This video from YouTube was uploaded by Live Action Films:


Dave Mosher of Christians United Against Apostasy has a very good post about how some publishers of homeschool materials are including evolutionary theories in them.
See: http://davemosher.wordpress.com/2013/04/29/parents-beware-christian-homeschool-publishers-increasingly-including-evolutionary-theories/.

Monday, April 29, 2013


    The interest in Messianic/Hebraic roots, history and experiential religious practices such as the Seder meal has grown tremendously. Its popularity can be credited no doubt to the desire of postmodern Christians and others for the next great mystical experience, signs and wonders, and of course non-doctrinal, non-dogmatic, non-judgmental religion, devoid of the Biblical focus on Jesus Christ alone, or anything else related to the Protestant Reformation, or the constraints of the five solas.
    So, true to its signs and wonders theology and Messianic purposes, Debra Groller Ministries (Pentecostal/Word of Faith) of Deptford, NJ, will be hosting "The Tabernacle Experience" at Christian Camp Haluwasa, Hammonton, New Jersey, http://christian-camping.com/, September 14-22, 2013. See: http://debragrollerministries.com/#/the-tabernacle-experience.

What is the Tabernacle of Moses in the wilderness? 
See: http://the-tabernacle-place.com/articles/what_is_the_tabernacle.
See Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabernacle.

The Tabernacle Experience is another ministry of First Presbyterian (Reformed/Covenantal) Church of Florence, South Carolina, http://www.florencefirst.org/tabernacle_experience.html, and is described here: http://www.tabernacleexperience.com/journey.shtml, and below in their words:

    "It is our mission to provide a life-size interactive Tabernacle of The Wilderness to
Communities, Churches and Individuals across the United States revealing Jesus the Christ in every aspect of the Spiritually impacting, Life Changing narrated driven journey."

"Your Journey Awaits!

The Tabernacle Experience is not a museum.It is not a theatre production.
The Tabernacle Experience is an Encounter with the Living God!
One step inside the Tabernacle Courtyard will translate you into Old Testament times. You will experience a day in the life of an Old Testament priest as you engage in the duties and rituals within the Tabernacle.
First you will be 'clothed' in the White Linen Garment of the priest. At the Altar of Burnt Offering you will lay your sacrifice on it's consuming fire. You'll approach the Laver and wash your hands in preparation for the work of The LORD.  At the Lampstand you'll light an oil lamp and participate in Communion at The Table of Bread. The smoke rising at The Altar of Incense will heighten your senses and remind you of your prayers ascending to the very throne of God. As you draw back the Curtain and enter The Most Holy Place your journey will culminate before the Ark of The Covenant and The Mercy Seat.
The truths of the Tabernacle are life changing. The Tabernacle Experience is a tangible, multi-sensory encounter that will stir your emotions and faith in the person of Jesus Christ. 
Did you know Jesus said that the Scriptures point to him?
"If you had believed Moses you would have believed me because he wrote about me!”
Isn't this awesome?  The Old Testament Scriptures point directly to Christ! The Scriptures concerning the Tabernacle are no exception.
Just a short time after His resurrection, Jesus met two disciples on the road to Emmaus and joined them on their walk.  Jesus inquired why they were so sad and down and out. With heavy hearts they shared why they were filled with sorrow and disappointment. The very man they had trusted and believed in to be the Messiah was now dead. When the disciples arrived at their destination they invited Jesus into their home to share a meal and He accepted. They continued to engage in conversation and Jesus began rehearsing the Scriptures with them beginning with Moses and all the Prophets. He explained all the things concerning Himself. When Jesus had departed they said to one another, 'Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road and while He opened the Scriptures to us?" This is our prayer for you; that your heart will burn within you as you are tenderly escorted through The Tabernacle Experience by your High Priest Jesus.
You will be ushered out of the ordinary and into His extraordinary presence.
The narrated journey through the Tabernacle Experience is individual, private and intimate. The Tabernacle Experience is simple, yet utterly profound. The LORD’S profound Love, Compassion and Mercy towards us is evident in every aspect of The Tabernacle. His plan for our redemption is revealed and His desire to live among us is evident.
Our Mission and His Leading
It is our mission to travel from location to location bringing a life-size Tabernacle of The Wilderness and the full Spiritual impact it brings revealing Jesus the Christ in every aspect."

The founder of "The Tabernacle Experience" is Jeanne Whittaker, who in her own words, describes her mystical experiences of being "whispered" to by a spirit entity who she believed to be God Himself saying ‘Bring Israel to them, build my Tabernacle” here: http://www.tabernacleexperience.com/story.shtml.
Whittaker herself describes what her vision was in this video: 

Here is a 6+minute video which is more descriptive: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFdNnhpIDMw.


A Messianic/Hebraic ministry called "Messiah's Mandate" headed by Ron Cantor www.messiahsmandate.org,  is purporting to claim that the identity of Jesus was robbed of His Jewishness in his book "Identity Theft", and therefore should be called Yeshua by Christians and Jews. Likewise, Cantor claims that all the apostles, Mary, Peter, Paul etc. were renamed by transliteration from Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek.
    In "Eight Reasons Gentiles Should Care About the Jewish Roots", http://messiahsmandate.org/category/jewish-roots/, Cantor attempts to place a load of guilt on Christians by alleging that when such roots are not continuously remembered and honored, certain unfortunate consequences result almost by default: accusations of Jewish deicide (killing of God), holocausts (i.e. death of Jews), replacement theology (Church replaces Israel), Jews ignorant of their own Messiah, Christians being "cut off" for mistreating Jews (misuse of Romans 11:17-23). Other spurious claims are that Jesus will come back as a Jew to Jerusalem, and "no Israel equals no salvation".
    This is just one more Messianic ministry attempting to convince Christians they are and have been neglecting their Jewish roots, and that they ought to reform their thinking, beliefs and worship to be more Jewish, and to help Israel accept Jesus as Messiah.


Christian News Network reports: http://christiannews.net/2013/04/27/obama-bashes-pro-life-americans-praises-planned-parenthood-during-speech-god-bless-you/.

The New American blasted Obama at: http://thenewamerican.com/culture/faith-and-morals/item/15237-obama-addresses-pro-abortion-gala-condemns-efforts-to-protect-unborn.
Quote from this article:
"Ridiculing the over 40 states where lawmakers have introduced or passed laws to protect the unborn, Obama quipped to the supportive chuckles of the pro-abortion audience: “When you read about these laws you want to check the calendar. You want to make sure you're still living in 2013. Forty years after the Supreme Court affirmed a woman's constitutional right to privacy, including the right to choose [abortion], we shouldn't have to remind people that when it comes to a woman's health, no politician should get to decide what's best for you.”"


    Christian News Network reports here: http://christiannews.net/2013/04/25/pope-francis-during-feast-of-st-george-mass-it-is-not-possible-to-find-jesus-outside-the-church/.

     Mike Gendron of Proclaiming the Truth Ministries, a former Roman Catholic, said that certain key words in the address indicated that the Pope was referring to the Catholic religion. “He must be referring to the Roman Catholic Church since he said, ‘the Mother Church which gives us the faith that is our identity,’” Gendron told Christian News Network. “So often when we witness to Catholics and ask if they are a Christian they say, ‘No, I am a Catholic.’ That is their identity. We know that the true Church does not give anyone faith. It is given by God as a gift of His grace.”

Sunday, April 28, 2013


It is evident that David Ashcraft, senior pastor of LCBC Church (Lives Changed by Christ) of Manheim, PA, http://www.lcbcchurch.com/, has brazenly plagiarized a sermon for his recent Easter service, once given by Andy Stanley titled "The Juno Dilemma". For the most part this was a word for word plagiarization.
    This is the six campus mega-church of about 11,000 members which recently was joined by the Branch Creek Community Church www.branchcreek.org, of Harleysville, PA headed by Craig Bishop,

whose leadership was originally composed of disaffected, parting of the ways Mennonites from the mother Franconia Mennonite Church & Conference, among other Mennonite churches in the Souderton, Montgomery County, PA area. Montgomery Media reported on this September 12, 2012 here: http://www.montgomerynews.com/articles/2012/09/12/souderton_independent/news/doc5049422921736647302467.txt.
    Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith has this audio comparison, section by section, of the two pastors, showing that it is truly word for word.


Americans for Truth Against Homosexuality, www.aftah.org, has an important update regarding the Boy Scouts new positions about homosexuality within its ranks:

Boy Scout's Treacherous "Compromise" ... Splitting the Baby?

Dear Readers, 

The Boy Scouts of America's leadership's shocking attempt to accommodate homosexuality has generated a huge conservative backlash across the nation -- which hopefully will stop this unconscionable betrayal -- in spite of the BSA's actions.  Yesterday, I did an interview with the national Christian station WVCY America, which you can listen to by clicking HERE. (You can buy a copy of the interview online at WVCY through this link.)  The good news is already the BSA is retreating by ditching the preposterous idea of allowing openly homosexual adult Scoutmasters.  However, the new "compromise" (allowing homosexual Boy Scouts) is unworkable, as WVCY's Jim Schneider and I discuss on the program.

The second item below is an excerpt from a superb column by WND columnist Jane Chastain, who eviscerates the Scouts' foolish "compromise" -- which, if enacted, could destroy the Scouts as we know them. (In Canada, the "gaying" of the Scouts led to its membership plummeting.)  Note how Jane confidently asserts that "homosexuality is a choice."  Yes, it is: we are all responsible for our sexual behaviors.  "Sexual orientation" is an artificial construct designed to help normalize sexual perversion (sort of like the words "gay" and "homophobia").  Always remember: homosexuality is not Who You Are; it's What You Do -- and I can't imagine anything more disruptive to the Scouts than a bunch of "gay" Boy Scouts talking up their deviant "sexuality" to other boys!  Shame on the Boy Scouts' for bowing to political correctness! 

TAKE ACTION: Follow this WVCH link to help YOUR local Boy Scout Council stand up for "moral straightness" at the BSA meeting in Texas May 22-24.  Have a great weekend! Thank you. -- Peter LaBarbera,www.AmericansForTruth.com

PS. Today I was interviewed by American Family Association's "One News Now" regarding the Mormon Church PRAISING the BSA's fatally flawed "compromise."  It seems that the LDS Church (which has always been outside of biblical Christianity) is now rapidly abandoning Truth on the homosexual issue -- a development that will greatly affect the pro-family landscape on same-sex issues.  It is a pity that the Mormons, who often led (and hugely funded) the cultural battle to preserve natural marriage, are caving in to the homosexualist lobby.  The AFA interview will be posted HERE.

Peter LaBarbera Twitter account: https://twitter.com/PeterLaBarbera


WVCY 'Crosstalk' 4/25/2013 Boy Scouts Propose to Accept Homosexual Scouts--Peter LaBarbera CD


Peter LaBarbera is Founder and President of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality.  His organization is dedicated to exposing the homosexual activist agenda.
The Boy Scouts recently released a proposed resolution to accept openly homosexual scouts.  The resolution will be voted on by their 1,400 voting members during their 2013 national annual meeting that will take place May 22-24 at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas.

Why the push to incorporate homosexuality into the Boy Scouts?  Peter believes the Boy Scouts panicked.  He pointed to pro-homosexual CEO’s who are big donors that wanted to see the Boy Scouts implement the same changes that have taken place in their corporations.

Jim then read the resolution that they will be voting on in May.  The final statement of the resolution contradicts other statements made in their “whereas” clauses because what happens to homosexual scouts that turn 18 and want to be leaders?

Jim also discussed related news from New Zealand, France, Rhode Island, Illinois and Minnesota.


Jane Chastain: Boy Scouts Want to ‘Split the Baby’

The Boy Scouts' proposed compromise implies that an openly homosexual boy can still be "morally straight."
The Boy Scouts’ proposed compromise implies that an openly homosexual boy — embracing a deviant sexual identity – can still be “morally straight” and faithful to God.E

The following is excerpted from a column published April 24, 2013 in WND.com (World Net Daily)Jane Chastain is right on, as she usually is. To listen to a radio interview I did yesterday on WVCY America on the Boy Scouts of America’s absurd and treacherous “compromise,” go HERE). Keep fighting! We can save the Boy Scouts in spite of their corrupt leaders by winning the Scout Council vote in May. – Peter LaBarbera, www.AFTAH.org

Boy Scouts Want to ‘Split the Baby’

WND Exclusive: Jane Chastain predicts end of organization if latest proposal on ‘gays’ is passed
By Jane Chastain
King Solomon was considered one of the wisest men in the world. According to the Bible, when two women came before him fighting over a baby, both claiming to be its mother, Solomon ordered that the child be cut in half with a sword. One woman was perfectly satisfied with his decision, but when the other offered to give up the child in order to save him, Solomon knew who the real mother was and gave the child to her.
The leadership of the Boy Scouts of America has proposed a similar arrangement in the effort to satisfy its members, volunteers and donors over the issue of admitting open homosexuals into its ranks.
The proposal, which will be voted on May 24, is to admit homosexual young people into Scouting, while keeping the ban in place that prevents homosexuals from serving as staff or adult leaders. This proposal satisfies no one and, if it goes through, will mean the death of Scouting as we know it.
To pretend that this baby can survive is, at best, self-denial or, at worse, hypocrisy!
The Scout Oath, which members pledge to keep, begins:
“On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country …”
Furthermore, a Scout pledges “To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”
Since all major religions condemn the practice of homosexuality in the strongest terms, it is as impossible for young people who declare themselves to be homosexuals to keep the oath, as it is for atheists, who also are barred from becoming Boy Scouts.
It is true that some liberal denominations or sects within religions have attempted to explain away the prohibitions on homosexuality, fornication and even adultery. They fool no one, least of all the Creator who designed and made us.
So how did the BSA Executive Committee, which crafted this resolution, attempt to square this circle?
The answer is in the whereases, which are part of the proposed amendment:
WHEREAS, Scouting is a youth program, and any sexual conduct, whether homosexual or heterosexual, by youth of Scouting age is contrary to the virtues of Scouting;
Hello! Homosexuality is a choice. One is not born that way as some claim. If that were the case there would be no former homosexuals. There is no gay gene. Science has found no biological basis for homosexuality, though not for lack of trying. Homosexuality is a practice, not a gender.
How does a young boy decide that he is a homosexual? It is by engaging in this sexual conduct.
It is no secret that surveys taken on gay issues like marriage show that the younger the respondents, the more likely they are to embrace the idea. The surveys taken by the Scouts in the run-up to this vote were no different.
Why? Because, we sat idly by and allowed homosexuality to be mainstreamed, promoted and, in fact, encouraged in our schools along with all manner of sexual activity.
Do the adults who drafted this resolution seriously believe that a young boy who “comes out” and declares himself to be homosexual and is demanding to be admitted to the Boy Scouts just came to that conclusion out of the blue? Seriously, are they really that naive?
A closer examination of the “findings” of the study commissioned by the Executive Committee reveals that the major force behind the push to admit homosexuals is not from its membership or the chartering organizations but from its corporate donors. [continue reading at http://www.wnd.com/2013/04/boy-scouts-want-to-split-the-baby/]

Help AFTAH Fight the 'Gay' Lobby - Donate Today!

The "Gay" Lobby gets a pass from the liberal media -- which makes Americans For Truth's unique work so important.  Your gifts are needed now more than ever to help us continue to expose this movement that is in the vanguard of eroding America's Judeo-Christian moral foundation.  AFTAH will NEVER compromise on principle; you can take that to the bank.  But we need your help to keep fighting.  All gifts to Americans For Truth are fully tax-deductible according to the IRS.  To give online, go to: www.americansfortruth.com/donate/. Or send your regular-mail donation to: 

PO Box 5522
Naperville, IL 60567-5522  

Join the Monthly "Truth Team": If you appreciate AFTAH's special role in the pro-family movement, please consider becoming a monthly "Truth Team" donor to AFTAH. Truth Team members pledge a monthly gift to AFTAH of $25, $50, $100, $250 or whatever you can.  Sign up online at: www.americansfortruth.com/donate/ or e-mail us and we'll help you set up a monthly giving plan that suits your needs: americansfortruth@gmail.com

Invite Peter LaBarbera to speak at your church or organization: contact 
 Brad Wallace at 
AFTAH at call: 630-546-4439.  We need YOUR help to get the word out!!



A followup report from Ralph Ovadal, pastor of Pilgrims Covenant Church, Monroe, Wisconsin, pcc@pccmonroe.com, about the youth events at The Master's College is below.

Business as Usual at The Master’s College
April 26, 2013
Ezekiel 9:4: “And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, 
through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men 
that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.”
Almost nineteen months ago, we sent out the article you will find below. The 
subject of the article is several ministries under the leadership of Dr. John 
MacArthur; one of those ministries is The Master’s College. In the text of the 
article, you will find links to videos posted on YouTube and Facebook by TMC 
and TMC students. Several more such links are included at the end of the 
article. Just several of those links are no longer accessible; but, as they say, 
there’s plenty more where that came from!
Lately, I was shown some samples of more recent videos posted by TMC 
and also TMC students. From those, it is pretty clear it is “business as 
usual” at The Master’s College. For the concerned, or skeptical, here are 
links to the videos brought to my attention. These videos feature TMC 
students and, in some cases, staff. They are apparently recorded on campus 
and using campus facilities. 
  • This lewd video features the TMC men’s soccer team doing the “Harlem 
  • Shake” in the locker room. It begins with one young man acting like 
  • an immature idiot, but at twenty-three seconds, the whole team joins 
  • in for the disgusting finale. This is one of several “Harlem Shake” videos 
  • posted by TMC students, including one shot in the TMC library.
  • TMC Volleyball Tootsie Roll Video”: This repulsive video was obviously 
  • shot on the TMC campus. Let’s just say, gracious Christian womanhood 
  • does not seem to be held in very high esteem by TMC staff and many 
  • students.
  • Attack Lines” is an official TMC video featuring action scenes of the TMC 
  • women’s volleyball team interspersed by their coach pathetically insisting 
  • his goal and the goal of the team is to play the game “all for the glory of 
  • God.” Watch the video. Is it to the glory of God for young women to dress 
  • and act like this? But if you thought the volleyball outfits were well 
  • beyond immodest, it gets worse. Here are a few pictures of the TMC 
  • women’s volleyball team and their coach enjoying themselves on the 
  • beach. These are a few, of many pictures, on the official TMC 
  • Volleyball team Facebook page:http://tinyurl.com/tmcvb1
  • http://tinyurl.com/tmcvb7http://tinyurl.com/tmcvb6
  • http://tinyurl.com/tmcvb4http://tinyurl.com/tmcvb2
  • Stuff TMC People Say” was shot on campus and, complete with a 
  • blasphemous comment about the Holy Spirit, won first prize in the 
  • 2012 official TMC Spring Sing event (see article below). Apparently, 
  • horsey women, effeminate-acting men, not to mention one 
  • apparently pretending to be a homosexual, are rated great 
  • entertainment by TMC staff and students. A 2013 Spring Sing sequel 
  • to “Stuff TMC People Say” can be seen at this link.
  • Piano Man” stars Dr. Paul T. Plew and the tenors of The Master’s College 
  • Chorale. Plew performs a remake of the popular Billy Joel song about a 
  • piano man in a bar, but the remake is about young men who can’t “get 
  • girls on their own.” Dr. Plew is director of The Master’s College Chorale, 
  • also the chairperson of the music department and director of choral 
  • activities at The Master’s College since 1979.
  • Where is the Love” is another funky, punky TMC Spring Sing video.
  • John MacArthur has a part in Life Together.” This video, a “lip-dub 
  • [using Scripture] was produced by The Master’s College Chapel Media 
  • department to celebrate the 2011-2012 school year.” I suppose 
  • irreverent, childish worldliness sums this one up pretty good.
  • Narnia Announcements” is also an official TMC video in which “Lucy 
  • Pevensie tells of her magical meeting with the Faun, Tumnus. Mr. 
  • Tumnus tells of all the magical announcements for The Master’s College.”
The article below, together with all the links, provides a good overview of the goings-on at The Master’s College as well as Camp Regeneration, both under the leadership of Dr. John MacArthur, or as he calls himself in the rap video linked to in the article, “Johnny Mac.” Nothing has changed for the good with regard to TMC and the various TMC events, including the rock music used for “worship” at The Master’s College. Don’t you wish they would at least change the name of that college?
Official Internet postings of videos and pictures make it clear that it was also business as usual at the 2012 Regeneration Camp—women mud crawlers, rock and roll, severed pig’s head, etc. This year, that “High School Summer Camp hosted by John MacArthur and Grace Community Church for high school ministries nationwide” will be held in July.
Brethren, the Lord’s flock is being devoured by ravening wolves.
Ralph Ovadal, pastor of Pilgrims Covenant Church

October, 2011
Those interested in reading this article are urged to do so on this PDF file if at all possible as it appears in a much better form there.

The Doctrine of Sanctification: The Old Guy Definition?Ezra 9:3: "And when I heard this thing, I . . . sat down astonied."
I cannot say I enjoyed writing this article, but there are times when a minister feels the conviction that he has a certain duty to discharge. It is that conviction, I trust given by the Spirit of the Lord, which leads me to publish this article when I would rather not do so.
Now, I do not believe in biting and devouring or gnat straining, and I do believe in always thinking the best of Christian brethren. But I think a fair reading of what follows will make it abundantly clear the issue has to do with camels, not gnats. And there is a devouring going on, but it is not the writer of this simple report doing it. What is being devoured, as represented here, is objective truth, the spiritual well-being of a generation of evangelical young people, and the sanctification of our Lord's blood-bought flock. That is my conclusion, and I believe it is well-grounded in the Scriptures. I am sure some readers of this article will come to the same conclusion; others, perhaps many others, to a different one. For all I know, the leaders of the ministry which is the focus of this simple report and others involved in it will be happy for a little extra publicity on their labors.
Camp Regeneration, July, 2011. Photo from the camp's official Flickr page.
The things put forth here have nothing to do with trying to "get" anyone or "digging for dirt." Everything documented, including each picture, was found proudly posted on the various web sites noted. All of the information documented is very current. And none of it is of a personal nature. Finally, we are all painfully aware and are all often reminded that none of us is perfect, far from it. But the content of this article ought to make it clear that a lack of "perfection" is not the issue.
About a year ago, Rev. Stephen Hamilton and I produced a "Heart of the Matter" special titled "They're No Puritans! Profiles in New Calvinism"(http://tinyurl.com/nopuritans). In that program, we explained the New Calvinist movement. We also profiled some of the New Calvinist celebrity ministers, starting with the radical Mark Driscoll and closing at the other end of the spectrum with the very accomplished, congenial John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California. Dr. MacArthur is also president of both The Master's College and The Master's Seminary.
Recently, I was given a video of an interview with Dr. MacArthur (http://youtu.be/xYhmo5gabQU) which was done by Christianity.com and posted on their YouTube page August 18, 2011. Without going into all of the issues raised in that interview, I thought it included some good comments as well as, in my judgment, some inconsistent counsel and wrong conclusions. However, I was encouraged to hear Dr. MacArthur rip into unnamed New Calvinist ministers--"young guys"--for their worldly ways and also share the well-grounded fear he has concerning the fruit of their examples and ministries.
Here are some encouraging excerpted comments from Pastor MacArthur:
"The fear is that the power of the world's attraction is going to suck these guys, and every generation after them, more and more into the culture, and we're going to see a reversal of the Reformed revival. . . . It is wonderful [the Reformed revival], but it is being co-opted and commandeered by a bunch of these young guys who, because they affirm the doctrine of substitution, get a free pass on everything else. I don't even think they have a biblical view of sanctification. . . . My fear is that the further this thing goes in trying to accommodate the culture, the less it's going to be able to hang on to that core doctrine. . . . I don't know that the heart of this Reformed theology . . . can really survive the pull of the culture which is attracting these young guys and which these young guys are using to attract people."
After watching that interview with Pastor MacArthur, I thought perhaps there was a chance he was abandoning some of his own New Calvinist ways and hopefully NC associates. I was soon disabused of that notion. Let me tell you how. Currently, a faithful Christian worker from our church has been doing research for a "Heart of the Matter" sequel on New Calvinism. In the course of her research, she was led back to some of the web sites of ministries under the leadership of Pastor John MacArthur and affiliated with his Grace Community Church (GCC).
In our first New Calvinist program, we briefly reported on the 2010 Camp Regeneration, described this way on the event's web site: "Regeneration is a summer camp hosted by Grace Community Church for churches throughout the nation each July for a week of passionate expository preaching, worship and exciting activities."

"Worship" at Camp Regeneration, July, 2011.

Photo from the camp's official Flickr page.

Last year, this event, at which GCC Pastor MacArthur preaches, featured a performance by the ear-ringed "holy hip-hop" artist Lecrae as well as plenty of far-from-modest dress. These things were mentioned on our first HOM New Calvinist program. We had heard from a then-member of Dr. MacArthur's church of some other disturbing activities which take place at Camp Regeneration or, as it is also called, Regeneration Camp. But not having any hard evidence of those things, such as pictures, I did not think it would be right or honorable to mention that information on the HOM program or anywhere else.
Well, it turns out that Christian sister most certainly was accurate in her description of the official goings-on at the GCC Regeneration Camp for high-school-aged young people. This year's Camp Regeneration was held July 25-29, 2011. That would be during the month prior to the posting of the MacArthur interview I mentioned--the interview in which he took to task those "young guys" who he does not "even think . . . have a biblical view of sanctification"--yes, those Reformed ministers who are "young guys" who are using "the culture . . . to attract people" and so putting the next generation at such risk of being sucked "into the culture."

Camp Regeneration, July, 2011. Photo from the camp's official Flickr page.
With an apology for subjecting all of you to such crudities, I am including with this article a few pictures taken at this year's Regeneration Camp and posted at the official Regeneration Camp Flickr page. I should mention before going any further: from other pictures at that page, it appears that there is a balance of young men and women at the Regeneration Camp, even though these particular pictures are mostly of young women. What I mean is, yes, these young women were dressed this way and acting this way in the presence of men.
Of course, there is no way of knowing how much longer any of the pictures or video links we are including in this article will be available. You will notice we have blurred out the faces of the young women who are the most immodestly dressed and at the same time very identifiable in a particular picture. They are young and obviously being very poorly served by John MacArthur and those working under him in leadership. We should pray the Lord will bring those same young ladies to the knowledge and conviction that their dress and behavior is entirely unbecoming a Christian woman professing godliness. Various Scriptures come to mind in that regard, such as 1 Timothy 2:9: "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety."

Camp Regeneration, July, 2011. Photo from the camp's official Flickr page.

In fact, many Scriptures come to mind, as one views all of the photos and videos included in this report. I do pray many of you will take the time to view them all as the topic of this article has very far-reaching implications and consequences for the whole ransomed church of Christ. We cannot help also thinking then of Philippians 1:27"Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ," or certainly Colossians 1:10: "that ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God." Romans 12:2 comes to mind: "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." And what of Matthew 5:14: "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid"? Then there is also 1 Peter 2:9: "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light." No doubt many readers will also think of 1 John 2:15: "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."

Camp Regeneration, July, 2011. Photo from the camp's official Flickr page.
An article such as this one inevitably evokes "good words and fair speeches" in defense of the dress, music, and activities portrayed. But the reader would do very well to reverently consider such passages from the Word of God as those just mentioned--and many others could be noted as well--if he or she would make a right judgment.
During that research I mentioned, it was noticed that The Master's College (TMC), with John MacArthur at the helm as president, this past December sponsored a big hip-hop/rap concert featuring such performers as Lecrae, Trip Lee, Tedashii, and Sho Baraka. Those wanting a sample of the "Christian music" sponsored by TMC can find it by clicking on one or more of the links provided at the conclusion of this article. Each of those promo videos, with one exception, is well under two minutes in length. The other videos linked to in this article are mostly under three minutes with just several going a minute or two longer. I again encourage those who are concerned about the issue at hand and wanting to make a right judgment to make the effort to take advantage of the links provided.

One way to "worship" at The Master's College.
Photo from official TMC Flickr page.

Now, that TMC-sponsored concert just mentioned was no aberration. With the apparent blessings of Pastor MacArthur and the school's administration, it would seem that a rap/rock culture--in truth, a most worldly culture in many ways--is very much alive and well among the students of The Master's College.
And that culture is predictably producing bad fruit and developing worldly character, as seems obvious even from the videos provided with this report. Recently, I was shown some comments about me and that program on New Calvinism which aired in October of last year. The sneering remarks were on the public Facebook page of a Master's College student who was one of the performers in a rap video produced by TMC students. The young lad along with a couple of friends make up a rap-rock-pop group named Triple Fist Kiss (3FK). This group produces music videos in conjunction with The Master's College. That is to say, such videos are joint productions of 3FK and TMC. For instance, this Master's College posting (http://youtu.be/EEeVS_pTM60) is a 3FK-TMC music video (in this case, effeminate pop rather than rock or rap) promoting a TMC event called Fall Thing during which TMC girls are urged to ask young men to one of TMC's extravaganzas. The Master's College web page informs us that the Fall Thing has "featured themes like 'The Roaring 20's' or 'Celebrity Look Alikes'. Entertainment has included hot-air balloon rides, magicians, murder-mystery theater, and much more."
For those interested in seeing the ghetto-type rap skills of the versatile 3FK on full display, here are a couple of other links. The first is the infamous "Johnny Mac" video (http://tinyurl.com/johnnyrap) complete with an appearance of John MacArthur, as spoken of in that first HOM program on New Calvinism. This second 3FK "Christian" rap video was not done in conjunction with The Master's College but was produced by students from The Master's College, and the singers/rappers are TMC students. Uploaded June 6, 2011, this production, with its shocking scenes, is titled "Empire State of Chorale" (http://youtu.be/SYXow3c36WA): "Triple Fist Kiss . . . introduce The Master's College Chorale to The Big Apple." The Master's College Chorale is one of TMC's choirs.
The Master's College Chorale members, and in some cases even TMC staff, are featured in a number of such music videos which are, plainly put, worldly and even ungodly. Such is also the case with "Tik Tok Chorale," uploaded March 10, 2011 (http://youtu.be/JTnoVbtUS2o). This rock/rap video was filmed on locations across the western United States during a tour by The Master's College Chorale.
Another video starring Master's College students--this one more of the country music genre--is titled "Man, I Feel Like an Alto," uploaded June 8, 2011 (http://youtu.be/J3lsGngNXqc). This production includes ungodly dancing scenes in a graveyard. I have been told that the "songs" in the two videos just mentioned are actually reworded versions of very ungodly popular songs. The Master's College student performers in those and other videos seem quite familiar with the music and proficient in the moves of the secular music world. Other TMC students and staff appearing in various videos seem comfortable with their parts.
This next link, "Baby - Majesty" (http://youtu.be/HJgv7uoRgGs), will take you to a music video created for The Master's College Spring Sing 2011 Show. This official entry was created by The Master's College singing ensemble Majesty. According to The Master's College web site, Majesty is "designed to minister in churches by leading congregations in biblical worship," and "They travel approximately three weekends per month and tour for four weeks during the summer representing The Master's College at churches, schools, and other venues across the United States and the world." Judging from the video Majesty created for the students and staff of TMC, the singing ensemble is quite skilled at aping the music and mannerisms of pop music artists as well.

A Spring Sing 2011 student act.
Photo from official TMC Flickr page.

But for just a moment, relative to the fruit being produced by the worldly culture of The Master's College, let's go back to those insightful comments about yours truly and that first HOM program on New Calvinism. Luke 6:45: "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh." It would seem that some young people in the 3FK/TMC circle are upset with this minister and that HOM program on New Calvinism. Here are a few excerpted comments from the page open to the public:
This is crazy
ahahah....sorry you're going to hell boys.
That made me sick.
dude so crazy... totally made me laugh and mad at the same time!!!
ROFL. this guy is an idiot.
Hilarious. He's not a fan of Piper either.
Those comments from young people feeding on rap and rock music are typical and are a manifestation of the "Christian" rap/rock culture. We heard the same arrogant sarcasm and ungodly disrespect from young New Evangelical CCM fans while we were conducting open-air ministry in front of Franklin Graham's Rock the River concert in Davenport, Iowa and the Cornerstone rock festival put on by the "Jesus People USA" at Bushnell, Illinois. Proverbs 30:13-14: "There is a generation, O how lofty are their eyes! and their eyelids are lifted up. There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives . . ."
I have made the observation and already provided ample evidence to substantiate the claim that a worldly, rap/rock culture is very much alive and well at The Master's College. At the end of this article, you will find more such documentation in the form of additional links to video productions with brief explanations.
Now, before we bring this article down the home stretch to the finish, perhaps the reader might be interested in this excerpt from The Master's College doctrinal statement:
"We teach that separation from sin is clearly called for throughout the Old and New Testaments, and that the Scriptures clearly indicate that in the last days apostasy and worldliness shall increase (2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1; 2 Timothy 3:1-5). We teach that out of deep gratitude for the undeserved grace of God granted to us and because our glorious God is so worthy of our total consecration, all the saved should live in such a manner as to demonstrate our adoring love to God and so as not to bring reproach upon our Lord and Savior. We also teach that separation from any association with religious apostasy, and worldly and sinful practices is commanded of us by God (Romans 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 5:9-13; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1; 1 John 2:15-17; 2 John 9-11)."

WOW 2011 at The Master's College. Photo from official TMC Flickr page.

With that backdrop, allow me to briefly introduce you to the Week of Welcome (WOW) which The Master's College throws for new students--a worldly bash including, among other activities, time at the beach and also pool parties, some on the Lord's Day, no less.
WOW 2011 ran from Thursday, August 18--Friday, August 26. The Master's College WOW Guide description of the week states, ". . . over 130 upperclassmen have volunteered to hang out with you this week, to build relationships and guide you through every event. They are praying for you already and have one goal in mind: to make your transition to The Master's College family successful. Rest now--we are in for a dynamic week."
WOW 2011 at The Master's College. Photo from official TMC Flickr page.

A "WOW 2011 Sunday Recap" video (http://tinyurl.com/sundayrecap) posted on a TMC Facebook page is introduced with this: "On the Sunday of WOW we all travel to Grace Community Church of Sun Valley where our President Dr. MacArthur is Pastor-Teacher and we enjoy the hospitality of families from the church at pool parties in the afternoon."
Included with this article, you will find a few pictures taken during The Master's College 2011 WOW week. As they say, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. And so, the reader can look at those pictures--in fact, all the pictures and videos included with this article--and judge whether the behavior and dress is appropriate for young Christian men and women supposedly committed to "separation from . . . worldly . . . practices" and aspiring to maturity and godliness.

WOW 2011 at The Master's College. Photo from official TMC Flickr page.
The conclusion should be obvious to any Christian with discernment and a knowledge of the Word of God. What then should we think of a shepherd and elders who would lead the Lord's flock--in fact, the younger members of that flock--into such Christ-dishonoring, dangerous, worldly corruption? And what will be the fruit of it all when those being discipled in such a way fill the pulpits and pews of Reformed, evangelical churches around the nation? The Word of God provides the clear answers to both of those questions.

WOW 2011 at The Master's College. Photo from official TMC Flickr page.

Now, if all of this has left you, the reader, feeling not only heartsick and weary but also "astonied," I can relate. Of course, we all agree that when "young guys" who are ministers preside over, take part in, and are responsible for the sort of things spoken of and pictured in this article, those things are worldly and opposed to sanctification. But I guess what some of us (including yours truly, the "dumbbbb" "idiot") are not getting is that those same activities and music are apparently sanctified by the touch of certain "old guy" ministers such as John MacArthur.
-by Ralph Ovadal, pastor
Pilgrims Covenant Church
October, 2011
To the reader: the next page contains more photos.
The videos linked to below are in addition to those linked to in the above article. The first two videos were produced by and feature students from The Master's College Chorale but are not official productions of The Master's College and do not appear on official web sites of TMC. The third video is posted on the official Facebook page of Camp Regeneration. The fourth is a Master's College production featuring TMC students and staff. It is posted on an official TMC site. Below these links you will find the links to the TMC concert promo also spoken of in the previous article.
I CAN LiLY SEE, Chorale Tour, uploaded July 21, 2011. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10150238341956542 
The Wild Ta-Te vs. The Deborgasaur, uploaded June 7, 2011: "Sometimes the stress of college and chorale is just too much..." http://youtu.be/v3Xm66_f8WI 
Uploaded by Regeneration on Aug. 11, 2011 on Regeneration's official Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=262711147073800 
The Master's College Snapshot - Mustang Madness 2011uploaded by themasterscollege on Sept. 26, 2011 on TMC's official YouTube page. http://youtu.be/6ITmCfqdWk8 

WOW 2011 at The Master's College. Photo from official TMC Flickr page.

The Encore Concert - Dec. 10 at The Proud Bird, uploaded Dec. 6, 2010 by Life at TMC!, an official TMC Facebook page: "Don't miss the last Reach Records concert of 2010! After touring all over the United States, LeCrae, Trip Lee, Tedashii, Sho Baraka, and DJ Official will be back for one last show in SoCal....and they're bringing special guest THI'SL with them!! Check out http://www.masters.edu/encore for more details and to purchase tickets." http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150332057560444 
WOW 2011 at The Master's College. Photo from official TMC Flickr page.
Uploaded by themasterscollege on Nov. 20, 2010 on TMC's official YouTube page:"Don't miss the last Reach Records concert of 2010! 'The Encore,' Friday December 10, 2010 7pm @ The Proud Bird near LAX. . . . Sponsored by: The Master's College, P4CM, Pastor's Bible Fellowship."
Trip Lee - Coming to The Encore

Lecrae - Coming to The Encore
Sho Baraka - Coming to The Encore
Tedashii - Coming to The Encore.

Picture sources:http://www.flickr.com/photos/campregen/5986383706/ 