlife.TV, part of Torah Life Ministries here:

and her testimony on Paul Crouch's heretical "Word of Faith" TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network):

Here are the Crouchs in all their prosperity gospel glory:

The same TBN where she is the moderator of the "Joy in Our Town" program:

Lisa Buldo has a revelation about death where you "transition, but never stop breathing", in this YouTube video entitled "You Never Really Die":

Lisa Buldo has an indirect revelation through a friend as seen here on the YouTube video entitled "I AM-A Powerful Revelation From God" which she interpreted as "I AM lives in you, the kingdom of God lives in you", a blasphemy, plus instructions from her about positive and negative confession, all of which is pure Word of Faith heresy. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that "I AM" lives in us; only a believer in Jesus Christ has the Holy Spirit living in him. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the Kingdom of God lives in us, even if we are believers. The Kingdom of God will be established by Christ, when Christ comes again to reign and rule, and not a moment sooner, despite all the Kingdom Now theology being promoted by Word of Faith heretics, and it certainly will not be set up inside a believer.

Here in the video below, Buldo discusses "healthy eating" with the heretical Word of Faith pastrix Paula White who went to Rome with Benny Hinn, and stayed in the same hotel with him.
See for many posts about Paula White acting unbiblically as a pastrix, as here:

Here rabbi Ralph Messer wraps Paula White in a Torah scroll. refers to this "crowning" in



    "God's Learning Channel",, founded by Al and Tommie Cooper, is decidedly pro-Israel. So are most Christians and this blog. However, as Christians, we are called to separate fact from fiction, biblical truth from error and heresy, even if it risks being branded as anti-Semitic by Jews, Christians, and others just because we are not deceived and dare to speak out about such deception.
    Nor is belief in "replacement theology" all that common as GLC portrays. Most Christians do believe that they, as Gentile believers in Christ as Savior, have been "grafted into" the tree (Romans 11:17-32), that some branches have been pruned out (unbelieving Jews), and that the tree of life is not Judaism or Israel, but life in Christ, the second person of the Trinity, which Messianic Jews and Jews in general have a problem with.
    Likewise, the Messianic/Hebraic movement broadbrushes law, confusing Mosaic law with Rabbinic law, mystical ancient Jewish writings, and the Torah, treating the latter three as inspired and authoritative, and thus on an equal par with the Bible, and even then, only a Bible translated in a non-Greek, non-Western format, e.g., the Jewish Bible and/or the Jewish New Testament.
    As followers of the real biblical (and yes, ethnically Jewish) Jesus Christ, we can and should be able to easily discern and expose that the Messianic "Yeshua", is yet another powerless, man-crafted and false Christ, stripped of His divine (as well as human) nature and authority, relegated to a secondary status to Jewish laws, writings and customs, and who suits perfectly the type and character of an end times "earthly" (or carnal, if you will) Messiah who will be the head of a one world visible "congregation" in preparation for the anti-Christ.
    It is a Christ fabricated in the back room gnostic "conversations"of mixed Jewish and "neo-evangelical" emergent minds, who in their great combined wisdom, have created an absolutely dangerous theological syncretism that never existed before, and which portends and prepares the kingdom on earth, not of, by, or for Christ despite their claims as being such, but a kingdom of, by and for the anointed, inspired few to rule over people who they view as being a lot less wise and a lot more sinful. Meanwhile, those they have deceived will be diverted from the real Jesus Christ of the Bible as inadequate to complete the burdensome task of completing your sanctification.
    Such is the case with yet another ministry which is presented as being "from God" and a "channel of learning":

Here is an unedited snippet from their website. See if you can detect and discern the errors therein:

"Many Christians today try to deny the Jewish origins or inherent "Jewishness" of the Christian faith. They fail to acknowledge that their Messiah, Jesus Himself, was Jewish and obeyed the Torah. Any doctrine that states, "The church has replaced the Jewish people as the Chosen Ones," is called Replacement Theology. GLC stands firmly against this unbiblical and anti-Semitic doctrine. Biblically, the church is grafted into the family of Israel by Christ as heirs according to the promise (see Galatians 3:29; Ephesians 3:6). So, if we be brothers and sisters of Israel, let us stand with Her! Let us continually pray for the peace of Jerusalem!"

Our answer is Hebrews 11-The people of faith which made them righteous.
That righteousness did not save all the Jewish people from their sins by imputation. Nor did these patriarchs look to an earthly kingdom, but rather to a heavenly one, as in Hebrews 11:16-"But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them."