Friday, December 14, 2012

Trust Evangelical Leaders?

Linda Harvey of Mission America explains the connection between emerging church leaders and the Democratic Party:

The "Shack" Uncovered by Michael Youssef

Michael Youssef's sermon warning about the heresies of the "Shack":

New Age Mysticism Influencing Christianity

Ray Yungen, affiliated with Lighthouse Trails Research, explains mysticism, meditation, yoga and other practices rampant in the culture and the church.

Emerging Church-Road to Rome

Roger Oakland, affiliated with Lighthouse Trails Research, describes the drift toward the one world church through ecumenism with its center in Rome and the Catholic Church:

Eastern Mysticism Deceiving Christians

Bob DeWaay of Critical Issues Commentary explains how Eastern Mysticism has deceived Christians and churches:

Emergent Church Explained & Exposed

Bob De Waay of Critical Issues Commentary is interviewed by SO4J-TV about the emerging church

Rick Warren Contradicts Himself on Biblical Marriage

Only four years between two differing positions on biblical marriage and support of Proposition 8.
Rick Warren on YouTube:

2008 Position:

2012 Position:

Lawsuit vs Sovereign Grace Ministries, RE: Alleged Sex Abuse of Minors

    Above is a copy of the original lawsuit filed (and on public record) in Maryland against Sovereign Grace Ministries for alleged sexual abuse within the facilities and/or within the care of its people. It is still pending, and for more information see Brent Detwiler's database at or plaintiffs' attorney Susan Burke at No judgements have been, are being and/or will be made by this blog, its author, or any others to our knowledge at this time. At the time of the filing of this lawsuit there were three plaintiffs, and it is our understanding that other plaintiffs may come forward to participate in same. There are however, two blogs that discuss matters about SGM in general and are worth referring to for a wider perspective. See: and